
42 Reviews
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Wish I had listened!
10 December 2023
I've watched some awful movies in my lifetime, but this crappy, stupid was a total waste...I want my time back!! And I had a hard time just believing that Julia Roberts would actually participate in a film that was this terrible! First, the camera angles must have been done by someone with the DTs, totally gave me a headache just looking at them...second, the music score had to be the worst I've ever heard in ANY movie...must have been done by a juvenile music student...another headache!... I actually thought the premise of the world being attacked & people having to cope without phones,internet & other necessities would make a great movie....boy, was I WRONG! And the WORST part was the abrupt explanation, no follow-up, no NOTHING! Just stopped! Don't do what I yourself the misery & time...THIS MOVIE SHOULD DEFINITELY GET AN AWARD FOR WORST EVER MADE! If this is the best NETFLIX can do, I'm seriously thinking of canceling!
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Stargate (1994)
I just found it boring.
26 October 2023
Have never seen this movie before tonight but when it started & I saw Kurt Russell, I was expecting it to be very good....and I like Egyptology movies. Boy, was I wrong.... As the movie progressed, I became totally bored, did some errands, came back to the tv & it was still on & I still didn't see anything interesting...when it got to the typical Hollyweird shoot 'em up, I just played on my tablet while my husband finished looking at the of the things I HATE in movies is the language translation shown on screen.... I deliberately avoid those type of movies so I was not impressed by this unexpected feature.... In short, I did NOT like this movie, it was silly to me.... The only good thing in it was Kurt Russell..he just didn't have much to work with!
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Hudson Hawk (1991)
21 August 2023
I've heard of this old movie before but never watched it until now......I love Bruce Willis but I know he has got to be hanging his head with regret at this piece of's hard to imagine ANY movie being as stupid as this ....anyone would have to have a brain the size of a pea to like this one.....I sure do wish I had my time back! There is not one actor in this mess that is worth the time....and I'm sure that they all must surely regret even having a bit part in this disaster...I've been racking my brain trying to find something good to say about this piece of crap but I just can't think of ANYTHING !! Don't waste your time!
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Worst Bond ever!!
13 August 2023
I admit up front that there will never be a Bond as good as Sean Connery....he WAS Bond.... I also think that Pierce Brosnan did a capable job during his stent....but I didn't like Daniel Craig in any of the Bond movies, I just tolerated him.....and it's a good thing this is his last because he looks ancient.... EVERYTHING about this movie is flawed..the story itself has no trace of believability, it's jerky & all over the map, it doesn't flow smoothly at all & so hard to keep up with that I got to the point I didn't really care what happened to anybody! The actors just didn't have any chemistry at all together, and I am really sick & tired of the movie industry implementing their Woke agenda in every film that is put out these this case it was the new 007 being a black woman...and that too would have been ok if she was good at her craft, which she wasn't! ...she really was the worst miscast of the movie! To sum it up, this movie did a grave injustice to the Bond franchise.... I was yawning after 30 wonder nobody goes to the movies much anymore if this is the best that they can do.....AWFUL!
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Great Duvall!
11 June 2023
Wanted something to see on movie night & we love the older movies...just happened to see this one & thought I had seen everything with Duvall in it but couldn't remember this one so decided to go with glad I did! This is just so realistic, gritty & exactly how things were for the time brought back some good & some painful memories about alcohol abuse & country music dances & bands.... I can understand why this movie won an Oscar...sadly, they just don't make great ones like this anymore...most of the new ones are just pure junk! And with Duvall in it, it had to be a hit...he is one of the best actors ever! Loved this!
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Father Stu (2022)
Great movie!
2 March 2023
My husband & I were not sure what to expect when we decided to watch this movie on Netflix but I am so glad we chose Father Stu...neither of us are religious fanatics, but both of us have a strong belief & faith in God....this movie was so well done, we both were crying.....Mark Wahlburg certainly delivers an Oscar winning performance, despite the fact that the "woke" Hollywood powers will never nominate a faith based movie or any actor involved....and, as always, Mel Gibson's performance is above reproach as Bill Long....what a great actor he is! Jackie Weaver added the icing on the cake as Stu's mother.....this film is one that every person should see...the only negative I have is the sound crew...there were many times I could not understand what was being said & I had the volume wayyy up! A small price to pay for such a strong delightful experience.
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One of the few GREAT movies coming out these days...a MUST SEE!
4 January 2023
There are so few good movies being made these days that grab you from the beginning & hold your attention to the end.......and there are very very VERY few sequels that can hold their own with the original movie......this is one of the best I've ever seen in both categories. Kudos to Tom Cruise for producing a top notch piece of work & tying it in in so many subtle ways with the original TOP GUN...that takes real talent. There are so many talented actors in this movie & it was so wonderful to see Val Kilmer recreate the Iceman....watching this movie just whisked me back so many years to a kinder, gentler world...Best movie I've seen in years!! Don't miss this one!
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Two words-Hypocrites Whing
9 December 2022
Maybe 3 words...I forgot DISGUSTING...with all the troubles ordinary people are having just trying to put food on the table & gas in their cars, Netflix should be ashamed to even consider putting these two whiney, disgusting grifters on television....and paying the Trollop & the idiot to do it! What incompetents are running Netflix now? When I look at a documentary, I want to be entertained, not bored out of my mind listening to these privileged wannabes with their "poor me" attitude! Who in their right mind would CARE about these two clueless cretins. A low class actress seduces a not-so-smart Prince so she can live off his money..wish these two would just GO AWAY! King Charles should just revoke their titles since they do nothing but bring shame to the Monarchy by talking about how awful it is....
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House of the Dragon: Driftmark (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Certainly NOT Game of Thrones!
10 October 2022
I really had high hopes & waited in great anticipation for this show since I was a Targaryen fan...well, it took a few episodes but I have officially HAD IT! When some film makers decide to film whole long scenes in the dark, that does it for me....what is wrong with you!! In order to enjoy episodes, people need to be able to SEE them!! Doesn't take a rocket science to figure that out! As for the characters, in the beginning I was a Raenyrea fan but that hasn't lasted long...Quite frankly, this series has become so jumbled, it's just not worth the time...and that time jump episode was horrible! I know many people who loved Game of Thrones, including my husband & I & we have watched it many many times.....this production isn't even on the same planet, totally boring now, and the direction is beyond terrible.... I really don't care what happens to any character in the show.... Total Fail! I'm gone...
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
29 August 2022
When the first episode began, it was very abrupt, like being thrown into the middle of a conversation that has been going on for hours....and to make things worse, it was very hard to understand what some of the actors were saying because they talked so fast with heavy accents....another aspect I honestly skipped is the brutality of the jousting...I know GOT also was brutal to watch sometimes but it's as if this prequel is trying to be even more graphic...too much so in my opinion. ...but the storyline itself became more interesting as the show progressed, so I will wait & hope I am able to understand things better on the next episode...
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Uncharted (2022)
..Sorry, I love adventure films but this one was not good...
14 August 2022
I only gave it 2 stars because of Banderas & Wahl who were the only good actors in this. Did not like Holland at all, just too boyish...Actually, I thought it was a Raiders of the Lost Ark wannabe.....just never came close...bad casting, bad writing, bad direction.... BORING!
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Man of Steel (2013)
It's all about Henry Cavill!
10 August 2022
It was easy to rate this film.... All I had to do was feast my old eyes on Henry Cavill...I actually fell in love with him in the movie, 'The Count of Monte Cristo', many years ago...he's only gotten better looking with age.....Forget the special effects, storyline &'s all about Henry! And for that reason, this movie is a 10!
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Absolutely wonderful...a must see movie!
7 August 2022
To be honest, I don't watch many movies these days because the ones I have watched were boring, the story was awful or the acting was forgettable.... I have finally found a great movie...when I saw who was directing this film, I decided it was worth a watch & I was correct...Ron Howard is a genius director who knows how to tell a story that grabs you & pulls you emotionally directly into the scenes...this true event also makes you feel very humble and in awe of what can be accomplished when people of different nationalities from various countries voluntarily work together with one goal in this case to save lives. Great story, wonderful acting by everyone involved & an amazing, brilliant director...doesn't get any better than this.
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The Gray Man (2022)
31 July 2022
I usually like anything Gosling is participating in, but this atrocity has changed my certainly will not help his career...terrible decision on his part...worst direction I've ever seen...but aside from bad script & formulaic plot , the absolute WORST part of this movie is the LACK OF GOOD LIGHTING...if you're prepared for a lot of self torture & decide to look at this, be also prepared to look at most of it in the DARK...obviously none of the $200 mil was spent on the lighting crew...if it was, they should never be allowed to work again. NETFLIX is certainly going down the tube FAST with this bomb...I know many folks are cancelling & I now know why...after watching this piece of crap, I understand it & starting to think about it myself...obviously money cannot buy quality.. The only thing I can think of that would be worse than this from Netflix is anything connected with the Markles....that really would be the nail in the coffin for Netflix!
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Could have been a real winner
1 July 2022
While this isn't the worst western movie I've seen, it had so much potential to be great...and failed....the worst failure was the was horrible..viewers couldn't make out some parts of the plot because everything in the scene was way too dark! The plot was good and the main actors, especially the actress that played Jessie, were believable except for the obvious age difference. The direction was nothing great, too many long lapses between the action...the best part of the movie were the horses....with all this being said, it was entertaining BUT it had the potential to be so much better!
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Worst junk I've seen in a,while
4 April 2022
I loved Guy Pearce as an actor before I saw this movie, so I figured it couldn't be as bad as most of the reviews...I was wrong, it was horrible! So many plot holes & glaring errors during the whole movie, it almost became a comedy...I hope sincerely this so-called Director never works again! This was a total waste of time!
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1883: This Is Not Your Heaven (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Absolutely beyond words
27 February 2022
I have never in my 71 years seen a tv show that has struck my soul as much as this one...I'm having to eat my words since I said I would not pay for Paramount Plus to see this...but I did & am so thankful..I would pay triple to see this kind of quality cinema that has not been seen for many many years...I am in awe of Taylor Sheridan for this emotional writing...I am not a cryer...the last movie I remember crying is Lonesome Dove...however, I admit I ugly cried during most of this finale. I have never been a fan of McGraw & Hill, but in this show, they deserve very wonderful accolade that can be given. And, of course, the incomparable Sam Elliott, who always delivers a monumental performance...But the shining star of this program is & always will be Isabel May whose portrayal of Elsa Dutton deserves at least 2 Academy Awards! I've been around long enough to see some great actresses in my time, but this young woman is way beyond wonderful....she is phenomenal! And how can anyone not stand in awe at the scenery...Having been to Yellowstone & Montana, there is no more beautiful place in the universe than this...Anyone who hasn't seen this series is really missing out on the best TV there has been in many many years.... Give yourself a precious gift & watch this series!
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Boringly slow
15 February 2022
I keep hoping there will be a recent movie that is worth 2 hrs of my time...after wasting that amount of time, which I can never get back, on this story, it's a given that my wish hasn't even come close to getting there...very very agonizingly slow....characters that you either hate or don't like...homosexual theme....whatever happened to great movies that were uplifting, happy & made you want to go to the cinema to see your favorite actors! How I miss those Hollywood greats! These days, it has to be about sexuality, drug addicts, crime families, corporate greed, or greedy criminal politicians (is there any other kind?). And now I hear this movie is competing for several Oscars....the bar must have sunk very wonder the ratings for the Oscar tv show has hit rock bottom.... I haven't watched it in many years...and after watching this movie, I am reminded why..
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Masquerade (II) (2021)
18 November 2021
Total waste of time ...and I HATE movies that film almost entirely in the yourself a favor & watch something else. Terrible writing, horrible acting...whatever happened to really good movies these days??
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Best show on TV among a LOT of horrible 'woke' ones
15 November 2021
We've been watching this show from the beginning because my husband loves anything close to a western & we both love Montana...this show is so well done by actors, director, and writers....every once in a blue moon a TV show comes along that has the best of everything which produces pure magic...this is one of those infrequent happenstances...we love it! And we cannot even imagine anyone but Kevin Costner as John Dutton...he's a genius at producing quality entertainment without all the 'woke' political viewpoints being shoved down the watchers throat...I HATE when Hollywood does that! And a shoutout to Beth, my favorite that woman!!
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
So sick of supposedly 'entertainment' shows trying to push their own political agenda!!
15 November 2021
Since my family is a fan of Yellowstone, we decided to tune in to this show to see if it had the quality of Yellowstone....sad to report, it lost our family's attention when it tried to rewrite history within 30 minutes into it...the teacher Dianne Wiest, is teaching inmates & tells them the Civil War was about the 'oppressed' and their 'oppressors'...What a crock of crap!! Obviously, when I heard that, I knew this was going to be a liberal 'woke' program, so I immediately, with the full approval of my family, switched the channel...We do not watch TV to hear a revised liberal version of history! I know of several families who feel the same disappointed in Taylor Sheridan because he is wonderful in acting & directing Yellowstone...
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Human Capital (2019)
Pure junk!
8 August 2021
This has got to be the WORST movie ever wonder I love the old least they make sense! I advise anyone even contemplating watching this movie, you WILL be sorry...can't get that time back. Awful acting, awful directing...doesn't even deserve 1 star! And Marisa Tomei & Maya Hawke were especially awful.
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Watch it over & over
7 August 2021
Contrary to some of these reviews, I LOVE this movie...I am definitely NOT a fan of DiCaprio, BUT I recognize a good actor when I see them, and there is a reason he has been in so many great films....his dual role in this one illustrates how very competent he is at his craft. He plays each role with such distinctness that there is no doubt as to which character is which...kudos to him. As for the Musketeers, they are each great actors whose abilities are definitely showcased in this film.. The locations, the cinematography, it all came together to make a highly entertaining movie that I love watching again & again.
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Better the second time
28 July 2021
I LOVE any movie Denzel Washington acts in...he's one of the few great actors in today's Hollywood...he always delivers. At first I was interrupted several times when watching this movie and that was unfortunate because I lost track of the story...the second time I looked at it without interruption & really liked it...the one thing I did not like was Det. Baxter's vocalization...I could not understand half of what he said because he mumbled so much.... I also felt like the editing was terrible, jumping from one scene to another, nothing flowed smoothly in this movie. But all in all, it is a movie that you understand more about it the more times you watch it...and, of course, there's Denzel...enough said.
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3/10 waste of time!
12 July 2021
First, I like Melissa McCarthy & usually like her movies very much...and I like Jason Bateman....but this movie is the worst waste of time I've ever watched...the writing is so predictable and Melissa's character is totally unlikeable....with the whiniest voice I've ever heard...skip this one or you will regret the time spent!
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