
14 Reviews
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Quirky, Very Funny with Great Characters!
14 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Many independent comedies with similar themes end up being very slow with way more drama than comedy and no satisfying conclusion. This film, however, keeps a comedic edge all the way through with plenty of big laughs, while also maintaining enough emotional drama to keep us hoping that David finds what he's looking for. The climax and resolution are satisfying, though the climax felt like it may have come a bit too soon.

Every character is well defined with their own struggle and arc. David's two best friends, Timmy (Alex Wolff) and Peter (Michael Chen), are both hilarious. Timmy is struggling with his own delusions about a popular girl at school liking him when in reality she's just using him to do her math homework. Peter is overly cautious and accused of being a pussy throughout the film until he finally decides to take a big risk to help his friends. They're particularly funny when making decisions as the school Birder's Club, because they're incredibly official and always take the time for formalities despite the fact that they're just three friends.

Ellen (Katie Chang), a girl from the photography club at school, is convinced to join the boys on their trip after she catches them stealing a lens from the photography department. David teaches Ellen about birding throughout their trip, and the two come to like each other.


The second act felt too short. It seemed like David and his friends weren't on their search for very long before the climax hit, largely because there weren't very many challenges or obstacles to overcome once they began their search. It's set up earlier in the story that before they embark on their trip, Ellen accidentally tells two other birders about the duck they're looking for, setting the main characters up for some possible competition. While those birders do appear again later, they don't really serve as antagonists throughout the second act who are trying to find the duck first, which would have created more tension and conflict throughout act two.

Lawrence Konrad (Ben Kingsley) finds the group during their search and ends up helping them. However, they weren't really in need of the help before he showed up and he didn't seem to be particularly helpful in the search. They end up spotting the duck a bit too easily, without anyone needing to do anything too special to find it. It would have been more rewarding if there had been more of a struggle to find it, and if the group had to use every bit of their combined birding knowledge.

Even after the climax is over and the main issue is resolved, there is still the issue of getting to David's father's wedding; but nothing was really made of their rush to get there in time. The potential conflict is even set up with David realizing that he has the rings for his father's wedding and needs to get there with them, but then right when they leave, the next shot is them arriving for the wedding on time without having made anything of the struggle to get there.

All in all, a fantastic and enjoyable film with plenty of laughs, fun characters, and a unique concept. There could have been more conflict throughout, and most problems were resolved too easily. Still, on a scale of 1-10, it was too enjoyable to give it anything less than an 8.
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Layover (2013)
Very well done
24 February 2014
Two strangers meet in the bar of an airport hotel and have an immediate connection. Over the course of their conversation, we come to realize that they might not be strangers after all, and may have influenced each other's lives when they were children. While the basic story of two people who share a connection and then realize they've met before isn't particularly original, it was done very well here and in a more subtle way. It isn't treated as a huge epic reveal that they've met before, it's a more realistic depiction of getting a chance to have a conversation, as an adult, with that boy or that girl who changed your life in some small way, who you never forgot. The flashbacks of their childhoods are very nostalgic and nice, and the acting and dialogue made up for any lack of originality in the premise. Feels like it could be one scene in a feature, but it can also stand alone as its own story.
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Remember to Breathe (II) (2013)
Beautifully shot
24 February 2014
This story follows Alice Martin (played by Lee Meriwether), a woman in her 70s-80s who lives alone now, but used to be a famous singer, a musical headliner who went down in history. She now refuses to make public appearances and has conversations with a deceased love (played by Susan Blakely) from her past. Her only real friend is a young volunteer girl who brings her meals and other things she needs. This young girl is an aspiring singer herself, and Alice helps her practice. But when her big performance night comes and she wants Alice to be there, Alice isn't sure if she can overcome her fear of feeling forgotten by stepping into the spotlight again. It was beautifully shot, great story and acting. It's incredibly long for a short film, and did feel quite a bit too long. It's a complete story with a satisfying conclusion, and the characters are very well developed and performed. It didn't necessarily take many risks or do anything unexpected, but I enjoyed it.
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Dry Dock (2013)
Worth Watching
24 February 2014
A story of two childhood friends reconnecting on a boat, one of whom is already in a shaky relationship with his wife. When his wife realizes that this relationship with his childhood friend might go deeper than she originally thought, she seems to be torn between two very different feelings about it. The film was shot well with good acting, especially from actress Jen Oda who played the wife. The story had my interest, but brought up many questions that were never answered. The story seemed to cut off short, I didn't feel like it truly ended and wanted to know more. While it's great to leave the audience wanting more, especially in a short, I would have liked to have seen a more satisfying resolution of some sort. Filmmaker Brian To plans to make a feature film version, which I imagine would fill in those missing elements.
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Sober (2013)
Tragic true story
22 February 2014
Based on a true story. Opens with a hip young mom out drinking and partying with her teenage daughter and daughter's friends. When things go horribly wrong, she's confronted head-on by her own alcohol addiction. I can appreciate the fact that it's based on a very tragic true story, and was made for the family victim to this tragedy. All that aside, judging it strictly as a film, I felt that it simply told the bare bones of the story as it happened and didn't really take any creative license in the interpretation. It told a story, but did little else. There was some good acting, but it would have been better if the actors had been given more to work with. It felt like the characters existed only to serve the story, when it should be the other way around. What was done was done well, I just feel there should have been more to it.
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Sunny Side Up (2013)
Liked the payoff
22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Jim, an ambitious clean-cut aspiring writer, has his moocher friend Reynolds crashing on his couch, which is fine; until Reynolds invites another friend Jim doesn't even know to crash there too without asking. When they realize this new friend has showed up with donuts he stole from a bakery owned by the Russian mob, they find themselves in a horrible predicament and Reynolds learns the consequences of his actions. It was funny with entertaining characters, with a decent set-up and pay-off. Nothing stood out to me as being particularly impressive, all elements could have been done better and it could have been funnier but I enjoyed watching it.
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Nicely Done
22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A day in the life story which follows identical twin teenage boys and their single Uncle Charlie, who they live with. The boys decide to switch places so they can help each other with tasks in certain classes. One of them is bullied. Uncle Charlie, who works as a janitor in an office building, sneaks into an office and is caught sitting at the desk of a superior while playing make believe on the phone, pretending to be important. They all end up back at Uncle Charlie's place together, sharing a bowl of dry Cheerios for dinner but happy to have each other. It's a nice day in the life piece. A bit anti-climactic, isn't really a complete story as much as just a small piece of something much bigger. Some very nice acting. They did a pretty good job of splitting the story up evenly between the three characters, though having all that to cover in such a short time didn't allow for much good dialogue which I felt a character study like this could use more of. Overall, nicely done and worth watching for the acting.
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The Interview (X) (2013)
Very Funny!
22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A surreal interpretation of the horror of the job interview process. The film opens with a very fun scene in which a really intense overbearing wife prepares her nervous husband for a job interview. It's over-the-top in a wonderfully surreal way, tons of fun to watch these characters and too fast-paced to let us get bored. The husband is then in the lobby, waiting to go into his interview. The lobby is a completely white room. No tangible walls, ceiling or floor; just white. Another element of surrealism I liked. After many awkward moments with the receptionist, our protagonist is called in for his interview. The room is dark, the woman interviewing him tough and intimidating. Every character is interesting, from the protagonist to his wife, the receptionist and the woman holding the interview. However, the opening scene was my favorite and with all the build-up leading to the actual interview, I wished the dialogue in the interview would have been better. Very well shot, good set design, and I enjoyed the overall style. Interestingly enough, it was one of two films I saw on this day in which the story of the scorpion asking for the ride on the frog's back is told.
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Mocha & Chai (2014)
I want a Mocha
22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Two small-time seemingly incompetent criminals, the more moronic of the two with an uncontrollable addiction to mochas, bust into a room to collect cash from a heist; but end up walking right into what seems like a death trap. The mocha addict manages to get them out of the jam, going on the knowledge that "you have to be crazy to drink chai." It was very fun and entertaining, silly but no more than it should be. The characters are fun and pretty well defined, production quality is pretty low but it works for the kind of film it is and got a decent number of laughs for such a short project. HRIFF Official Selection. Got a chance to see it this year at the Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival.
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Abstraction (2013)
Impressive Character-Driven Action Drama
22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I got a chance to see this film screen at the Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival in LA this year, and even got to meet the incredibly talented director and lead actors. Full of action and plot twists with fantastic acting from everyone, especially Richard Manriquez who plays Tommy's partner in crime, Gary. Ken Davitian (Borat) also plays a vital character. Every single element of this film was incredibly well-done. It's beautiful and polished with high production quality, action, good characters and a well-written story. There were certain story elements that I felt were a bit of a stretch, certain things that didn't seem realistic.

If anything could have been better, it would be some of the smaller details of the story and the dialogue. It's more of a drama than an action film which makes it a bit more difficult to market, but it's definitely worth watching and never feels slow or too long. Great acting, natural and real characters, and some absolutely gorgeous bigger-than-life shots. Prince said that shooting took place over the course of about six months, but the project was in the works for nearly two years from script to final cut, and done on a very modest budget considering the result. Very very impressive, definitely check this one out. Won Best Production Design, Best Editing, Best Cinematography, and People's Choice Nominee at HRIFF.
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Sci-fi- Acid trip
22 February 2014
Whoah. This one was quite the acid trip. No dialogue, no characters, just a fast-paced action- packed illustration of how the world gets taken over by bees from outer space, loosely in the style of a '50s sci-fi film with vivid colors. Seems like a lot of mixed media: stop motion, animation, live action, all layered and cut together and crammed into five minutes. It certainly wasn't boring and was fun to watch, I can't imagine it was easy to put together. I personally have a hard time with a film which has both no story and no pay-off. I can accept an experimental film with no story and no characters if it has a satisfying emotional resolution of some kind, however symbolic or surreal it may be. This felt more like a trailer or an animator or editor's demo reel than a film. I have to appreciate the work that must've gone into it and enjoyed the visual style for the most part, though it would have been better if it was done more organically and less digitally.
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Plenty of action and Laughs
22 February 2014
It's the '70s. A death metal band is on their way to a gig when they get stranded in the middle of nowhere and have to go to a big creepy house for help, where Satanists try to kidnap to give them up as sacrifices. Clearly a Scooby-Doo caper in format, and the main characters loosely modeled after Scooby-Doo characters. It was a lot of fun. Completely campy and silly, with plenty of action and laughs. Not sure how the idea developed to do a live action horror death metal band version of a Scooby-Doo episode, but it's pretty original and was executed well. The length of the film and pacing where nice. HRIFF Official Selection.
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In Harmony (2013)
Love Triangle Drama
22 February 2014
A love triangle drama in which Tyler is in an unhappy relationship with her boyfriend, her best friend Lucy clearly jealous of Tyler's relationship. Lucy's jealousy and desperation for a relationship of her own is making her a bad friend to Tyler, not listening to her friend who clearly needs to talk to someone. But when Tyler's handsome boyfriend Marcus finally makes a move on Lucy, she puts a stop to things and goes to Tyler to finally be a good friend and listen. It was a sweet story which kept my interest, and I liked Lucy's character; a quirky artist who's insecure. She's the only character who has a clear arc and the only character who I truly believed. It was well shot, nicely done but aside from a few snippets of nice dialogue from Lucy's character.
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Bulletproof (2012)
Very Funny!
22 February 2014
A unique Western intercut with modern day, with the unique trait of having a cast largely composed of actors with down syndrome and other disabilities. The film was made by the Zeno Film Camp, and all proceeds go toward a feature they want to make in this same unique genre. Our protagonist Benny Jackson will do anything to keep his family business from being closed down by a filthy rich developer and town bully. He must find the deed to his family's saloon, but in in search, he comes across something more valuable. The journal of Bulletproof Jackson, which tells a fantastic story of how Benny's ancestor Bulletproof Jackson managed to save the day many years ago. The past and present stories parallel one another as Benny learns from the past. It's a fantastic classic story with fantastic production quality. The film is incredibly well done without taking itself too seriously. We instantly love our protagonists, Benny and Bulletproof Jackson. We want them to succeed. It's pretty long for a short and probably didn't need to be too long, but I was never bored. Every character is so much fun, and the Western scenes look great. Very impressive work, can't wait to see the feature they come up with!
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