
18 Reviews
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Outer Banks (2020– )
They're all idiots, ya know!
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first season wasn't bad but by the third you'll want to shoot yourself. The characters are morons who stumble their way through the story by doing the worst possible thing at the worst possible time for no other reason then to add more episodes to a basic story. Some of the actors need to find a new line of work. Lazy writing and boring drawn out story.

Also, please let Singh be dead. Who edited this with 4000 "you knows" in his dialogue and thought, "yep that sounds good"

I can't even recommend watching the first season now because you're just going to end up causing yourself pain down the road. The show has run it's course, please cancel.
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Ambulance (2022)
A movie for simpletons
24 April 2022
Easily one of the worst movies I've seen. Twenty minutes of plot bloated to over 2 hours of predictable action and lack lustre acting. The characters have zero substance and no likeability. Since the film is too violent for children I can only assume it was made for people who don't place much importance on intelligence.
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The Humans (2021)
Amy Scumer ruins another movie with potential
24 November 2021
This movie wouldn't have been that bad if if the casting was done a bit better. I'm not sure how Amy Schumer lands these roles. She can't act and really only has one persona which makes any scenes with her very irritating to watch.

If you haven't seen it I say skip it. Not worth the frustration of watching a good filmed get flushed down the toilet.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
An opportunity wasted
20 November 2021
Poor casting, lack lustre production and a poorly rotten script have this series feeling less like a successor to Game of Thrones and more like a disposable series from syfy or the WB.

This is extremely disappointing because Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series is easily one of the best fantasy series ever written. With its amazing world building, fantastic character building and complex story lines the producers were given gold and turned it into lead.

To be honest, it's not unwatchable but it's not memorable either. If you were looking for something to put on in the background then watch this. The Outpost achieved a similar thing with far less of a budget and no source material to pull from however. After only 3 episodes I've kind of lost faith that it will get better. I just hope other fantasy authors are more careful before signing over the rights to a company who will make a Mackey of they're legacy. Jordan is probably rolling over in his grave.
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The writers and actors should be ashamed.
18 November 2021
John Goodman and Laurie Metcalfe can do not wrong. Everyone else was so amateurish that if you hadn't known better you'd swear this was there debut into the acting world. This eastern philosophy but they're doing would be better if it just didn't exist. The episode resembled some closer to a high school assembly about making good choices then an episode of a prime time sitcom.
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We Are Lady Parts (2021– )
I hate this show
21 May 2021
Poor writing and a horrible concept. An embarrassment to punk. Was simply being a pop band not angsty enough for the characters who have their fingers crossed that they'll find a good fit in an arranged marriage. Also the lyrics and musical talent are so horrible you can't help but cringe. 2 stars though because like 2 of the characters have some depth.
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B Positive (2020–2022)
I you liked it that's Fine but...
6 November 2020
I'm guessing that if you liked this show then complex thoughts and concepts probably bring the brain pain and the overused laugh track was helpful to remind you that you thought a joke was funny.

For the rest of us this piece of garbage was an embarrassment and Thomas Middleditch should be ashamed of himself.
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2067 (2020)
Bad Science, Bad Script and Bad Acting
4 October 2020
I believe my title says it all. If you liked this movie it says a lot about you as well. Watch if you want but I say skip it.
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The Fugitive (2020)
Not good
18 August 2020
This show has a ridiculous plot driven by stupid and unrealistic characters. The over acting is bad and the whole thing was a waste of my time.
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The Go-Go's (2020)
From "punk" to major label Sellouts
11 August 2020
I mean the documentary isn't bad but some of the content makes you sick to your stomach. Somehow they thought they were special when all they really amounted to was another cookie cutter pop band in the 80s. It is interesting listening to how their first major label picked them up based on image (didn't care if they were good) and then made them change their sound (oh all of our songs are pop songs when we play them slower). I mean anything can be a pop song if it's played like a pop song lol.

Also the way they talked about being misfits and finding each other (family) really seems like a bunch of hogwash when in the next scene they kick out members for no better reason then money and fame.

The whole mess just seems like the brain washed ramblings of a band that once had an impact. Also the pacing of the documentary is horrendous. With proper editing it could have been much better (stylistically not it's content).
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I'll Be Gone in the Dark (2020–2021)
Horribly paced and disjointed story
13 July 2020
I don't care about Michelle or her obsession. Having her compared to Truman Capote in the third episode shows how ridiculous the series is. As for the actual content I'm ready to quit watching half way through the third episode. I've seen 30min documentaries on the same topic with more information in them then 3 hours of this tripe. Also it all seems a little late to even be interested in the EAR considering he's been caught and all of Michelle's efforts have amounted to nothing (other then making a profit of the pain of the victims).
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Really bad on every level
14 June 2020
The director didn't do his job or didn't care. The writer managed to take great source material and write an atrocious adaptation. The dialogue is just mind numbingly bad. Lastly, the acting by both newbies and veteran actors leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The kid who plays the lead role obviously got the role through family connections because he has zero acting talent to suggest he earned the role on his own and this movie will forever be a stain on the career of Judi Dench who herself gave a flat and uninspired performance.
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This movie could have been something
5 June 2020
The sad part about this movie is that the horrible acting is what makes it unwatchable. The premise itself isn't bad but as another review stated it has the feel of a movie produced by Tommy Wiseau.
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Desperation equals forced laughs
3 June 2020
I'd like to start by saying I have enjoyed Patton Oswalt's stand up in the past but this special just didn't resonate with me at all. It started ok but quickly fell apart. Even Patton himself predicts that the audience will have to fake it later in the show. At times is feels like he abandons scripted jokes for other bits because the first wasn't getting laughs. This gives the special a confusing feel to it as Patton rambles on about nonsense for most of the show. It just isn't good and pity laughs help no one.
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History 101 (2020– )
Sketchy facts fuelled by a very American Recollection of History
22 May 2020
What a horrible series. Extremely biased by the American perspective (watch the middle eastern oil episode to see for yourself).

Also the information given isn't always accurate to begin with. If each episode was a high school student's presentation then I'd be grading the episodes between C- to B+ (and that's being generous). Since this is not, however, a high school project but rather a documentary series meant to educate the public then i have to rate it as a 2/10. Nothing is worse then the spread of misinformation.
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Mrs. America (2020)
re: wonderful statement of female empowerment
15 April 2020
Phyllis Schlafly was a staunch conservative who stood in the way of women's rights as well as other civil movements like gay rights.

She is not the hero of this story and that's what makes the series so compelling. You get the story from many sides and each actress portrays their part with amazing talent that leaves you wanting to learn more.

I suppose the strong performances could be why some users like Liberius mistake the portrayal of individuals like Phyllis Schlafly as supporters of female empowerment when in reality she stood in the way of progress, not with facts but through charisma alone.
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The Outpost (2018–2021)
Slow Start But Ended Really Well
4 October 2018
Being a fan of the fantasy genre I decided to give this show a shot when episode 1 premiered. To be honest I wasn't all that impressed at first but seeing as how there really wasn't much else on I decided to stick with the series. Now having just watched the finale I'm really glad I did.

Yes the show is campy and sure it doesn't have a huge budget but what it lacks in those departments it makes up on other ways. For one the fight choreography is actually pretty good and after a few episodes you start to see the plot and world building progress. Each episode reveals a little more to the viewer while keeping the story moving from week to week.

The outpost also doesn't fall prey to the "monster of the week" type writing that I find ruins so many other shows of this and other genres (i.e. supernatural, Hercules, Zena, Grimm, etc...). By doing this you get what you need in 10 episodes a season instead of painfully drawing out the plot over 25 tedious ones.

Lastly, I found as the show progressed so did the chemistry between the actors. By the last episode I found myself genuinely caring about the characters (including a few i had disliked earlier in the season).

Is this show perfect or worth comparing to the almighty "Game of Thrones"? Of course not and it never will be. It is, however, a lighthearted and entertaining show. I really hope they decide to continue with at least a second season because it does have more to give.
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The Following (2013–2015)
Very promising start but ultimately a failed attempt.
24 April 2013
The following started off as an exciting and dramatic thriller but as time went on the series had me less enthralled by smart plot twists and simply upset by the poor writing.

Through the progression of the series we see error after error from the FBI which only serves to lengthen the story and provide predictable thrills. Whether its the lack of preparedness (either in not having enough agents or law enforcement at any situation or simply poor planing) or just plain idiocy when it comes to decision making. Time and time again we see supposed plot twists arise not through the brilliance of the antagonists but rather through the ineptitude of the protagonists in this series.

This series would have been better served in another format such as a miniseries where the plot could have remained fresh. As is the series only seems to be suffocating itself as each episode becomes more predicable and less intelligent. My new biggest fear in life is that the producers will drag this tired plot into a second season which I might feel compelled to watch (not for its content but simply for closure). Though I suspect I will find it quite easy to forget this show as my opinion of it has dropped with each new episode released.
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