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Passionate Filmmaker Creates More Passion!
29 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Another amazing piece of work from Tarantino... Every single performance was dead-on; To me, the use of the N-word was anything but gratuitous; This piece of our vocabulary had its place in history during that time and for another hundred years after...

In making this film, Tarantino creates a set piece with deeper and darker connotations as they relate to parts of our history as a country and slavery in general. He does this while making a wildly entertaining, captivating piece of work. So many well-known, great actors here! If DiCaprio isn't considered for an Oscar, something is wrong in Hollywood... Samuel Jackson was incredible also as was Christoph Waltz - You could go on and on. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see this film because it was going to be long and sometimes Quentin can be a little over the top - In this case, I was absolutely dazzled. If you are thinking about seeing it, quit thinking and go!

Lastly, I think just about every character who spoke the N-word ended up dead anyway...
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The Soloist (2009)
Uplifting: Finding a Golden Needle in the Haystack of Urban Blight
23 April 2009
First off, I should say that I am personally familiar with this story, having worked in downtown L.A. for the last 19 years and seeing Mr Ayers and his cello many a time around 3rd and Hill Sts. I've also read Lopez's columns in the Times for years and followed this one with interest and satisfaction. Making a film about a tale like this restores my belief in Hollywood beyond the mindless bunk it churns out year after year.

Downey Jr and Foxx play a newspaper columnist and homeless man who come together in a most unusual way. Downey is a newspaper columnist looking for something original and interesting to write about. He finds it when he sees Foxx beautifully playing battered stringed instruments along 3rd street in downtown L.A. Foxx has been there for years but on this day grabs the eye of the columnist because the columnist himself is experiencing hardship and doubt related to his own position. He begins to write about this talented but troubled man who fills the stinky air around him with harmony. They become friends but keep in mind this is not fiction. The friendship hits many bumps that continue to this day. Nathaniel Ayers (Foxx's character) may be a brilliant, educated musician, but he suffers from bouts of schizophrenia that manifest at any time. Downey's character accepts this as it adds more intrigue to his columns. Then he accepts it on a personal level. Their friendship ultimately becomes real and meaningful. You sense that Downey's character needs the friendship even more than Foxx's homeless man does. In the end, Downey's Lopez can see the positive effect his work has brought to the plight of the homeless, yet he wonders personally how much better he has made Nathaniel...? His reflections make us think also.

Downey Jr and Foxx play their characters to near perfection and the film masterfully takes its time in developing the relationship between the two. Great to see director Joe Wright telling a contemporary tale just as effectively as he has in previous works. The film makes us wonder how many other Nathaniel Ayers are lurking out there on the streets? Life being what it is, of course we will never know. The beauty of the film is that is shows what can happen when just one Nathaniel Ayers is found after being lost for so many years. There's no sugarcoating; Ayers doesn't magically get better and rejoin mainstream society. Instead, the mainstream accepts him for what he is and what he offers and begins integrating him as best it can. This film will certainly pop up at award time next year.
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The Dogs are the Stars
16 January 2009
Hotel for Dogs is strictly a fairy tale... Fun for the wee ones and those who need an escape. The story plods along like a ship in a storm, bouncing here and there with little regard for rationale or plausibility. Don Cheadle does a fine job playing the only reasonable character in the mix, with Emma Roberts and Jake Austin cute (no, too cute) as our main protagonists. Sad to see Lisa Kudrow, Kevin Dillon, and a host of others as contrived stereotypes with less personality than the dogs, who really are the stars of this thing. First time director Thor Freudenthal plays it safe with the story; You can't go wrong with so many talented canines in the mix! My 5 and 7 year old children loved it, while my 11 year old niece gave it "2.5 stars"...Same here.
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Untraceable (2008)
Strong Performances Compensate
26 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Diane Lane and a strong supporting cast make up for a "been there-done that" crime drama. The story contains a few original twists as well as a few serious implausibilities. Nevertheless, the direction, pace, and performances, especially Lane's and Bill Burke's, draw you in and by the abrupt conclusion, you are on the edge of your chair. Burke and Lane, as rival investigators, develop an interesting chemistry that builds through the film and is never compromised. Joseph Cross gives a creepy, effective performance as the deranged techno-killer. The fact that the story gives him such amazing capability to the point that you occasionally start rolling your eyes should in no way deter from his acting.

All in all, nicely packaged if somewhat contrived; The story hinges on the fact that this "wunderkind" killer can continually crack every computer in his way, stay one step ahead of the law, and continue to capture victims for his morbid shows without skipping a beat. All that IS hard to believe, yet "Untraceable" was still satisfying entertainment.
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Colors (1988)
Timeless in the Inner City Despite a Changing World
23 December 2007
This film is gritty and realistic in spite of those who have said over the years it is not. It is as close to capturing the essence of desperate, dead-end life on the streets of the big city as it gets. In today's times, with increased cultural sensitivity and zero tolerance for racism, it is unlikely that this film would be made. Perhaps we as a society see things differently today, but the sad truth is that nothing has changed on these same streets. Death, brutality, intimidation, drugs, and gangs are alive and well on the streets of L.A. and other locales. Perhaps policing has changed also, with the no-nonsense brutality represented by Sean Penn's character seen today as an arcane thing of the past...But maybe not... Officers still have to navigate places where their lives mean nothing and there is no respect for the job.

The film wrestles with a number of timeless issues on both sides of the badge, is accurate in portraying the "codes" that exist between and among gangs and cops, and conveys the sense of "revolving door" justice still present throughout the judicial system. Good job by Dennis Hopper.
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Straightforward Approach Works for Stone
11 August 2006
There will of course inevitably be films made about 9-11 and they will no doubt take many different approaches in telling their stories. This film, the second major effort at depicting the 9-11 attacks, approaches the story head-on, literally from Ground Zero, from the viewpoint of some of those most directly involved in the incident: Rescue Workers. The fact that this film was directed by Oliver Stone was/is a surprise. The film is benign in the sense that it does not postulate about what happened that day and why, which is not your typical Stone movie. Instead, it takes its time telling an intimate story about a group of Rescue Workers caught up in the collapse of the World Trade Center towers and their battle to survive/escape an unimaginable hell.

The film works because Stone takes the time to flush out his characters; we genuinely care about these people and feel their emotions as things turned from bad to worse that day. Cage, Bello, Pena, play their roles effectively, making us aware that 9-11 affected "ordinary people" and caused them to perform in an extraordinary way.

All in all, an excellent film. While it is big-budgeted and full of big names, it simply tells one of MANY stories to be told on that day effectively and faithfully. As with United 93, I would recommend bringing Kleenex.
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The Island (2005)
Best of the Bay Films (I know, that's not saying much)
7 August 2006
I had ignored this DVD on the shelf for several months, not even remembering the trailers when they appeared prior to the film's theatrical release. I knew it cost $125 million to make and produced a paltry sum in theaters. When I finally grabbed it off the shelf and popped it in the player, however, I found a film as enjoyable as Bay's first blockbuster, The Rock.

The premise of the film is fascinating enough, and Bay's rapid-fire direction and $125,000,000 budget don't disappoint. Special effects and action sequences are up to par, and we genuinely sympathize with the plight of the two main leads. Ewan Macgregor and Scarlett Johannson play their roles simplistically (and effectively), although Macgregor's more serious turn towards the end (ensuring both's survival) is a stretch. Djimon Hounsou's turn at the end, while bizarre, makes sense, and Sean Bean and Steve Buscemi add substance and style to villain and ally along the way. Without giving it all away, The Island is definitely a top-tier rental. Be pleasantly surprised!
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United 93 (2006)
Greengrass Pulls It Off - Powerful Historical Drama
29 April 2006
OK, there has been plenty of speculation and opinion and probably a lot of comments written here by folks who haven't even seen the film yet..Yes, it premiered here last night and I had to go see... I found it is a powerful re-enactment that doesn't dwell on much or on any particular character... It is faithful to the time-line and the events of 9-11-01, even if some of what takes places on board the flight in the film does so out of speculation... What else can a film-maker do? Greengrass, who has done excellent work with the Jason Bourne thriller "The Bourne Supremacy", is the right man for the job here. He is smart enough to know NOT to tinker too much with history; to NOT cast this film with "big stars"; to not cause too many distractions as the film moves along.

What can I say? We all know what the outcome is. We all have our own ideas about what took place on board United 93. We all remember 9-11-01 like it was yesterday. This film honors those on the doomed flight for what we all have pretty much accepted as fact: The passengers, or victims themselves caused the mission to fail. The simplicity of the director's style, coupled with edgy, subtle performances throughout, will cause you to again stop and think about 9-11-01, most likely for a long time after you see this film. Maybe a lot of us don't want to keep doing that. Nevertheless, despite the fact that there's a buck to be made here, this work fulfills the idea that some of the stories of 9-11 can and need to be told on the big screen... It is powerful, painful, and prideful at the same time. Bring Kleenex.
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Crash (I) (2004)
Inspires a Strong Reaction In All of Us
6 March 2006
I saw this film months ago and am now compelled to throw in my two cents after its Best Picture win at the '05 Oscars. There seems to be a LOT of negative buzz at this picture's win...a lot of criticism... Oh well...

What people seem to have a problem with here is that all of these characters give voice to what many of us supposedly only THINK...Good Heavens, we'd never actually SPEAK the racist remarks so prevalent throughout this film would we?. But this IS in fact a film...It IS a vehicle where characters can in fact become representative and "iconistic"...Matt Dillon's cop, The Persian store-owner, the D.A.'s wife and so on...these are all representative of larger bases-of many many people in our diverse set of cultures. The film gives voice to many fears and frustrations in our thoughts that drive societies in negative ways. When this is accepted, then Crash's writing becomes brilliant. The story clicks and moves, with many surprising tie-ins and amazing twists and at least one tear-jerk scene involving a small child. Nothing is what it seems, yet much of what we see on the surface is seemingly common-place. The ensemble cast is directed masterfully; the acting is strong - the stories all stand on their own. This is in fact a passionate work with much more to say than just "Racism is hugely present in American Society." As a 20 year veteran of Law Enforcement in Los Angeles, I was moved by and could relate to the many complexities in this film! Congratulations on the Best Picture Oscar!
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This is a Good Remake...See it for what is is
6 March 2006
My Lord...We go out of our way to hate Tom Cruise because he's fallen in love with a younger, attractive, successful actress and lets the world know about it... We disagree with his religious principals and think he's a nut... We're jealous because he's 40 something, wealthy, and on top of the world... So let's vote this film Worst of 2005...I don't think so...

This is an exciting, scary, action-packed film... Cruise's performance as a dead-beat dad who gets it together was not over the top; had he made this film 10 or 15 years ago it no doubt would have been received very differently. This is Science-Fiction/Horror/Fantasy at its best and an original spin on classic material. Orson Welles would have been proud of this effort; Every important point in his original radio play in 1938 is addressed here and a truly stark film showing Man at the mercy of Martians is what we have. Excellent special effects also! Bravo! I suppose Cruise's upcoming Mission Impossible III will be voted Worst of 2006...
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Likable Actors Try to Work a Little Magic With Cheez
28 December 2005
Well, it was about what I thought it would be... I mean, I'm going to try to like a film with John Cusack, Diane Lane, Dermot Mulrooney, Elizabeth Perkins, and Christopher Plummer... Those are five of the most likable performers on the planet... What I didn't like, but sort of forgave, was a weak script filled with stereotyped supporting roles and a fairly contrived, Hollywood ending which made the film more like an over glazed Krispy Kreme donut than a serious effort.

Let's be realistic: An attractive, available, and sweet woman with no kids like Diane Lane is NOT going to need EVERY Tom, Dick, and Emma on the planet trying to fix her up. That aspect of the film, which early on was humorous, never let up. By the end, it wore me out. Also, Christopher Plummer is a dashing elder, but are three sexy, older women going to battle it out for his affections to the point that he sits with all three at every get together (and there are A lot of these) in the film? Do these people have no pride? Don't mean to rant and rave, but you might find yourself doing a bit of this after you see the film...The film is directed and shot well, and as indicated above, the performances are fine. Dermot Mulrooney is particularly good as an available father doing and saying what it takes to get what he wants...John and Diane are also well cast as the couple on an ultimate collision course for elusive bliss...It's just that darn, paint by the numbers screenplay... This film could've and should've been a lot better!
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Sweet and Well Done - Definitely a XMAS Sleeper
1 December 2005
It's simple, it's cute, it's unpretentious, and it's pretty much blood-free. It tells a sweet story about innocence and romance which is applicable to all of us despite using 11 year-old kids (Josh Hutcherson, a "veteran" and Charlie Rose, a newcomer) as its main players...This film will remind many of you of "The Wonder Years", which of course isn't a bad thing (Wouldn't you say that was GREAT television??). There is a nice parallel in the story in that while the main character is falling in love, his own parents are falling out of it and headed for the splits.

Mark Levin (Wimbledon, and yes...The Wonder Years) turns in another solid effort and shows he is anything but complacent - He gets great work out of his actors and the cinematography makes Manhattan a sparkling place for all. The story is key in a film with no action, violence, or thrills and thankfully, the story here strikes a chord with just about everyone! See it now before it becomes a XMAS blockbuster!
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Batman Begins (2005)
3 November 2005
This is just a throwaway to add to the list, but this film was so much fun and so well done that I just had to add something... Having 2 kids, a wife, a house in the 'burbs, and being the only working one (outside anyway), means missing a lot of films until DVD release...Nevertheless,I was so impressed with the scope and story of this film! In the style of the Spiderman series, Batman Begins starts BEFORE the beginning and chronicles the evolvement of the whole sha-bang, and boy, what an evolvement! Christian Bale, Katie Holmes, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Ilam Neeson, et. all are finely cast, and the direction, story, and appearance of this film are all right on! The care taken in the story to tie so much so neatly together is evident; any small reference at the start of the film could have major implications by the end... It's a wild, complicated plot, but hey, this is based on a comic strip and it ALL works! GREAT Film-making! If you are so bored that you actually read this review, I hope you had or have as much fun watching Batman Begins as I did!
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Four Brothers (2005)
Well Crafted Revenge Film
12 August 2005
I'm drawn to movies whose trailers inspire a visceral reaction...This one's is so clichéd...Poor old Mom gets whacked and her adopted sons go after the crooks...Still, the action in the trailer inspired me...gave me that feeling of wanting to see the bad guys get it, and after seeing the film, I can say I was not disappointed. The story moves along and does not step outside of itself. There are some intriguing plot twists, but the goal of revenge always remains. The performances are solid; we have experienced film actors and a director here who know what they're doing. Even the newer actors settle into their respective roles...

John Singleton stated he wanted to do something with a "western edge" and in this film he has done just that. The story could be transplanted 100 years back and still work. While there is a great deal of action, violence, and bloodshed, it is not shot with an abundance of CGI or special that end, the action looks and feels more realistic. The film pulls you in and takes you for a nice ride, which is more than can be said of a lot of recent releases...It's not going to win Oscars, but it should be a hit. It's definitely worth a look!
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What's Next at the Remake Mill?
5 August 2005
Oh Geez... There are so many other films I want to see out there... I got stuck with my nephew for the weekend and this is what he wanted - Yeah...

I used to watch this show when I was in was mindless, kinda fun, and somewhat action-oriented. The show had a good heart tho...and the characters were cute; no one ever got killed or even hurt badly... it was like a cartoon come to life. Cut to 2005...What happened? This one doesn't work. As others have said, there simply isn't a cohesive story and the performances are weird...almost annoying - definitely not faithful to the original characters...the whole thing is a like a Mad TV skit and it lasts over 100 minutes! This was one of the few times I've been EMBARRASSED watching a film. What were they thinking? As best I can tell, must've been for the product marketing, toys, etc. All I can say is, let this one die a quick death. It makes the original Dukes of Hazzard seem like Masterpiece Theater...

I think the only remake left to do from TV is Gilligan's Island... Good Luck!
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Constantine (2005)
Sorry...I liked it...
25 July 2005
This is a's not supposed to be so rooted in reality that we scoff at the implausibilities and the plot holes... We're not watching it to say "look at how that happened" or "why is it all happening here in L.A. when we have these worldwide problems" or...whatever... It has to happen somewhere; either you buy off on the fable and get into the story or you flush it...

While not being Catholic, through theological edification I was able to make sense of storyline, ironies, metaphors, etc... I liked Reaves' character and again, it's a matter of preference - love or hate - but he played Constantine's miserable demon-cop just right - Reaves continues to find rolls suited to his particular, dark style. Special effects were great, and I give the film kudos for not diving in and becoming an effects remains online to the story and where we're going... Weisz as heroine and Peter Stormare as Lucifer himself were well-cast. What can I say? It was great diversion and a fun DVD to watch. Check it out!
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The Pacifier (2005)
Doesn't Quite Get There but Still Sweet
1 July 2005
The Pacifier is one of those cookie-cutter star vehicle endeavors that could've been made while the whole cast and crew were asleep - the acting is either over-the-top (as in the kids' case) or zombie-style (Diesel in particular) with very little in between. A supporting character from the kids' school was just plain puzzling in his behavior... There are so many improbabilities and irregularities in the story that all we can do is examine the work as a whole...and when we do, in spite of all the problems, we can't help but smile a little...The kids are cute and Diesel, in spite of himself, seems to have an endearing quality that emerges as the film progresses...

The conclusion is contrived and predictable, but the message is sweet... Since this is now a rental choice, I'd say it's decent for families. Single people in the 18-35 demographic need to avoid this film like the plague, however. I have two little kids and a good marriage so I suppose those are the main reasons why I didn't throw the DVD out the window after 10 minutes...
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Well Crafted, Bizarre...
22 June 2005
Good Lord... How this ended up in our DVD player I'll never wife thought it was a new release she'd missed somehow...Nevermind it's a couple of years old and in Danish ( I think)... She kept looking for the English soundtrack...

All in all...the film wasn't bad... Good production values,better performances, and a clever story that doesn't get too far away from itself make for tidy, dark-humored fare from across the sea! The ending will make you fact, the whole film will. Incredibly strange characters that we grow genuinely interested in make a film that might be worth your while...Without spoiling the plot, the film's title and DVD jacket give you a good idea where this thing is going!
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Art Heist (2004)
1st Rate Locale - 2nd Rate Cast
11 June 2005
This effort was like a glitzy TV movie...I don't recall this ever being released in theaters...If so, it must've died a quick death. Watching the DVD, in the comfort of our bedroom, it was obvious this film was meant for not much more...Ed Lauter an art critic with a greed streak? What a fun turn that must've been...I haven't seen Ed since "The Longest Yard"...Everyone else pretty much acted by the numbers, led by Baldwin, except for Pompeo...She had zero charisma and seemed to be sleepwalking thru most of the picture...Pompeo's daughter had one dimension...she played every scene like a lovable little puppy...slowest line delivery of any 3 year old I've seen yet...

The chase scenes gave my wife and I headaches...too much quick-cutting and angle-bashing...If you 're going to shoot a chase scene in Barcelona, you might want a few WIDE shots to exploit the beauty of your backdrop, right? The whole story was pretty implausible and far-fetched, but hey, we liked it better than "The Life Aquatic..."
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Drown these Puppies
9 June 2005
Stupid movie about a stupid guy who knows nothing about oceanography - surrounded by a bunch of admitted morons who themselves know nothing about oceanography... Understated and awkward, the film tries to pull the wool over our eyes like these folks try to do to their investors in the alleged story...Exotic locales and a little throwaway sight-gag every so often do little to boost the boring nature of the characters; they're just not that cool, sympathetic, or interesting! Films like this and Royal Tenenbaums are being perceived as art; great film-making...masterpieces... They seem more like workshop misfires - Bad Saturday Night Live skits that go on forever - There are so many big-budgeted formula films out there that when one like this comes along, people proclaim its' greatness because it's different. Different isn't always great, although this film WAS great for putting us to sleep...
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Ray (I) (2004)
By the Book, But It's a Good Book
15 April 2005
RAY is pretty much Hollywood Formula; The story of one man's struggle and ultimate success... There are the cursory scenes showing the struggles, temptations, successes, and heartbreaks. What makes this film stand out above it all are the performances, and the fact that Ray Charles Robinson's story, no matter how formulaic, is pretty dog-gone interesting...

Jamie Foxx turns in one of the great performances of this or any year - His Ray is real in the sense that we just accept the fact that yes, we are watching Ray Charles. This is acting at its best. Those in supporting roles are equally strong - conveying all the emotion, support, and deceit that surrounded a man like Ray. The key components of Ray's childhood, which affect his choices, both good and bad as a man, are told hauntingly through flashback; the Florida landscape looks beautiful through the eye of the lens (Great cinematography!)...The screenplay is faithful to RAY's life; there is no sugarcoating - RAY looks unflinchingly in the mirror and makes no apologies.

My wife was not eager to see Ray...When I pulled the DVD and fired it up in our room, her first reaction was "Ahh we have to?" She got up and did a few things while the opening sequence rolled with credits. When she came back in, I put the film to the beginning and told her, "If you're not interested by the time the opening credits end, we'll turn it off." Needless to say, we both sat through the whole thing riveted, with my wife saying Ray is now one of her favorites... Strongly Recommended!
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Oh Come On
23 March 2005
Well, I suppose if we'd paid $20 to see this film, we might feel differently...seeing it via one of the flat-rate monthly DVD services, I just gotta say IT WASN'T THAT BAD...

The premise is pretty was done in 1975 and the attempt was at horror...Stepford Wives ('75) was creepy and left you with an unresolved "weirdness"...the present version attempts at just seems to work better...there are a lot of * and ** out of 10's who admitted there were some funny lines...I actually thought a lot of the film was funny and some of it was downright wicked...I don't think this film took itself as serious as the first; after reading all the negative comments here I expected to hate it but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised...Kidman, Broderick, Middler, Close, and Walken all seemed to have FUN with their roles - It was contagious...

Despite the obvious fantasy (and the holes) in the plot, it still worked for my wife and I...Not great but not horrid either.
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Choo-Choo! (1932)
Absolute Chaos With The Gang!
17 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Hop on board the Choo Choo with Brisbane, Stymie, Spanky, Weezer, Dorothy, etc. and join in one of the funniest rides in memory. Our Gang runs into several orphans who've ditched their group on the train at a whistle stop...Next thing you know, the gang changes clothes with the orphans, gets caught, and is put on a separate train back to the orphanage - only they are escorted by the wonderful stage actor Dell Henderson. Poor Henderson is classic as the victim of the kids' highjinks throughout...Led by Spanky (who, in his only non-speaking role in this series, conveys more through his expressions than many actors ever could), the gang turns the train trip into a nightmare for all on board, except for them AND us...The pace is fast and the laughs are constant - two critical factors for a successful comedy short! Look for Oliver Hardy in a great cameo as the drunken novelty salesman who gives the gang the tools for the ultimate surprise ending... Too funny!!!
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Surefire Entertainment
15 March 2005
Surprisingly cute, well-done, very funny film. Will Smith, Kevin James, Eva Mendes, and especially Amber Valletta give excellent performances and bring even more to the written material. Valletta's character, in a supporting role, is the key here in my mind... She brings a warmth and believability to the stereotyped "Snobby Rich B*itch" that helps bring things to a comic and almost believable conclusion... Will Smith and Mendes provide substance to the main roles, and their tension, conflict, and attraction is alive and takes us in while Smith and Kevin James provide the majority of comic relief...My wife and I had a great time watching and left the theater quite satisfied - there's no doubt this is THE date movie of 2005.
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The Ring (2002)
I Tried So Hard But I Just Didn't Get It!
9 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Geez I wanted to like this movie...I rented it so my wife and I could get a good scare in bed... We began to watch and got through roughly half of it before one of our kids woke up and we had to hit the STOP button. Up to this point, the movie seemed to click along...Production was slick, acting/direction were well done, and the story seemed to be going somewhere...we went to bed without finishing... The next evening, my wife and I licked our chops in anticipation of the last 1/2...Our Heroine made it to the source of the terror and then...EVERYTHING started to fall apart! By the time the movie ended, my wife and I were clueless and angry! Someone drop me an email and explain what happened...I can't find a reason other than the Hollywood cliché that the Horror Film has to grab you and shake you at the end and leave you with a question...The problem here was - We had too many darn questions!!!

The Ring involves a supernatural videotape that will kill anyone who watches it in 7 days...The video is strange...paranormal; time code on it doesn't track and attempts to decipher it by our heroine leave more questions than answers...After you watch the tape, you get a creepy phone call telling you "SEVEN DAYS"...

Our heroine Watts watches the tape after a relative's daughter dies after also seeing it...Watts' clock starts ticking. Since she's a darn good investigative reporter, she uses her time left to research the video's origins to try to find an escape... It's a neat premise but the story ultimately goes in the wrong direction, trying find pragmatic answers to the how and why. In doing this, too much that is abnormal (and there's a lot of it) is left hanging...and of course, we get the contrived "ending within an ending" that's been done a million times. We were hoping for so much more! Oh well...
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