
2 Reviews
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Still unsure about this one!
7 December 2004
I watched this for the first time last night. As with some of the other people who made comments, I was thinking "what the hell is this all about?". To me, the mundane journey of the young couple is believable - we all go through life taking care of the base-instincts above all else, otherwise we'd die pretty quickly! I've been on similar journeys and you really do think along those lines. I didn't quite understand the moods of the girl sometimes, but then girlie moods are usually a source of amazement to me! She seemed like one spoilt brat to me.

The rape scene was unconvincing, I mean - when some nutter bumps the back of your motor and pushes you along, what would you do? I certainly would lock my bloody doors and drive like hell to try and get away. Maybe that was the point though, neither of the two characters had anything about them - they were just dull people who wander through life without much thought behind what they are doing. I dunno, I just think I would've put up one helluva fight before the three red-necks got me and my gal like that!

The killer scene was a surprise to me, I thought she'd enter the bathroom and find him hanging. The knife scene was pretty silly, but the view of David lying naked in the desert was good, especially as the camera stayed still and the cop wandered round talking on the radio.

Overall, I think the banal nature of the film was intentional and the intense scenes at the end were a big relief, although they could've been better. I look forward to watching it again, but feel like twice maybe once too often!
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Deliverance (1972)
7 December 2004
I think one of the words that most describes the events in this film to me is brutal. When I saw this as a young lad, I felt the isolation of the four characters, cut-off from the world they are used to and thrown into a brutal world where nature is harsh (the rocks and canyons along the river always scare me) and the local folk are a complete world away. The film still scares the sh*t out of me! I mean, what would YOU do if you were confronted by two hill-billies in a situation like that?

It's so easy to remain distant and see the film as "entertainment", but take a reality-check and immerse yourself in the story. It's a shame some just don't appreciate the film - guess we're used to adrenaline-pumping action from start to finish nowadays, but that's too easy - it doesn't require emotional involvement from the viewer unlike a film such as Deliverance...
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