
16 Reviews
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Lieve Mama (2020–2021)
Not perfect, but binge worthy
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have to agree with Boself (one of the other reviewers). When reading the other reviews I simply didn't agree. Those "bad choices" the main characters made (probably Helen en Werner), were made for a reason.

Initially Helen wanted to call the police, but Werner manipulated here into hanging up the phone and keeping quiet about what had happened. Obviously he didn't want to involve the police. Brian worked in one of his restaurants and Werner had given him the blueprints of their house, including handwritten instructions. So while what they did likely wasn't what any of us watching would've done, we didn't know the true story of what was supposed to look like a robbery.

At one point I did start to wonder though: why wouldn't Werner just tell the police the gun was Brian's? It wasn't registered to him. Helen panicked understandably, but she went along with what Werner told her to do and didn't even seem to wonder why het husband kept an illegal gun in their house, which is highly unusual in the Netherlands. No one owns a gun, let alone an illegal one.

Most actors did a decent job. Ralf, Helen and Naomi were clearly outperforming the rest of the cast though. Some dialogues felt unnatural and so did the whole story between Ralf and Martin. Why would some random guy Martin meets have to pay a debt some other dude owes him, just because that guy happens to work for him? That part seemed a bit far fetched.

The only major problem I had with the show, was the ending. They should have added one more episode: How, why and where did they kill Werner? They were quite obviously suggesting Werner was dead -> Helen taking those bags with her to work again, the staged house in France, Helen's phone call saying "he'll probably show up...".

The only possibility they had to kill Werner, would've been in England as there is no way they could have taken him on the ferry, alive, at gun point. Which would have been the only way to force him to come with them as he knew going home would mean going to prison. So they must have killed him at Seven Sisters, thrown him in the boot of the car and smuggled him back to the Netherlands, which seems very unlikely.

Funny, while writing this I am forcing myself to try and fill in the blanks. The reason they killed him must have been the involvement of Helen. After all, she did kill Brian. Going to the police, while not killing Werner, would mean he'd go to prison for sure, so end of story I thought. But he could've blown the whistle on Helen telling the police she had killer Brian and about all those bags of human remains she disposed of through the hospital she works at. Her colleagues al ready seemed suspicious and her boss knew something big was bothering her.

They should've added one more episode. The ending felt too rushed, but I seem to have filled in most blanks (at least for myself). So a 7 seems fair, an extra episode would have bumped my score up to an 8.

But all in all, keeping in mind most Dutch productions are low budget, "Lieve Mama" was very much watchable.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
I don't get the negative reviews
1 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Never played the game, so nothing to compare with..

Besides that, the Last of Us is a fantastic show and unlike some people here say, it gets better by the episode. Yes it's another end off the world show and no, nothing "original" happens. But if you enjoyed TWD then definitely watch this! What takes the writers of TWD an entire season, takes one episode. For instance: our main characters stumble across hostiles every once in while, but unlike in TWD, our main characters deal with them and/or the situation in a realistic amount of time. Also, it feels way more realistic than TWD. The acting is much better, the collapsed world as we knew it looks believable, there are no good or bad people, just people trying to survive and doing whatever it takes to succeed.

Ellie is a beast, nothing like the sissy kids from TWD. Some of the violence is just brutal and sorry, made me jump up from my couch: Ellie butchering those guys in the resort who were trying to chop her up in little pieces... Joel is no pussy either and probably, from what we learn during the show, isn't a "good guy" at all. He has no mercy and kills everyone who stands in his way, bad or good, he doesn't care as long as he and the people he cares for survive.

The Last of Us is very entertaining, not slow at all and to those people who think it is, we have something for that, it's called "movies".
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Barbarians (2020–2022)
10 August 2023
The only reason this show has a 7.2 score is because it's not American or English. 8.5 would be more realistic. Romans speak Latin (not Italian) and Barbarians speak German. Like they should, not English..

One of the best shows I've seen in a long time. The costumes, the villages, the Roman camp, the woods, everything looks stunning. The acting is first class too, especially Thusnelda, Folkwin, Maroboduus, Ari and Flavus are.

Barbarians is based on the real Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. Much like in the series, this pivotal battle happened under the cover of night when an alliance of Germanic tribes targeted the Roman forces that oppressed them. They were able to take out three Roman legions in the fight.
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Pretend you dreamt about an "Obi Wan Kenobi" series. This is not it. Don't watch it, save yourself while you still can.
16 June 2022
The only reason I made it to episode 3 was because it's (supposed to be) Star Wars. Rename the show and all characters in it and anyone will stop watching after 20 minutes. They try to make you believe that a (tiny) 10y old girl who's obviously significantly slower than an average 10y old, can outrun 3 adult men AND Obi Wan.

The Luke, Han and Leia characters were destroyed in the last 3 sequels, but that doesn't come close to what they've done to Obi Wan Kenobi... It is too painful to watch, trust me.

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Certainly not perfect
10 January 2022
I'm surprised by all the negative reviews here. I really liked it al lot. You can tell it's a pretty low budget movie, but that didn't bother me at all.

Acting is good, story too, even though some questions will remain unanswered, but it's not really about those obvious questions. I love those dystopian movies with a constant eerie vibe and this movie is just that.

In short, it's The Walking Dead, replace the zombies for androids, better acting, better camera work, better everything. Again, don't expect a flawless movie, but if you're into this stuff, it's not bad at all.
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The Walking Dead: Out of the Ashes (2021)
Season 11, Episode 5
Who is writing these reviews??
24 September 2021
Come on people, really 10/10, 9/10?? The acting is at times painful to watch!! That wisperer guy who's hand was cut off?! The Pope?! Leah!! Everyone inside Commenwealth and especially Tomi and his very bad English accent. Truly some of the worst acting I've ever seen. They wouldn't even get cast for Jurassic Hunt-level movies. And then there's the storyline...absolutely nothing happened in the first 5 episodes of season 11. TWD got bit a few seasons ago, died and turned into a zombie. After watching 10 seasons I couldn't care less about the rest of season 11.
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Plot twists
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That's all this movie is in the end, plot twists and as the story progresses, they become less and less believable.
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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
The ending...
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The worst part?

The writers/director picturing that Billie running down the street, smile from ear to ear, happy music and everything, on a mission to cheat on Cooper, with Brad, is somehow supposed to make us viewers jump up and cheer for her...?!?? Instead, everyone is like: what have we been watching for the past 8 hrs?!? A journey of a married woman, struggling with her past and the memories of her ex, mr baguette, for 8 episodes eventually leading up the point where she chooses her husband. It then takes about 20 minutes for her to forget what happened in 7,5 episodes and we are supposed to go along with this!? The happy ending was fine and I would have rated this show a solid 6 stars had they stuck to that, but now I'm thinking "Awake" wasn't that bad after all.

What a joke..
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The Walking Dead: Lines We Cross (2019)
Season 10, Episode 1
29 November 2020
How did Eugene end up at Oceanside right after the satellite crashed after he watched it fall from the sky from Alexandria? I'll wait...

Reminds me of the snow storm/winter episode where the Whisperers seemed to be in a very isolated erea with green leafs still on trees, no storm and no snow, nothing. Hillarious
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Final episode shatters last bit of hope
11 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For 5 episodes you hope it gets better, but is doesn't. I read a few reviews here mentioning resemblances to Stephen Kings's Langoliers. Food and drinks losing it's taste in episode 5 tops that of for sure. The worst of all: in episode 5 they pick up barely enough fuel to get from Brussels to Scotland. They have to travel to the West in order to stay ahead of the sun. The plan was to fly to Scotland, get more fuel then fly around the world and finally land in Bulgaria, where they would possibly find shelter in a bunker underneath a lake. Episode 6: they fly directly from Brussels to Bulgaria, towards the sun, without a sufficient amount of fuel. Impossible, the sun was supposed to come up 2 hrs after they landed in Brussels and they stayed there for at least 1,5hr, plus, Bulgaria is much further away from Brussels than Scotland is. Last but not least: at one point both jeeps get separated. The 2nd jeep crashed and they take the wrong turn -> left instead of right. They then climb a fence after removing a tire from a truck (not just a complete wheel, they remove the rubber tire too) within a few minutes. Then, after climbing the fence, the end up in the same spot as where the other jeep ended up, within minutes, despite taking the wrong turn and ending up in an entirely different location: a house, surrounded by a fence. Episode could have made up a lot, but instead ruined whatever was left, which wasn't much.
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Prisoners (2013)
Unique, realistic point of view
17 April 2020
What would you do if your child was kidnapped and you were 100% sure the guy the police let go, knows where your kid is??

My gf and I where on the edge of our seats almost the entire movie, enjoy!
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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
HEAVILY underrated
8 March 2020
What can I say... Netflix really messed up cancelling this show.
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I Kill Giants (2017)
Beautiful movie, great acting
24 February 2020
All negative reviews were written by people expecting a pacific-rim-like movie. Well, it's not. It's about a girl who creates her own fantasy world to deal with something everybody one day has to deal with. I loved it.
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The RISE (???) of Skywalker
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The good: Cinematography Music

The bad: No storyline. Palpatine came back somehow, was confronted by Rey and died again. It took her less than 2 minutes to finish him in the end all because dead Jedi suddenly decided to talk to her, comfort her she wasn't alone.

The ugly: Poe's speech before going into battle reminded me of every medieval movie I can remember. Then, 2 minutes later I saw a bunch of horses running across the deck of a Star Destroyer, freakin HORSES!

Rey dies (why??) then Ben resurrects her (how??), they kiss (why??) and then he dies (vanishes), how&why??

The RISE of Skywalker?? The 2 last remaining Skywalkers DIE!! There is NO Skywalker left.


I remember downloading the storyline of all 9 chapters 16 years ago. The final trilogy was supposed to be about Leia & Han's kids, Luke's kids, a cloned version of Luke, a cloned version of Vader/Anakin and Luke eventually becoming the most powerful Jedi of all time after finally defeating the Sith in their ancient temple. The entire trilogy felt mystic, dark and after reading all 9 chapters the final 3 were undoubtedly going to be a "save the best for last" scenario. I am so disappointed. Star Wars is dead. Count me out.
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Better than expected
20 October 2018
I watched Return of the Jedi in the cinema in 1983 at the age of 8. I have been a SW fan ever since. Empire is of course the best movie, followed by a New Hope and Return of the Jedi. From the movies that followed only Revenge of the Sith was worth watching. Part VII and VIII are not even worth going into. If you've ever tried to picture Han's story then watch this movie. No ridiculous excessive 'humor', good storyline, solid short: way better than the last two SW movies. I really was pleasantly surprised!!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Change turns out to be a good thing!
13 November 2017
Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Sci-Fi in general evolved and finally Star Trek did too! I'm not a "Trekkie" but I first saw ST at least 32 years ago. Always watched it, never cared too much for it. Trekkies will probably hate this show.. It's never boring, CGI is great, a lot of action, even SW-like action scenes with multiple space craft shooting at each other. I love the old SW movies and lost all hope after watching the last film. I always thought ST was OK, no more, no less. Now I like ST better than SW!! Never thought I'd say that. There is one episode resembling the old Kirk/Picard era where they go to a planet inhabited by beings made up entirely of energy. I immediately remembered why I always thought ST was a little boring and, yeah so was this episode.

I think, in this case, change is a good thing. ST Discovery is dark, raw and exciting. The characters are refreshing. They have more personality; I've learned more about them in a few episodes then I've learned about the whole Janeway, Picard crew. Not based upon their life stories, but their actions and the choices they make. They feel more "real" to me, less stiff than most characters from previous series. Also space travel looks more realistic somehow. I know Trekkies will not agree. I'm a Sci-Fi fan and like I said, never cared so much for ST, but I'm hooked! I can't wait to find out what happens next. The last episode to date was the best ST episode I've ever seen!
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