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The ultimate 'based on real events' story
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You couldn't ask for more from a film retelling a real story than Thirteen Lives. Mortensen and Farrell completely disappear into their roles and there's no 'Hollywooding' whatsoever.

The tension, pacing, acting, cinematography, sound design and all other elements come together brilliantly. It felt like a high quality documentary at times, rather than a film with renowned actors playing the real people.

I can't really find any flaws in this film, Ron Howard delivers one of the best movies of recent times and I don't believe it's a particularly well known film at all.

The solution to attempting to get the boys and coach out of the cave is absolutely jaw dropping, and seeing the cast process how it needs to happen is beyond incredible.

This is a movie that needs to be seen and talked about much more. Flawless.
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Argylle (2024)
Argylle is the light hearted fun romp we all need in a too-serious world. Enjoy the goofiness, it's fun.
15 February 2024
There is some very dumb writing at the beginning half hour of this film, but once you get past that the film loosens it's shackles and gives you a good time for the rest of its run time.

The idea behind the film is brilliant, you could tell everyone was having fun when doing this film. The one big criticism I have is there is some god awful CGI where it just wasn't necessary. Two characters spinning around in a circle? Just CGI the background to spin around wildly instead of the actors actually spin around themselves! They somehow managed to make the actual real life cat look fake almost all the time, I don't know how that's possible.

Bryce Dallas-Howard still can't be anything other than herself, but Sam Rockwell smashes it out of the park again. The action sequences are fun but also hampered by the ugly visual effects mentioned previously.

Go into this movie with an open mind, but knowing you're probably gonna have some good fun with it. It's no Casino Royale, but it doesn't want to be.
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Final Fantasy XVI (2023 Video Game)
A cinematic masterpiece that loses grip of its own story.
30 December 2023
This game should have been marketed as a system seller for the PlayStation 5 because it shows what the console is truly capable of. There were so many moments where my jaw hit the floor while watching and playing parts of this games sequences, boss fights and cinematics. Adding to that praise a truly mesmerising soundtrack, this game is simply one of the all time greats from all things technical.

The only bad marks it gets is how it builds a very interesting and in depth story of politics, wars and regicide from all different angles but then almost drops this to focus on the more mythic and other worldly elements of its story. I feel like the story chiefs were caught in a tug of war between grounded political intrigue and remembering this is a Final Fantasy game and therefore needs a cosmic entity to define the whole picture.

While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, I do think more could have been done to have the games multiple antagonists have more of an impact on our hero's actions and 'destiny' than they did. They end up being stepping stones, only to be rendered narratively obsolete by there being a bridge further down river. But really, come the end of the game there are numerous call backs that make it not too much of an egregious misstep.

The only other criticism is a nitpick, as mentioned at the start, this game is a technical marvel, but to its detriment at times as there are so many particle effects, flashes and chaos happening on screen that, if you're using multiple abilities at the same time, it can become extremely difficult to tell what on earth is going on on your screen. Certain abilities had me turning my camera to an upward angle so I could see what the enemy was doing as I was charging up a latent power that took up much needed space. Also considering the enemies also have their own particle effects and attacks that leave impacts on the ground, it's a confusing and chaotic melee on screen. Thankfully the combat is extremely fun and intense so again, it's a nitpick.

The strength of this game quite rightly is the technical flexing it pulls off with ease. I had zero crashes which is extremely impressive considering everything that can be happening everywhere, all at once on my screen. Unforgettable boss battles and brilliant performances from all casts members. This is a one of a kind fantasy epic and I will always look back on it with excitement.
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Drive (I) (2011)
If you don't buy Gosling as the lead, the whole film falls flat.
5 December 2023
Drive is an interesting idea, brooding, noire and a slow burner, but unfortunately Ryan Gosling doesn't have this type of character in his acting locker in my opinion. Hugh Jackman was originally linked to the role, and I think Hugh's performance in Prisoners (2013) is what Drive needed. Similarly Jake Gyllenhaal's character in Nightcrawler (2014) is another example of an actor with the right range for this kind of movie.

Ryan is completely unconvincing in Drive, there's a scene where he confronts another character while pointing his finger at them, and his attempt to be cold and menacing really falls flat, almost comical, to the point where in my head I went 'yeah right'. It's as though him putting on his costume of a cool jacket and leather driving gloves was meant to transform him into the capable badass he wants to be, but that isn't enough.

There are some excellent performances from other characters in this film. Oscar Isaac and Albert Brooks especially had some great moments, and added some interesting depth.

I think this film was too overindulgent in trying to be brooding, and casting the wrong actor for its lead was a huge misfire. Relying on over the top gore in some of the few action scenes comes across as an attempt to keep audiences from losing interest. They feel out of place, almost like an homage to Tarantino's style of gory action.

There was potential here, and I'm sure if there was a more capable actor entrusted with carrying the movie then some of its slow pace would be excused, but without that, it's an above average movie thats pretty unremarkable compared to others in its genre.
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A very much 'let's just get this done' TV series.
28 July 2023
There's a very strong cast behind this series but there is nothing really to it. It did feel like the actors lost momentum in their performances as the show went on and on, everyone just wanted to get paid and go home and put the series behind them. Marvel fatigue setting in on a more meta level perhaps.

The premise is interesting but also a hindrance. The shape shifting nature of the Skrulls means twists and 'shock moments' don't really land.

Six episodes was definitely sufficient and overall the show is well paced, and the more gritty style is appropriate.

Looking back over the series there isn't any real major mind blowing moment, it's a shame how much this show felt like a contractual obligation to the audience. It's the definition of 'slightly above average' as it's by no means bad, it just exists, carried by a solid cast. You will not miss this series at all.
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Titanic (1997)
Possibly the most disrespected film of all time.
26 June 2023
This film is an absolute masterpiece, yet whenever it's discussed people often dismiss it or rarely praise it.

There is so much more to this film beyond the romance and the iceberg, it's a time capsule. You can tell how much care and attention to detail went into it, the sets and costumes are incredible, the political/class subtext is very well crafted. There are so many characters involved and each have their moments where they shine, motivations and decisions make sense, nobody turns in a poor performance.

The pacing of this film is brilliant considering it's length. The numerous story beats and set pieces all build up towards a final act that's up there with the best cinema has ever offered.

It's one of those films that deserves a rewatch every so often; if ever you hear someone dismiss it you must implore them to give it another go. It has aged very well and deserves more credit, which is crazy considering it won ELEVEN Oscars, all of which were fully earned.
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One of the few films that truly transports you back in time, spearheaded by a tidal force DDL performance.
24 April 2023
The opening scene sets the stall for this epic movie. Steady unease, immaculate score, a sense of dangerous potential and admiration for the sheer determination (and dormant insanity) of our lead, Daniel Plainview. This film is a time capsule, it's as if the director and production design opened a portal back to late 19th to early 20th Century America and placed you at the front row. You can almost reach out and touch the world you are watching, and this movie can very easily pull you into its depths. I first saw this film a good few years about it and forgot a lot of its elements, not to say that they were forgettable, but there are so many moments, characters and interactions that it was a joy reliving them. Daniel Day Lewis' performance is legendary, he embodies so many different traits that his character feels so real. His development is astounding and this towering performance is made more impressive by the strong performances of his co-stars. This is one of those must see films. Not everyone will love it, it's dark and unhinged at times, and it could be argued that the actual story doesn't really live up to much. But I see this as a characters story, rather than a story that the characters live through. If you judge it in that vein, you really will strike liquid gold with this masterpiece.
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Cobra (2020–2023)
A solid series but needed more episodes to push it higher.
21 January 2020
This was a fresh and interesting story with a good balance of intrigue and intensity. Brilliantly acted and well shot, the characters were genuine and human and there wasn't too much political virtue signalling.

I think it needed at least 2-4 more episodes to flesh out and put a proper closure on certain story elements. For example VERY MILD SPOILER the 'Freckles' storyline went absolutely nowhere. And there was a distinct lack of real reaction to a very significant plot twist, which again was hardly mentioned in the next episodes.

There was no definite groundwork for a second series so I'd argue it's wasted it's big shot at being something truly memorable. But you'll enjoy the series if you like this style of story
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Pleasantly surprised against all the negativity!
27 December 2019
Considering how many spanners were thrown into the trilogy works by The Last Jedi (TLJ) this film does an amazing job of wrapping the story together and it's an absolute blast of a journey!

Yes, it's cheese and nostalgia heavy BUT the characters are a lot more fleshed out and the relationships between them drastically improve. The film has heart, spirit and energy and looks BEAUTIFUL.

I felt very satisfied at the film as a semi-serious Star Wars fan and I think it does more than gaffer-tape the trilogy together.

Please go see the movie and find out if you like it for yourself, go in with low expectations and be pleasantly surprised like me, or go in with no expectations and leave satisfied and happy that you saw a great Star Wars experience
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The Witcher: Bottled Appetites (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Important storylines come together in beautiful details
22 December 2019
This episode sees one of the key storylines of the series be told and all in all does a great job of it. The humour and most of the drama comes across really well and it's a pretty faithful adaptation of the books.

Ciri's story takes a new and interesting turn and I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. Little disappointed we didn't get to see the full mystique and enchantment of the Brokilon Forest or the Dryads but hopefully we return to it later in the series.

Solid episode throughout
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A VERY confusing timeline but another polished episode
21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Having read the books I knew what was going on but I was very confused by how this all fits in to the story. Geralt met Jaskier in a previous episode yet they've both gone back in time To establish the origins of Ciri? Yennifer has being serving the whims of kings for decades and Ciri is in Brokilon Forest?

So with Geralt in the past, Yen in the future and Ciri in the present day it's safe to say I was very lost with this episode...

However that being said, all three stories were exciting, kept you on the edge of your seat and looked fantastic, the story is a bit of a mess I grant you but the way it is being told on the screen is some of the best TV since the first 4 seasons of Game of Thrones
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The Witcher: Betrayer Moon (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Now THIS is what the series is capable of! What a stunning episode!
21 December 2019
The story we see Geralt follow in this episode is a brilliant tale in the book series and honestly it's just how I imagined it on the page, this is the world of the Witcher at its best and the best episode in the series so far!

Yennifer's new storyline is coming into its own and the climax of this episode is absolutely superb. Everything about this episode oozes the lore and intrigue of the franchise and I'm so happy we got to see one of the great stories of the books be recreated in beautiful detail on the screen.
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The Witcher: Four Marks (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Another solid building block for a confirmed promising series
20 December 2019
I absolutely loved what they've done with retelling Yennefer's origin story, an interesting (for good reasons) change from the books! This episode does a great job of expanding on the world and establishing the role magic plays in the world of The Witcher.

The music and costumes are absolutely amazing and the acting is brilliant. I just wish the humour carried over from the books into this episode because the story we see Geralt follow was hilarious in the novel but it was a bit of a let down in this episode. However our favourite Bard makes a superb entrance and I think the unique friendship of these two male characters will be a highlight for the series going forward.
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The Witcher: The End's Beginning (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
If I hadn't read the books I'd have been very lost, but there's no doubting the potential of this series
20 December 2019
I took the same steps as Cavill, played the games then read the books, and I am so glad I did because this pilot does very little to explain to its new audience what the hell is going on!

The show did well to combine origins of 'The Butcher' nickname Geralt is known for with one of the other short stories, but considering the enormous significance of how Destiny plays such a big part in the books and the subsequent story of Geralt and Cirilla I'm surprised at how little attention is paid to establishing exactly that in this Pilot.

A part of me believes this pilot ought to have been at least 2 episodes, because the threat of Nilfgard is not prominent enough, and characters of key importance have their names mentioned once or twice, BUT, it's still a pretty solid opener!

Cavill clearly loved playing this part and it shows, and oh boy is the fighting choreography SUBLIME! I feel sorry for the new audience for what must be a very janky and confusing pilot, but the show definitely has its strengths and I'm itching to see more
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The Lion King (2019)
7 on its own movie, 5 compared to the original
23 July 2019
I know it's unfair to compare this to it's original but you can't really avoid it. This film tried to take a more realism over entertainment approach which is where it falls down.

A lot of the charm and humour of the original just doesn't transfer well, especially with Scar. This new Scar is extremely underwhelming and forgettable, not great as the main antagonist; he needed a comprehensive re-write since his lines from the original are much better suited to Jeremy Irons' style of Scar.

The film is gorgeous, unquestionably it's strongest point, however the facial animations are very vacant and make things a little awkward. For example the films opening sees Mufasa blank Zazu's bow and pretty much turn his back on Rafiki; when compared to the original he smiles for the former and hugs the latter... see what I mean about realism vs entertainment?

In summary this film is good enough and a decent take on what was a masterpiece of an original movie, but if this was your first Lion King you've been done a great disservice. Go back to the original and get blown away by how magnificent it is, I guarantee you'll never go back to this newer imitation afterwards
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
At least this show is helping me become a better person
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The standard of writing and pacing of this show is helping me take life less seriously and try to relax and enjoy things more. Any other approach will leave you confused with optional hair pulling involved.

It's clear that the show runners are treating years of delicate lore and theories from its source author as deadwood and irrelevant, instead settling for an as the crow flies (let's not worry about if this makes sense) approach.

If you thought the lack of meaning behind Jon's resurrection was bad, if you thought the complete lack of rage/sadness/emotion about the loss of her 'children' from Dany was out of character then you'll just have to throw your hands up in resignation at the fact that the army of the dead and Night King are only mentioned in passing a few times in this episode!

A battle brewing for thousands of years is an afterthought and now we've got to go through this messy geographic time heist style of writing that we were TOLD would be coming to an end by this season.

What saves this episode from a lower rating is that this season has had some of the better dialogues between characters like the good old S1-4 days. We saw character arcs extend and take new paths and yet some iffy decisions and actions (like Jon casually just straight up abandoning Ghost even though the significance of their relationship should see them inseparable).

We did get a surprise twist and that was Euron being the first human to kill a dragon in hundreds of years which adds some much needed spice to his character. However this was mirrored by a pretty underwhelming and now shelved conflict between Bronn, Jamie and Tryion.

The final scene did get the heart racing and left me excited about Dany's path going forward, however I can't help but feel confused as to why Cersei wouldn't just end the conflict there and then. She had almost all her enemies in the sights of her army and it would have been oldschool GoT if she'd have given the order to kill them all, but she didn't...

It's very hard to defend this show when you compare how superb the first 4 seasons to what we have today. A lot of the unique drama has gone and we don't feel the same threat and fear for our protagonists as we used to.

If GoT doesn't teach you how to be more relaxed and chilled then I don't know what will
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17 August 2012
I fail to see how this film is so highly rated, the film bored me to death, it seemed like over half the film was slow, tedious buildup revealing how Wayne became isolated from the outside world after taking the fall for Dents death, and although this was done well, the film failed to grab my attention throughout. The film introduced a set of new characters such as Blake and Foley but it failed to develop the characters and I felt no attachment to them. As for Bane, the main villain in the film, the character was incredibly false, the characters crippling mask led to there being a voice-over for Bane, which took away from any atmosphere, it just felt like Bane was speaking via a recording studio, no matter where the location, the voice never changed in volume or acoustics. As for Catwoman there was nothing sexy about the character, every kiss was done when the camera was at the back of a characters head, blocking the kiss itself, there was no sexy combat either, as done in other Movies and Video Games, the sexiest she got was trapping a villains hand with her high heel but that was it. It seemed like she was just thrown in a cheap attempt to boost interest/paying customers, but there was no reward When it came to acting Christian Bale did a great job, however even his aggressive Batman voice seemed half-hearted, Oldman, Hathaway and Gordon-Levitt gave good performance but with 50% of Banes face covered by metal and leather its difficult to say Tom Hardy did a good job. However, the real star of the film was Michael Caine, he had a number of emotional scenes and delivered brilliantly where he held back tears and struggled for words and made me appreciate the genius he has. There weren't that many graphics in the film apart from a few gadgets (in which there were only one or two) and some random explosions (believe me, the scene in the baseball stadium in the advert is as good as it gets) If you are reading this and thinking, how can I say these things, look back at The Dark Knight, compare the acting, villain and tension from that film with this one and you should understand what I mean, I felt more under threat when watching Heath Ledgers Joker than Tom Hardys Bane *Slight spoiler* (not even a cameo from Liam Neeson could save DKR)

In conclusion this film is a boring, long-winded and unthrilling motion picture with mediocre acting and unimpressive visuals, Catwoman seemed to be thrown in and the poor voice acting for Bane made the character seem unbelievable and artificial, the film just seems to rely on its franchise after Nolan's The Dark Knight to win over fans and it seems to have worked on the majority - if you want a thrill ride with the Batman name go see The Dark Knight on DVD because that is a much better film than the DKR - cheers for reading
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