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Signora Volpe (2022– )
Love it! Want more!
30 May 2022
Italy! Mama Mia, that's a spicy meatball!

Really fun! I keep waiting for more episodes and still am not finding any!

What is taking so long? There are more coming, right?

Lots of fun and sexy!
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Something must still be sitting on the floor of the editing bay
24 April 2022
Because there are parts just missing, like maybe they forgot to shoot them? If you see it, you will know what I mean.

The actors all seem like lovely people. Someone got paid. I guess by Roku? But hey, it was a 1.5 mil budget with some actors who usually get sizable paychecks. I am gonna chalk this one up to pandemic movie. They needed some more material to make available for billions of viewers stranded at home in 2020-2021 and came up with this. So thank you. At least it didn't piss me off. And it wasn't just a bunch of people sitting around in their pajamas and underwear. It is all relative.

After seeing the rest of it I am feeling really stupid that I told my film school graduate, Malibu raised daughter that I didn't think it was the type of movie she would watch, well duh! Oh well, pretty sure she thinks I am an idiot anyway! She asked me the name and I pretended I couldn't remember! That's bad!

Oh well, they got paid and they got out in the middle of the pandemic and made a movie. Kuddos.
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The Batman (2022)
I wish we didn't have to put stars because so e parts were a 10 and some a 2.
24 April 2022
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised. Pattinson pulled it off being a believable though not very sexy Batman. When I saw he was cast, I thought to myself why don't they just bring back Michael Keaton. His was the best and I think he could still bring it! Super hero's don't have to be a certain age, imo.

But the movie was beautifully done. Robert Pattinson is a little cutie, though he still has that juvenile feel about him.

I would not have minded seeing that hunky Sarsgaard play Batman, btw! Mostly because so much of the acting is in their mouth and eyes and he really uses his very well. I think he could be a hot new twist!

Anyway, I am definitely ready for different while still being true to the Batman story and legacy.

Zoe was great! Another local girl done well!

I both loved that the sound for once was not bouncing off the walls and I missed a little more sound intensity, at times.

Ok, if I were casting it with the same players changing roles, I would put in Colin Ferrel as Alfred and he would be the sexy Al we always know he secretly is! I would cast Peter Sargaard as Batman because he is talented and sexy especially the way he talks which is so important for Batman. Zoe Kravitz was great for Cat Woman, seemed more mature and sexy than Rob. Jeffrey Wright would be a good Penguin and it would be fun to see him play a character and not a medium aged conservative man. Maybe Robert could be a new take on Jim Gordon, being young and up and coming and being the first one who sees the value in supporting the Batman, sneaking him into cases rather than escorting. Covertly bringing him is more traditionally true to the story anyway.

MUST BRING BACK THE BAT PHONE! That red hot cell phone could be a character in it's own right and create a million seller for whichever company makes it available to the public! I vote Yes on Batphone! Go Go now, make us one!
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The 355 (2022)
3 Cheers because we have not seen anything like this!
11 April 2022
It is hard, but necessary sometimes, to see someone doing their best and tell them to try harder. This is an awesome new genre and I am super excited for it! It is hard to watch the flaws in this and yet understand they are taking on new ground in film making and it is going to feel awkward no matter how good it is because it is new, like a new pair of shoes.

I thought I was a good reviewer. I even fancied that maybe I could be a professional reviewer. Then I read Christy Lemire's review (under Roger Ebert) and saw what a real review could look like and do for the reader! She not only got it so spot on, she broadened my knowledge and vision of what is possible! She like re-wrote the movie with her words! That is why I say I would like to see them do it again and do it the way all that talent is capable of doing it!

Read Christy Lemire's review, the first under professional critiques.

That said, I will say that the movie was a lot of fun and I don't mind that I paid $5.99 to see it. I hope I see a sequel.

These are some of the best actresses out there and I am not above watching them in anything. Let's be honest, many of us would pay $6 just to see them sit around and talk, let alone to have a somewhat high budget action movie.

One thing Christy Lemire said that really struck home was the lack of proper costuming! Wow! Now I hate that the women in the latest incantation of "Sex and the City" are better attired than these women because she is so right! What a missed opportunity with all that talent and these women all actually being gorgeous as well to really show off some magnificent clothes too! Especially if the primary audience for this movie is going to be women, we deserve to really see these women knocking it out of the ballpark in the most amazing fashion from the top fashion houses around the world! I want better!

I want them to do it again, which of course financially means a sequel, and I want them to really show off Penelope Cruz's raw sexuality and grit! And show me why Jessica Chastain and Napita have oscars! Bingbing Fan, love her! She is great! She should move to the US since Xi has decided to be an ass to her and pick on her! She can do better! We would love to have her! He picked the most popular actress in China to make an example of to let the film industry know that he is the supreme commander! There is not much that pisses people off more than seeing a man in power abuse a woman.

They need to slow this down and take it deeper. The show ended with us maybe having been told some details about the women's past, but not having an experience of it, no basis for their who they are.

It is still a great effort in a new genre.

I hope they will do jt again because I think it is a line of entertainment that actually could use some more content and I trust with this level of skill, they will figure out how to make it even better. We really not ever seen anything like this!
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Jeopardy! (1984– )
Mayim is a breath of fresh air!
29 March 2022
Thank God one of my favorite shows for decades is feeling so fresh and renewed!

I love watching Mayim Bialik hosting and think she is more relatable to most contestants, and viewers.

She doesn't act like a snotty know it all even though she would probably have the most right to. She seems very down to earth, real and approachable! She is also about a million times more stylish! She is also very enthusiastic, which is nice and makes the show feel happier.

I loved and agree, from experience, with this comment she made! " The fact is safe co-sleeping is not difficult. The notion of babies being smothered is simply not true. And the benefits of sleeping together are profound."
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The Protégé (2021)
Really loved it!
15 March 2022
Maggie Q was wonderful! I loved the predictability because it was one of those that makes you feel smart when you are right!

Michael Keaton, I kept looking at his now amazing body and thinking he is the only former Batman who could be Batman again. Surprise! He is! Looking forward to that!

Yea, these guys have all done stem cells, I would bet.

Maybe 60 is the new 40. Maybe 70 is.

Great show, great timing. Lots of fun!

I'm not sure I believed the ending though. They might have already shot a lot of the sequel! I'd watch it!
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The Last Duel (2021)
Great movie
13 March 2022
Great movie. I absolutely wrote an entire book, about six paragraphs and then accidentally clicked on something with a loose finger on my stupid iPad and it rewound and erased everything. So I'm gonna be very brief here and just say that the acting was very good you have to know the premise of the movie in order to be able to watch it though in my opinion because otherwise it's a lot of violence and rape really thrown right in your face and initially I was incredibly pissed off not knowing what it was about. I'm gonna try and save some people possibly going through that and let you know right now which anybody would know if they read the description of the movie which is just to say that it is about a situation in the 1400s where a husband stood up for his wife's honor and in doing so changed the lives of women forever.

I think this movie is a classic and I understand it's been done before though I read that this was the best telling of the story so far and the way that it's done and the quality of the actors, producers, and directors, I think this one's gonna really stand the test of time.

We have come a long ways and we have a lot further to go in respect the fact that 6400 US soldiers were killed in our last two wars compared to over 12,000 women in the US killed by domestic violence during the same time period.
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Love Jane Lynch!
9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This particular episode was pure unadulterated BS though it was so frustrating especially in the final to see the huge inequity in the questions asked! I mean it was comparable to name the number of countries north of the equator and how many toes do you have on your foot, kind of differences! The game was absolutely handed to the man for some reason and it infuriated me to no end! I'm just really tired of an equity in these game shows because it's like someone's always getting screwed! At least it's not as bad as "The Chase" where everybody gets screwed because so many of the questions have a British tilt to them that duh, the man from Great Britain wins again!! Let me ask Mark some good ole Texas questions and let's see how far he gets! I'll watch anything with Jane Lynch and I especially adore her on 25 words or less because she's one of the best! And I love her and everything and it on marvelous Mrs. Maisel she's hysterical and beautiful and her game show that she has on during the week is great! She's amazing on the weakest link! Obviously she doesn't write these questions and if those were random then I've got a pigs liver!
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
I just came searching fpr season 3!?
1 February 2022
I wanted to confirm when it would start.

How could such a well watched, well rated, well loved show be canceled?

I give up on Fox. I actually feel sorry for them at this point.
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It took 2 times...
22 January 2022
To let the characters feel real to me. Having seen every Lucy show repeatedly it was hard to accept 2 also well know actors as their characters. The 2nd time I came back to it I was able to relax into. I enjoyed the insights. I think the script I started writing is better, a different untold aspect anyway. I have always wanted to see Debra Messing and Esai Morales do an episode of I Love Lucy as well because they both really have the characters down. These 2 stars were sexy though.

Very well done! I never knew Lucy was so strong willed and bossy!
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Perfect movie for today!
21 January 2022
Home sweet home!! I found this uplifting and inspiring. I loved the characters!

The dogs and I laid ip on the bed on a Friday morning and enjoyed the heck out of this!

The Mom was particularly endearing to me. What a trooper! Of course uncle Charlie was the bomb!

Wonderful movie all around. My dogs and I thank you!
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Great story!!
11 December 2021
I knew there was a twist. It was touching how it all unwrapped and came to light. The actress playing Katie was amazing... what we got to see of her. I think it was her energy bouncing off of Sandra Bullocks. Obviously having Viola Davis and Vincent D'nofrio in the cast too elevates the experience. I cried a lot. One part that I didn't feel was explained was why she never stood up for herself. I wish that had been explained because she never did and it was never explained either, although I will admit I was very exhausted when I watch this.
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A Clüsterfünke Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Loved it! Touching as any Christmas movie, and funny too!
7 December 2021
I saw the creators of the show on Wendy this morning talking about it and it really caught my attention what they were saying because I have watched quite a few Christmas movies and do love them! I was really glad that I was able to take some time and see it this afternoon, twice. It started to replay for a third time on Comedy Central and I stopped it because I don't want to get burned out on it because I want to be able to enjoy it again without feeling like it's too soon. I did a lot of Christmas shopping last night so it was just perfect timing!

The casting is excellent! All the characters are so sweetly developed and relatable. I think it could be a new classic! I agree with the craters that it's just hard to imagine that somebody had not thought to do this before. For me it had the right amount of silly comedy and some good obviously great timing with the girls who did it because they are real professionals! A joy. I can't think of any Christmas show that I enjoy more than this one.
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Vanity Fair (2018)
Finally a good watch!
5 December 2021
OK now these are people who know how to write an ending to a movie or a series! Can I give you a list of movies who you need to rewrite the endings of? I was so worried I actually put off watching the ending till another day because I didn't want to risk having trouble going to sleep from disappointment even though the whole series has been excellent I've just been disappointed so many times that I had lost faith! Well hang in there and this one actually knows how to wrap it up and do it properly! So many movies nowadays it's like they ran out of time they ran out of budget they ran out of creativity and the ending just shows it and you're just like oh for god sake's it's like the proverbial story i'm looking at a beautiful woman and then you look down at her feet! Every moment of this, though some were not pleasant, was well done and beautiful to behold! Some of the characters I just fell in love with so much I would practically frame pictures of them and put them on my wall just to relive the enjoyment of seeing them! I never feel that way about a movie I mean maybe Yoda right who doesn't love Yoda! I can't be faulted for that! Anyway I consider myself to have excellent taste and these characters were beautiful, the costuming was gorgeous. The settings are both super decadent and lovely and I can't wait to get back to England! I've seen some of these places already and can't wait to revisit them and see more!! This Vanity Fair was inspiring and heartwarming and beautiful and very very worthy of the time that one commits to watching something in hopes of feeling lifted, entertained and informed!
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Pig (I) (2021)
Well that's about two hours of my life I will never get back!
29 November 2021
Well that's about two hours of my life I will never get back!

Forget about being a fan of Nicholas Cage's or being an animal lover! As an animal lover and rescuer this should've come with a warning label! I just don't think releasing a movie this depressing during the holidays is really appropriate without letting people know. Yes the organic photography was beautiful yes there's a great cast and I trusted that with the name and the sweet beginning that this would be a safe movie. Heaven --ing forbid that I trust movie makers! Really angry right now and not thrilled at all to of wasted 2 hours of my Sunday afternoon on this. And of course it's organic and natural looking because it looks as if it was filmed it over a long weekend by somebody out in their backyard with their high eight camera! Maybe if I go puke I'll feel better!
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A Holiday in Harlem (2021 TV Movie)
A Romantic Christmas Novel on the Screen!
15 November 2021
What a sweet Christmas show! I can see this will be a new classic!

The acting is all good and with the usual relaxed Christmas pacing with an above average relatability with the characters.

It was different for me seeing the usually dominant and elegant Tina Lifford portraying the grandmother matriarch. She did get to bring her assertive presence to the role though!

The romantic couple were cute and I guess it's better that they seemed to have no chemistry at the start. I thought oh no! This is a miss! But they grew on me as they seemed to grow on each other. I liked Jaz's dismissiveness! He guy I love with her was a real PITA and she handled it appropriately as a woman should Imo. Good back bone! No spoiler here!

I would imagine everyone will enjoy this new Christmas show!
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Flip or Flop Vegas (2017– )
2 November 2021
This is a great show and Aubrey and her husband Bristol do a wonderful job on these homes and it's the flashiest of the series as one would expect being in Las Vegas! They're charming they're kind they do good work! I like it a whole lot more than that other show that one of the previous reviewer's mistakenly thought this was. Mistakes happen. The show was very good though and I hope we get to see more episodes. I guess Covid has stalled them just like the one in Palm Springs which is also really cute and good. I hope we get these back because I'm sure tired of watching reruns on HGTV! I mostly and being a little less self-serving, I pray that everyone is safe and in a healthy given what we've all been going through.
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Horrible movie, scared the hell out of me!
13 October 2021
Now watch them block my review as if hell is a bad word, whatever!

I Hated this movie! Once I realized how upset I was, I turned it off! It creeps up on you! I'd say, be careful! It is not as light or about her singing as people are making out. Her singing is good. Not the issue though! The acting is all good. Great actors, to be expected... not the issue!

It is a creepy ass movie about some really horrible stuff that went on. Goebbels was a coward and I am sure billions of people wish he had not committed suicide so that he could have been prosecuted.

The movie ask repeatedly not to judge and yet it is a trial, all about judging! You should get the mental manipulation just from that statement without my having to give anything away!

This movie makes me feel like crap for having gone on and on about the beauty of a German city yesterday with a German lady at a fancy luncheon.

Yuck! Just all bad stuff!

It is so easy to forget about what happened when it was a long time before you were born. I do think we have to remember to make sure it never happens again.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely!

I guess because I turned this off , this is a half review. I don't care. I really wanted it to be good and interesting and not so horrifying and gross. But it is horrifying and gross! Good anti-war movie though! If you need to be told war is horrifying and gross! You should definitely watch this then!

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Indicative of a Changing Time
30 September 2021
The movie screams of the pent up anger and frustration of women because of having been treated as second class citizens and abused for too long. Denied the vote, paid 40% less to date, sexually abused, raped and perps not prosecuted, left pregnant or diseased, heck the ERA has still not even passed!

I hate the violence of this movie and fear that it might send a very wrong message to women. I know we hope that violent movies act as an outlet so that people do not actually behave violently. I have no idea of the psychology of that. We are seeing a rise in the number of movies where women are the violent perpetrators usually because they are seeking to avenge some wrong that has been done against them or a loved one. I think even the stricter laws we see being passed around abortion are a cry from women for men to take a responsible role for their actions, as evidenced by the 15% increase in men acquiring vasectomies since the initial stricter laws passed. This is a very well made and graphic adult movie, not adult as in porn, adult as in don't let your children watch it.

Clearly some very bright acting stars thought enough of the subject matter to be a part of it. Carey Mulligan owns the entire film, changing modes effortlessly. The good ones always make it look easy. I searched all through the movie for Jennifer Coolidge not realizing until the last scene she in that I had been watching her for almost 2 hours! Love her! A new, and unexpected, character for usually darling Max Greenfield too! Alfred Moline has never failed to deliver! I am impressed that as many excellent male actors are in this film as women. It gives me hope, although for damn sure the movie subject matter itself didn't. It is heavy though done with some lightness sprinkled in to make it more bearable than some others, which is good because it makes the message easier to receive, like a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. I liked that the cops were good guys again in this film, btw. We have got to have police we feel are trustworthy again. I know as a kid I always felt safe around the police and that has not been true for lots of people in many areas.

At the end of the movie, my mouth fell open and I said "Wow!" I think I was kind of stunned.

Also, such a young executive producer and star to have made this film with a first time writer and director and have it be a feature film on HBO Max I think really shows the commitment to the subject. "This aggression will not stand man...abide."
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Cool show!
17 September 2021
I am impressed by what Nicole, Melissa and Bobby bring to this project. One scene with Nic and Melissa in episode 7 is particularly nicely developed, not to give anything away. I totally don't recognize Regina in this, which is probably a testament to her skill because I have to keep looking it up and making sure I have the right person!! I have been enjoying her work for years. There is something deeper, more twisted about her in this one. They are, I'm sorry, we are, all a bit twisted in regards to this show.

Great to have such talent in such an off beat progressive drama. Very appropriate for our times, in my experience.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
Best Cinderella Yet!
3 September 2021
Really, for me, someone who is not into musicals, loves traditional Disney productions and does not like changing things up, I loved this! The step mother was soooooo much better! Every character multi faceted, and why shouldn't they be in 2021 on a big screen? And it felt short, unlike the others, and I believe I have seen every movie production of " Cinderella."

The singing was beautiful! Camila Cabello and Prince Robert, Nicholas Galitzine, and that insanely great step mother, Idina Menzel blew me away!

Pierce is of course always wonderful and made a fun king! He is married to a dear friend of mine who is a real life angel! I would have loved to have seen her in it!

And last but not least, I had no idea Minnie Driver could sing!! What a voice and presence while singing! I will look for her at Sunlife soon and request an encore performance! Lol! She was great!

This show really came together well! Smart James Corden again! It just was one of the most fun 113 minutes I have spent with a movie! I would 100% prefer to watch this one with one of my kids because it has a happy feeling.

We can't show them scary stuff and then tell them not to feel afraid! <3<3 : )
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The Girl (2012 TV Movie)
Well made movie. The acting was excellent!
11 July 2021
I agree with the top review that you cannot judge a life of work by a single indiscretion or grouping of misconduct. I do think it showed that Hitch behaved horribly toward Tippi and his fame had probably gone to his own head, as we sadly see too often. Helping someone does not mean you own them or can expect inappropriate favors in return. We all get to remember that.

I donate to Tippi's animal preserve sometimes and respect her artistic work, her family's work and her work saving animals. Her daughter Melanie is as sweet as they come and has given generously of her time to help stop violence against women and children bringing her daughters along with her. Obviously they have a family legacy of giving back. She is also completely down to earth and nice to talk with.
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More a review of their strategy, or lack of
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Were we really this stupid? I admit I am an unusually good strategist, evidenced by my expertise at war games, being ranked #1 in the world at strategical skill.

I cannot be the only person who watched this and asked where is their reconnaissance? Why are they not immediately going to the highest point and surveying the roof tops? What is the point in having snipers, if they are on the ground?

Obviously, hopefully, this would all be a mute point with he use of drones now. Coming from a military family, I am sickened to see the very bad strategies exemplified in this and the over abundance of unnecessary death.

War is idiocy anyway. I think Mr. Eastwood did a great job of showing us that in a very non political way. The movie was incredibly well made, as we expect from Clint Eastwood.

I have the utmost respect for the people and families who choose to serve and keep our beautiful country safe. Leadership is charged with keeping them safe.

I have lost 2 highly decorated war veteran uncles during covid. Please do wear your mask and distance 6 feet. I respect getting vaccinated is a personal choice and not required to beat this, though it helps. Irresponsibly spreading this virus is Not a personal choice, anymore than spreading any other deadly disease with disregard.
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Rated the best cat fight in a movie!
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I concur! Missi Pyle and Queen Latifah cracked me up big time! I mighta peed a little! No shame in my game! I wonder if they ever sang together because they are both wonderful vocalist! Eugene Levy and Steve Martin!! OMG come on! You know that's good!

This is one of those movies we saw twice when it came out and subsequently watch every few years.l
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The Equalizer (2021– )
A treat to get to see Queen Latifah and Chris Noth!
19 February 2021
It's a rare treat to get to see either of these on the screen and together is beautiful!

The stories need more development. Lots/most tv shows get better with a little time. I am hoping this will be one of them. We are only 1 1/2 shows .... ok, went ahead and watched it to the end of the 2nd episode. It seems to have found its rhythm! They also had some good music and camaraderie at the end!

I am liking it!
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