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Ahsoka: Part Five: Shadow Warrior (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
I'm not a Star Wars fan,
15 September 2023
But i really like this episode. I kinda fell in love with the clone wars animated series as a standalone. Although i did watch all star wars, im more of a star trek stargate dr who kinda guy. And recently watched the mandalorian which i also really liked.

The show started slow and i was worried a bit. But the overal pace of this ep was spot on in my honest opinion. It had almost everything a decent ep should have. Im looking forward to next weeks episode.

I hope they do keep up with this episode length, because 3 episodes ago we had a 30 min episode that felt more like episode 2,5.

May the force be with you!
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meesa love it.
1 July 2022
Ok, I'm only just at season 2 now (2022). A bit late. Then again. I'm not a Star Wars fan. But i do like it. And man, are you in for a ride here.

The show is fast paced full of action. Some great eye candy. Sometimes in a space scene i almost completely forget that i'm watching anime.

To be honest i think this is one of the best Star Wars i've ever seen. It's all done very well. I hope Jar Jar Bink will return in season 2 and further. He was funny in season 1. Also the droids are much fun. Roger roger. LOL Yeah, This is great television. Can't wait to continue season 2 tonight.
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Score (2016)
Can't go wrong here, but....
24 June 2022
I enjoyed watching this. Coulve lasted a bit longer and included some more composors for me personally... My only complaint is that it didn't inlude Bear McCreary. I'm biased, but imho he fiys right up there.
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Stargate: Atlantis (2004–2009)
what a great show
28 January 2019
I'm watching this again for the 2nd time, in 2019, and im still very entertained. Any sg or scifi fan who gives this show less than a 7 is just insane. The acting is great, the diversity is stories is great,. While the wraith enemy isnt my favorite at all, the crew and the story is what really keeps this show in a great pace. Good character development. I dont say its perfect.. Nothing is. But , Among SG1, BSG, TREK, and Dr who, SGA is one of my favs. Deserved a movie in the end though. Did not get the ending it deserved. I enjoy every minute of it.
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Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007 TV Movie)
Only for the fans/not standalone
9 December 2018
Gonna make it a short review. I see too many peoplehere bashing it to hell. Remind you, those are the people who , at the end, didnt like the show at all! So they are biased on that alone. Some of the old school hters on this remake will never get enough of the hate they want to spread over this show. Period. I dont like the new season of dr who either. Dont hear me complaining all around. What i want to say is: If you dig the show, you will proberbly be in for this extra episode. that's just how i see it. The new Battlestar galactica isnt without its flaws, but as you can see it for what it is , you weil get: amazing acting/ best music ever in a show. and a great story. One of the best drama series out there.
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Finding Dory (2016)
What's all the hate about?
22 November 2017
Am i just that easy to please these days, or did i just gave up on the first page of the reviews? I think i was a bit of both.

I'm not gonna do a long review. As a 40 year adult i enjoyed this a lot. It was not as good as finding Nemo, but i had a smile on my face for almost the whole film.

For that reason alone i can't understand the bad critics. I don't do a lot of reviews, but i thought this film didn't deserve that much trashtalk. If you liked finding Nemo and didn't anticipate for a sequel, and you just take it with a light heart, you'll enjoy this one a lot. Don't listen to the negative reviews here. Go and see for yourself.
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Wilfred: Truth (2012)
Season 2, Episode 8
Truly deep
21 July 2016
I felt the need to write a review for this episode alone. It's hard to don't tell spoilers. All i want to say is that this episode is a one that stands out.

Ryan get's a moment of awakening and it's just beautiful but above all vary sad.

Just gonna contribute that the acting of Elijah Wood and Jason Gann is just superb. This show is just well above average then what's normally on comedy central.

I wanted to write a review because this episode just showed me something in my own life. It's a very sad thing it learn me, but the experience is so pure. Life can be a curse if your mind is not as most others. this show just gave me the biggest grieve i felt in years. Pls don't feel sorry for me. It's just an ode to how good this episode brought a certain problem in Ryans life.

What a great show. Its hard to say because i watched this episode just after i lost something that was related to this Epiphany moment in this show. have to give it a 10 ,,,
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Wilfred (2011–2014)
Refreshing and pretty deep
7 July 2016
I try to keep it short because i've seen some good reviews here that describe the show very nice. I just wanted to contribute with giving this show some more positive feedback.

I missed a few episodes by watching it on TV. So i am watching it on a rerun now. But the finale season was so great with a beautiful ending. This alone deserves my thanks. So many of my favorite shows got cancelled in the past.

Great show, wonderful acting, pretty deep script. I love it and just wanted to tell you to give it a try. It's funny, it's sad. It's a bit strange. but there's real beauty too in in. Some nice little art.
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Doctor Who: Heaven Sent (2015)
Season 9, Episode 11
What a great episode
30 November 2015
This season is not bad. Not bad at all. Sure, like many others i was a bit disappointed with the last episode, sleep no more.

But man, was this episode super exiting. I watched it yesterday and now i want to see it again.

This is a very promising episode that will work towards a great season finale.

if there is one thing to complain about, it's the wish for a bit longer seasons of the doctor. After last nights episode i want more...

The ending of this episode felt immense and tight. Capaldi, if i ever doubted , is just superb.
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Doctor Who: The Magician's Apprentice (2015)
Season 9, Episode 1
Great start of a new season
20 September 2015
There are of course people who will always have complaints about doctor who episode. I myself even have some i didn't found as good. But it never gets bored. I never feel that i am not entertained.

I am not a whovian, and i feel a shame to say i have not watched all episodes from the Tennant series. I am going but haven't come to that. I did fell in love with Matt Smit as the doctor, and i had troubles in my head when i saw Peter Capaldi the first time.

His first season was OK to good. I wanted to have more of an overall arc in the season, and that lacked a bit.

Now here we have a great opener for a new season. what a thrill ride i found it. Sometimes strange, sometimes dark, but again, never dull and always surprising. What a cliffhanger. I hope that there will be more arc related overall stories back in this next season(s). This opener however was great and i can't wait for the next one.
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A successful adaption from game to movie. Excellent !!
30 May 2015
The recipe for these kind of films is not good most of the times. But prince of persia:sands of time is a very entertaining and just a good movie. Much better than the last indiana jones thing. And in my honest opinion, we expected more from that. This is just a movie based slightly on a game. The other was already a successful movie franchise kind of thing.

I was very surprised and watched this gem 2 times. It's not without some flaws and plot holes. But it's superb cinema entertaining.

I loved the acting and was glad i watched it last week for the second (sand of)time.
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Outcasts (2010–2011)
Definitely deserved a second season.
26 May 2015
For a show that got canceled i only take a few minutes to make a review.

Because it's been in the rerun on the BBC , now 2015, i feel i need to say something about this show.

Just short. It's a great show. A bit slow paced. But definitely a bit of an odd one. I liked it a lot.

So maybe if people still write about it , maybe it will get a restart. But the chances of these things a very rare to zero. As with Stargate Universe , people who got hooked on these shows, will be punished when they pull it of the air.

So the only down point is that you are better of not watching it. It's not finished an probably never will be. A shame.
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Fallout 3 (2008 Video Game)
among the best games.
4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There is not much to say here. I rediscovered this game after i got to enjoy the RPG genre. Oblivion i still have to try. I liked Skyrim, although it was bugged in quests. But Fallout 3 just was a little gem. Amongst games like Bioshock 1 and 2. Borderlands 1 and 2. very solid, almost no bugs games. Fallout 3 is very depressing and dramatic in it's art but i love the dark atmosphere. Very very addictive game and i played thought it in a single 200 hour breath. You can complete it in lesser time but you miss out the fun little things what makes this game so great. i wanna go back and do an even more thorough play. One little spoiler: the vehicle explosions(at night). You will never get bored of them. If it's 2015 and you have't played this game. Please pick up a copy and get to it. It's a blast. A Nuclear Blast!
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011 Video Game)
Could be epic if it wasn't for the bugs.
4 May 2015
I picked this game up a bit later than the most people. i didn't played Oblivion and i was very new to the series. I played Fallot 3 later than Skyrim , and i am going to come back on than in a minute,

Where to start>! I have 510 hours of game play into my 360 file on the xbox, and i enjoyed a good 500 of them. So there is a real good game in here. It's big. It's open. Apart from a little clumsy fighting control with melee, i got along without any frustration. Maybe some negative reviewers felt the story was lame but if you're new to the genre it's very amusing. There is so many to do and to explore. And i think that did a bit too much. You can have so many different quest at a time. And i have at least 4 quest that i cannot complete. Cannot get the achievements for them. And after 510 hours game play its frustrating. Playing Fallout a while ago made me very happy to pick this up once more. Nearly not as many quests but the solid cracking game play was just refreshing. A little step backwards from Bethesda in my opinion. I cannot recall a bug in the whole game. Still love skyrim though. It has great replay value. I see myself playing it again. I am however afraid quest glitches will be around on the console and we have to deal with it. On the other hand. If you do not care too much about achievements there is plenty of content here that keeps you busy for many many good hours of game play. Decoraating my house was just amazing imo. Even with th bugs. If not for the bugs i gave it a 9.8.
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Het zonnetje in huis (1993–2003)
Just because...
4 June 2014
Just because i can write a review here and because yes, i am from Holland/ the Netherlands.

First of all i want to say i didn't knew this was a sort of copy from an already existing show.

Just a short bit of who i am. Or more, how i feel. It will add something to the short review i will give about the show. Due to medical reasons it's not going too good with me. TV can make a difference in making the entertainment for time you need to relax. I can watch nice comedy shows on comedy central but i do not often laugh. So that's my mood since some time now. Depression can be a pain.

Now, this show i watched some episodes when i was a bit younger. Now every time when it is on comedy central the last months i have so much honest fun with this. I even zap away F1 to watch this. The chemical between the actors is just amazing. Johnny K and Jonnny K Jr are also father and son i real life. Then Martine Bijl as the wife. The humor can be so funny because they are all so much in their character. Also Pieter Lutz is such a great actor in the modest role he plays. The small details are just phenomenal.

If you are from Holland it will always be better then when you are not from here. thats the fact. This show is not near a 6 when it comes to rating. An 8 would be not out of place. Now i know it will take some time before this review will be read. It's a dutch TV show that has only fans in Holland i think.
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Da Vinci's Demons: The Enemies of Man (2014)
Season 2, Episode 9
They are all in trouble. Tip of the chair television.
20 May 2014
may contain small spoilers.

Ow man how excited will the cliffhanger from season 2 be if this episode almost felt as if it was the cliffhanger to be.

First of all i want to be clear on one thing. I hope this show will have a worthy ending before it maybe gets canceled.

Now where are we? Ah, yes! Leonardo and company returned to Florence. And trouble! Lorenzo still is trapped. Not for long i hope. Trouble! Girolamo, with the things he did, finally got some respect from me as a character and i liked this twist. But where did he end? Yes, trouble. The other 'basterd' Carlo de' Medici.. ah Trouble. Twist again.

I enjoyed this episode a lot and the acting from the cast is just stunning. There are some solutions where Leo and the boys walk in through that aren't that spectacular. But the casting is just superb in my opinion.

Do i look forward to the final episode? mm I am huge fan of the new Battlestar Galactica. A show with an ending. Like it or hate it. It was stunning and well made. Story's need a beginning and an end. So i am looking forward to this show which i Hope will have some good seasons and not to be canceled. Well, the majority knows what i mean.
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Da Vinci's Demons: The Rope of the Dead (2014)
Season 2, Episode 6
The story is unfolding. More mystery is coming.
28 April 2014
Waaw. What an episode. This show already had me from day one. And finally a show on TV again that gets better with each episode it brings. Season 2 began good but after this episode i know for sure. it's even getting better and better.

Episodes don't get rated a lot for each one apart. But when i saw 1 9.2 average from 150 people i knew they were right.

Not really a review. Just an add and some recognition for this show that has such a good story. You have to be in it from the beginning. It's becoming a big motion film because of the great cliffhangers and the overall story arc.

Don't miss out on this. !!! Artiste !!
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Gravity (2013)
If this deserves 7 Oscars the Oscars lost their weight
8 March 2014
I am going to make this a quick one because it's not even worth my time. Normally i do reviews from films that are underrated. This film obvious is the opposite.

No story. Barely dialog. Dumb acting from Clooney. And because it's just Clooney and Bullock the only thing i liked a bit was her acting. but that couldn't made up for this horror of a movie.

Without the end title screen the film lasts 80+ minutes. The first five looked like space odyssey 2001. In comparison to time. 70 minutes there was something going on. But no story. I really ask myself how many turds vote this film above average. And are some involved in the film industry? Since Nespresso Clooney got drunk. This film as an abomination. There was no script i think. Just some guys having some cool CGI and took some disaster orbit shots of debris. NO STORY AT ALL. Man i miss Battlestar Galactica 2003.

This film got 7 Oscars and i really wonder for what? Only some CGI looked cool. The rest of the film is very bad. And so not believeble. First time I say this on IMDb but this was not worth the time i spend on it. Make up your own mind but my advise, stay away from this flick.. Its a waste of time.
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
It doesn't get more entertaining than this. Brilliant.
9 February 2014
The bad reviews have already been clarified by many others here so i do not have to tell you anymore that this show is just a thrill ride. Just because the show is not political correct, maybe not at all, doesn't make it from almost being brilliant. And hey, the makers of this show never stated that this was a documentary. Get up and enjoy the story. And for what it is worth: all we assume for truth that has been written, well, isn't there a lot of twisting in the history too. Just saying!

Now, anyone who stated that the acting isn't good here has a cloudy mind. It's a bit comparable with Game of thrones. Now some may say GOT is the better show. maybe. But Da Vinci's demons is far more entertaining without it becoming less serious. After episode 2 i had to watch the other episodes because it's 1 big story. You have to watch the whole show. That alone makes it already a show you get hooked on easily. Leonardo, the Medicis', Lucretia, etc, beautiful acting, really great from all of the cast. I was even surprised by how good it was.

There is so much i want to tell about the story but i don't like spoiler reviews. You definitely must not withdraw with attempting to see this show, based on the first bad reviews. Clearly that happens here a lot in the beginning by people who clearly have other intentions.

At last i want to give a small hint about the music. Bear Mccreary from Battlestar Galactica, the Walking Dead and more, again is brilliant here. The story, the acting, the music, its a tread to watch and hear.

review maybe getting updated .
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The Duchess (2008)
Keira Knightley should have had an Oscar for this
31 January 2014
I have just finished seeing this film on TV. I come a lot to this site to read reviews but just a few i wrote. But sometimes you feel compelled.

And although i see this film has a reasonable rating i really found it more worth that that.

First of all, the director, i never heard of Saul Dibb. I see he has not much on his record when i searched him here. But my God what a well made, constantly enternaining drama. I liked almost everything about it. Especially the performance from Keira Knightley. A very powerful one that still leaves me speechless for now.

Only thing that i would of liked to see a bit more where Ralp Fiennes personal dissisions he hade to make in this film..

Update: I must engage you to really see this one. Have to add in my update that it just moved me deeply, made my shed a tear, but also mad ma angry at times. And isn't that what a brilliant film is all about. Again, all the compliments to Keira Knightley. I hope she gets these messages through somewere because she is so more talented then i thought when wactching Pitates of the Carabian, a real enlightment to watch. Enjoy .

If you like films like the fast and the furious though i think this isn't for you.
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Good acting is already half the part of a good film.
31 December 2013
Igby Goes Down was a bit of a surprise when i saw it on television last night. A while ago i said that on IMDb the ratings done by voters isn't what i am going to look for if i want to see a movie. I love this site for information but some people should be screened on intellect to give some reviews in my opinion.

That said, this film isn't a feel good movie and i agree that it sometimes is hard to identify yourself in the characters.

However the little story and the absolute phenomenal acting from the cast makes this to a film well worth watching. The guy who plays Igby does a very good job and the rest from the cast is also doing their part.

It's absolutely no waste of time to watch. Just don't expect to have a good light laugh direct after the film. I give it a solid 8.
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Star Trek Continues (2013–2017)
only for real trekkies
7 August 2013
I had to watch it two times . Just to make sure they weren't prank us.

First i thought it was just fake, or to tease the viewers. But it actually takes itself serious.

The story is nothing wrong with. And the cheap settings and CGI , well i think that is done on purpose. I have to say that if you're a fan of the first Star Trek, you will like this. It stays very close to it's roots.

But the acting is terrible. Kirk and Spock and Scotty. very awful. And Grant Imahara was better doing geeky stuff in Mythbusters. He does a terrible job in acting.

To be honest. I watched this 1 episode because there is a small roll from 1 of my greatest actors in the world in it. Jamie Bamber. He stole my heart forever with his role as Lee Adama in battlestar Galactica.

I wonder what this wonderful actor himself thinks when he saw the end result of this?

I don't say don't watch. it's personal. For me it wasn't good. If the acting was better i could grow into the old way of putting this up, even may like it.

Sorry Jamie Bamber but i can't rate this one higher than a 4. Even tho you are a favorite in my heart.
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Filly Brown (2012)
Wonderful Performance
22 April 2013
I always found IMDb a serious site but i begin to loose sight of that.

Of course that's not the flaw of the site or the makers/owners. But the sort of people that give a rating to a film or show doesn't say anything to me anymore.

Just read the handful of reviews on this and don't look at this absurd rating. This film has soul and emotion and beauty and art in it.

Don't gonna spoil anything. Just please , watch it. it's a great film with a warm hart.

Very good performances from all the actors. Thus i also do not share the opinion from the end rating so far.
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Ver much underrated
18 December 2012
I categorize my movies for myself in different an maybe strange order. But everybody does these things the way they do to maintain order for themselves.

I myself found this film very intriguing. For that i cannot understand it's low rating.

In my town are 4 cinema's but only 1 brings out the more alternative films that just don't really fit the mass of the people. I do not feel myself more than anyone else. But when i go to see a movie in this theater i always feel that i am among most aware and intellect intelligent people. I do not have that in a normal cinema where the next batman film is been played. ( i liked the last 3 batman movies very much tho). But it's different.

When i walked out of the cinema watching this film i had very mixed and strange feelings. I didn't really knew what to think or feel. And i think that is a good thing. It is not a microwave meal to take away.

I can imagine that some people found the strangeness of the film a disappointment. Little example. When i walked out of this cinema some years ago, seeing eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, i had this same kind of feeling. Not exactly the same of course, but a certain kind of confusing that can be very cool in a movie.

Please people, don't let you lead by the ratings and give this film a chance. There is some art in here.

It's definitely not a very ordinary film, but for me it was well worth the watch and to be baffled. i hope i spelled that correct. See it and experience.
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BSG back again and strong
10 November 2012
First of all i want to say how thrilled i am that they got lift off with this show.

As a fan i am prejudged of course, but the first episode promises very much. It has a good atmosphere around it.

With David Eick and Bear McCreary mixed in the soup in this show, it will be without a question of a doubt very top notch.

The acting is solid, the CGI is staggering. It was a little getting used to, to the new William Adama. That's just personal, because i liked the small role of the old actor who played in the minisodes very much. His eyes in the cockpit of that viper, that one moment(the fans know what scene i mean), they where so very alike those of Edward James Olmos . But after seeing this spin off it's long forgotten.

I am hooked again.

Just one thing. Please don.t cancel this one!!
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