
9 Reviews
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Inside Job (2010)
The 2008 Crisis: Bigger Than Wall Street
19 April 2024
I was 21/22 when the 2008 meltdown happened. I has SOME understanding of what was going on, but I've learned more over the years as additional crises have taken place.

Having seen "The Big Short", I think this film/doc does a better job at providing the background on how the government has allowed (and benefitted) from the recklessness and greed of deregulation. It shows that things are much bigger than just bad Wall Street actors.

The hardest part of watching this is the overwhelming feeling that we are doomed and that nothing will change as money rules all. No matter what side you're on ideologically, everyone is bought and corporations are running (and ruining) our lives. There's no accountability (even though it seems to be common knowledge that corruption is afoot).

As we move forward post-pandemic, I'm curious to know how this time will be reflected in books and film. Based on past and current conditions, methinks more corruption will be exposed.
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Saltburn (2023)
It's been days since viewing, and I'm still wondering "Why?"
29 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was visually stunning. It was otherwise a weird watch. I quite liked that it was odd-a bit of a "WTF??" palate cleanser. It's been about a week since I watched it, and I'm still having random thoughts where I'm questioning why Oli did what he did. Even though we get to see at the end that he'd meticulously planned the whole charade, it still doesn't answer the "why?". Was murder the plan all along, or was he driven to it once Felix discovered the lies about Oli's family?

I may be in the minority of people that didn't catch on to Oliver's lies in the beginning. It wasn't until I saw the switcheroo at the castle that I had my "oh sh**!" realization.

The period scene was weird. The grave scene even more weird. The ending dance scene (which made me chuckle) was another bit of weird. None of those things made the film hard for me to watch, and I enjoyed the acting throughout. I just wish I wasn't left with so many questions.
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Don't be so bothered by the profanity that you miss the point
29 January 2024
I'm glad I took a chance to watch this movie. Knowing Snoop's history with youth football, I figured it'd be a good watch. It was hilarious and entertaining throughout. Even above that, the kids did an amazing job in their roles. The kids showed that they had greatness beyond their circumstances-beyond letdowns they experienced. I hate to break it to you...but kids cuss. Even when you think they don't. Those underprivileged kids you say you care so much about...oh, a lot of them cuss a lot. I also hate to break it to you that this isn't the end of the world.

Some of the nastiest, most vile things have been said and done towards people without a single curse word. So I'm always peeved by people that let a few curse words keep them from a good story. With the things some kids have to experience (through no fault of their own), cussing is the LEAST of their worries.

Also, there was a warning in the beginning of the movie. You could've skipped the movie and climbing your high horse altogether. For everyone that "dares" to see a movie with kids cussing, the movie had a great underdog message and I think you'll enjoy the movie overall.
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Like Father (2018)
This is a struggle watch.
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Netflix description mentions Drama and Comedy. There's no discernible comedy in this movie. The story is slow and at points feels like a chore to trudge through. A chunk of the story is used on the cruise activities. I couldn't help feeling that the cruise could've been better used as a backdrop for the development of Harry and Rachel's relationship and Rachel's self-reckoning.

The botched wedding was the elephant in my living room, but the movie is nearly over before Rachel somewhat earnestly mentions her role in the failed nuptials. I think I just wanted a little more justice for Owen haha. I can relate to Rachel's having to rapidly process what is a clear history of hurt, but I'm not so quick to chalk her behaviors up to "daddy issues". She made clear choices on her wedding day that led to Owen pulling the plug (the phone in the bouquet, her boss as the officiant). She regretted not being available when her mom passed, but she didn't let that stop her from continuing to let work rule her life. Is that a Rachel issue or a grind culture issue--I'm sure it's plenty of both. I'm glad that Rachel and Harry seemed to be moving towards a new chapter in their relationship at the end, and that Rachel seemed to have learned a lesson about her priorities. I think that seeing Harry make efforts made the new chapter make sense.

The movie isn't completely unbearable, but it is forgettable and heavy on the cruise activity.
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Susannah had no business there...
29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's been years since my last watch of this movie, but I can say that I've generally been a fan of it in my younger years. My latest viewing has left me infinitely annoyed by Susannah's presence.

Susannah hadn't even made it to the house before she was giving the brothers the eye. When Samuel died, there was literally no reason for her to still be living with his family. She should've been on the first train smoking. The way she carried on, I wonder how she really would've been had she married Samuel. The scene where she visits Tristan in jail is brutal. I can't find it in me to feel bad for what happened between them.

Aside from that annoyance, I still love the movie. 90's Pitt is always a plus, and I also enjoyed Hopkins and Quinn.
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Untold (2021– )
Frustratingly gives criminal a platform...
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Roniaiah was/is a mental case. Saying that he made Manti a better person and taking credit for Manti's plays in the field...disgusted me. Even splitting this into a 50/50 documentary was a wild decision. This doc was hard to watch mostly because we are subjected to the perpetrator being given a voice to gleefully parade how they brought havoc to Manti's life. The ending is laughably turned into an inspiration piece for Naya as she says "someone out there needs to hear my story". It's sickening.

Manti seems like a genuinely good guy. I think he was naive to be caught up in such a weird situation, but I also thinks he just meant well to a fault. Even through everything, he's has a outlook that would be hard for anyone to have and seems to still be true to how he wants to show up in the world.

The doc was good for the info and to hear Manti tell his story. But they could've left the criminal out of it. They got off too easy for my liking.
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Looks aren't everything
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As expected, the movie looked great. That's the only positive I can give it. I suffered through and ended up taking a nap mid movie.

The story gave nothing. It wants us to be interested in things but does nothing to BE interesting. Did we need a villain? No. Did we need a REPEAT villain? HELL NO. Reviving the villain a la "Black Mirror" and just explaining it in a way we're just supposed to accept was wild. The cliche jarhead speak is so cringe, and I hate to think this guy will be around for sequels to come.

Then there's the Jesus-like character. Why they have Sigourney Weaver's MUCH OLDER self voicing this kid is beyond me. If she's her daughter, why is she voiced by the mom? Is she actually a reincarnation? No idea, but it's weird nonetheless.

The kids ALWAYS getting into trouble was so annoying. Jake being all "hey, we need to leave home cuz I don't want our people dying because of me. Hows about we find another tribe to endanger?" was selfishly annoying.

Spider...I can't think of a more useless character. Even the poor actor was unable to bring anything to it. It seems like he only exists to help the villain/father survive in the end. You mean to tell me that you're gonna save the man that caused your real family to die? You've seen all the hell this man brought to the people that raised you, and you're gonna save him because he's your "father" that you don't even remember???

I won't be bothering with another Avatar movie.
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An unfortunate misuse of good talent
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I usually avoid Tyler Perry things, but I didn't know this was a TP production when I was recommended to watch it. I want my time back.

The plot gives Swiss cheese-so many holes and poor story development. Why would Willie Earl hate Bayou so much when HE'S the one that's good at everything? Was Willie supposed to be biracial? Why was the dad referring to Bayou's "black a** daddy" as he wasn't dark himself? Nothing in that house made sense.

The story had promise at first. The blossoming love story was so cute and I was willing to see it through. Til the TP trauma showed up. Soon as I saw that Leanne was being SA'd, I knew it was a wrap. The grandad and mom were disgusting people.

Bayou sang well, want us to believe that his singing skyrocketed him to fame in Chicago? Hattie Mae sang with more passion and pizazz. I'd have believed it more if SHE made it big in Chicago. No offense to Joshua at all-that was just a stupid plot point. Why not make the story an "against the odds triumph" for the lovers where they make it out the country to live and love.

Why the hell was Leanne so old looking in the end? If she was 66, why did Hattie Mae look younger than her? They had Leanne looking like an old white lady-did she pass so hard that she turned white for real? Did we HAVE to see Bayou hanging from a tree? I mean, we got the point without that visual.

You mean to tell me that TP held onto this story for nearly 30 years and this is what he came with? The title doesn't even make sense. Bayou had no musical dreams. He actually didn't seem to have any motivations at all besides Leanne. If she'd never happened, and he hadn't been forced to flee, he wouldn't have done anything musically. I liked the actors that played Bayou, Hattie, Ira, and Citsy. I wish they had a better plot to sink their teeth into.

Lastly...that was not that man's baby. "I think the baby's getting darker"...give me a break.
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Unexpected Hilarity
13 March 2021
This movie was a random watch for me that turned out to be so enjoyable. I found myself laughing so much throughout. It kinda gives me a "Parks & Rec" vibe (I love that show) and is just so ridiculous at points that you can't help but laugh. I hope more people get to see this one.
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