
4 Reviews
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I set myself up...
6 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
*There is no way I can comment on this film without SPOILERS so read at own risk*

I had really high hopes for this film based on the trailers. Possibly too high. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had none.


This movie left me with a lot of questions, but before we get to that I want to say some of the things I enjoyed.

  • A story with black characters not based on traditional stereotypes! That I know of anyway. I'm not South African.

  • The siblings tattoo idea. I like the symbolism (intended or not) of how each sibling ends up seeing, hearing, or speaking evil.

  • Great cast overall. Would not change the chemistry.

  • The use of a bike chain as a weapon.

  • The good guy didn't really win, and probably made certain characters lives worse. I'm a bit torn though as well because we're still seeing more whites 'win' than black in as much as I like the end, it was bittersweet.

  • Armand. For some reason he turned into my favorite character even though he had no lines.

That being said...

The story did not seem to know how it wanted to tell itself. There were several . I don't know if this was writer or director error, or if it was intentional, but the lack of certain realism pulled me from the movie and kept me from my usual suspension of reality.

First: The border what? He got let into the country after not answering any questions? He got moved to an interrogation room and wasn't finger printed? They would have known he was a detective. I don't understand his need to lie about this. There is no motive. Did he pay someone off to fake his identity? "I am here to visit my sister. I will be staying with her and using the money for food and bus fare. In a week, I will return home." or even "I wanted to see if busking in your country would garner the same results as your young Americans do in my country." would have made more sense.

Second: Hinting a little at why he calls himself The King would have been nice. It was a great line and wish it had been explored more.

Third: How did he not get arrested when he beat up Frankie? The sirens were close. The drugs were mostly used up. I'm sure since it was outside no one else would have been an issue even if they were high because of lack of possession.

Third p2: How on Earth were the cops who arrested him worth 50 grand? They were so bad at their side job. Cops not on the books are violent against blacks in the States. And why the political connection in the story at all? The governor didn't seem to have anything to do with the recording and the dentist was rich enough.

Fourth: If you suspect your business partner in crime is stealing from you...WHY ARE YOU NOT INVESTIGATING? Would it not make more sense to have him followed? And have someone do an independent audit? If he's done it before WHY ARE YOU STILL PARTNERS? And what rings other than drugs were they even in? It seemed like there was only one child molesting (+worse) incident and the rest were prostitutes. Were they trying to break into the underage ring? I don't get it.

Fifth: What was it about the video and Armand that condemned King's sister to death? Why was she tortured instead of just executed? How was she a threat? To whom was she a threat? They hired professionals for this, why?

I felt like sentences were being cut out of a book and pasted together with good inventions. It was not a bad movie by far, but it had a lot missing for me to say I loved it. The potential was just didn't quite make it for me.
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Free Rein (2017–2019)
Ooh and Uugh
28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Free Rein is a very entertaining show for the most part. The end of season 1 left on a very strong note, and in my opinion was the strongest episode yet still managed to lack common sense.

All the children/teens range from good to decent characterization, with my favorites being our lead, Zoe, her little sister Rosie, and the aloof but sweet Pin. Oh, and let'stand not forget Mia. Her actress manages to bring out a third dimension to a normally flat character type.

The adults, on the other hand, lack some of the necessary adulting skills and need adultier adults. It would have been nice to have seen the barn being run on a more professional level - Sam really has no idea how to run a business, never mind one involving animals and children. It'seems really no wonder the business is sinking.

There are a few other issues I have with the amount of cartoonish nature brought to the screen (there is one issue that would be court worthy between Mia's dad and a new character for instance).

HOWEVER the strength of the show comes from the connections the characters have with their horses. The show does am excellent job of showing horses being who they are. Raven and Zoe have a very natural relationship that is difficult to film without being cheesy, and both horse and human actor play their roles well. The careful handling of this relationship is what makes me want to watch more, even if there are instances where I have to roll my eyes.
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A good Finale
11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This sequel for me was on par with the previous one.

The action, as always, was great. Good dialogue. Good group of characters. Jack lacked his usual ambition I found.

I was actually a lot more pleased with this than I thought I would be from the trailers. That said, I found fault in not bringing back a certain ferry for the dead at sea in regards to the main curse plot, considering how many times it's brought up.
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Wynonna Earp (2016–2021)
Already anticipating season 3
6 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first five minutes of episode 1 had me a little worried, but the quality of this series goes up every episode in season 1. The characters, including background characters, are well rounded and reasons are given as to why certain things are overlooked by the population and their reactions toward other characters. The humor is offbeat in typical Canadian fashion.

There are just the right amount of questions solved and left unanswered for season 2.

Overall the series is extremely refreshing. I hope the pace remains similar for season 2.

Unfortunately for me I have to wait for it to come out on Netflix as I currently do not have cable.
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