
2 Reviews
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2 Hours on the fine balance of leaving or staying
23 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Ahoy.

A solid movie, good casting good acting and the premise of a good story, some lovely shots and interesting ideas.

However it sits on the line of Jesus this is becoming boring and i'll wait and see how it pans out.

Pans out I should have left, not much story for the audience to stick with and so many subtle gestures and nods between cast members the tread is very very thin.

The idea is interesting enough a boy with unknown special powers that the US Gov thinks they can capture him and use him as a weapon, but no reason as to why they think this.

The decoding of Gov transmissions via satellites to find a location is neither explained or has any real tangible reason to be in such a location as others had been shown parts of the layered on civilization before and not at the special location.

Two hours of not really knowing what the kids power or purpose was all he does some nodding/longing and barley 2 paragraphs of dialogue, stares and vanishes off into this other world he is part of.

There is some average CGI to show off this world for about 60 seconds and SLAM the end.

No reason as to why he needs to go / why he was afraid of day light / why the US wanted him as a weapon.

An E.T idea in principle for the modern day but not very exciting and leaves all questions unanswered, if there is to be a sequel I won't be spending my money on it again. . .

Average movie for a rainy day on rental, worth the cinema price NO, worth the price of a DVD possibly.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Summer Blockbuster for all, over indulgence for fans
6 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So after all the press and Mr Scott trying to tell us its not related to 'AILEN', Prometheus is EVERYTHING to do with alien and for those who have seen the whole alien series this is so very obvious from the off.

As the story was such a well kept secret, most Fans of the series could have guessed 80% of this movie and saved their money. For those who don't know the alien series, it is a good standalone movie with the typical Epic panning shots and amazing detailed sets of any summer blockbuster.

The acting was just above average, but lacked all the suspense and darkness of the original Alien and the main story chunk was predictable. However the General story tied up fans questions about the Space Jockeys and the origin of the Alien and left its self wide open for a Sequel.

As the film ends its still doe snot lead directly into Ailen leaving fans felt cheated on, as the journey of the second ship to the Origins of the space jockeys leaves you to Imagen how it could possibly link up to the distress beacon in the space jockey ship on LV426.

With the odd nods to scenes in the following alien films there was plenty for the fans to admire and added depth to the otherwise average summer block buster.

The Lifeforms featured in the movie ( Apart from the space jockey ) are looking to become a bit silly RE: Xenomorph at the end. . . ( Giger must be unimpressed ), the Squid like Lifeform that evolves into a giant Face-hugger was about the limit.

If it was not trying to be summer blockbuster it could have a a great Dark indulging movie, however its eaten to much AVP / Transformers and lost what makes Alien great.

It all boiled down to a load of cross-breeding and a hint of trying to ask a philosophical quest that gets over shadowed by C grade acting characters that you have no emotions for and to much showing of monsters , and then the typical here come the Sequel ending.

Average movie for all but slightly disappointing for fans.

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