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Farscape (1999–2003)
science fiction on the highest possible level
27 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
farscape takes science fiction to the highest possible level.

------------- basic informations ------------- first of all some basic check-marks, but thats not what my review is going to be about:

|| acting, very good || storyline, always a red line, always unexpected twists || character design, genius || makeup, incredible, love it || special effects, really nice ||

could continue this list, but you get to the point, its very well produced and will always be able to amuse and entertain you.

------------- review intro ------------- 1st episode starting on earth, suddenly sucked into another world. you are like john, disorientated, don't know what to expect, everything seems strange, but you are interested in more. and thats what the show is able to give you. you learn so much detailed informations about every character, why they react like they do, what background they have, nothing just happens, everybody has his reason for his behavior and its not just a facile look on the characters. thats what draws you deeper and deeper into the world of farscape...

... and thats what makes the show so absolutely incredible and leads us to the next point, resulting from this special point of view, farscape is willing the viewer to give:

------------- philosophy ------------- what is evil? what is good? is it OK to kill someone for a greater purpose? is it OK to torture someone for a greater purpose? what means betrayal? what means loyalty? what is the meaning of love? what means friendship? what are you willing to sacrifice from your own to get what you want? what are you willing to sacrifice from other people to get what you want? because every decision a character makes has a background thats also shown, you understand why they do it, you question it, ask yourself what you would do. things that obviously seem evil, turn out to be good, things that obviously seem good, turn out to be evil. you never know. one moment you think you know, the next moment you think different. farscape questions believe, feelings, decisions, logic and most of all morality!!

farscape splits the human being into the characters:

|| Crichton, hope and sensitive, a bit of all following || aeryn, neutral and cold || ka d'Argo, instincts and feelings || zhaan, spirituality, border to death || chiana, sexuality || Rigel, egoistic = the will to survive, hedonism || stark, insanity and sanity, border to death (takes zhaans role) || chrais, evil, self determination || Scorpius, evil, agony, willpower (takes chrais role) || pilot & mo-ya, morality, logic, neutrality ||

***STOP READING, SPOILERS AHEAD*** this leads to the opposites: example: aeryn and chiana, frigid and nymphomaniac, cold and sensitive, and this counts for all characters. but its never just black and white, all the roles are situational, characters switching their roles, developing as the show continues. the growing relationship between aeryn and john shows that the opposites aren't that opposite, how they first seem to be. i love how the show teaches us not to judge about someone, even he has this certain obvious role. Scorpius as a half-breed is tortured by both, scarens and sabations, all he gets is hate and pain, by everyone in the series but he reveals his true nature in the last shot of the peace-keeper movie he appears in and shows his true sublimity. in that moment i said to myself, i always knew it. i couldn't hate him somehow and expected from him to have a master-plan. i always felt empathic with him, since he had the hardest life from all characters and its not that i liked the way he did things, not at all, but i always was able to understand what has driven him to become who he is. he is my favorite character because he showed his true greatness of mind at the end with a simple smile when they who have tortured him both sign a peace contract. after what he has been through, a simple smile, no further comment necessary to get the conclusion. he always had a big picture and seemed the first time really happy in the plot when he achieved it. getting tortured and tortured, not having a own life, sacrificing everything to achieve a greater goal, its obviously a Jesus similarity which the normal viewer may not have recognized or expected. think about it, john goes to a similar procedure, tortured too, sacrificing his life at the end to rescue all, good Jesus john and bad Jesus scorpius? together they rescue all? again the opposites. ingenious. ***NO MORE SPOILERS***

i could write a whole book to analyze the series and there are MANY MORE details and cross-links i noticed, but i will stop here to give the viewer room for his own interpretations. even if you have watched the show already, watch it again and think about my words, maybe you will see it from a different point of view. this show is absolutely worth to watch it a second and third time. i will.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
charlie come back
2 October 2011
10/10 with charlie 1/10 without him....

its like taking the motor out of a lamborghini and replace it with 2 pedals for the driver. its not a lamborghini anymore. face it.

the whole concept of the show is based on charlies character. it makes absolutely no sense to continue without him. the only reason they do, they want the money so hard, since two and a half men was the most successful TV show. a lot of people say sheen went crazy, i say: charlie was right when he flipped out and offended the producers. it doesn't look like they love what they do, they just love the money. he wants double the money? pay him and get him back, only way to rescue a sinking boat. the show will be cancelled soon, if they continue like this.
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