
11 Reviews
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The 100 (2014–2020)
A great story, but I couldn't see most of it
7 June 2020
The premise is unique. Survivors from a holocaust on earth escape to a satellite station. After a 100 years a hundred young ex-cons are sent to earth to see if it is now inhabitable. The scene changes between earth and "The Ark". Pretty good stuff.

Unfortunately the director seems to have only one technique to create atmosphere -- darkness. About 80% of the earth scenes are shot at night. I'm sure in the studio's multi-million dollar screening room it look fine, but only my inexpensive 720p flat screen all I see most of the time are a few white blobs (faces!) moving around on a black screen.

I watched the first season, and wanted to see what happened, but the images of everyone walking around in shadow made my viewing experience pretty bad.

Now, there are those who will see my comments at a plus...good on you, but for the rest of us simply be forewarned.
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Dull and monotonous
27 April 2020
One reviewer said he quit after 15 minutes -- me too! Everyone talked in a monotone; and what they talked about didn't develop the character or the story line. I doubt if I could have kept awake for the whole episode.

Even the plot story line is boring: Two women meet in a supermarket and they both have a secret. Sheesh, that grips you--I suspect almost everybody in the world has at least one secret.
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Disappointing beginning
29 February 2020
I have a Scottish background so when I discovered this mini series I was delighted. However, instead of touring Scotland Mr Boyle starts with his potty-mouthed night club routine.

I may be more prudish than most, and we've come to expect bad language in many of our dramas, but when you watch a documentary you expect a higher level of presentation than Glasgow street language.

So, we stopped watching before we got to the travelogue. It's likely we missed a good show, but I don't need to be subjected to night club humour when I want to watch a documentary.
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Getting On (2009–2012)
Impossisble to watch
29 June 2019
Comedies without laugh tracks tend to be great or awful. The 8.3 rating suggests that this is one of the greats. However, it just didn't resonate with me. A bunch of hospital personal talking over one another about trivialities didn't bring a smile to my face, let alone a chuckle.

However, the really big issue for me was the camera-work. It reminded me of the person who just got their first camcorder. Instead of taking videos, they wave the camera round like a paint brush on steroids. The cameraman would change the perspective from top-town to a shot looking up between the bed rails at one of the characters.

CONFESSION: I gave up after 10 minutes of the first episode. It probably got better later one because I just can't father the great 8.3 rating.
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Less Than Kind: To Be a Man (2008)
Season 1, Episode 1
Absolutely awful!
22 December 2018
First a confession: I watched only 20 minutes of the first episode. It starts out with a bunch of kids taking bar mitzvah classes. The star is an overweight boy who has failed this for two years debating the values of the ceremony with the others. At this point I should have known better and just switched it off.

However, I continued. In the first 16 minutes a stuck car horn blared for far too long three times. That's annoying in real life; it's obscenely painful to the ears in this "sitcom".

The boy's dad picks him up and they shout and bad mouth each other. Then they hey pick up the elder son at the airport, who hugs his younger brother so vigorously they fall to the ground. This hug goes on interminably. This goes beyond childish.

Then they drive to a competitors home to steal gas from his parked taxi. The interchange leads to yet another, boring, loud, and childish exchange. At this point I gave up.

If your IQ is lower than your waist size you may find this funny, but if you are like the rest of us you will want to give this one a very wide berth.
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Loaded (2017)
Awful story about potty-mouthed men doing absolutely nothing.
29 May 2017
The concept is quite good, but the execution is infantile! The story is about four men who have spent years developing a computer game. At least one of the four is in overdraft at the bank when suddenly they hit the jackpot and sell their game for nearly 250 million pounds. However, unlike the clever series "At Home with the Braithwaites" where they added the twist of the Jackpot winner keeping her winnings a secret from her dysfunctional family; these four potty-mouthed simpletons hire a male quartet to sing a vulgar ditty at the doors of people they didn't like.

The story continues and deteriorates from here on. They gather their staff in the office, and drink champagne, dance on the furniture and act like drunken teenagers. One of the partners gives an attractive girl an 18,000 pound bonus, which slowly balloons to giving all the staff the same bonus. None of this was funny nor did it didn't advance the story line. Indeed all it did is confirm that these are pre- pubescent teenagers masquerading as successful entrepreneurs.

A sitcom with nothing funny is bad enough, but there was some hope when they were unexpectedly sued by an ex-employee for copyright infringement. However, they quickly settled this issue in two or three minutes--so not even a whisper of drama. The only reason I watched the episode to the end was because half way through I started checking my library for something more interesting. Fortunately, I had a print copy of "Watching Paint Dry for Dummies" which saved the day!
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Sherlock: The Lying Detective (2017)
Season 4, Episode 2
Just too weird for me
27 January 2017
I found this episode absolutely without redemption. It has a standard story line that played out well in the story. However, we have Dr Watson seeing and talking with his dead wife.

But worse, we have Holmes unshaven and high or drunk taking a case from the daughter of a murderous father. The original Sherlock Holmes could make statement which mystified and as time progressed you came to realize just how clever he was. This modern Sherlock acts and talks like an uneducated drunk.

The overall rating of this episode is 9.4 so I accept that my opinion is no longer in line with modern tastes, but I feel for the future of TV if weird and offbeat are preferable to strong plots and believable characters.
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Blue Heelers (1994–2006)
It reminds me of Heartbeat
18 November 2012
If you enjoyed the UK show, Heartbeat, you will probably enjoy Blue Heelers. The storyline is similar; a small police force in a small town. The senior office is a Seargeant. He doesn't have Blaketon's sharp edge, but he is believable and likable.

We have just finished watching Season 1 (45 episodes) so cannot speak for the whole series, but my wife and I found the characters to be well defined; the story lines to be interesting and the plots along the same line as Heartbeat.

An interesting difference between the two is that Blue Heelers has a woman PC--indeed Episode one tells of her joining the station. The Aussie macho man attitude towards women comes out occasionally, without making an issue of it.

Now, if they just had a Claude Jeremiah Greengrass it would rate a 10.
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Burnistoun (2009– )
Pretty awful
2 September 2012
If you enjoy a string of one-liners, strung together with no theme or consistency then you might enjoy this.

I was brought up in England, spent a few months each year in Scotland and continue to visit Scotland each year, yet I found most of the dialogue impossible to understand.

I enjoy British humour, yet most of what I watched made little sense--and was not funny. Clearly this sitcom is going to divide viewers into either the LOVE IT camp or the HATE IT camp. Try it--you'll know in five minutes if it tickles your funny bone. It didn't tickle mine--indeed it made it numb!
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Oh Doctor Beeching! (1995–1997)
Good British humour
29 June 2012
This is a fine example of fine British humour. Every character is clearly defined, and each one adds something to the whole.

I suspect that many Americans would not enjoy it. They seem to prefer more slapstick comedy, whereas this sitcom is funny because the characters work off one another.

Indeed, British humour has changed so much recently, that I'm sure many younger viewers would find it difficult to relate to the subtle humour of this story.

However, if you do like this series, then you must check out "You Rang M'Lord" It's a totally different story, but many of the same actors.
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Enjoyable television
2 June 2012
I am frequently in awe of many reviews posted on IMDb. The writer's have insights and knowledge of production techniques that amaze me.

However, unlike many reviewers, I watch TV (theatre, read fiction, etc.) for a relaxing escape. Indeed, my sole criteria is "Did I enjoy it?" Without exception, I thoroughly enjoyed all 13 episodes of this series and look forward to season two.

I agree with the comments made that took issue with Ho Hum's views. I think he is being sexist. Miss Fisher is the heroine of the story so must be sharper/better/cleverer/whatever than the police. This is no different to other private detectives such as Poirot, Sherlock Holmes, Monk etc.
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