
10 Reviews
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Way Too Long and Where's the FBI?
5 February 2024
Main problem with the film is it's excessive length. Could have easily been shorted by 30 to 45 minutes with better editing. The other major problem, from my point of view, is leaving out most of the FBI's involvement in the story. The book spent a great deal of time documenting the FBI's part in solving the crimes. The movie, not so much. On the plus side of the ledger, the acting was quite good. DeNiro and Decaprio were well cast and both did an excellent job as the main protagonists. The rest of the cast was quite good as well. The story depicts a very dark part of American history. One that I'm sure most Americans are not familiar with. Well worth the telling.
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Reacher (2022– )
Perfect Casting
7 February 2022
The character in the series feels like he jumped off the pages of the book. I've read all the Lee Childs Jack Reacher books and perhaps the main key to the character is his large physical size. Thats why I was extremely disappointed when Tom Cruise was cast in the two Reacher movies. While the plot of the first movie was very good, I just couldn't get past the size difference of Reacher in the book and Tom Cruise. The producer did an excellent job in using the material in the first book " the Killing Floor" as the basis for starting the series. In the first episode you get almost all the background information about the man. Then through the use of occasional flashbacks you learn about his past and what made the man. The script is fairly faithful to the book. I found the supporting actors to be very good. I wound up binge watching the whole series even though I tried not to. I highly recommend the series to both Fans of the book and those who have not read the books but are action fans. Hope that there's more to come.
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Waste of Time
26 January 2022
This was perhaps the most overrated movie that I have seen in several years. I generally agree with viewer ratings for movies listed in IMDB. But the reviews for this movie were way, way, too kind. I had absolutely had no interest in the main characters. There was also no plot to the movie that I could see. Just a rambling sequence of events going nowhere. I was also stunned to see Bradley Cooper and Sean Penn in cameo roles. The characters they played were outlandish without purpose. Just seemed like they were trying to outdo each other in over acting. I do not recommend this movie, but that's why there are differences of opinion. For my money, there are far better ways to spend and not waste two hours.
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Really, Really, Bad!!!
28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so bad that I almost walked out half way through. The series is built on outrageous action shots and stretching reality. But this movie took it to a new and super ridiculous level. A modified car being launched into outer space and giant electro magnets picking up cars and trucks. Added to that the acting was super weak and the script terrible. Please put and end to these movies. I know everyone is desperate to go out and see a movie. But don't waste your time or money on this one. Even now there are way better movies than this one.
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Green Book (2018)
Uplifting Experience!
7 December 2018
What a great gift of a Christmas movie and more! In this time of division, anger and hatred, this picture offered hope and a look at how people can overcome their differences and bigotries. What makes it even better is that it's based on true events. The script was exceptional and the editing moved the storyline along seamlessly. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali were pitch perfect in their respective roles. Oscar worthy movie and performances. I would urge anyone who would like a positive and inspiring experience to go see this movie. So rare these days.
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First Man (2018)
Great Biopic!
21 October 2018
Best biopic in years. Engrossing from start to finish. Armstrong's personal life was as interesting as his space ventures. The editing of the movie was first rate. Even though the movie covered a long timespan in Armstrong's life the transitions were seamless. The photography was also outstanding. You actually felt as though you were inside the cramped capsules. I'm not a big Ryan Gosling fan but he was perfectly cast in this movie. His performance was low key just like Neil Armstrong. I think his performance is Oscar worthy. Claire Foy was also terrific as his wife. As a history of our space ventures I would rate this movie in the same category as "The Right Stuff". Hard to believe all the transpired in the film including the moon landing was about a half century ago.
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The Foreigner (I) (2017)
Exceeded Expectations
28 October 2017
I expected the movie to be a standard action movie with a weak plot. This movie surprised me on several levels. First the plot was above average for an action movie. Second, Jackie Chan turned in a subdued and very good character portrayal. Third,the movie was not the typical martial arts laden Jackie Chan performance. There were martial art scenes but they were not over done as in prior Chan movies. Supporting cast led by Pierce Brosnan were also very good. In summary, if your a fan of the action genre you will not be disappointed.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
23 December 2016
Trailer looked promising the movie did not turn out to be. Poor excuse for a holiday release. Only good things were the space travel special effects and the android bartender. Movie took way to long to develop. First 30 minutes could have been edited out entirely. Script was lame and the two stars were wasted on a boring plot. I was expecting some kind of a plot twist that never happened. Once you found out what was going on with the ship it was a very routine and predictable story line. Bad script choice by what are normally fine actors. The ending was lame and hard to believe. Not worth your, time pass this one by. One of the worse science fiction movies released in quite some time.
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Sully (2016)
Oscar Worthy
16 September 2016
I would like to cast my vote for best picture, best director and best actor. Sully. While it includes the details of the actual event in great detail the story mainly focuses on what transpired after the incredible water landing on the Hudson. This is a little known part of the story that was not reported on by the mass media. It reveals the post event ordeals that Sully and his co-pilot were put through. Tom Hanks portrayal of Sully is nothing short of amazing. One of his best performances that I've seen in years. I also happen to think that his overlooked performance in "Bridge of Spy's" was nothing short of a travesty. The direction of Sully is suburb. Clint Eastwood blends the actual events, flashbacks into Sully's earlier days and the aftermath into a seamless heroic tale. I highly recommend this movie. The world is short on hero's these days. Sully is one heroic story.
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Hell or High Water (II) (2016)
Exceptional Characters
26 August 2016
I have always been a fan of character driven movies. If you can relate or have a sense for what drives the characters in a movie then the movie is that much more interesting and relevant. Hell or High Water definitely falls into this category. The plot holds your attention. The acting is exceptional. Jeff Bridges gives one of the finest performances of his career. Rivals his performance in True Grit. His performance is definitely Oscar worthy. Chris Pine and Ben Foster are outstanding as well. Chris Pine shows that he is definitely a serious actor. Ben Foster is excellent as well. The movie is well paced and edited. I highly recommend this movie.
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