
14 Reviews
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Black Widow (2021)
Great Action Thriller with a lot of heart!
11 July 2021
This was a great and entertaining movie that focuses on family especially the sister relationship. Don't buy into all the negativity. Go see it and judge for yourself. I have often found I don't agree with critics about movies, especially random people, and especially when the film is female lead.
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Mrs. America (2020)
A 10 out of 10 is rare for me.
21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, I am a firm believer in Women's Rights. Cate Blanchett is someone you love to hate but feel sorry for. It makes clear at the onset of the show that the male politicians were never going to take her seriously. The only reason Marsden's character was willing to introduce her was to try to get into her pants/skirt. She dealt with him handily and I give her kudos for that. I think it's clear that her ultimate goal was to have a say in defense matters. Unfortunately by not supporting the ERA, and leading the opposition to it she basically shot herself in the foot. If she had allied herself with Jill Ruckelshaus instead she might have been Secretary of Defense or State one day. In the latest episode another weakness of the movement is driven home. That there could have been middle ground. That is a lesson to be learned, but there are also lessons to be learned by those who supported the ERA. Those who choose to be housewives should not be vilified, just as women who want a career that is their own rather than a husband should not be vilified. How one person chooses to live isn't right for everyone. The two greatest female monarchs never married, they just took lovers as it suited them, though Catherine The Great at least, still had children. What this show and the history behind it does prove is that on both sides there were women who were formidable and smart and most importantly, they were women who were capable of leading. It makes me wonder what would have happened if Phyllis Schlafley had aligned with Jill? Would Reagan ever have been President? Would we have already had our first female Secretary of Defense? I think it's a question that we will never know the answer to but also one that needs to be asked.
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The Great (2020–2023)
Very Impressed!!
20 May 2020
I would have given this show a 10 out of 10 except it's not historically accurate. The acting, especially by the leads is phenomenal. I am a Marvel fan and after seeing this I kind of want Elle and Nicholas to play Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic..
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Just watched this movie for the first time.
31 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Now I am watching it for a second time. I do not get all the hate. My favorite part about the original trilogy was the Hans/Leia story. The prequels helped to put the original in a new light so I liked the originals better. The sequel trilogy has concluded the story. I thought the end battle between Rey and Palpatine was epic. To me the ending struck the right tone. I do feel like there was a lack of character development for some characters like Poe and Finn. I am curious to see what Feige does with Star Wars. I really like what he did with Marvel. I wonder if Solo would have done better if released before Force Awakens? Personally I loved Solo, but I know a lot of people didn't.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Fresh and Respectful
25 January 2020
I was a big fan of the old Charmed and while this version has a few issues they can easily be overcome. The original Charmed wasn't immediately popular either. I love the Hacy dynamic and I really hope they are endgame. The dynamic between the sisters needs a little work but it looks like they are in the process of figuring that out.
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Loved It, It Put Me in a Great Mood for the rest of the Day!!!
6 January 2020
I thought this movie was delightful. There was room for improvement but the story was great. I was very happy with the outcome. Jolie, Pheiffer, and Fanning were wonderful in their roles.
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Frozen II (2019)
Breathtaking and Inspiring
26 November 2019
My favorite line of the movie is "You are the one, you have been waiting for, from Elsa's last song in the movie. I won't give away the context but it's beautiful and something that I think insecurity is something everyone struggles with. It's also something I think everyone has the ability to overcome. The question is, "Do they want to?"
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A nostalgic return to a time of understanding and forgiveness
26 November 2019
This was a beautiful film with multiple tear jerking moments. I am probably biased because I loved Mister Rogers Neighborhood.
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A Christmas Movie with a lot of heart.
19 November 2019
This movie was slightly predictable but it will pull your heartstrings and hopefully make you hope again. It is a sweet and much needed reminder not to be so worried about what you don't have but to appreciate what you do. That means people as well. Listen to them. They might surprise you.
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Alright, from a female perspective.
19 November 2019
This movie was interesting. I kind of like that they showed how an angel might be recruited. That was an aspect that had never been shown before. Was it feminist? Yes. Was it man-hating? That depends on your point of view. I didn't think so. To me it was a fairly accurate portrayal of how most men act in a workplace. Do most men perceive themselves as behaving this way? Of course not, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen on a regular basis. Are there some women who have only gotten where they are because they were able to seduce a man into giving it to them rather than actually earning it who are not going to like this movie? Absolutely. It doesn't have the same magic as the old one, but I did think it was fun and enjoyable.
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Charmed: The Truth About Kat and Dogs (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
Hacy, here we come!!!
9 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers!!!!!! If you have been watching Charmed at all this season you know that there have been some steamy scenes, though thus far completely platonic, between Harry and Macy. It's obvious they both have feelings for each other which Harry finally admits to this episode though not to Macy because she has been kidnapped by his Darklighter half who also has feelings for Macy because Harry and his darklighter are essentially the same person. Thanks to Maggie and Mel and a forbidden locator spell they also know where Macy is now. Whether or not Macy will be able to admit her feelings for Harry once she is rescued, hopefully in the next episode, remains to be seen. While trying to figure out how to do the banned spell Mel and Maggie get some help from an unexpected ally. Katrina, Mel's possible love interest, contacts Marisol, the girl's mother, and tells them where to find Macy's journal. Inside the girls find a drawing of Harry done by Macy, revealing Macy's feelings for Harry. They realize that this one picture encompasses everything they need for the spell and were getting wrong in the previous attempts. They complete the spell just in time and the demon dog reveals the coordinates of Macy's location. I absolutely loved this episode though the CGI could use some improvement. I care more about the story though so the CGI didn't matter that much to me.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Will Smith, need I say more?
7 November 2019
While this is certainly not the best Will Smith action thriller I have ever seen, it's certainly not the worst. The plot was more interesting than Wild, Wild, West but not as good as Men In Black and Independence Day.
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Harriet (I) (2019)
7 November 2019
This movie was beautiful and inspiring. The actress playing Harriet did a phenomenal job. I can't recommend this movie enough. The grit and determination displayed by the actress, Cynthia, would make anyone want to stand up and fight. We all know that there are going to be racist haters out there simply because of the subject of the film. This an Oscar worthy film so do not pay attention to them, or at least go see the movie yourself before making a judgement. Happy watching!
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Has room for improvement
26 October 2019
This show isn't quite as good as the old Charmed yet, but I do think it has a lot of potential. I really want to see the Harry and Macy relationship play out. The first season had some questionable moments, though the second season seems to be improving thus far. The older Charmed show stumbled in the beginning as well. The political implications of the show also means that the same people who trashed Captain Marvel will also try to bash this show. There are some issues and plot holes but that is true of any TV show and most of the bashing is unsurprisingly undeserved.
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