
4 Reviews
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From (2022– )
When is the 3rd Season Coming Out?!?!
20 April 2024
I love this show! It was a pleasant, unexpected surprise. We have Amazon Prime & they will allow u to watch the first episode or so of a show on networks they offer such as Paramount, Discovery, MGM- obviously since this is a MGM show, & we decided to watch it (it's how we discovered "Your Honor" with Breaking Bad, Malcolm in the Middle, etc., Bryan Cranston. Another great, bingeworthy show. If u haven't seen it, or From for that matter, go watch it. U won't be disappointed!) & based on that one episode we had to subscribe to that channel. It was so intriguing & different we couldn't help but continue watching it. The premise is fresh & original, especially in comparison to a lot of other shows out there. It's cast perfectly, each actor fits their character & u wind up involved in them, their lives, their stories, the mystery. We've went back & forth w/our theories & honestly it could be any of them! I love a good show where the creators, writers, & so ons vision is so unique & complex that u can't easily guess what is going on to cause the plot at hand. It's definitely a show u won't be able to stop watching! ... well at least til u get to the last episode of the 2nd season b/c the 3rd hasn't come out & I'm REALLY HOPING they're continuing this show & NOT canceling it like some of these networks like to do. They'll end up with tv Gold & cancel the damn thing while keeping something w/Horrible ratings that ppl hate & don't watch.. I will Never understand this at all, ever. So to MGM... I sincerely hope u have not & are not giving up on this b/c we need From! Please let Harold continue his characters investigation as to what is going on in this "town" & happening to the townsfolk that have inadvertently ended up there! Just DON'T CANCEL IT!!! Please!
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True Detective (2014– )
Wow.. Just WOW! An amazing show!
7 April 2024
I absolutely love this show. Didn't actually watch it until the past couple of years but it completely made me engrossed in it! Each season, each story, is so intriguing & interwoven in such a way u can't help but get lost in it. Then before u know it an entire season has went by in a day. Each story has a phenomenal star studded ensemble. Not surprising after seeing 2 executive producer nods go to Matthew McConaughey & Woody Harrelson. Whether I was a nobody or a somebody I would be a fool to turn down an invitation to work on or for or with something by one of them let alone both! The creators know what they're doing from casting to storyline creators, to the way each scene is shot & how it evolves. The transitions especially in the seasons that span over years to bring the story to fruition are impeccable as well as the transformation of the characters/actors when spanning over years & decades in some of the seasons! McConaughey & Harrelson were great in their season, the first season. They both have such a range in regards to their acting I don't think there's anything they can't do. Night Country w/Jodie Foster & Kali Reis had a haunting effect surrounding its story. The 3rd season w/Mahershala Ali & Stephen Dorf who I haven't seen in forever made a compelling duo of opposites that have a friendship spanning decades & the realism is so conveying u forget it's a show. The 2nd season is the only one I haven't completed yet but with Vince Vaughn & Colin Farrel I'm sure will be just as good. Besides I love Taylor Kitsch & him being in it is an instant win for me. So I'm starting it now. I'm hoping that I like it regardless of other reviews I've seen about season 2. I'm crossing my fingers lol. My hubs so far has only seen a couple episodes of Night Country so he's got some catching up to do lol. Cannot wait for 5th season to see who Nic Pizzolatto has lined up & what story will be being told! Everyone should watch this show!
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Hannity (2009– )
The negative reviews are not non conspiracy theorists they are a different political party 😂
8 February 2024
Ok wow. People never cease to amaze me. I'm going to take a shot in the dark here & guess that people giving negative reviews are of a political party opposite Hannity & the people who give positive reviews. Since this country was founded regardless of what party people belonged to whether the commander in chief was of their party or not there was a level of respect for the office & even the man. No matter who u vote for, whether ur guy becomes president or not, once that guy is in that office show respect not Only for the office but for your COUNTRY!!! I cannot believe what a negative impact social media has had on our nation. It's sickening. No matter what profession u are in u have to watch every step u make in fear of hurting someone's fragile feelings b/c somewhere in the 21st century as a collective our country has lost its back bone & sorry, but it's balls. I honestly have voted for the person I thought was the best choice, meaning I've voted for a Democrat just the same as Republicans. But people were so Blinded by their hatred for Trump & his mouth that they couldn't see past their noses to spite their faces when they put Biden in office who is 100% inept! & clearly thinks he & anyone in his circle is above the law while the rest of us are expected to follow it! Lead by example is lost on the man! Point is THIS is why Hannity gets negative reviews. Doesn't matter that there "conspiracy theories" u mention Hannity talking about has come out right. B/c in truth they were just theories, not subjects that came out of left field. There's always going to be division in the media depending on what party owns them or gives them the most $, But there was a HELL OF A LOT more fake news coming from the Left sides media outlets than the Rights side. What's truly depressing is how these media battles have overflowed into mainstream, every day, regular people living & divided this country to the point everyone sues everyone else, teaches kids that u are a winner whether u showed up or not b/c working hard is nonexistent these days. In summation we ALL need to get our heads out of our asses & get back to our actual down home, nitty gritty roots. Get back to having morals & values, teaching our children right from wrong. Being respectful & responsible for our actions. I mean u all do remember the saying do unto others & what the rest of it is right? If not, go google it as I'm sure u are all familiar with. All of what I've said does Not come from a place of entitlement nor ignorance, etc. It comes from a place of fear honestly. If we keep going down the rabbit hole we've been falling into what will our futures look like?! What will our kids & grandkids?! The more divided we are the more weak we appear & an easier target we become to terrorism. Which these are the things that are the running themes of Hannity's shows. & something else to think about, when was it ever ok or right for certain shows or views to be cause for banning of said shows & people from social media outlets? I mean, people should be subject to that just b/c u don't like them? Not juvenile at all.

Oh & to clarify something as I'm sure people who read this are thinking oh it's just some white trash, low income, so on & so forth, person. I come from an educated, upper middle class family & still am of that stature. Sorry to burst the bubble of only the Hilljacks are Trump/Hannity/Republican supporters. We might just see things for what they are a little better.
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1899 (2022)
Why does Netflix cancel some of the best shows?! It's getting old!!
22 January 2024
This show was.. busy to say the least, nonetheless it was intriguing. The actors were chosen wisely & characters well written. Every time you think you have it figured out & know what's going on there's a U-turn. The way the last episode ended made it clear that the story was going somewhere with a lot more twists & turns & answers to audience questions. I'm not sure what these networks base the decision of cancellation on, but when I look at IMDB ratings & reviews I just do not get it! Netflix, Prime, Hulu, etc must not check out this app/site prior to finalizing giving a lot of these shows the boot or don't take into consideration that new viewers are going to watch the show after all episodes have been released which would alter how many people tune in on each episode's release & even if an entire season is put out at once, a lot of people will finish binge watching whatever they're on before moving to the next. Some people may not start a new series until they & their significant other both have the free time to start it. The list of reasons can go on. I just feel that so many great shows w/great potential aren't given the proper chance to peak. At the very least there should be a system, if a show doesn't perform as expected in the first season the writers/producers/show in general should be given a second season no matter what to, at the very least, tie everything up for the story arch as well as for the audience. It's very unsatisfying to have a shows season end on a cliff hanger to just cancel it & us viewers not have a clue what might've been.
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