
19 Reviews
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What is happening?!?!
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not to be to critical but if you want a movie that makes sense, had resolution at the end, explains the why...don't watch this movie. If you want to watch Nicholas Cage do a great job of acting and don't care about the plot or writing of the movie....this movie is for you. Bottom line, this movie kept us interested by the acting of Cage and the hope of a surprise ending that explained the why of the events of the movie. However, when there is no explanation of the why, no amount of acting makes up for a horrible movie and ending. We were interested all along, thought some of the events were comical, but the end left us wishing we'd never wasted out time.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Perfect blend of comedy, sci-fi & drama
13 March 2024
9.5 from me. Alan Tudyk absolutely makes the show. And this is with a great cast around him. The producers/writers were very smart to change a bit to let Tudyk's comedic side out more than the comic book's character. My wife and I binge watched the first two seasons and can't wait for each episode of season 3. Judah Prehn does am amazing job also. I'll be watching for more from him.

One of the great things about the show is you never know where they're going. It definitely keeps a person in suspense. The story lines are very heart warming.

This show is worth watching whether you like comedies, sci-fi or drama shows. You won't be disappointed.
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Surprising Emotional Realization of Existence
25 August 2023
My psychologist daughter in law suggested watching this, so my wife and I did exactly that. As many have said, WOW! Absolutely amazing storytelling of a special subject that makes you realize the shortness of existence and the value of the special things in your life. With that in mind, this said it all...after it ended my wife came over to me with tears in her eyes and said, "I love you so much." I teared up as we both realized how often we overlook the value of each other and the amazing things that are a part of our lives every day. The impact of this great story causes a profound impact that will, hopefully, never fade. Thank you for sharing a life changing story that impacted all of us tremendously.
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From an insider - Spot on & much needed expose
10 July 2023
Brave and eye opening. From someone that deals with this, the movie was accurate. This message needs to get out and this movie did just that. Great acting by all involved. I don't understand the negative ratings and comments. Normally when I've found negative reactions, I've found nefarious reasons. If I took anyone into the real situations of trafficking you would rent a theater to let people see this for free just to get the information out. If Tim Ballard simply stood in front of a camera and told this story, I would still praise him for the expose. Thank you for your bravery, Tim Ballard, and all involved in bringing this movie.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Moving and Entertaining
23 February 2022
One of the best series I've seen. Every lead actor in this needs to handed multiple awards. The writer draws you in in a way you are not expecting and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I love his historically accurate portrayal of how it actually happened. The music also deserves awards as it will move you to tears at times. Standing ovation for Sam Elliott, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, LaMonica Garrett and especially for Isabel May.
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Gosh! Hollywood surely isn't biased, are they?
1 October 2021
This is a joke. It's portrayed as "the truth of what really happened". I'm trying to figure out how the writers knew about what was really said in the many one on one meetings with Comey. Did Trump share? Comey wouldn't ever lie or mislead, would he. Where did the writers get their information? Did they interview the cabinet members? Did they get it from imbittered, fired people? These 8 and 10 rating with commentary about how the truth has finally come out are obviously slanted from what they wanted to happen. Comey finds out he's been fired from the TV and the Hollywood music starts. Then the tearful goodbye ensues. Someone took the Trump character straight from SNL. If it's not obvious and apparent that this is very slanted then someone wants to see what they want to see. Pathetic all around.
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18 July 2021
Is it time to wake up already? I was looking forward to this movie and was ready to overlook below average acting. Terrible plot development + bad acting = slow and boring movie. We shut it off a little past half way and took a big step up to an exciting show and watched the Waltons. Seriously, this felt like a Lebron biography with an attempt to be funny by putting cartoon characters in. Much anticipation, big letdown.
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The Flight Attendant: Rabbits (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Building the Story
24 December 2020
The first episode grabs you. This one is building the series plot. Kaley is great. Looking forward to watching the next one.
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Dancing with the Stars (I) (2005– )
Tom & Erin please come back!
1 November 2020
Love the show but not sure why they replaced the hosts. Tom & Erin were great. It's not that I'm opposed to change, just not this one. Star rating would have been 8 with Tom & Erin, 5 with Tyra.
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Same Taylor Swift retaliation thru music, interviews and now a movie.
7 February 2020
So, I like to hear about how people have overcome their struggles successfully. The problem here is, there was never any overcoming. She is a classic case of someone that rose to stardom before she had the ability to deal with all that comes with it. And now because of her undealt with pain she becomes the spokesman for every group that has ever been done wrong. The movie starts with some heart felt moments but ends with this politically crazed quest that has you wondering who is next in her sights.
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Match Game (2016–2021)
Regretfully Disappointing
13 June 2019
I tried to like it because of the original Match Game. This show revolves around a witty host setting up funny or endearing stars. Baldwin is terrible. He becomes so political at time that he looks bitter. Many of the panel by themselves are great at being funny or acting but act like they need to fall in line with Baldwin or pay the price. I spent most of my time watching cringing at what was coming next instead of laughing or cheering for the contestants.
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Green Book (2018)
Amazing In Every Way
16 March 2019
WOW! Probably the best fell good movie in years. Great telling of an amazing story with obviously, award winning acting. Viggo Mortensen is phenomenal. Were he not against one of the toughest fields for best actor in years, he would have cleaned up with all of the different awards given out. At least AARP Movies for Grownups Awards got it right by giving Mortensen the Best Actor award. One of the few movies that I wanted to watch again as soon as it ended.
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The Favourite (2018)
Great Acting Horrible Script
16 March 2019
The three lead actresses were phenomenal. Part of their greatness is throwing their all into a script that was weird at best. The story line was not compelling. The acting was. Simply, a weak story with weird twists made great by great acting.
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Occupation (2018)
No Story Line
28 September 2018
Absolutely no story line. Aliens come and start shooting, people try to defend aaaand that's the movie. Acting isn't bad but basically a low B movie. Stay home and play Call of Duty or Halo, it's about the same.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Disjoined - Hard to follow - Disappointing
25 June 2018
So much potential, so little produced. Season 1 was OK but Season 2 was a mess of disconnected story lines. Between the memory trails and the story line bouncing back and forth that was hard to follow and the horrible depressive music this was very disappointing. It seemed like the writers attempted to create exciting action by having shootout after shootout instead of writing creative narratives. So much potential for a gripping series wasted on a weird, incongruent and boring waste of time. I needed the Season 2 finale to pull things together or I was done. Without a doubt, I'm done.
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Adrift (I) (2018)
Great telling of this story
4 June 2018
Great movie that never lost my attention. Between the surprising twists (that I won't mention because they would be spoilers) and the intense action all through the movie I was glued to the screen. Shailene Woodley's great acting carried the movie like, in a smaller way, how Tom Hanks captivated in Cast Away. Definitely worth seeing. I would suggest see it without knowing much about the story.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Dropping acid needed to understand this movie
1 June 2018
How did this get the high ratings here and on Rotten Tomatoes? This is Freddy meets Alien in the Twilight Zone. And I like sci-fi that's a little different but this made absolutely no sense. It was all over the map and very slow getting there. At least make an attempt to answer the whys. Things just happened and then other things happened with no answers. HORRIBLE MOVIE.
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The Americans: START (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Very Anticlimatic
31 May 2018
This episode looked like the writers were finished last episode and didn't want to think very hard. There were so many ways they could have gone with the ending. Have the Jennings turn and spy for the Americans. Have a dramatic escape. Anything, but the laid back, blahse way they ended. Felt like I was watching a raft floating down a lazy river on a warm summers day. Loved the series. Hated the ending.
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Happy Valley (II) (2014)
Nothing here that wasn't in the news
14 March 2015
For those wanting to purchase this you need to know that this is nothing more than what has been shown in the media already. As for the composition of media coverage of the entire Sandusky/Penn State events this film is well put together. As for much that wasn't in the media already there isn't much there. If you watched any news or ESPN during the exposure of this little of this film is new. It looks like something that ESPN would put together as a story. I wish I would have know about the content before I paid to watch it on pay per view. It does bring a very nice light on a well respected coach and person, Joe Paterno. Save your money on pay per view and watch it later on regular television.
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