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Nicholas Cage vs Five Nights at Freddy's
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

Some say The Godfather. Some say Citizen Kane. I argue it's Willy's Wonderland!

One minor flaw to the movie is that there are a tad too many characters.

They die quickly enough, but if the movie were 30% more Nicholas Cage killing animatronics, it would have been a solid 10 out of 10!

They really should have cut out those cannon fodder slasher characters, the teenagers, except Emily Tosta's character.

I just wanted to see more of Nicholas Cage destroying those animatronics!

Another minor flaw is those "Break Time" gags, where Nicholas Cage just plays pinball and drinks soda, religiously, as if killing animatronics was just part of his job.
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The Jester (II) (2023)
I like the Jester himself, but hardly anything else works.
22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros: The Jester is basically an unstoppable force of nature.

I kind of love him for that.

He just kills everyone, often for no reason what so ever!

Usually, Chaotic Evil villains kill people who slight them.

Example, He removes this one guy's teeth and eyes with magic, and he was just sitting there, doing nothing!

My favorite kills are actually the grave diggers.

The Jester kills a guy, makes it look like a self-termination, then he shows up to the first victim's funeral, dances on his grave, THEN kills the guys just digging the poor first victim's grave!

I honestly wish The Jester killed the trick or treating kids and the store clerk. Murder Hands Rated "E for Everyone".

...and the Cons:

The other characters are weak, as is the story.

The movie would have been a lot better if it were more Jester, less Soap Opera drama.

The only really bad thing about the Jester is he is super broken on the Power Scale. He's completely invincible and can teleport.

There is no way for anyone to fight against him, and that makes for a boring, one-sided conflict.
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Grown-ups (2021)
It's a boring and uninteresting story with great acting.
14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I did not like this film.

It was quite exhausting to sit through.

Both main characters were rather unlikable people.

The story is fairly bland generic, but they told it out of order in some scenes, which was a confusing decision.

The story does not have a happy or a really sad ending. It just...ends.

On a positive note, the actors were very good.

I really disliked the two leads by the end of the movie, and that's a feat in of itself!

I really, really did not like the ending. The lead characters don't grow and mature. There's no character arcs.

The guy just gets fed up with the girl after possibly getting her pregnant and leaves the movie.

We have no idea who the father is. The movie doesn't even answer the one question the narrative asked!
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Outpost (2022)
It's a GOOD movie, but you need to go into it blind!
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, you need to go into this movie completely blind! No trailers! No reviews! Go watch it first!

It's a breath of fresh air for Horror fans! It has a very different plot than most horror movies!

I can't talk about this movie much without spoiling it. Just go watch it!

The acting is good. The characters are fairly well written. Go watch it!

Now on to spoilers.

Plot: The lead character goes nuts and starts killing people after spending several weeks in isolation.

Kate is heavily traumatized from being abused by her uncle and ex-boyfriend.

This results in her losing her grip on reality. Example, she thinks she's killing and eating rabbits, but she's actually killing and eating people.

Sadly, the ending is kind of weak. I would honestly have preferred if Kate was either killed or successfully killed the rest of the characters, with maybe one escaping.
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Joker (I) (2019)
I almost caused a panic at the Joker screening just looking for my cousin!
8 October 2019
TL;DR It's a great film. Go see it! Personally, I will always love Heath Ledger the best as the definitive live-action Joker, but this Joker is now a close second. ...Sadly, the media has lost its mind. I went to the theater with my cousin. I took a quick pit stop at the restroom as everyone should before a movie. My cousin finds us some good seats on the fourth row from the front. I enter the room. The trailers have started so it's quite dark. I go down the front of the screen and scan the room for my cousin. I see several people get up, looking nervous at me. "Chill, People! I'm just looking for my cousin!" I spot him, very embarrassed, and hurry to my seat. The rest of the screening was normal. I could feel that everyone was on edge though thanks to the media freaking everyone out.
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Terrifier (2016)
11 July 2019
Most of the other characters are standard one note horror movie victims, but the clown steals the show! He is hands down the most horrifyingly Chaotic Evil character, I've ever seen! He breaks all the horror movie taboos!
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When They See Us: Part Two (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
An other wise good show at highlighting injustice.
8 June 2019
However, the blatant Trump bashing was over the top. At the time, the boys were confessed rapists of a woman left for dead. By all accounts, they were "Super Predators", and no one was on their side. The public didn't know they were innocent and coerced into their confessions. Hind sight is twenty-twenty. There was no point in trying to muddy the waters with edited, out of context interviews from Trump.
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Slasher (2016– )
It was bogged down at first by politics, but then...
4 June 2019
My review is for season 1 only. It was all there, all of the social justice buzzwords. I was about to turn it off right there when the word "mansplain" was used unironically. All of the characters appeared to be flat note caricatures rather than people. It turned a complete 180 with who they wrote as the hero. One character started showing depth and real personality. No, I thought, surely this person was just going to be killed off. Are they actually humanizing this person? This person was the last character I expected to survive. I tried to be as vague as possible, but by the end, I was blown away by where the story went.
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It's a Multi-Part Episode of the TV series! Less so as a movie.
17 March 2019
The biggest issue I had with the movie was the music. I love "You Say Run" and all but I was really hoping they'd spice it up, add more strings and trumpets. The same with the Theme of All Might. In the movie, you see All Might in his prime in a flash back. All Might at his BEST! But they just use the same music from the TV show for literally the entire movie. I could be wrong, but I think I heard only one new track in the entire movie, when we got an establishment shot of Deku's arrival on the Island. Overall, it was your standard probably Non-Canon TV Show-Movie. It happened, and to my knowledge was never brought up on the TV show, except in a forth wall breaking promo for the movie after one of the season three episodes.
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The Worst Witch (2017– )
It's a very charming series that kids and adults will enjoy.
31 July 2018
I don't know if The Worst Witch is the original magical school series, but it predates Harry Potter by decades. That said, it's a great series for fans of Harry Potter. I do have an issue with the writing of some characters. It could be seen as formulaic, but a certain characters in the story don't change at all. No matter how these characters are affected by events, or what bonds were supposed to be formed, they go right back to the way they were in the previous episode. I know every story needs agonists, but it really is a shame. All that aside, I wasn't bored at all. The series was very engaging from start to finish.
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MegaMan: NT Warrior (2002–2005)
It's a fun show but you HAVE to turn your brain off!
30 July 2018
Throughout the TV show, questions like "Why would an oven need internet access?" and "Why would a modern oven use fire instead of a heating coil?" "Why does said oven have transfer ports that match the child's video game?" "Why do none of the main cast call the fire department?" These are just the questions from episode one. You must ignore these questions. You have to turn your brain off. The animation is fluid. The music is good. I really like the character designs. Good voice acting. There's just so much that doesn't make logical sense.
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Chicago P.D. (2014– )
It's the kind of show that fuels hatred of police.
5 July 2018
Every single police officer on this show is corrupt to some degree. Beating, threatening suspects into a confession, which any REAL defense attorney could have thrown out. The lead character is quite partial to dangling people off the side of buildings and punching people until they confess. There's also a lot of cheesy drama, like a bad soap opera. It's worse than Law and Order in that regard. Again, it's the kind of show that fuels hatred of police. If anything, it can be used as promotion for body cams for all police, so that the fictional abuse of the suspects portrayed in the show could never happen in real life.
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I loved this movie!
9 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't normally get attached to characters, but I especially loved Dale and Allison! It's very rare for horror or even comedies to get me to care about their characters, but this movie was an exception! I see "predictable" in some of the other reviews, but this is not the case! I was expecting this to go the way of "Of Mice and Men". Spoilers for that book, Tucker and Dale are very similar to George and Lennie. Actually very similar! We were just missing the rabbits! Thus, I was predicting Tucker to have to kill Dale due to accidentally killing Allison. Honestly, there were a couple of parts of the movie, I was on the edge of my seat! "Is Allison okay!??" First in the cabin, one of the college kids was shooting their cabin with the sheriff's gun. I was expecting Allison to get hit by a stray bullet, and furthering the strife between Tucker, Dale, and the College Kids. But that would have been really tragic and broke the comedic tone. Then, at the end, I was expecting Allison to get hit with a bowling ball right after she took of the helmet Dale bought her. Like, all the college kids were cursed or something, ala Final Destination. So, yeah, this movie is far from predictable!
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Power Rangers (2017)
The Writing is Better than the 90's TV show
27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to check spoilers, but there's honestly not much to "spoil". You've seen this story before. And if you've followed the other seasons of Power Rangers, you've seen this story done to death! Five Teenagers become Super Heroes and fight a Giant Monster while riding in a Humanoid Giant Robot, which is made up of Five Smaller, usually animal themed, Robots. That's Power Rangers. It's cheesy. It's campy. It's nostalgic fun. This movie is banking on you being familiar with the franchise. (Pros: ) I liked the teenagers. Their acting was pretty good. Trini was quite underdeveloped though. I liked that Rita was the Green Ranger, and Zordon was the Red Ranger. It makes sense that Rita COULD kill everyone. The original Green Ranger was always the Strongest/Best Ranger. In the 90s TV show, the Green Ranger leaps into the Megazord and kicks all the other Rangers out of it. (Cons:) The zords and ranger suits are hideous. I do not see those toys selling well at all. They look like Transformers meets Iron Man.
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I enjoyed it better than Episode 7
20 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It has flaws. Many flaws. For one, I really did not like Rose. She felt like Rey 2.0. She was given knowledge and skills that she should not have had, and they did that finishing each other's sentences that made me cringe in Episode 7. The animation of Yoda was...horrible. Unbelievably horrible, like worse than Episode 2. He looked like the Yoda in the Clone Wars animated series. On to what I liked about the movie, Luke was the most entertaining character in the movie. His interactions with Rey were the funniest scenes in an otherwise somber movie. As a shock to no one, Luke Skywalker dies. As with Harrison Ford in Episode 7, Mark Hamill was eager to retire his character and pass the torch onto the next generation. His death was terribly anti-climactic though. Heart attack. Yes, the most iconic character in the Star Wars franchise next to Darth Vader dies from a heart attack. I can see why so many fans hate this movie for that reason alone.
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A lot of call backs to the original
27 October 2017
If you haven't seen the first film, an idiot billionaire wanted to make a theme park/zoo of live dinosaurs. What could go wrong? Well, Jurassic World takes that concept up to 11. The Computer Generated dinosaurs are passable at best. This movie tries to recapture the magic of the original, but it's really difficult. The biggest problem is that there's a lot of suspension of disbelief. After the numerous deaths and a freaking T-Rex slaughtering people in a city, it's hard to imagine anyone would touch the "Jurassic Park" concept with a ten foot pole. Not only that, it would be impossible to get insurance on such a theme park/zoo. The T-Rex attack on a city in "Lost World" would be the disastrous equivalent of September 11th or Pearl Harbor in the Jurassic Park universe. There's just no way there could ever be a "Jurassic World". It's just too much of a liability.
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Wolf Children (2012)
I can't help but think it would have been better without the wolves
26 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If the story were about a single mother raising two children after the father dies in a mugging, car accident, or cancer, I think the story would have been infinitely better. Take Usagi Drop, for example, nothing supernatural, just a man raising a little girl, and all the hardships that comes with that scenario. Here's what I would have done. Had the father die from cancer. Give him a military background. The son grows up wanting to be a soldier, just like his dad. He runs away, not to become a wolf, but to join the army. Nothing mom can do to stop him once he's 18. As for the daughter, she has all these big aspirations and a promising career...then ends up being a homemaker by choice. That's how I would have done the story. But Japan HAS to have a lot of supernatural stuff. As it is, the movie is nearly perfect. I just can't help but see the potential if the movie went full slice of life.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
It's basically Fight Club meets Hackers
24 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Is that bad that you can spoil a TV show by just stating it's VERY similar to a movie? The writing is pretty good. The characters are interesting and quirky. But it's VERY similar to Fight Club. Spoilers for those who haven't seen Fight Club, there's no Tyler. Edward just has split personalities, and his plan is to destroy all records of credit card debt. Mr Robot does the same thing. That's the gist of the show. However, I wanted to address the main character's view on Religion. His view is that religion was created to "divide us" and to "make us easier to control". The second part is somewhat true, but religion's purpose was not to divide. Quite the opposite. The fact that there are so many different religions is what divides us. Religion's primary purpose was to unite, to instill morals, and to scare people to conforming to laws. For example, "Thou Shall not Kill" or some variation is found in nearly all religions. Eternal Torment is a pretty common deterrent in most religions as well. Mr Robot is very wrong about why religion exists.
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Excessive Random Nudity and a severe lack of the top billed actor
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Excessive Random Nudity and a severe lack of the top billed actor, Harrison Ford. Ford is literally only in the last thirty minutes of this over two hour film. The trailer and this site make it sound like Harrison Ford is the star. Also, BWAM! Get used to that sound. Oh, yes, it's one of those movies! Sudden loud noises for no reason. There is a lot of deep symbolism in the movie, yet it has such a cliché story. Sequels where the new characters seek out the original characters from the first film are a dime a dozen.
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If you loved groundhogs day, you'll love this
13 October 2017
It's a very interesting twist on horror movies. Best part, very few jump scares! The movie takes the high road instead. Very good stuff! There's also very little blood for a slasher. The acting is solid. There's a very cute romance. Overall, this is the best horror movie I've seen in a long time!
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
Beware of the Amazon thumbnails! They contain spoilers!
12 October 2017
If you want to watch the show spoiler free, do NOT even look at Amazon's thumbnails of the next episode! They ruined several cliff hangers for me! For maximum enjoyment, go into this show completely blind! The acting is solid. Oh, but the music sounds like someone is turning on a PlayStation 3! I can't unhear it. It's quite jarring! Overall, it's a good show, just as I said, watch it completely blind! Do not look at Amazon's thumbnails!
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Should be classified as a morbid comedy
27 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie just hilarious! I have a pretty sick sense of humor, and I laughed at every single death! The villain is kind of charming! He plays this death game with desperate people offering them an undisclosed amount of money. Then, there's black guy who tries to save everyone since he was in the death game before. I checked the spoiler box, but we all knew how that was going to end! It's like, "Hmm, the protagonist is a pretty white girl, so we know she's safe." Despite all this, I was surprised by the end! It's a good watch!
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Hush (I) (2016)
A solid 9!
27 September 2017
The film cuts right to the chase with the cat and mouse game! The setting is perfect! The acting is solid! The lead is great! The killer is terrifying! The movie has these twists,I loved them! I won't spoil it, but there's this one scene of tapping on the window, my favorite scene! It's a great film if you love slashers and home invasion movies! The best part, there's minimal jump scares! The film chooses the more subtle route! I was tempted to give the movie a 10 for that alone! So rare!
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Dead Awake (2016)
It's like The Ring meets Nightmare on Elm Street
27 September 2017
It's predictable. It's full of clichés, and you'll see every death coming in advance. Still, the concept is pretty good. The thought of some evil force attacking you as you sleep, sounds like another famous, far better, horror movie. The monster was more subtle in appearance than Freddy Krueger. She was basically a much older version of The Ring girl. The director clearly drew inspiration from The Ring and told the actress, "You remember The Ring? Yeah, Crawl on the floor toward the camera like that!"
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Demonic (2015)
It's almost too CSI to be a horror movie
27 September 2017
The movie spends a ton of time with the police, processing the crime scene. It really kills the horror when the haunted house is full of cops. Without spoiling it, the twist seemed to be added last minute and doesn't work with the rest of the film. To me, it appeared the writer wanted a twist ending, but didn't know how to do it right, and it just comes off as a jumbled mess.
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