
17 Reviews
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Jersey Boys (2014)
Give Me a Break With The Anti F Word People
15 September 2014
This is another fantastic film Mr Eastwood has put together. He continues to make well crafted films one after the other. Jersey Boys is no exception. Although I have heard the name Frankie Valli before, I had no idea who he was. You do not need to be familiar with the band to enjoy the film. Although I suspect you will recognize many of the songs. If not all of them. It's more than just a music film though. It has a touch of Goodfellas sprinkled in it. It's nice to see Christopher Walken play a gangster again. That alone was worth the price of admission. No on to the F word haters. The picture is rated R. This is how the characters speak. Get over it. I use the F word on a regular basis. So does everyone I have ever known. If you don't like it don't watch R rated pictures.
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Big Bad Wolf (2006)
Solid Werewolf Movie (with repeated viewing)
14 August 2013
I bought this film on DVD the day it came out. I used to work at Circuit City, and there wasn't much else out that Tuesday. The first time I watched the film I didn't think the film was better than average. I couldn't get past the fact that the werewolf talked. Not only does he talk, but he makes wise cracks in the same vein as the later versions of Freddy. He also rapes people while in werewolf form. Not that I'm anti rape in movies. It's just I've never seen a werewolf do it. The costume was cool though, and it was cool that he stands on 2 feet. I can't stand werewolves (aside from An American Werewolf in London)that are on all four, or when they just turn into a wolf. I decided to eventually give it another chance. I liked it a lot better going into it knowing the werewolf talks. Now I watch it every October, and just love it. What was I thinking. How can you not love a wise cracking werewolf that rapes all of his sons friends. It's soooooooooooo funny! A little part of me still wishes they would have played it straight though. Only because we don't get many werewolf movies, and when we do it's all cg 4 leg crap. See this movie if your any kind of horror fan. AND MAKE MORE STAND ON 2 LEGS WEREWOLF MOVIES WITH OUT CG!
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Small Town Security (2012–2014)
Stupid Ignorant and Trashy! I'm Referring to the Low Rating Reviewers
11 July 2013
If you read the negative reviews not 1 gave the show more than a few minutes or past 1 episode. Some reference Reno 911. No one can judge what a show is going to be after 1 episode. The first episode of The Wire doesn't do justice to what watching the entire series becomes. The point is if you stayed with it through the first season you would have found out what a truly touching show this is. You wish the best for everyone involved in the show, and genuinely grow to care for them. The morons that did not give the show the chance it deserved that threaten to quit watching AMC, I say good. AMC is the only non premium channel making television as great as the premium channels are. No other network comes close. I also find it funny they state only two shows on AMC. The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. The don't even mention Mad Men or The Killing. Arguably the two better shows. So you go to the other networks, and have fun watching poor mans versions of premium cable television. Leave the grade A stuff for the people that are able to comprehend intelligent material.
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Great Fun (dont listen to want to be critics)
28 April 2013
This film is a fantastic return for our lost action hero. i guess people were expecting citizen cane as an action movie. if you read the bad reviews here by people who think they know how to critique a film you may miss a great time. you can pick apart any movie if you want. some reviewers say the couldn't suspend disbelief, yet those same reviewers believe in giant talking robots from outer space. oh that can fly and transform into certain objects. and i like iron man, but why don't they pick that apart? they just want to hate. or to get a rise out of people. simple as that. so listen to the real critics if you don't believe me. believe roger ebert. he knows what hes talking about. unlike the others. and no its not a 10 star movie. just balancing out the haters.
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Twixt (2011)
Will You Two Pay Close Attention
8 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Francis Ford Coppola do not do this to us again. If you want to make us wait years in between each film fine. You have earned that right even though you have not made a good film since Dracula. Still some of the films you have made will give you this right for life. If you want to make nothing, but smaller personal films fine. If you want to revive careers of actors who desperately need reviving all the better. All these things are OK with me, but you have to spend more than 2 dollars when you do so. You also have to make them watchable. When Scorcese makes a bad film I can still sit through it. When Oliver Stone makes a bad film (which is all he does lately, let's hope Savages changes this) I can still watch the entire film. If you would have put money into this it may have been at least watchable. I thought this would have been the film to put you and Val Kilmer back in your rightful positions in the film world. I was very wrong.

Val Kilmer you must stop making films until a director with talent calls you. I know you thought this was it, and you are not at all to blame in any way this time. You have not had a good role since Wonderland. If you must take supporting roles as you did in Bad Lieutenant by all means do so. Also you must lose weight. I can get past many actors weight gains, but yours for some reason I can not. Maybe it's your jaw bone. Maybe it's the image of your Oscar snubbed role as Jim Morrison constantly going through my mind. Or maybe your head is just too small for your body now. You decide. Danny Parker/Tom Van Allen reference. STOP TAKING EVER ROLE THAT COMES ACROSS YOUR DESK. Please.

Well what have we learned from this disaster Francis and Val? Francis just stick to your wine until you have a real idea. Val I really do love you, and you can do no wrong. But you should wait until Tarantino or Aronofsky calls before you do any more damage to my wonderful memories of you.
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Ip Man (2008)
Way Way Way Overrated
18 March 2012
Talk about an overrated film, this is it. It's not even as good as it's sequel. It has a higher rating than even Drunken Master 2, and that's one of the best ever filmed. I believe the reason is the people rating it have not seen many films of this type. If they had they would realize this is a very average martial arts film. Yen has done way better films. When people tell me how great this film was I ask what other films with Yen they have seen. None they answer. In fact the only Jackie Chan film one guy saw was The Tuxedo, and not one Jet Li film. People say Yen is the new Bruce Lee, but they are about 20 years off. Maybe in the 90's I would have believed that. Jacky Wu seems to be king now. So it's no wonder this film has such a high rating. Most of the people rating it haven't seen the better films by any one. So they have no foundation to judge upon.
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20 February 2012
I can not believe what some people are saying about this film. It's a very good horror film period. There are jump scares in a every single haunted house film. There are supposed to be. IT'S A HAUNTED HAUSE FILM! I can only assume that the negative reviews are being written by teeny boppers who came to see harry potter. These reviewers can't understand things like atmosphere or Gothic tales. Hammer hit a home run with this one for sure. This is the perfect haunted house horror film. And it's your own fault if you go in expecting things. That's not how you see films. They are not made based on your expectations. They are made through the film makers vision. So don't knock a film because of your expectations. You review the film for what it was. Not what you wanted it to be.
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How does this film score so high?
20 February 2012
This is just a bad film. The worst I have ever seen. Do people not like things like story, characters, and feeling? I just don't get it. And they will keep making this trash because people keep seeing it. They already have battleship coming out. When I saw the trailer I first thought it was a new transformer film. Thank god it wasn't, but I know its coming. I could understand part two. Every one went to see the first one. So naturally there had to be a two. But when every one saw how bad part two was why did they go see three? There had to be better films in theaters to see than this. All I can think of is that we as a movie going society are getting dumber. While other countries are making smart films, we are making dumb films. Very embarrassing.
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Too Dumb To Recognize A Masterpiece
13 November 2011
This is a perfect film. That is a fact. No one is trying to be Kubrick, and in many ways (especially after this film) I would say Malick has surpassed Kubrick. When people do not understand what they are watching they decide to hate. When people do not get explosions or a similar formula they decide to hate as well. Just search any fantastic film that does not have the standard film formula. Drive and Bellflower both come to mind. Both are filled with reviews by people who understand the film, and those who do not. Read the reviews by those who do not, and you will find the reviews are identical. Pretentious is the word they love to throw around the most. I challenge you to think of all the films similar to this, and you will find the negative reviews have the same context. It must be in the negative review by wanna be critics 101 handbook along with repeatedly answering questions they have asked themselves in their own review. Like the WHO KNOWS? guy. Any way this is the greatest film of the decade so far, and I can't wait to see it again. Oh and THIS FILM IS THE REASON BLU-RAY WAS INVENTED! Don't watch it any other way.
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Bellflower (2011)
The Great Indie Has Returned
2 November 2011
It has been a while since we have seen a film like this. Made for very little money it belongs in a class of films like Habit, El Mariachi, Clerks, and Sex, Lies, and Videotape. I'm not saying it is better than those films, but they are all similar in tone. Tehy were all film makers to watch, and so are the creators of Bellflower. If you love film you will adore this one.

Ignore the bitter film maker reviewers here. Because they used this lens here, and this type of shot here this is a bad film. Gimme a break, and go make your own film.

Also ignore the reviewers who hyped themselves up after reading a few of the great reviews. It's never a good thing to go into a movie expecting to see the greatest thing ever filmed.

And finally ignore the Transformer lover reviewers. People who love to see big expensive bad films probably will not like this one. Not the having a big budget makes a film bad, but some one is going to see Thor, Green Lantern, and Tranformers. This is not the audience for this film. I'm not sure why people like to hate on critic favs, but they always do.

Much like the film Drive, this film does not deserve the negative reviews. There are plenty of films that do. So please go hate on those.
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Twelve (2010)
Joel Shumacher is the Uwe Boll of Hollywood
4 September 2010
One reviewer that gave this film a perfect rating here also stated Joel Shumacher is an "astounding filmmaker". There are not many films that are worth watching in Joel Shumacher's catalog. Maybe Tigerland is his best film, and that's just worth a casual watch. He will always be the man who killed the Batman franchise for more than a decade. After his last film Blood Creek was released in a handful of theaters it went straight to DVD. As I'm sure Twelve will.

The reviewer went on to add this film was a Sundance selection therefore it would "must have exceptional parts". I think the reviewer must not watch many films to come out of Sundance. Every year there are good/great films to come out of the festival, but far more bad films are also unleashed on this world from the very same festival.

If you have seen any teen drug films then you have seen this one. Only this is one of the bad one. STAY AWAY
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LA Ink (2007–2011)
What Are These Guys Talking About?
15 August 2010
Sure my rating is high, but the current rating set by others is much much to low. A reality show that hires actors?! No, they wouldn't do that. Really guys if you think reality shows are not staged WAKE UP! Some (like the Gene Simmons show) are extremely staged, while others not so much. This would fall into the not so much category. Do you really think Cat wants an idiot screwing up her shop? You can knock a show for what it is. Its like saying Star Wars would be good if it wasn't set in space! The inspirational stories are a part of the show, and people do get tattoos of their pets all the time. There is no cute factor to it, its just what some people like to do. If you don't like these things which really take up a majority of the show, Don't WATCH! After all its just a time killer nothing more.
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Just Another Day (IV) (2009)
A Bad Movie Not Even Marlo And Avon Could Save
31 July 2010
There is only one good thing about this dumb movie. Avon and Marlo. Kids nor The Player should ever be mentioned in the same breath as this film, and there is a big reason why this went straight to video. It's plain bad.

I had no idea what this film was, but I decided to see it because Wood Harris was on the cover. When I saw Marlo Stanfield during the title credits, I became very excited. To have both of these guys in the same film was an opportunity for greatness. To bad a fraud of a director and a weak script failed them both. What a shame.

We all know these two actors are very good. Both should have Emmys, but were snubbed. In this film though, both seem like amatures, but this is due to the weak director. I really hope these two can be paired again for something good. For now I'll just watch the greatest show (even better than almost any film) ever made for the eighth time. The Wire.
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Click (I) (2010)
More Rip Offs, When Will Some One Put An End To It?
10 March 2010
I really love movies. As a movie lover it is beyond me why any one would want some cheap knock off version when they can have the real thing for the same price. As it is Shutter is over rated. It's not even in the top ten of the Asian horror boom that was taking place when it was released. The "creators" of this rip off have taken a mediocre story, and did everything humanly possible to make it worse. There is plenty of terrible acting, a very poorly written script, and not one scare. The thieves responsible for making all these movies in the rip off genre are not entirely to blame. The blame goes to the people that continue to see these movies. The filmmakers should be sued until the can no longer afford to make movies, and the audience should be forced to learn what a good movie is. As long as people are going to see these abominations, the "filmakers will continue to steal other people work and ideas. Not one of these rip offs comes remotely close to being as good the original. Not one. So really what is the point of wasting your money? If a knock off of a name brand was the same price as the original, no one would buy the knock off. So don't see the knock off either. If you must then see it for free. Don't give any more money to these thieves. I saw the cover box for the Memento rip off the other day. What a joke.
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These People Clearly Have Not Seen A Good Revenge Flick
16 February 2010
Look the movie is better than 1 star, but I've gotta make up for all the stars this movie is getting. I'm reading bad reviews by people, and yet they are still giving it 7 or 8 stars. Then there's the guys that are giving higher praises. My only conclusion is that they are under 20 years of age, and think Taken (which I did enjoy) is the best revenge movie ever made. They clearly have not seen enough films in this sub-genre to know what makes a great revenge thriller. And no Man On Fire (although I did enjoy that as well) isn't it either. Instead see Harry Brown (also out this year), A Bittersweet Life, Thriller A Cruel Picture, or even some of Gibson's earlier films. There are too many great revenge thrillers to list, but if you do some digging you'll easily find them. Give this a rent. Don't waste money on it at the theater, and see Harry Brown for sure.
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Human Death Yeah Right Don't Be Fooled
10 January 2010
Guys let's not get carried away here! There are no human death scenes in this, or any Faces of Death for that matter. It's all staged, and all psychological.

They show you a dead body in a morgue,or real animals getting brutally killed. Then show you a guy getting shot by executioners (not in this film,in one of the Faces of Death and I'm just using as an example only),a guy hit by a train, or a guy mauled by lions. Because you saw the real dead body you think every thing else is real. People see these films usually very young, and grow up believing they are real. They are not. There is no debate as others here have stated.

However if you have never seen one of these film, think very long and hard about how much you really do. Even though the human deaths are fake these films are still very unsettling, and you can not unwatch it. It will be with you for the rest of your life, and you will be affected by them.
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Deserved Limited Theatrical Release
31 December 2009
I really really did not want to see this movie, but boy am I glad I did. It was very well directed, well acted (for the most part), and well shot. I would have gladly paid 10 bucks to see this on the big screen. The problem is I (and most people) didn't know it until after we had seen it. After the god awful sequels I thought this outing would be the same garbage. John Hyams created a much darker bleak Universal Soldier that out shines the first installment. He has a very bright career ahead of him. The world he created in this film has the same look and feel as Terminator Salvation did. In fact this film is as good if not better than T4. Mainly because it had nothing to live up to. All the fight scenes were top notch, and graphically violent (which is a good thing). Even Dolph Lundgren was interesting. And near the end of the film there is a shot, of JVCD standing in front of a doorway looking at the kids that are his mission, that is just amazing. If you do not like action films you won't have any fun, but if you do your in for a real treat. You can give it a rent, or the better option would be to buy it on blu-ray. It's just a shame we can't see it on the big screen. Because after all these years JVCD finally has an action film thats worthy of it.
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