5 Reviews
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The Hot Chick (2002)
23 December 2002
Thought this movie was good. Not great, but ok. I'm not much of a Rob S. fan but I gotta admit, it was pretty funny. Jessica was one of the only good actresses in the movie. I mean, all the other people, get real, anyone their age could do the role. But I'm not sayin' anything against the movie. I thought it was funny, Funny, FUNNY!!!!!!
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1 December 2002
This movie actually has a point to it, a man electricuted himself and no can hear what women think. I laughed a couple times, but in my opinion, I thought it was a bit boring sometimes. I mainly watched it because Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt were both in it. Also, I thought the ending was a bit weak. It's like, he's walking down an alley, sparks shower him and ta-daa! He can't hear what women think. Then he goes over to Darcy's house (Helen Hunt) and talks. I mean like, get real.
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Even Stevens (2000–2003)
1 December 2002
I think Even Stevens is a very corny and weird funky show. But in a good way. Some of the episodes can be........well, rather stupid but, I'm a big fan of Ren (Christy Romano)I cannot wait until the movie comes out. Louis can be a humungos pain. He's always screaming and getting in trouble, but thats the point of the show isn't it. My rating maybe ohhhhh.........9/10
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Notting Hill (1999)
1 December 2002
Great and funny movie! I especially enjoyed watching Hugh Grant on the screen. Julia Roberts was also very good in the movie. It did tick me off a little though when they had that birthday party for William's little sister. I thought it was a little waste of time. Alright, so it was a chance in the movie to see some other characters but they could have shortened it a little with the whole thing about Anna going to the bathroom and William's sister following her and the whole thing about the brownie, but overall I'd give it an 8/10!
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horrible beyond horrible
1 December 2002
It was a real predictable movie. I mean like, HI i'm a guy from another century who went through a time portal and ended up in present time! I'm so dense that I keep saying stuff like "Can I have the next coarse?" and "How does this work?" and stuff like that, it's like, Mr.Century guy, hellooo, you're in another century, maybe things have.........changed!
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