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The Flash: Elseworlds, Part 1 (2018)
Season 5, Episode 9
Perfect Start
10 December 2018
As from the teaser we know Oliver and Barry are the only people who knew they've switched characters and the first 20 minutes were super funny when they were trying put sense into the team that something was indeed actually wrong. Barry and Oliver's exchanges in Earth-38 was perfect.

The only negative thing I have to say about this episode was Iris West constantly speaking to Barry in every one out of 3 conversations like don't be Oliver Queen or don't become Oliver Queen like he's one of the worst people she knows in this world. Other than that what I didn't like was that Barry didn't defend Oliver when she was speaking that way. Other than this perfect episode and a superb start to the cross over.
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The Flash: Lose Yourself (2018)
Season 4, Episode 18
1 down ... 1 to go
19 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Thinker breaking the spirit of Team Flash and obtaining his original form is one of the pluses of this episode. Still we don't know why the showmakers are not revealing why he's taking on the Flash.

The other plus in this episode is that Ralph is killed, one annoying character out. If something similar were to happen to the another annoying character Iris, that would be one of the best things to happen for this show and its fans.

8 because Thinker is upping his game, not anymore because we still don't know why is the Thinker who he is and we're nearing the end of this season.
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Arrow: The Thanatos Guild (2018)
Season 6, Episode 16
Is this going to end ?
3 April 2018
I've been a fan of league of assassins which is no doubt but I feel sincerely , inching towards the finale, the focus has to be on the villain and what his plans are, whether or if he is a match for Oliver and his team and how will he be able to outplay them. But instead the focus was on Thea and Harper though the episode was not boring.

I personally feel this episode is a filler just to bid permanent goodbyes to Roy and Thea. First it was Slade, now its them. Slowly they're removing characters from the show and it only makes sense to think that there's a chance this bringing this show to a close. May be its the end of Arrow on TV by this year ...
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The Flash: Run, Iris, Run (2018)
Season 4, Episode 16
A new TV show maybe ?
15 March 2018
Pathetic episode. I really do not know why the want to portray Iris as a leader when she has no quality to be there in the first place. Above that they really gave her powers now ?

If they really want to give her that much importance, they could perhaps start a new TV series with Iris being the central character. I don't even feel like I am watching a superhero show now-a-days. With all the experience the team has, they make it look like it can't function without Iris. Damn. Please go back to basics where the focus was on original team Flash and not this woman.
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Arrow: All for Nothing (2018)
Season 6, Episode 12
That's how you progress
2 February 2018
This is the best episode since the break the shows had. This tackled everything perfectly right from how the teams approached the problem in their own ways and how the villain is yet again a few steps further away from the team.

The arc between Laurel and Quentin isn't clear yet and it looks like we have a mysterious mind behind everything that's happening this season. This episode wasn't just another filler like Flash, this was much more intense and I am definitely sure the events of this episodes play a very important role in the next few episodes and the way in which the team gets back looks like its going to be a terrific thing to watch after this.

Hopefully looking forward to the rest of this season.
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The Flash: Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash (2018)
Season 4, Episode 12
Are we really serious right now ?
2 February 2018
Yes, the episode had a fun tone. But we don't want fun. We want serious. Of all the things this show needs, Cecile needing powers is definitely not one. And its been 2 episodes since DeVoe actually appeared on scene. Please go back to basics and focus on the story and nothing else. That's what this show did to gain its initial viewership and that would be very much appreciated instead of these useless fillers.
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Arrow: Irreconcilable Differences (2017)
Season 6, Episode 9
Something to look forward
8 December 2017
This episode doesn't focus on the Olicity thing like how some of the review suggests. They got married, so it was right of them to have a follow-up on that and it took only about some 10 minutes in the episode.

And then we came to know someone in the team is about to rat out Oliver and this makes the team drift away from him as he spies on the recruits of last season. And finally the ending of this mid-season finale gave us something to look forward for the second half of the season. Lots of questions there, how and why they're teaming up to be the biggest.

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The Flash: Don't Run (2017)
Season 4, Episode 9
6 December 2017
+ Finally the show is back on bringing out the story in consecutive episodes.

+ And now we know the Thinker won't die soon enough as hinted in the initial episodes.

+ The fact that the Flash can't fight this battle to victory is what is making me looking forward to seeing more of Thinker vs Flash.

  • Amunet and Iris both are purely annoying beyond extent.

  • Amunet's on-screen acting really made me think twice to whether or not shut the laptop down.

  • And please, the show-makers need to understand that Iris is not worthy of being the leader of this team and lacks its qualities too. So please don't officially cement the same by making the other characters actually tell her that she's the team leader. If you really need a female leader to this team, make someone like Sara Lance who rocks it rather than Iris West.

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Supergirl: Reign (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9
This is the kind of episode the show needs
5 December 2017
Romantic drama aside which were unnecessary, this episode was close to being perfect and this is what the writers need to do. Focus on the actual story or at least focus on something that is pointing towards the story.

As a fan of superheroes, I really hate to see filler scenes and of course filler episodes, though there were scenes that were not required in this episode, the rest of this episode was very engaging. And I really liked that they allowed the main character to take a beating. The fight was well shot.

Though there's no idea of what the story of rest of the season is going to be, this show will not lose its viewers if there are lot more episodes like this in future.
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The Flash: Therefore I Am (2017)
Season 4, Episode 7
Best of this season yet
22 November 2017
We all have to admit that this episode was the one we all were looking for right from the start of this season. Interactions between DeVoe and Barry were well directed and the dialogues were on point. Though we did come to know how DeVoe is who he is we don't know why he's taking on the Flash.

Coming to the negatives, the team doesn't trust Barry after everything they've been through in the last 3 seasons. Iris calling the shots in each and every episode is pathetic and she's annoying in this episode wherever she takes up screen-space. To be honest, other than being the love interest of Barry she has no point in being in the team. Making her the central focus is just annoying to most people. Instead they could focus on Cisco, Harry, Caitlin who are a major part of Team Flash.

9/10 . Scope for a 10 in future with episodes such as this.
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The Superman we all needed
17 November 2017
Zack Snyder definitely directed this brilliantly, just that we caught only glimpses of it since close to 30 minutes of the movie being cut out. This is a surely terrific movie and all the actors were great.

Other than the obvious cuts, the only negative thing I have to say is the background score. If it was Hans I definitely would have given it a 10. Man Of Steel and Batman V Superman standout for their background score we could remember what happened in the movie by just hearing it. It definitely was bad here.

Now Superman in this movie is definitely the best one you would have seen till date. His portrayal in the first fight once he's back, that was epic visualization by the crew right there.

A tease to Flashpoint and much more has been given in this movie. I can't wait for the rest of DCEU and the Ultimate Edition of this movie.
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