
45 Reviews
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Truth Seekers (2020)
30 October 2020
On paper this show should be great, but, sadly it is not very funny and it is not in the slightest bit scary.

Simon peg plays a small part and is hardly ever on screen, I have to put a special mention in for his wig though, that is about as funny as this ludicrous show gets.

Nick Frost is surprisingly wooden and after a while his pathetic attempts at humour really start to irritate.

God knows why Malcolm McDowell is in the show, I guess he must really need the money

Expect a very short (30 minutes) plot hole filled nonsensical clichéd show that tries to be funny and clever but completely fails.

4 out of 10
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
21 June 2020
I wish I had listened to the spoilers, i am shattered after playing this game, I guess they did not want fans of the original game to enjoy this perverse, sick, failure of a game.

It is not just that the game play is patchy and cluncky involving thrashing the keys with very limited control, or that the game looks dark and cold, indeed it is relentlessly grim. No the worst thing and the most unforgivable thing is that the story is crap! Beloved characters are cast asunder like a piece of garbage, I was actually on the verge of tears at one point and not tears of joy. Someone has a lot to answer for, indeed I think the writers are sick in the head.

This game is a massive massive disappointment, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
check the 10 star review LMAO
3 June 2020
Someone recommended this show to me, so I watched the first 2 episodes. The person who recommended this now has no credibility . They obviously have no taste.

As the viewing figures continue to tank we conversely see loads of glowing reviews on IMDB. How can anyone give this incredibly bad CW show 10 stars? 3 stars is too much.

The show is bad, I mean really really bad! The characters are really unlikeable, the main protagonist who is apparently a 14 year old girl, is a typical Mary Sue, who after a few minutes practice can now fight better than Bruce Lee!!!!

The show is more teen girl drama than an action. The usual stereo types, she has a step Dad who she derides from the start, she is the new girl at school etc etc.


The show is nonsensical and full of gaping plot holes, the plot holes make it impossible to engage with the diabolically bad story.

I am pissed I will never get back the time I wasted watching this nonsense, instead I could have used the time to build a robot out of some old car parts........geez
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Ad Astra (2019)
what a load of brad pit
8 December 2019
Wow what a waste of time this movie is a nonsensical yawn fest do yourself a favour and watch The Expanse, it is just a pity the director didn't. Honestly this film is so slow, boring and nonsensical that you will wonder if a child had written and directed it. 2 out if 10 for some ok visuals as the Cockneys say this film is a load of brad pit!
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Watchmen (2019)
lots of fake reviews
18 November 2019
I was looking forward to this show, but it is a huge Disappointment! I cannot understand what the storyline is supposed to be, it is convoluted and seems to point to some kind of black underclass which comes across as at the very least ill-judged and at the worst racist. The storylines are weird but not in a good way, honestly there is nothing to like about this show, the actors and unlikable, the script is incoherent and it seems to have some kind of political agenda.

Do yourself a favour and skip this show, it is a massive waste of time and money

2 out of 10

And do not believe the fake reviews, It helps if you sort your search by prolific reviewers, that helps to weed out the lies.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
watch this now!
2 November 2019
This is Tv at its best! I am totally invested in the characters, I genuinely care about all of them, their stories are so compelling and meaningful.

There are stories of redemption and subversion, where the good guys are questionably actually the bad guys and the bad guys just might be the good guys, I guess there is a conversation here about how the values people had in the 80s are now being subverted , IMO there are no good or bad guys - just like real life!

Yes this show really is that deep, it is a rare thing, a great story, which makes you think and laugh at some of the absurdity of modern life and conversely laugh at the madness that was the 80s. All of this is done to a superb retro 80s soundtrack, it just screams 80s nostalgia, I even brushed off my Foreigner LP collection, hell I might even grow a mullet.

William Zabka is my new favourite anti hero, kudos to him and the producers for creating such a brilliant show.
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Pays homage to the Doom games
3 October 2019
This film will not appeal to everyone, but, I liked and enjoyed it.

The film was very accurate to the game with lots of nice touches, like the BFG, the uniforms, sets and weapons They were all pretty authentic.

I also appreciate that the film did not have a huge budget but IMO they did a good job with limited funds.

The movie does not deserve the bad reviews, it is a lot better than most films derived from PC games
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very poor
25 August 2019
I cannot believe I was suckered into watching this film, it is rubbish! I foolishly believed the reviews on here, apparently there was some kind of spat between the critics and the fans where the fans said the critics who universally panned the film, were all wrong. Well I can honestly say the critics got it right, this film is only held together by plot holes and CGI It is absolute nonsense, what story there is, is generic nonsense. The plot holes are constant and the acting is notably poor. If you like nonsensical CGI heavy movies, then this is the film for you, but, if like me you prefer an interesting story with good acting and direction then avoid this rubbish like the plague. This movie was a huge disappointment!
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NOS4A2 (2019–2020)
too many plot holes and drama
12 June 2019
First off as this is a review I would say that this show is worth watching but only if you have nothing else to watch. It is a shame that they made such a terrible job of adapting Joe Hill's brilliant story.

At times if you can get by the numerous inaccuracies the plot holes, the poor acting and copious amounts of drama then it is watchable but as I said only if there is nothing else on TV.

I also found the lesbian scenes shocking not because of anything graphic but because they were out of place and off kilter from the story line, indeed I can see no reason to have included these scenes. Only the producers know why they included these scenes.

The plot holes are hard to live with too and prevent the viewer from buying into the story.

But the worst thing about this show IMO is that the cast are unlikeable, indeed, i really could not care less about any of them.

The lead actress who is in her mid 20's plays a angsty teenager and it really does not fit or work. It looks ridiculous when she shares a scene with her screen mother, who is in reality around the same age as her.

Yeah the whole cast with the exception of Zachary Quinto are unlikeable - and he is supposed to be unlikable.

Another disappointing show that could have been fantastic
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The Hot Zone (2019–2021)
oh the drama!
1 June 2019
Too much drama, spoils what could have been an interesting show.

the show feels condescending too, like they have to spell everything out to us.

but the worse thing of all is Topher Grace's wig, it's maybe just me but WTF does he have on his head?

It kind of spoils the moment when one of the lead characters has a carpet on his head
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a great show and a reminder of unsung heros
27 May 2019
A highly informative and interesting program

I do not usually go in for these reality type shows but this series is different, it accurately tracks the incredibly demanding process of becoming an SOE agent.

I have renewed respect for the young men and women who became SOE agents, many of the unsung heroes.

So I am immensely grateful to the producers of this excellent series for giving us a unique view and perspective of what it was like to put your life on the line for freedom and democracy
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a great show and a reminder of unsung heros
26 May 2019
A highly informative and interesting program

I do not usually go in for these reality type show but this series is different, it accurately tracks the incredibly demanding process of becoming an SOE agent.

I have renewed respect for the young men and women who became SOE agents, many of the unsung heroes.

So I am immensely grateful to the producers of this excellent series for giving us a unique view and perspective of what it was like to put your life on the line for freedom and democracy
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Doesn't know what it wants to be
2 May 2019
Not sure if this is a comedy a drama or a SCFI show. At times it is all of these things.


It is annoyingly PC and the humour is also at times crass.

Seth MacFarlane is becoming more and more annoying; he should have stuck to cartoon dogs.

But I also have to hand it to the directors at times they produce some good story lines which makes me re think my dislike for the many failings.

So i am mixed in my opinion of this show, I put up with the PC crap, bad acting and annoying drama for the better SCFI elements.

I am also sick of people comparing this to Star Trek Discovery IMO they are incomparable, Star Trek Discovery is a superior SCFI show.

The 2 shows appeal to different audiences and can co-exist but it in my opinion Star Trek Discovery is superior in every way
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The Silence (II) (2019)
why was this even made?
26 April 2019
Why did they go to the trouble of making this nonsense? What a waste of time and talent. You would think they could find a better script or story than this absolute tripe.

I also cannot believe Miranda Otto and Stanley Tucci are in this, that said though, Mr Tucci does seem to turn up in some crap and "the Silence" fits that bill.

It defies belief that the production company went to the trouble of making this show - did they not realise that this is a real stinker?

I also love how the world is destroyed but the Power workers always manage to get to work, I mean how else does the electricity stay on?

this show is stupid beyond belief ! Another huge disappointment
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Diablero (2018–2020)
do not believe the ridiculous 10 star ratings!
25 April 2019
This is an ok show, definitely worth watching but please do not believe the ridiculous 10 star ratings!

I would also recommend you watch this in it's native Mexican language and enable sub titles (this is an option on Netflix).

That avoids having to watch the show with the dreadful English over dubbing.

I also think Giselle Kuri (Nancy Gama) is excellent.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
The absolute worse show I have ever had the misfortune to watch - 0 out of 10
14 April 2019
I have watched some crap in my time but this is the worst TV show I have ever watched

This is cheaply made, I mean 0 budget cheap

I note a lot of the positive reviews are trying to say that people are marking this show down because they are TWD fans, come on if that doe not say fake reviewers what does? they are just trying to discredit honest reviewers

anyone who rates this higher than 1 must be a fake reviewer or a zombie

And for the record TWD is not a great show IMO but it is superior to this utter garbage TWD has production values and paid professional actors, this steaming pile of poo does not.

It is like watching something a bunch of students would make, indeed that is probably an insult to said students.

I also had to double check, apparently this garbage is supposed to be set in the Z nation universe and is made by the same people, Z nation was IMO an ok show, cheap but entertaining as it did not take itself seriously and it was zany and funny

Black summer is none of those things.

It is boring and very very badly made, in one episode a guy gets chased about by the same zombie for the entire episode, in that episode the protagonist injures his hand, so badly, that he cannot change gears or open doors, his hand is mangled. He then fortunately finds a super market, where the power is still on, (gaff) and heh presto his hand is completely cured no blood, no injury - nothing (mega gaff)

There are so many instances of these poor production values that it is not worth saying any more other than this is a new bench mark low The absolute worse show I have ever had the misfortune to watch

0 out of 10
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Knightfall (2017–2019)
really bad but compulsive viewing
5 April 2019
Ok there is 2 things you need to know about this show

1 it is really bad and

2 it is compulsive viewing

I have to hand it to the script writers, they are off their heads.

I nearly quit after the first episode, such was my disappointment, I wish they had not used the Knights Templar as their premise for the show as it makes a mockery of this historical order, but, once I realised that this has no actual bearing in fact, I got over it.

Maybe they should have called this, men with beards and swords.

Just think period drama with a lot of sword fighting with nonsensical plot twists poor continuity and every cliché you can think of.

It is more like a Arthurian saga, I am sure they stole some of the Knights names from the legends, it is likely that the script writer does not know the difference between the Knights of king Arthur and the Knights Templar, as from a historical POV they do not seem to have any degree of knowledge on this subject

It is a pity they did not try a little bit harder with the plot as the sets and action sequences are pretty good, never the less it is still watchable if only to see how stupid the plots are, at times it is cringeworthy but it always somehow redeems itself enough to remain watchable in an OMG that was predictable kind of way.

A crazy show where the script writers get to indulge themselves with plots that have no basis in fact or reality - it is completely audacious, off the wall stupid.

sometimes something is so bad that it is good.
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Hanna (2019–2021)
Wasted potential
3 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Another example of an idiot directing what could have and should have been a great show.

Nothing makes sense : -

For 16 years they have lived in a cave, seriously?

Were the authorities scared to search the woods?

Maybe they did not know about heat seeking cameras, you know like they use in the real world?

Where did they get the clothes and all their equipment from?

What did he feed the baby with - melted snow?

They use at least 12 bullets in the first episode, where did they get this endless supply of ammo?

The cave has all mod cons, including a fire to cook and provide heat, em but where does the smoke go?

Hanna is constantly told to watch out for strangers, her complete existence revolves around not being found and she constantly trains to defend herself, so what does she do? The first person she meets she nearly sleeps with. This person is conveniently a 17-year-old boy who just happens to be the only person out in the forest logging, amazing that one small boy can handle this exhaustive, dangerous and labor-intensive job all on his own

The boy takes Hanna to a satellite dish to try his luck, but another amazing and unbelievable coincidence, the area belongs to and is monitored by the very same people who are hunting Hanna.

Then it gets worse it becomes a teen angst coming of age drama, the characters are unlikable and although they have some acting credentials they come across as wooden and unbelievable.

All in all, a dam shame this could have been great but instead it is complete nonsense.

A seriously dumb show!

For the record the movie was above average and watchable, sadly this TV series is not.
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Peppermint (2018)
overly long 1hour and 41 minutes of nonsense
7 March 2019
This is a strictly by the numbers seen it all before action movie All they have done here is substitute Steven Segal for Jennifer Garner. This is a slick move for the producers as all of a sudden people are giving this rubbish high praise. To be fair Jennifer Garner is very good and works her little cotton socks off. Its just a pity that an actor with her skills is relegated to making garbage like Peppermint, sadly at her age she is no longer the hot young leading lady, it is a shame that anti ageism is not as popular as alleged sexism. Anyway, apart from Miss Garner this film sucks. We have seen it all before, it is a revenge movie where all of a sudden without any real explanation our lead character becomes a super assassin who is virtually indestructible, no matter how many times they get stabbed beaten or shot. This movie is a very poor copy of the vastly superior "the Long Kiss Goodnight" and that came out in 1996! The script is a complete farce, nothing is ever explained and the whole film is one big plot hole. I guess a lot of people like action movies, they like to put their brains into neutral and sit back and watch gratuitous violence I suppose it is slightly more entertaining than watching paint dry, but only just. It is an overly long 1hour and 41 minutes of nonsense
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
revised review
22 February 2019
I was a little harsh with my previous review, after watching all of the first season, i have to say this is by far the best DC show i have seen, it is genuinely crazy and brilliant for it, I hope to see more of the same!

If you are looking for a mainstream super hero show then you may not enjoy Doom Patrol but if you like inventive, witty and surreal then please do give Doom Patrol a chance - you will not regret it
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
nothing great
22 February 2019
This show has some good ideas and i really did want to like it but it is nonsense. if they had left the monkey and the robot mum out of it then maybe i could have engaged with the story a bit more.

that said i will persevere with this until i get totally bored with it. all in all a patchy show that could have been great.
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25 January 2019
The film starts off badly and goes downhill from there

Seriously!! the outrun a bomb and jump in a bath scene?

Stick to the Noomi Rapace movies and forget about this Hollywood garbage. I wonder who they were aiming this film at? Not men, who generally are the target audience for "action movies" Who did they think would be interested in a badly made stupid second-rate plot hole filled nonsensical farce?

This film was just irritating and an insult to the late Stieg Larsson. Hopefully the film will bomb at the box office and the people involved with this utter crap will then find it difficult to make any more movies.

That is the only good thing that could come out of this truly dreadful movie

We were expecting a clever psychological thriller with cyber punk influences but what we got was a small unlikely butch female lead, who makes James Bond look like a weed.

Does Claire Foy expect to be taken seriously after this role?

She should apply to be the next James Bond, that would finish off that franchise too.

So disappointing
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Blade Runner (1982)
the best film ever made
16 January 2019
Perfect in every way!!!

from the sound track, the acting the incredible cinematography this is film 101

It is hard to believe this is from the same Ridley Scott who brought us the awful Alien: Covenant maybe creating perfection is more of a fluke than a norm but Riley has given us some of the best movies ever.

if you get a chance please read or watch Ridley's interview regarding the making of Blade runner, you will find it very revealing, he was constantly being pushed and threatened by the mob who had financed the movie.

the final scene with Rutger Hauer had to be shot in one take The building they were filming in had to be returned to its normal state and they literally had no time left.

They had used a stunt double to do the building leap but he could not manage it, the gap was too great for him, so Rutger Hauer in 1 take did the jump the dove scene and even improvised the ending.... Incredible!

I think this movie is better than the book, how often can anyone say that?

do you think Rick Deckard is a replicant?

I could go on and on but i am sure others have covered all the nuances of this film far better than i ever could

I can watch this film over and over again and find something new in it every time

a true masterpiece!
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The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
it just doesn't work
15 January 2019
The grand tour is a hollow version of Top Gear, the jokes more often than not fall flat, at times the audience reaction sounds like canned laughter, there is an unattractive smugness about this show.

It just goes to show just how good the BBC is as no amount of money can make up for a lack of whit and intelligence.

the Grand Tour is a watered down version of Top Gear, it is only a question of how far you can water it down, so far it is looking pretty thin

I was a huge Top gear fan and still enjoy it's new incarnation almost as much as the old Clarkson series, which i never thought i would ever say, indeed it is much better than the Grand tour
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The Walking Dead: A New Beginning (2018)
Season 9, Episode 1
just as bad as i remember
8 January 2019
I stupidly thought i would start watching this again, i still remember when this used to be a well made and enjoyable show.

Sadly though this new season se9ep1 seems worse than the ever if that is possible

I cannot watch this when the lead characters are so stupid, all because the script writers do not understand reality.

I am also sick of stealth Zombies who appear from no where.

  • old tired format, nothing new and no hope that they will employ a script writer with a modicum of talent.

no wonder rick is chucking it, the writing must be on the wall for this idiotic show
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