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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Not for Cancer sufferers...
11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're suffering from Cancer, don't watch this cr@p.

First of all, Cancer is not a death sentence, but Lois treats it that way from the word go and let me be clear, if you treat it like a death sentence, then it is a death sentence!

Your body manifests your thoughts.

Second, Lois tells everybody she has an aggressive cancer and then gets upset everybody treats her like she's on death's doorstep... duh!

Tough decisions. I haven't told anybody in my circle I have Stage 4 Lung Cancer.

My mother, my dad, my sisters, nor my brother or any other people involved in my everyday life know about it.

I've only told my Girlfriend, my best friend and one of my sisters that went through it and SURVIVED with an all clear.

I find watching the show's take on Cancer very disturbing and not very helpful for us who are actually going through treatment etc.

Besides the biggest misrepresentation that Lois is more afraid of the treatment that she is of the Cancer. TOTAL B. S.

I'd eat hot coals to live another day.

To all of you fighting the fight... You got this!
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Z - Grade
10 May 2023
The whole movie is soooo bad.

I literally skipped all the way through it just to see how bad it was and how low these screenwriters would.

By doing this I basically I saved myself from wasting hours of my precious life, while confirming that this film is a waste of anybody's time.

There is no story, jus a few actors posing while they wait to be attacked again.

The worst part is that they have actually started it and ended it in a way to setup a sequel... HA!

As if anybody wants to watch this drivel twice!?

It is beyond me how bad it is. Filled with political correctness and all those stupid things that are going around these days.

Give me a break!
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Australian Survivor (2016– )
Same Players Same Storyline
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I used to really enjoy this program, but of late, they have become lazy.

Bringing in a half lineup of second or third time players, coupled with weird stuff like hiding clues to idols that look like idols without any info about what they actually are, and serving frozen pizzas to a team that was presented with cooked pizzas as a possible challenge reward.

To me, this absolutely ruined the last season, especially the quality of "players".

None of the new players did anything. They just got strung along by the more seasoned players and actually put up quite a pathetic performance.

I can safely say, that the nail in coffin was George, who absolutely paralized everybody's game and made the whole season, very very predictable and unexciting to watch.
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
Swiss Cheese filled with cliches.
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is a term used in screenwriting: Suspension of disbelief.

When a storyteller indirectly asks the viewer to bear with them, as they present unbelievable circumstances.

When it is done well, the viewer gladly goes along for the ride.

When it is done badly, it is difficult to go along for the ride without thinking that the screenwriter was probably dropped on his head when he was a baby.

Unfortunately, while switching between the real world and the macabre, the film-makers have twisted the real world beyond recognition and comprehension.

A crime scene forensic expert who cannot stand the sight of blood?

Yeah right!

A mother who takes the her son to a therapist/psychiatrist and then refuses to accept the assessment to why her son stares into thin air every waking moment of his life?

Giver me a break!

The kid is literally the reason why bullying was invented in schools.

Time is precious, watch something that will enrich you.
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Midway (2019)
American BS
24 December 2022
That's it. Thats the review.

Terrible characters.

In the real world, Lt. Dick Best would have been grounded immediately.

In the real world, The Navy doesn't travel hundreds of miles out to see and then come home to have dinner with the wife the next day.

In the real world, when you crash your plane in the sea, you get wet.

In the real world, army wives aren't constantly complaining that you're out there fighting a global war.

In the real world, real facts matter.

Hollywood seems to think that real life is not exciting enough, so they spin BS narratives.

One thing they got right, is that American pilots were no Kamikazi.
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Ambulance (2022)
Take Vertigo Medication BEFORE watching this.
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Bay has invented the Vertigo Cam!

The whole movie is shot either by a helicopter that lost its rotor or a rat running in circles.

Besides the awful camera-work, this movie is blessed with a "supercool" cast of LA Police willing to kill bystanders just to save one cop's life, and criminals basically killing each other out of sheer stupidity...?

The whole movie revoleves arouns a guy that's been robbing banks with his dad since he was 16 years old and decades later, he completely botches a bank robbery.

I've never robbed a bank and I could pull off a much better heist than these guys did.

We basically watched the movie til the end just to laugh and make fun of it because it was absolutely pathetic.
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Hellbound (2021– )
Every time they mention god...
2 December 2021
Just replace it with Santa Claus and you know where this is going.

Everybody in South Korea is depicted as a vacant, dogmatic imbecile.

Santa Claus help us all!
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Got Goosebumps all the way through.
24 December 2020
Scary AF. All the bad reviews are from people that lack depth of knowledge in the subject matter and want the film to spell everything out for them. The scary part of this film is what you don't see and therein lies the story. Like an iceberg. Best horror I have seen in years, and I'be been watching horror films since I was 5 years old.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
Time is Precious... Don't waste it on this "film".
8 July 2020
Worst screenplay, probably written by somebody's dead idiot cat.

Cliche' premise and ZERO delivery on the cliche'.
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Vivarium (2019)
A Metaphor for how most people live their life today.
5 May 2020
Everything about this film has a deeper message. Therer are two types of people in this world; those who live a different and interesting kind of life and those who just go through a very common cycle. This film is about the true perils of spenidng your life going through a very common cycle. Most of my friends have chosen the common cycle... and then you die having achieved nothing of significance.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
31 December 2019
It got worse every minute till I realised I was wasting seconds of my life. ZERO suspense. ZERO for the characters. ZERO script.
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Mars (2016–2018)
Great Concept but Badly Executed
2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love the idea of the story jumping between 2016 and 2033 to see the now and the future, but I find it sad that the Mars Mission crew plays out like a soap opera.

When people are asked important questions, they always hesitate to give the answer and have to be asked twice. A professional crew would never behave in this way. This happens on board the ship and at Mission Control.

A lot of people high up in the chain of command ask questions that they already know the answer to, otherwise they wouldn't be so high up in the chain of command. That is why I think it plays out like soap opera. They try to create tension in the story via the dialogue and not via the events.

What really makes it hard for me to watch, is how the crew communicated to Mission Control through cryptic messages delivered by a crew member who is literally trying to climb through the web cam and talks as if she is entering a log in her private diary, while actually addressing some 2nd level operating officer back at Mission Control instead of talking directly to her superiors in charge.

None of this would happen on a real mission, and don't get me started on the Mission captain refusing medical attention!

Because when you're on Mars the best way to deal with a catastrophic situation, is to hide it and pretend it is not happening. Please!
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Eva Braun (2015)
A True Represenation of Italy's Society at its worst.
11 August 2015
I was vexed by this film simply because it reaffirms a reality too close to me. Nepotism, something that Italians do unashamedly very well.

I should know, I come from a family that left Italy because of the difficulty this poses to everyday people who are not affiliated with anyone in 'Power'. I myself am reluctant to return to Italy because of this cancer which has been bringing the country down for centuries.

NOTHING is done on merit, its all about who you know and what you're willing to trade.

This movie exposes the underbelly of Italian nepotism and it possibly shows us how desperate people have become in their need for survival, and a social heed to progress or remain a 'nobody' forever.

Probably anyone who is not Italian will find this movie 'Funny' or even 'Aritistic' but for anyone who was born in Italy or has lived there for a few year, this film is brilliantly sad as it unmasks the 'Bel Paese'.
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A Powerful Movie
26 January 2015
Personally, I would like to edit this film into a much shorter version simply because some scenes are understood and don't need to be repeated.

Apart from that, this is a very powerful film with a very powerful message/premise.

I have never see a film who's main character's journey is so unpredictable yet so inevitable.

Slowly slowly, it all adds up in the end.

I believe this director's usual work is longer that 4 hours. I don't think I could go through that again, but I hope that the director finds a way to reach a larger audience with the same powerful messages in a shorter space of time (maybe 2 1/2 hours?).
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Zulu (2013)
A film made by people who clearly have never been to South Africa but spend a lot of time in LA.
9 October 2014
This movie couldn't be further from the truth.

It is very clear that this is a story conceived with American culture in mind and then adapted to the racism, drug trafficking of South Africa.

The performances are unrealistic to real life in Cape Town (and lets bear in mind that Cape Town is a social beat unlike any other South African city), it is a mess.

People do their best to avoid each other or getting involved with the law. The black stripper girl scene would never happen in South Africa. The girl on the horse/beach scene would never happen in South Africa.

If a woman on a horse sees a strange man lurking around an abandoned building on a relatively quiet beach, it is common South African and especially Cape Town sense to steer very clear and just chalk it up to a guy going for a pee.

There is not a chance that she would approach the guy, question the guy and then trust to meet the guy at a police station without ever seeing a badge! That is just utter fantasy.

What I am getting at here is that this story it terribly forced, it it clearly written by someone who has never lived in South Africa or if they have, they do not have a very keen eye and sense for what makes South African people South African people.

Apart from the star cast of Mr Bloom and Mr Whitaker, The rest of the cast is a bevy of B grade actors that made it into the film compliments from the ever-present Capetonian nepotism.

If you look up the SA cast you will find a very intricate web of people that went to school together or are directly linked via blood or some close friend.

Unfortunately the cast director for Zulu was not presented with a list of the best actors it could buy, but a list of 'who thinks they are who' on the Cape Town social/film scene.

It makes me very sad as I was looking forward to watching this film and seeing somebody tackle this subject, but it is clear to me that this film is an even worse botch than The Tourist ever was.
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