
8 Reviews
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Uhmmm... Just retest.
8 February 2021
Much like nuking the entire site from orbit, it is the only way to be sure (providing there is mandatory drug screening at the lab(s)). It is better than doing nothing or releasing everybody. When I was younger, I observed adults dancing around the obvious answers, causes, reasons, and solutions to issues. It has been over 30 years, and they are still doing it. However, it is their sons and daughters doing the dancing now.
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Devs (2020)
Just. Awesome.
29 March 2020
I sincerely wish that I was a good enough writer to express how great this program is. The attention to detail and the care and thoughtfulness applied to every aspect of the production is stunning.
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Hunting the Nazi Gold Train (2016 TV Movie)
Al Capone's real vault found in Poland!
14 July 2019
Hit the mute button and turn on your subtitles.

The horrible voice-over actors almost ruin an incredibly interesting story by over-acting.

The end.
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Playground (2016)
Dear lord, don't watch this...
5 May 2019
Here's another rambling, mess of a review.

I've seen every disturbing movie that exists except for two famous/infamous films that we all know. With that qualification, this movie is at least in my top ten sick-to-my-stomach films I've ever seen.

I like to go into movies knowing as little as possible about them. I watched this movie based on a one or two sentence description. It could have been a short film for all I knew (no duration was listed). Imagine my surprise at what I found. It was the perfect storm. I suppose I'm lucky. Since I watch films hoping to actually feel something, I won the lottery. I can only hope that some of you view this movie as I did, with no preconceptions or ideas of what to expect. After everything that we have seen, this is what many people search for; this feeling of being utterly stunned.

At this moment, there are four reviews. Against all IMDb odds, all four are accurate, valid, and, for the most part, spoiler-free. This film is art. How many filmmakers would love to be able to make the audience feel as terrible as I feel after watching this movie? I'm sure most horror movies try, but how many are successful? You can't just show crazy violence and expect this reaction. Some might portray some graphic or gruesome act that might make you look away or cringe, but not the gut-punch of this movie.

Well done, movie making people.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Better than A Quiet Place
18 April 2019
Barely better, and that is not saying much. A Quiet Place feels more like a film you would see in a movie theater. Is that because it is, or is it something else? As of a few seconds ago, I had no idea whether or not either of the films was a theater release or a streaming service production. However, the overall feel of both films matches reality. The Silence is a Netflix film, while A Quiet Place is from Paramount. The Silence has less completely-stupid-actions-or-decisions moments that jolt you out of the movie than the other.

Perhaps filmmakers should screen rough cuts of these types of films to regular people, or at least people with a modest intelligence. Should we accept that all film and television shows with similar end-of-the-world or zombie-like themes will have stupid people doing stupid things because that is what creates the drama? Would a show that portrays people weathering these scenarios successfully not be entertaining enough for an audience? I suppose the answers to these questions are "Yes" and "No," respectively.

Why do I watch this stuff? They are almost always mediocre, at best. I imagine that despite this, I will continue to view these types of movies. Does that make me a sucker or an optimist?
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Roulette (2012)
Words of wisdom?
31 January 2019
Confucius say:

One who does not notice similar dates of unusually stellar reviews might find themselves disappointed in film choice.

I did not find this movie as objectionable as others, but it certainly has its issues. I will admit that I am a bit of a sucker for Russian Roulette movies. Those and time travel shows are my weakness. The acting is passable. It is not so bad that it jolts you out of the narrative. However, a few of the characters lack any sense of depth. The changing color palette did not bother me in the least. I am terrible at writing reviews!
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Attention: Different ending than the book!
24 June 2018
I never really planned to watch this film because I read the book years before they made this movie. However, a boring afternoon caused me to break down and finally watch it. While the movie does not stray too far from the spirit of the book, it addresses some aspects in a different way that I found quite satisfying. Anyway, I will leave the serious reviews to those who can actually write.
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The Chalet (2017–2018)
Decent show with something quite remarkable.
11 May 2018
I do not usually leave reviews because there are so many other reviewers that can do a much better job than I. However, there is one aspect of this series that I feel deserves credit. I am sure that everyone has watched shows that feature the same characters over different time periods or parents and siblings. It seems as if filmmakers give no thought to the natural aging of people when it comes to portraying the passage of time. They give even less thought to casting actors that resemble each other as family members. Do they think that we do not notice that the actor portraying the child at age 10 has curly hair, while the actor portraying the same character at age 20 has straight hair and a widow's peak? These types of things can distract from the narrative. I have watched a lot of movies. A few years ago I started keeping a list of movies that I have seen. The current count is 1,362. This series takes place between two periods of time, 20 or so years apart. When they cast the actors to play the children in the earlier years and the same characters as young adults, they chose actors with striking resemblances to each other. Even more amazing, was the way they dealt with the adults from both time periods played by the same actors. I have no idea how they did it, but they aged them flawlessly. In all of the movies and television shows that I have watched, I have never observed such seamless attention to detail regarding the aging of characters. This show is quite good, but the technical achievements are fantastic. I do not understand the other reviews speaking of the "slow burn" pacing. The series is only six episodes long with each episode running about 50 minutes. That is nothing.
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