
7 Reviews
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Shelved (2023– )
Above average Canadian content
6 April 2023
Fun, turn your brain off, wholesome content. Think corner gas, meets the office, meets west-side Toronto. Shows don't have to be raunchy or extreme to be funny, and I loved every minute of this sitcom.

From the try hard branch manager, to the conservative angsty clerk.. the eccentric old library fly. It all captures the day to day if a public library and makes fun of these tropes in a lighthearted way.

As someone who used to spend a lot of time in public libraries, there isn't much else like it. They are hubs for all sorts of whacky characters, which means the writers will have plenty to outline from.

I genuinely like this one.
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To be honest. I have not finished the series yet.
23 December 2019
My issue is with one of the very first scenes, where they're describing the acts of the sociopath against the kittens. They show part of the video, which I guess is excusable in today's smut filled culture, but then they continue to play the video in the background as she's describing it.

If you want to make a documentary, and not a modern-day shocked Thriller, stick to the facts, and leave the gore out of it. It crosses a line, where we all become complicit in the act. Who's to say, that a bunch of people that click on these videos to begin with, aren't depraved in their own way, and don't need psychological healing? The internet loves righteousness and retribution, often, from my point of view, people are just looking to escape their own problems.

Make documentaries great again!
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Disappointed at the loss of mr. Nancy
21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Stated right in the title. He was my favourite character. I noticed that the reviews are being brigaded by the storm front. Got to hand it to you white nationalists, you really know how to work together. Anyway, I will not be watching without Orlando Jones.
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A pleasant surprise.
18 December 2019
Not all the jokes land, but the majority do. For a sketch comedy show I think that's pretty damn good. I didn't think I was looking for a black nerdy sketch comedy show, but I am pleasantly surprised.

Solid content for any Millennials really.
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Prodigy (2017)
Short of brilliance
27 August 2018
This movie was a mixed bag with hokey moments throughout, some of the dialog seemed a little forced and tried a little too hard to be intelligent. A couple characters seemed superfluous and could have been left out entirely. That being said, there are truly beautiful moments in this film. Particularly dealing with trauma and the way we cope, or don't cope with it. Unfortunately, the ending just fell short and although I wanted to cry, it didn't quite come together well enough to allow me the catharsis that came with the conclusion. Overall, this film was engaging, intelligent and at times beautiful. Definitely one of my favourite low-budget films, and everyone involved should be proud of what they've accomplished.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
Collapsing toward the event horizon.
27 July 2018
This show is like taking Futurama, Rick and Morty, and the scene from Interstellar where Matthew McConaughey is descending toward the event horizon, and putting it all into a blender.

It has the playfulness of Futurama, with a sort of klutsy every-man as the main hero. It has the comedic pacing, and juxtaposition of serious topics with fantastical environments.. that's Rick and Morty. Throughout it all there is a consistent score of dramatic and foreboding music, a la Interstellar.

The problem is that I don't feel the cohesion. I would honestly prefer a more playful and exciting show that does't feel the need to be edgy.

I think the sarcasm is forced, and the dark score makes all the playfulness fall completely flat. In fact, I find the entire show to be plagued with emptiness and monotone. The drama doesn't hit, and neither does the comedy, unfortunately.

The show deserves two stars, but I gave it three do to the lack of "adult" cartoons, and the fact that I appreciate that the folks at Netflix are trying.
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South Park: The Coon (2009)
Season 13, Episode 2
If your going to use a slur, at least be clear about why your doing it.
3 July 2018
I'm surprised at the lack of negative reviews for this episode. Not only was it boring, it was confusing. The joke seems to weigh heavily on the use of the racial slur. This is when I stopped watching South Park. It was a very heated time, racially, in America when this came out, and still is, but nobody calls the writers of South Park "race-baiters" for stoking the flames of division, or pandering to their white supremacist crowd. I grew up with South Park, and have put up with plenty of black jokes, but at least they seemed to have a heart, and tried to always show the other side of the coin. Now I'm not sure who or what South Park is. This is when South Park went downhill for me.
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