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Ego (I) (2013)
Underrated gem.
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just watch this if you're a fan of romance, trust me. It's adorable and way underrated. The acting is great and even the singing is good too.

ML is an aspiring musician, a statuesque playboy who only cares about appearances. He frequents clubs with his friends and takes home different women every time.

It all changes when he suffers a head injury that causes blindness. He becomes depressed and angry at the world so his parents arrange for a personal assistant to help him with his his needs, but it has to be someone who can click with him and who won't set him off.

Long story short, Mia is lighthearted and positive and the two instantly connect and have so much fun together that they easily fall in love.

Sebbe eventually gets surgery to correct his vision and I won't give anything else away :)
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The Chosen (2017– )
The characters make it
30 December 2023
What's great about this show is the way is brings characters we are all familiar with to life and makes them relatable and realistic. It puts them in a different light that we've never seen before. We've only read the stories, this makes us REALLY experience what it actually happening might have been like. Not only that, but it's the touches they added - Jesus with a sense of humor? Matthew with Asperger's? It made me realize that it could have been possible.

I still think it's overrated. The production value could be better for one thing. A lot of obvious faux flowers and stems were used in many scenes, and vases/vessels that were obviously bought from a store. The first several episodes were really good as Jesus remained a distant mysterious character and we were wondering when would appear, but once he did, and in between the miracles he performed, many scenes felt like they were dragging.
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The Platform (2019)
29 March 2023
This is a phenomenal movie that only has such a low rating because of the strong political undertones. Watch it for the entertainment value without reading too much into it. For the original concept, excellent acting, cinematography, writing, directing. This is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

Excellent pacing - I wasn't bored once. The last 1/4 or so did feel a little rushed and off compared to the rest of the story, and the ending was strange and not quite clear. That's one thing I would have liked to be different. The rest of the movie was pristine. I couldn't stop thinking about it after I watched and watched it again the next day just to get it out of my head. The lead actor is outstanding, I also remember seeing him in Pan's Labyrinth, an older but just as must-see Spanish movie.
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The Pioneer Woman (2011– )
Inedible recipes, slapped together show.
12 March 2023
When covid hit and the producers had to come up with a way to film while social distancing, they came up with the idea of having her kids film the shows for her and leaving Ree desperate to come up with "recipes" to satisfy the show's quota. Things have gone wayyy downhill. The grossest and most random recipes that I wouldn't even call recipes, more like a child's experimental concoctions in the kitchen, like "taco" ingredients stuffed inside a giant raw sliced tomato. It also seems like Ree might have a drinking problem, just saying, since she's always acting buzzed and dropping things in the oven etc.

Food Network, please stick with the quality shows, not this junk. Giada is the best you have right a perfect world we would have Ina and Emeril back.
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1899 (2022)
19 November 2022
There is no way the writers of Dark wrote this. My guess is they capitalized on the success of Dark and took the easy way and used ghostwriters this time around. The story comes across as a cheap and cheesy attempt to copy Dark's style. One of the most boring shows I've ever watched. Endless scenes of so much irrelevant happening, and yet nothing important happening at all. Characters conversing about things of no importance with huge pauses between sentences and staring at each other. You only have 8 episodes, scenes like this are what you're choosing to spend it on? That's when you know it's bad. The 3 stars are for the visual effects.
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Wahl Street (2021–2022)
Self gratifying
15 November 2022
This shows Mark Wahlberg is obviously a workaholic narcissist, the type who can't survive without the limelight and without people surrounding him to stroke his ego 24/7, who'd be lost and miserable if he wasn't able to flap his gums to someone at all times. I'm glad this show revealed that. It means I can support less of his work. Hollyweird is full of these types, and CEOs have high rates of narcissism too - well Mark is a combination of both, so there you ago. We already knew that about actors, but sometimes you just need a glimpse behind the curtain to knock some sense into you. Thanks for that Mark & team. I would pity his wife but she seems like the same type of character.
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From Scratch (2022)
1 November 2022
Zoe is a pretty good actress, but this show was ruined by the typical Netflix political agenda of focusing on diversity and trying to make some kind of statement about race/s at the expense of better acting and storytelling. The show itself is watchable, but barely. Mediocre at best. The male lead was not a very good actor. Not sure why they chose him except he probably had the "look" they wanted. The writing was barely tolerable and very cheesy at times. Just not a very good romance. I'm an avid watcher of kdramas, so I'm familiar with what makes a "good" romance drama, and this one is a mess.
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
NBC soap opera
31 October 2022
Very good acting from the leads. This show could have been great if it had stayed cinematic and classy like something on Netflix or HBO instead of descending into cheesy late night CBS-type CSI. (I didn't know until later that was made for NBC, which explains everything.) The first episode had potential. The second episode crashed and burned with the characters continuously examining ridiculous crime scenes. Dramatic music over a scene of victims killed by being turned into mushroom farms and kept alive with tubes under ground. (Insert cheesy investigator talking to our lead about how the killer used mushrooms to symbolize something.) Can't believe this has the high score it does.
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Intense experience
7 October 2022
I agree with everyone else that it's the best 9/11 documentary to date. Not only that, it's one of the best docuseries I've ever seen period. Whoever compiled these clips and interviews did the most fantastic job. The stories are extremely up close and personal, tragic and traumatizing. They might be too much for some people. Picture graphic depictions of body parts found on the ground and conversing with a victim completely crushed from the chest down in her last moments and much more. Accounts from survivors from the impact zone, and footage from a helicopter rooftop rescue attempt, which I never knew about until this. Really, it's a must-see if you can handle it.
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Monster (2022– )
Inaccuracies everywhere
1 October 2022
The first several episodes were pretty good. The last few after his capture felt very rushed and biased with Jeffrey not depicted accurately at all. It was like they got tired and dropped the ball. Watch all the interviews of Dahmer on YouTube and you'll see how they depicted him in prison in the series is nothing like how he really was then. They kept trying to portray him as evil and sleazy even though he was not and was repentant (he was found not to be a psychopath when tested, and even his doctors were genuinely sad to hear of his passing). As a psychology student, Dahmer has always fascinated me for the uniqueness of his psychology and how he wasn't truly evil like other serial killers, just incredibly sick.

The thing that made me want to turn the show off was how they just had to stick in the rumor of Jeff taunting prisoners with food. That is completely untrue, it was a statement made by Scarver (his killer) when he was trying to get a book deal. Originally Scarver had said God told him to kill those inmates, and he also killed someone else at the same time. It had nothing to do with taunting. Also, according to Patrick Kennedy, Jeffrey had been in isolation for his own protection the entirety of his sentence until he finally asked to be released into general population even though he said he knew he would probably be killed there. And at least one officer who worked at the prison said Jeffrey was a model inmate on his way to medium security for good behavior. Inaccuracies like this are predictable but irritating. But I guess the drama and rumors are what make for better television.
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Petty drama over and over
22 September 2022
It's Keeping up with the Kardashians except ghetto version in jail. With overweight girls who look like they haven't showered or brushed their teeth in weeks. If you like reality shows with endless amounts of pointless bickering, you might enjoy it. Who threw who's ipad on the floor and what someone did in return to get back at them and being told for the millionth time "it's not right to do that." Then girls working on a computer, taking notes, being put in "time out" (yes they actually call it that), arguing with staff for entertainment, occasionally getting out and talking to their parents about how they won't do bad things anymore (hint: they do). Pretty much sums up the show.
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
Worth watching.
31 August 2022
The acting is just decent. A little cringy at times. It's also liberal AF and I mean hardcore, white-hating leftist stuff (even going so far as to call a white man a "useless white husband" as a joke). But apart from that nonsense, it is an otherwise funny and good show.

I'm not sure what else to say about this but it wants me to have 600 characters. Anyway, I think the story of the show will appeal to all ages, whether or not you're in high school. I also like how short the episodes are which makes for easier binge watching. Basically every episode has something funny and I like the sense of humor that it brings.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
Good concept, flawed everything else.
13 August 2022
The concept was good. Enemies to lovers. A woman's insurance for some reason won't cover the rest of the doctor-prescribed insulin she needs to keep her alive (unrealistic, but ok.) So the two marry for benefits.

The movie could have been better had it not been for the casting. Even the leads were bad (the male lead not as much, but the female lead seemed more concerned with pouting her lip fillers in every scene and was a bad actress). I wish they'd cast realistic, down-to-earth-looking characters who are good actors instead of people who literally looked like they stepped out of a fashion magazine and can't act.

Then there's the usual Hollywood diversity/politics schtick everywhere.

Not recommended. If you want to watch actually good romances, Korea is the only country making them.
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Peaky Blinders: Black Day (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
11 June 2022
I'm one of the camp who finds this season different and disappointing. Yes, the cinematography is excellent. But the writing is awful. And I mean awful. This is not Peaky Blinders. The style is completely different. I could tell something was off in the opening scenes. It started to feel awkward, it didn't flow. There were several of these awkward moments and lines in this first episode. As for that writing...there is literally no plot. There is talk about a plot, but no actual plot. No action, no tension. Nonstop conversations about politics and what's happened and what's going to happen. The writer butchered this season so badly that he even managed to drain the life out of Alfie's scenes.

I don't understand how the producers let this happen. Does the script not go through rounds of editors? Did no one pick up on the fact that hey, this is different and we need more compelling scenes and plot here instead of scenes of characters sitting around a table talking? No one noticed they need a better writer?

I have a hard time believing Steven Knight actually wrote this season, and if he did, he really fumbled it.
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The Village (2004)
7 June 2022
The story and the twist was creative. Despite that, this was a miss for me. A lot of the lines came off as cringey. This wasn't the writer's best work and the plot was slow and ridiculous at times.
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Good message, so-so movie.
31 May 2022
The message of this movie is why I've loved it all these years. As a girl in the dating world it all rings true for me. But I admit there is a lot that's bad about this movie. The writing is pretty awful and sometimes cringey, and it contains some of the most despicable and unlikeable characters I've ever seen. All 3 in the "love triangle," even Jennifer Connelly, were horrible and toxic. Gigi's relationship also felt way too rushed and awkward in the end, like they missed a scene and all of a sudden he's confessing to her. Still a movie I rewatch every few years though.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Wow this sucks.
6 April 2022
What has the world come to, this is beyond cringe. Bad acting, bad writing, and boring. Nothing but a cheesy interracial fest in regency clothes.

I don't want to waste any more time reviewing this crap show but it's telling me I need 150 characters.
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Cold Mountain (2003)
Worth watching
18 March 2022
Jude Law was great in this movie, his best performance IMO, and he really carried it. Conversely it was Nicole Kidman's worst performance, she made her character come across as pretentious and annoying, although she improved a bit toward the end as she learned to be self reliant instead of making others wait on her hand and foot. Her fake high-pitched "Southern" voice never went away though came across as bad acting.

Extras were all cringey but the side characters like Philip Seymour Hoffman and Giovanni Ribisi also carried it. Writing was awful. Dear God who wrote this love story, I'm a huge fan of romance but several lines and scenes made me actually cringe.

Otherwise a really good movie.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Too much.
17 January 2022
I LOVED the first season for the story it told and character development. Yeah it was over the top but it made up for it in other ways that kept me watching. So far I'm not impressed with season 2.

A lot of the acting seems bad and forced this season (Cassie and Fez are the only characters actually delivering lines that are convincing). The creativity is still there, in many ways this show is a masterpiece of filmmaking, directing, and especially music design - but I'm starting to think it's really just a mess of Hollyweird perversion and that's it. I'm fine with the sex, slow motion nude lapdances, nodding out to the point of near death, some dirty talk is fine, even trans r*pe since at least it propelled the plot forward...but is it really necessary to show a close up of an erect p*nis wobbling in slow mo while their legs are exploding with bloody bullet wounds? What kind of sicko comes up with this. Do they really have to use the most vulgar language possible ("did you c** in her c***?" Just one example of many.) No, it's nothing but perversion and shock value, the old trick of sex sells taken to a sick extreme. I've got news for you HBO vulgarity is nothing "groundbreaking."
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Bulgasal (2021–2022)
3 January 2022
For fans of kdrama, this is one of the very best I've ever seen. Episode 1 kept me hooked from the first minute to the last with barely any room to breathe. There was a little bit of lag in episode 2 but just barely. Other than that it's been literally non stop. Be prepared for the typical fast-paced backstory opening episodes followed by a slight slowdown when the show enters the present, which usually bothers me but it worked well here. The plot is continuous and complex, cinematography is some of the best you will find on Netflix period, maybe anywhere, OST is perfect too. ML's acting could be better, he does that stone faced with mouth hanging open look that sometimes passes for acting in korean drama, but other than that acting is excellent except for some cringy extras and lines in the first few epsiodes. A must-watch drama, feels like those complaining must be watching a different show.

Update after it ended: It lost some of its excitement and the romance fell flat, but it's still a beautifully produced and worth-watching drama.
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#Alive (2020)
10 stars
13 December 2021
I do not get the bad reviews and low rating. This movie was so much better than expected. It actually had characterization and thanks to the lead Yoo Ah In who brought a somewhat funny element to his character. The lead is a revered actor in Korea and I suggest you watch his other work such as Secret Affair which shows his range, he's a brilliant actor and sure enough he definitely carried this movie.

There was tons of action, no way I could have fallen asleep or gotten bored, and the zombies were very well done. Awesome movie.
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Obsessed (2014)
4 October 2021
The acting is great... but unless you enjoy watching literal porn scenes in your movies, porn scenes in which the woman dramatically high-pitched squeals and squeaks over and over, then you might want to skip this one. Disturbing, annoying, not sexy.
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Yumi's Cells (2021– )
Adorable, must see
4 October 2021
Sooo underrated right now, this is a MUST SEE. I'll be honest I wasn't really feeling it at first, but it's actually adorable. Give it 2 episodes and you will be hooked. So cute and insightful.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
3 October 2021
I gave it 2 1/2 episodes and I couldn't take any more. All it was was long pointless monologues and church sermon scenes. Zero tension, zero anything really relevant except an unsympathetic male lead in the background who is a traumatized DWI murderer-turned-atheist struggling with guilt. There was 1 "scary" moment toward the end of each episode, each literally only lasting a few seconds and never felt like they amounted to anything worthwhile.

Also, what is with lines being delivered super awkwardly in Mike Flanagan projects? Not sure if it's the writing or the acting or both but so many of their lines come across as cheesy and awkward. I'm done with this director after this.

Tbh it feels like Korean shows are leading the world right now and I have a hard time finding anything worthwhile from Hollywood anymore, maybe it's just that I'm used to much faster-paced, better written and better acted Korean shows like D. P., Squid Game, etc. Etc. That this didn't hold my interest at all. The German show Dark is also a must see and puts this show to shame.
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Decent but overhyped
26 September 2021
First the good things - this is relaxing to watch, it has a unique setting, great cinematography.

This drama reminds me of so many other overhyped dramas in kdramaland. It's a faux pas to say it out loud, but the fact is some dramas get rave reviews not because they're particularly great dramas, but because they touch on certain subjects people like. For example, people just love dramas featuring autistic leads. It is what it is. In this drama, people are swooning over the pretty beach setting and the way the ML dotes on little old ladies. Seriously, that's a huge part of the show.

It's true. There's nothing particularly excellent about this drama except those unique things that set it apart. There are no high stakes, no stakes at all really...nothing really happens in every episode except characters talking and going about their lives in this town. There are a few dramatic moments for sure, but not many. I found myself fast forwarding scenes of talking that had nothing to do with the plot and wishing for more drama. I also don't find the FL likable, she comes across as a snob. The ML is great.

If it sounds like your cup of tea, go for it. It's not bad by any means, just way overhyped.
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