
16 Reviews
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Keep watching for the ending! It's worth it.
23 May 2024
Yes, I'm joining the already long line of those people. I got a fair bit into season three then just kind of stopped watching.

The jokes and never-ending cycles did get a little repetitive and old, and while seasons 2 and 3 are not bad - they're still packed with over-the-top fun stuff and references - they were kind of forgettable.

But then came season four, particularly the latter episodes, and someone convinced to give it another go. And boy am I glad I did! The whole show returned to old form, and found it's way back to what made it great in the first place.

Here I am now, actually shedding a tear while smiling to myself and ocassionally giggling at the memory of some obscure pop culture reference a character made many episodes ago. I think that sums this show up quite well.

When a show hits such a perfect balance of making people literally cry, smile with deep satisfaction and laugh *at the same time*, you know you have something special. As dumb, silly, ridiculous and sometimes not even that funny as this show is, it's also kind of the best show I've ever watched.
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1899 (2022)
Totally hooked the whole time, and loved the ending!
23 November 2022
I read the negative reviews after watching the show, and I do not agree with them! This was indeed a slow build-up, but I was hooked from the start and the mysteries kept escalating in a way I found very compelling.

There are indeed a lot of what some call "pointless filler scenes", but not once did I find anything redundant or feel like scenes were just there to draw out the story. The pacing was excellent, and the atmospheric slow scenes (which are never that slow at all) were an excellent part of an exciting journey. Sure, they could have reached the end quicker by getting rid of some fluff, but I never felt it was fluff in the first place. Why on earth would I want such a great show to be shorter? I know loads of shows where fluff scenes actually feel like pointless and boring filler that I would rather have done without, but this was definitely not one of them.

I will agree with two points of criticism: the unrealistic "we don't understand a word" language thing, yet the characters still behave as if they have understood everything that was said. And the needless gay propaganda part subplot, which started out great but then led to nowhere. As a gay man, why was that storyline in the show at all? They could have used literally any plot device in its place for the same result. Still, neither of those two points took away from the show other than me giving it 9 stars instead of 10.

On a final note, this show reminds me of the movie Time Trap, which was a total snooze for the most part but with a killer twist at the end, which made it one of my favorite (or at least most memorable) movies I've ever watched. I loved Time Trap for the brilliant surprise ending that turned everything on its head!

Half way through 1899 I though the show was a reversed version of that movie - that Time Trap was great because we thought we knew what was going on only for everything to shift to something else very quickly. I thought 1899, on the other hand, was less-than-that because we thought we knew roughly what was happening too soon, leaving little surprise left for the latter half of the show.

Well, I was wrong! 1899 keeps surprising with more twists and turns every episode, to reach a final very surprising conclusion. And I totally loved it for it!
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The negative comments about a modern lense missed the point
25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this not knowing at all what to expect. I was 10 years old in 1999 but grew up as a teenager with a lot of the bands featured. I was looking forward to learn about the event, and I did. I didn't know things went so horribly wrong, and mixed with plenty of old footage and some references to Woodstock '69, this was really enjoyable to watch.

I was also very surprised by the modern day political lense of race and gender. Yes, this could have been more of a historical documentary without the journalist commentators who weren't even there, and if I would have guessed before I watched it that's what I would have thought it was going to be. But guess what, it's not - well, partly. It's more so a social documentary using a historical event as reference, and for that it was absolutely great! 😁

This documentary shines a light on several issues that, back then, weren't talked about the way they are today. That doesn't mean they didn't exist! There's a reason we talk about race and gender issues so much today. It's always been an issue. This is a social documentary that talks about the 90's through that lense. Not by wrongfully making up issues that weren't present at that time as a lot of the reviews try to make it out as, but by putting a modern day spotlight on issues that were very clearly already there. Deep down, I find the documentary to be about what society as a whole did wrong in the 90's regarding this particular part of their young generation (white males in their 20's who go to festivals), and how we can do better today.

Unlike a lot of people here I didn't for a second think the creators had a mission to clear the organizer's names. On the contrary, I left totally blaming the organizers but simultaneously recognizing the social issues of the 90's. I thought they did a good job at presenting voices against the organizers while also allowing the organizers to speak and defend themselves. My conclusion, based solely on the documentary as I hardly even knew there was a Woodstock 1999, was that it was pre-existing cultural flaws that sparked the violence and sexual assaults at the event, but the organizer's fault that they failed to predict and prevent those things and even afterwards worked so hard to try to blame everyone else. If anything, I think the documentary did a good job exposing the organizers, some of whose comments I was genuinely appalled by.

Overall, I had a great time watching this. I appreciated the historical footage and what I learned about Woodstock, and I appreciated the political debate and nuanced view of why things went wrong. That said, this was definitely made for a modern day audience and anyone expecting a purely historical documentary will be disappointed.

Oh, and I could have done without the ad for Coachella at the end. While that did put things in a perspective a younger audience can relate to, it came out of the blue and didn't feel like a good fit.
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Left a Lasting Impact on Me
27 June 2022
This was one hell of a ride. Despite a slow start, loads of tropes and clichés, and an ending that left me feeling slightly disappointed - I thoroughly enjoyed this!

This show takes an epic approach to teenage drama by tackling a wide time span. With flashbacks to the 90's (the majority of the show) through a young girl in modern corona times reading her mother's diary, and insights into three generations of characters, I constantly felt like the show truly captured the ups and downs of a lifetime, not just your teenage years. It all felt different, rare and very satisfying.

The ending has received a lot of negativity. I don't dislike the ending itself in terms of story, but the last few episodes were a little too sentimental and didn't fully tie together any knots. I was left feeling like I wanted more, like something was missing.

The focus on sport (in this case fencing) in a drama like this tends to be a tool for climatic scenes. This is true here as well, but the sport doesn't just feel like a tool. It feels like a highly incorporated part of the characters' lives. We do get some climatic sports moments, but we also get a lot of read-between-the-lines content tied to the Korean and global fencing community. Several of the characters are world famous in the show, but we never really see that, because that's not what the show is about.

And speaking of characters, this is definitely a character driven story. Despite only being one long season (each episode is long and there are a lot of them), what was a major life event some episodes ago is soon just a distant memory. I don't think I've ever watched a show where the characters develop and grow as much as in this one without it feeling like a plastered statement. I felt like I grew with them, and every change to their personality felt like it was earned and logical.

Overall, this show left a lasting impact on me. Sadly the sentimental ending didn't make as strong an impression on me, and the show is consequently a lot more about the journey than it is about the destination. And it's a great journey!
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
With the Season 5 conclusion - best show ever!
17 December 2021
I loved Money Heist when it first came out. Season 1 was fresh and exciting, season 2 saw a solid and very satisfying conclusion to the first heist. Brilliant stuff!

I was sceptical toward season 3. How could they continue and trump what they had already done? I quickly realized that they were on to something, and throughly enjoyed where the show was going.

Then half of season 3 and 4 let me down somewhat. Things became too drawn out. They're still good seasons - no part of Money Heist is "bad" - just a little too much of the same thing, and I wasn't a fan of all the flashbacks.

My spirits were lifted again with the end of season 4, which ended the heist on a cliffhanger. I went into season 5 feeling excited again!

And boy did season 5 deliver! I'd say it's the best season of them all, and now, looking back at the bigger picture of the show, Money Heist is one of the best shows ever!

All those flashbacks I previously didn't like now make perfect sense. Everything is tied together, and there's a grander scope to the whole show that was never a thing in the first seasons. The show has been lifted from a cool idea with exciting characters and plot, to an epic like Game of Thrones.

Unlike Game of Thrones, however, Money Heist gives itself proper time to reach its awesome (and immensely satisfying) conclusion. In hindsight, those "filler episodes" I didn't like in season 3 and 4 are a must. Game of Thrones could have used a few more seasons to reach the exact same conclusion it already did. Money Heist didn't make the same mistake by rushing it, but rather gave itself the proper space to build up to the satisfying conclusion. Now I'm super thankful for that.

All this said, the show is not without its flaws. There are character choices I still question or don't understand. Perhaps I need to rewatch it at some point to find details I missed, and to view the seemingly random flashbacks in a different light.

Though in all honesty, I likely never will. Because the beauty of this show is in the unknown, the excitement of where things will go next, the twists and turns and the big question - which is not IF they will make it, but rather HOW they will do so.

I feel like I've watched an epic movie over the course of several years. Other shows should take note. It's rare to see such a well-calculated and coordinated conclusion and a show that feels like it had a plan all along, one it didn't tell the audience about but rather trusted us to see things through to the end. And those of us who did were rewarded.

I think this is my only 10 on IMDB.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Entertaining, surprisingly good story, but terrible writing and emotion!
29 November 2021
Ok, this is very much a mixed feelings review. I will start by saying that I watched both seasons and did enjoy it. I was entertained.

The story itself is actually surprisingly good. Through season one, it's just "what is this alien artifact that landed in Earth and why is it here?" In season two, the story turns much grander. We do get answers, and I'm left with a sense of there being quite a lot of lore behind it all (is this based on a book or something?).

But that's where the good stuff ends. I have a number of issues with this show:

1. Cuts and direction are sometimes ridiculous. It feels like a decent budget production with a low budget crew behind the scenes. As a result, the show doesn't do the story justice.

2. The writing is terrible. Dialog and scenes that could and should be super emotional aren't. Things go wrong, people die, but their deaths feel... lame and easily forgotten. It's like the show is trying but failing. Nothing feels natural.

3. New discoveries are simply accepted. This too relates to the writing. Big, unexpected things happen, but in the next scene the characters have simply accepted it and adapted. As a viewer, this makes me question how and why. I get that we can read between the lines, but it makes character decisions feel unexplained and unmotivated. And where's the rest if the planet? Why is this handful of Americans who aren't even people in high power running the show?

4. The acting. While not bad, it's not great either. Some are worse than others. I will note though that I hated the woman who plays the main character because of how she acted, but with time grew to love her. It made her character unique, though not particularly relatable.

Overall, I would have wanted this story (and satisfying ending) to have been given a much, much better treatment. But I was entertained, especially in season 2, so clearly they've done something right.
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6 Underground (2019)
How can this not have a higher score?
15 December 2019
This was pure, creative and very well-made entertainment all the way through! After the first long car chase scene (filled with action, humor and creative shots) I thought the rest of the film wouldn't be able to live up to the same standard. It did. All the way through.

This is a great mix of gore (without being too much), action, humor and an interesting plot. Loved all the characters! Shoutout as well to the human aid camp scenes. This is not at all a realistic movie, but those scenes felt real indeed, showing the true violence of a war-torn country.

In short: loved every second of it!
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Falls somewhere in the middle
14 April 2019
I've watched all of TWD, most of Z Nation, most of Fear TWD, and 28 Days Later. And, unlike many reviews here, I've now watched all episodes of the first season of Black Summer. My conclusion: It falls somewhere in the middle.

I too felt like some decisions were odd and that some parts, especially in the first half of the season, were a bit of a snooze. I too found it hard to like or connect some of the characters.

BUT: I thoroughly enjoyed the subtle, minimalistic tone. There's not much dialogue. There are a lot of blanks to fill in, but the answers are there if you pay attention. This is not "funny" like Z Nation and it's less character driven than TWD. It's a lot more like FTWD or 28 Days Later. The storyline is simple and could have been deeper, but it felt... realistic, if you can call it that.

The episode with the rave/party was a highlight, because there was little to no build-up to it. It kept things interesting without being silly.

The way no real plan is revealed and the character's plot lines separate and merge and separate and merge in more or less subtle ways throughout the whole show is effective. I disliked the "chapter" aspect in the first few episodes but soon grew to like it. It works!

Overall, I feel like they could have done more, but I did enjoy it and I am looking forward to a second season. This has a lot of potential and I hope it turns into something more exciting than FTWD did in the long run.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
HOW does this have such a low rating? :O
26 January 2019
This show has ALL the awesome features that made original Roseanne so great. A refreshing mix of dark and light humor, some great character development and acting, an emotional depth that is incredible for a sitcom, and a take on modern day political issues that really hits home with "everyday Americans". So WHY the low rating? It saddens me deeply :(

Well, I guess the answer is obvious though... No Roseanne. But the fact that they have pulled off this new series so well without her just proves why original 90's Roseanne was so great... It was always so much more than just a strong lead character/actor. It was a package. And with Becky and Darlene following in their mother's footsteps in terms of humor, yet still doing their own things and not just copying, more than makes up for the loss of the lead lady. Not to mention the depth in which they are dealing with Roseanne's death in the show, which is gradually revealed more and more with each episode. Roseanne is still very much there, in all of the characters. And it hurts, in the best way possible.

I was super excited about the return of Roseanne after 20 years but was somewhat disappointed in that season, largely because it lacked the depth of the original series (it had some highlights but never truly hit home) and some unusually poor acting (even from Roseanne). But The Conners season 1 is exactly what the final season of Roseanne should have been.

Personally, I think The Conners is near perfect as a modern take that is true to the original, and a great continuation of the story. Yes, it's sad to see Roseanne not being part of it, but anyone giving this a bad rating fails to appreciate how witty and beautifully written this show is. It's great and emotional and fun and relatable storytelling.

Trust me, if you can accept that Roseanne is not in it, The Conners is an accomplishment to be celebrated!
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Downsizing (2017)
Not as bad as people say
29 January 2018
What I disliked about the second half of Downsizing was that the actions of the characters confused me, as not enough time was given to fully explain the premises of that part of the story line. And I believe said premises, which are indeed not included in the trailer at all, is why people - unfairly, in my opinion - hats this movie so much. That said, the actual story line and ending is really quite brilliant (if a little on-the-nose). I'll get back to that in a minute.

The first half of Downsizing is a GREAT adaption of what the trailer sets the movie out to be. Plenty of time is given to the fascinating subject and idea of making parts of the population small to live like kings in miniature cities, and the many perks and unforeseen obstacles such a life might include. Small scenes with various one-time characters as well "TV news in the background"-style scenes also give us a clever glimpse of how the "big world" handles the subject of downsizing. Should small people be allowed to vote same as big people, for example? What about trafficking and other global issues? If the movie would have spent its second half focusing further one or more of those unforeseen issues, perhaps it could have been remarkable.

But instead things take a turn, and the movie becomes what it's really meant to be: a satire. I won't spoil the topic, but if you're reading reviews you already know that the second half is not about the life of small people. It's about something much bigger (hehe).

And I honestly feel like this was an absolutely brilliant take on that. If only the trailer would have given us more of a realistic promise, I believe more people would feel the same. A lot of people also seem to complain about the length, but the movie moves along at a quick pace and is always kept interesting. In fact, maybe a little too quick as the whole reason I disliked parts of the second half is that it wasn't properly explained. Things just sort of... happened.

What makes me feel that it's brilliant is that, the more I think of it, the more I realize that these things were actually explained. You just had to use your brain a little more, and think a bit, well, bigger (there we go again).

Take long distance travel for small people, for example. Immediately after watching it I wished that that's something they would have showed more of as it's an interesting question (how do small people travel long distances?). But again, it's not meant to be that kind of a movie, despite what the trailer (and first part of the movie) had us think.

Bottom line: Perhaps Downsizing should have been two movies with very different takes on the idea - one that is what the trailer sets it out to be, and one that has more of a "global issues" feel. Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Left me emotional but did not live up to the hype
25 December 2017
Following the enormous praise this film has received I went and saw it with high expectations. And I have a lot to say about it.

First - and I'll get right to it - it did not live up to expectations. Unfortunately. My main issues are purely from an entertainment perspective; it's not a super slow film, but it's certainly not packed either. It's not a Hollywood drama, and while it shouldn't be and certainly doesn't try to be, it was slow at times. For personal taste, I could have done with a few more eventful scenes.

Second, also regarding living up to expectations, I wasn't left feeling as devastated as many reviews had led me to believe I would. Without saying too much about the plot, that's related to my first point.

Third, the hype about the acting and chemistry is real. Boy is it real! The two main actors are simply brilliant together. In fact all the actors delivered.

And finally - and this is a big one as it's what led me to write this review - I experienced something I have never experienced before. When the credits started rolling, on top of a very long closeup scene of one of the main characters face, the movie theater was silent. DEAD SILENT! No one got up. No one spoke a word. Everyone was emotionally taken. We all stayed until the very end, not because of some overly dramatic event, but because of the pure realness of the entire film. GREAT job!

Call Me By Your Name is beautifully shot and has great actors, and make no mistake, that's where the emotions comes from. Not from a dramatic plot. It's very much down to earth. If you go in knowing this, you will simply love this beautiful film. If you don't, yo might be disappointed the way I was.
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The Outfield (2015)
Not as bad as people say
1 June 2016
I'm not a fan of Nah Grier or Cameron Dallas and as someone else wrote in a different review, I can tell the difference between a bad move and a good movie. This is NOT a bad movie and the 1-star haters seem to judge only by the fact that Nash and Cameron have gained fame through Vine, not acting.

That said, they're not brilliant actors. They're alright for a movie of this sort. The story line is decent and had me interested all the way. Maybe a bit predictable, but still emotional and on-point for the targeted audience (teenage girls). In fact, I was positively surprised at how it was shot and directed considering all the bad press. It's a nice but not special piece of work.
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Positively surprised!
14 March 2016
I've been a fan of Nicholas Hoult since his Skins days, in my opinion the best written TV series ever! A part of what I like bout Skins is clearly visible in "Kill your friends" as well.

I'm particularly talking about how emotions are portrayed through sound-less party scenes or quiet shots with slower music of busy city life. Contrasts. On the surface, this movie is very much about sex and drugs. But it's really about ambition and life choices.

I also enjoyed the 90's music selection and the fact that the title of the movie makes sense and is over-the-top, but without turning the movie into some silly parody of itself.
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Warsaw 44 (2014)
People who say that this movie is too Hollyowood-like are too caught up with being anti-Hollywood.
18 March 2015
This is a VERY well made film, and refreshingly so from a production that is not American. The visual effects are amazing and in my opinion do NOT take away from the emotions of the actual story.

I doubt the tragic history of Warsaw has ever been this brutally and realistically portrayed. One of the best WWII movies out there. It has found the balance between using cool and bloody visuals and slow-mo effects without making it so over the top that it becomes a pure action movie.

What makes me give 9 instead of 10 stars is the storyline, which even though great and not too cliché does lack something. I can't really pinpoint what it is.

But overall, this is a brilliant historical drama!
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After Earth (2013)
Surprisingly great movie!
30 September 2013
I watched this movie because I wanted to know what all the hate was about. Could it really be that bad? I expected something similar to Green Lantern or Battleship. I expected a lot more painful acting between Will and Jaden, an unexciting story free of emotions, an exaggerated message of how we are destroying earth, and basically just a bad production.

I was wrong. Perhaps it's because my expectations were so low, but I can honestly recommend anyone to watch this movie. The message is clear, but not exaggerated. The acting is not the best, at least not from Jadens part, but far from horrible. The story does a great job of setting the scene straight away without overdoing it. It moves fast, is nicely filmed, is exciting all the way through and manages to capture the father-son relationship - and Kitai's interaction with the animals and nature on earth - just fine.

That said, it's no 10-score masterpiece. But it doesn't need to be either.
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A great attempt with many flaws, this is not the flop everyone says it is.
11 September 2011
Having read many of the other reviews, I had little hope for this movie. But I'm happy to say the reviews are too harsh. However, I'm also not happy to admit that they're not wrong either.

First of all, it clearly shows that this is a movie in which a lot of time and money has been invested. The effects and settings are great!

Second, the bad reviews are right about several things: the acting is somewhat bad, the story could have been polished more and the characters should have been more developed.

That said, this is where I disagree the most with the one- or two star reviews. The characters are not all that bad. The story is flawed but still good. And the acting started out real terrible, but ended up quite OK through the second half of the film.

By no means is this an awesome movie. But the most hate-reviews are from fans of the cartoon. At least that's my guess. Because as someone who has never had any contact with the cartoon at all, I found this movie very interesting and exciting.

So in short: a decent action/fantasy movie that is far from an excellent production, yet not the total flop everyone says.
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