
31 Reviews
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
I am not even a football/sports fan
8 June 2022
This show is really good!

To start off, I don't watch shows, in general. I have watched only about five to ten of them in my lifetime, and tend to be very picky.

I am also not a fan of movies and shows based on sports, which is not a comment on their quality (just my interest).

However, this show has kept me hooked since the first episode. The characters, back stories, motivations, jokes, setting, accents, etc. All make for a wonderful watch.

The show is less about football and more about the interactions between the members of a football club.

Highly recommended!
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Mediocre at best
24 May 2022
While nothing in the movie is bad - acting, VFX, etc. - it all feels like they tried to cramp as much as possible to satisfy as many types of fans as they could.

Too many characters with no background info (even post-credit scenes have new characters without introduction), unnecessary cameos, weak main villain motivation.

Also, remember when once Disney said we don't need to watch ALL of the Disney+ spin-off series in order to follow MCU films? Well, that was a big lie. I have friends who did not watch WandaVision, What If? And Loki, and were thoroughly confused throughout the film. I guess Disney+ is also suffering from stagnant subscriber growth, eh?

It is a shame as this was one of the most anticipated MCU movies since forever. Especially after the success of the first Doctor Strange movie, which was a genius. No wonder the original director - Scott Derrikson - left. "Creative differences" is just a term Disney likes to use when good Directors call out bad scripts.

And, oh, the horror aspect? Well, unless you are a die-hard horror fan and get off by jump-scares, this movie is nothing close to horror.

Probably one of the weakest MCU films, in my humble opinion. I don't know why fans were dissing on The Eternals, which had a much more interesting storyline. Would not watch it again, and probably should've waited for the Disney+ release.
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My first review on a "love story"
31 October 2021
The thing I am most upset about is how pure, unadulterated gems like this movie do not get more attention and/or theatrical releases (at least in my continent).

Without going into too much detail, this is a bittersweet comedy based in today's times (the video chat being ubiquitous) about two very different people in different parts of the world coming together.

This movie made me laugh and cry at the same time, and warmed my heart as well. The dialogue is as real as it gets.

I, honestly, do not write reviews for movies like this, but this time, I felt compelled to. Excellent! Waiting for more stuff like this from the two lead actors.
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How it should be
3 August 2021
This is how good movies turn out to be when studios let directors execute their vision without too much interference.

James Gunn's The Suicide Squad is a significant improvement over the first one (even though, the first one was not as bad as people make it to be), and manages to focus on a rag-tag group of superheroes/villains who are important to the overall DCEU storyline.

The movie is quite animated, filled with decent and relevant action. Something I cannot say about a lot of "action movies" that were (finally) released this year.

I hope James Gunn quits Marvel after his third Guardians movie, and stays at WB. An excellent summer watch, for fans and non-fans alike.
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Old (2021)
Something worth watching, finally!
23 July 2021
As an ardent cinephile, I have been anxiously waiting for theatres to open. Summer 2021 has disappointed so far, which is sad, considering that most movies being released now were ready pre-pandemic.

Old (and A Quiet Place II) are the exceptions here. I am so glad to see M. Night Shyamalan bringing back his touch to a fantastic thriller. The concept, camera angles and choreography are excellent. The film's plot is straightforward, and shot mostly during daytime (unlike most films that require to be shot at night for FX).

Chuck F9 and Black Widow. Go watch this. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
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Make Zack Snyder the Head of DC/Warner Bros
26 March 2021
I just cannot believe how good this (version of the) film is.

Without giving any spoilers, the best part about it is that each character is properly developed, taking their own time. Each of the action scenes are built up more than in the theatrical version. It literally feels like a completely different movie. Some characters have more of a pivotal role by the end than you'd imagine at the beginning.

Some have pointed out that one of the negative points is the lengthy runtime. While it is a task to watch the whole movie at one go, none of the scenes are boring. You will be hooked on till the very last scene, I assure you.

On top of this, I recently read that the ONE cut WB asked Snyder to make was to remove a scene with The Green Lanterns. One can only imagine how much better this movie could've been.

This movie clearly shows that DC stories have huge potential, even if they are a stark contrast to the much lighter MCU. It is not an us versus them saga. It is properly exploiting the wealth of characters and stories each universe has.

I humbly request WB/MCU Directors (Joss W.), and other Executives to stop interfering with the few, rare gems of storywriters/Directors you have in the DCEU, especially Zack Snyder. It is a shame that online bullying for his artistic choice was suspected to be the reason of his daughter's suicide. He still came back and made this cut for us, the fans.

A lot of respect and heart going out to you, Mr. Snyder.

This movie is excellent. Irrespective of whether you are a DC or Marvel person. As far as superhero movies go, this is a MUST WATCH!
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Highly under-appreciated gem of a movie, by Tate Taylor
16 February 2021
I am becoming more and more of a fan of Tate Taylor (The Help).

This movie is set in a low-key area, with high-stakes. The cast, location, acting are all point on, and comedy intertwines with crime in suburban American like you've rarely seen. The closest thing I've watched akin to this was 'A Simple Favor.'

I simply do not get the metacritic ratings, and the low average of 5.4 (at the time of this writing.)

Go watch this gem of a movie.
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Perfect summer movie
12 August 2019
Awesome way to end the summer. I personally think Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham have better chemistry than either of them with Vin Diesel. It's good that they did not mix this with the Fast and the Furious stories.

Well paced, insanely funny, with two extended cameos which were brilliant. David Leitch has outdone himself. Apart from the 2 main guys, Vanessa Kirby and Idris Elba also shine in their roles.

A very entertaining ride from beginning to end!
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Midsommar (2019)
Did not take my eyes off the screen for a second!
9 August 2019
Yes, the movie is that good. Each scene in the movie, coupled with the cinematography and the sound, grips you, and seamlessly merges into the next.

Without giving anything away, yes, it is a horror/thriller and yes, you may probably get an idea about how all of this is about to end, but prepared to be shocked, rattled and most importantly, impressed by every frame.

The casting is also very well done. The leads are excellent, and each supporting member does their best to add to the overall aura of the rural, isolated Swedish setting.

Definitely one of the best movies I've watched this year. Looking forward to more from the amazing director. I still haven't watched Hereditary, but plan to do so as soon as possible. Kudos to Ari Aster!
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Aquaman (2018)
Best DCEU movie yet
25 December 2018
Like many other reviewers have pointed it out, Aquaman is, in my humble opinion, the best movie yet by Warner Bros and DC. Probably beating out Wonder Woman!

James Wan, the directed, has done a fantastic job. There are no dull moments in the film. The action is top notch. The story is simple, and perhaps predictable, but you'll not regret sitting through till the end.

What I liked most about this film was its experimentation with colours, unlike most other DCEU films. Actions scenes and set pieces shot at daytime look equally amazing, if not more.

The cast is great, the sound and visuals more than great.

I would definitely recommend watching this movie to everyone.
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Worth every penny!
2 July 2017
I've already called out the critics in my previous reviews for unnecessarily bashing the series, so I will not repeat my words here. My stance on the matter still stands, and I'd like to see the critics try and make a better movie themselves.

Now, to the movie. Loved it. Simply loved it. Although I've never had a problem with any of the movies, it is still great to see Micheal Bay's (reportedly) last directorial effort taking into account (mostly) all of what bugged the critics before. Robots parts flinging around while they are fighting and can't make sense of the action - corrected. No human element - corrected. I could go on, but you get my point.

Also worth noting that it is truly IMAX-worthy, and no other screen would do it justice. Just the sheer scale of things is enough to keep you satisfied during its run-time, especially the final battle scene.

Micheal Bay has yet again proved that he is a worthy filmmaker and has churned out yet another summer blockbuster, which wastes no time diving into the action from the first shot.

I urge all of you to go watch this summer popcorn entertainment, and have your minds blown.
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Logan (2017)
The most savage X-Men/Marvel movie yet!
9 March 2017
Man oh man, was this a good movie!

Amazing character development, brilliant acting by everyone, and superbly choreographed action scenes. Brutal but to the point. Packs a punch. I could literally feel the pain, and happily followed the characters in their journey. Even the mini-stories inside the main story were executed with perfection.

While I'm a huge fan of special and visual effects, the movie stuck to what was absolutely necessary, and kept the rest real. Much better than X-Men Apocalypse, where I could literally make out the set pieces and green-screens in the final act.

It is sad that Hugh Jackman and Sir Patrick Stewart have both announced that this will be their final outing as their iconic characters. Marvel fan or not, I'd definitely recommend everyone to go watch it.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Fresh Sci-Fi
19 February 2017
Amazing. One of the freshest sci-fi movies to have been released in quite a while. I'm a big fan of such movies so I go regardless of critics' opinions, but this one just takes the cake.

No overcrowded scenes. Two simple, well portrayed characters, sharing time in a wonderful setting. The android bartender does a great job as well. Kudos to the writer and director as well. The writer also wrote Dr. Strange and Prometheus, so he just one up-ed his work here. The soundtrack is brilliant. Chilling and soothing at all the right moments.

I highly recommend it to all age groups, whether you're into sci-fi or not. It's both exciting and frightening to think that all of this will be reality pretty soon.

Two thumbs up!
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Time to start memorizing spells again!
24 November 2016
I practically grew up reading the novels and I distinctly remember how my friends and I would have 'duels' after class. Then came the movies, which more or less brought the magic to the big screen (apart from the Goblet of Fire, which I thought deviated too much on trivial stuff).

After the 8th movie had come and gone, we were all a bit disheartened, and would anxiously wait for Pottermore for our entertainment. Then J.K. Rowling (takes a bow!) launched the spin-off books and things started looking up again.

To be honest, I've been having a rough week, and movies are the only things that are keeping me sane right now. Marvel is always a bright spot, with its recent success with Doctor Strange. However, I had no idea how this movie would turn out to be when I went for it, knowing very well that all characters are new, and knowing very little about the Fantastic Beasts in the first place.

I don't think I moved even an inch during the entire 2 hours and 13 minutes. J.K. Rowling has come up with a highly imaginative narration, this time based in the US instead of the UK, and every character, scene and set has been brought alive marvelously by director David Yates. The movie has everything - comedy, suspense, plot twists, scare moments and of course, brilliant visuals.

I'll be waiting for the next 4 sequels with the exact same anxiousness as I did with the original series. Thank you J.K. Rowling!
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It's high time we started ignoring the critics
18 August 2016
I really don't know what all the hullabaloo is. Why is everyone thrashing DC? It's true that I did not think the movie was AMAZING the first time I watched it at the theater. Maybe it was the 3D, maybe it was the theatrical cut. However, I recently re-watched the movie, the extended cut, out on DVD. Here are my thoughts.

The movie is really good. Could it have been better? Maybe. I cannot even comprehend what goes in the minds of people responsible for bringing iconic characters to life, consistently one after the other, and satisfy billions of fans worldwide. But I sure know that they are under immense stress and pressure to perform. So I do not really judge the director, writes, actors etc. It is really easy to sit behind our computer screens and bash away as though we are the authority on the subject.

Nowadays, people have this habit of speaking out just because everyone else is speaking out, or one lone wolf cried foul. The critics say the movie is dark. Well, what about the phenomenon where Facebook feed is filled with quotes and poems which are equally dark? Example - Terribly Tiny Tales. Almost each and every tale is morbid and depressing, yet people seem to hymn the same tune. What about dark novels like Gone Girl etc. Nobody seems to have a problem with that?

Was the movie a bit dark? Yes. Am I a Marvel fanboy? Yes. Should we compare it to Marvel? Of course not. I am a huge Marvel fan, but I equally enjoy DC movies. When I go to watch a movie, I don't compare it with the hundreds of movies I have already watched before. Apples and oranges people. The problem with BvS, and Avengers Age of Ultron, was that people had very high expectations, and were let down. I get the fact that these movies bring together a lot of characters on screen, but think about all the previous story lines they have to incorporate, visualise via VFX, and push into a 2 hour mark? Not that easy I would presume. The same thing happened when I watched Age of Ultron the second time. I appreciated it more.

I watched BvS the second time at home, in a quiet, dark room, on a home theater system. I listened to every dialogue carefully. I rewind-ed every action scene to make sure whether I missed anything or not. I found the movie to be excellent on all terms. Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill perform well. The story ties up lose ends if you watch the extended cut, which makes me wonder why Youtube channels like CinemaSins have pointed out "sins". Some of them are outright rubbish, like mentioning the story cuts out. No it doesn't. It just wasn't in the theatrical version, due to time constraints, or other issues we aren't aware of.

Take my advice, or don't. The movie is pretty well done. Stop comparing everything to Marvel. They have been linking story lines from ages, but still have released duds. DC has just started. BvS was the first movie to bring more than two characters on screen. Give them time. The "darkness" of this movie inspired re-shoots for Suicide Squad. I watched Suicide Squad as well and enjoyed it as much. Read my review there. People have bashed it as well. It's as if people WANT the DC movies to fail.

It's time we all grew up, and got up from our chairs we've been stuck in, bashing away pointlessly, hiding behind our computer screens.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
It's high time we started ignoring the critics
11 August 2016
Without making this review too long or giving any spoilers, I'd just say that people today are expecting too much of everything. There is so much nit-picking just for the sake of it.

This movie is great. I liked Dawn of Justice as well, but it could've been more exciting. However, this is way ahead in comparison. You get all the action, humor, cameos, and tight direction by David Ayer. Brilliant acting by the entire cast, especially Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Joel, Viola Davis and Jared Leto as the Joker.

Please ignore the critics. As they say, haters gonna hate. This is one of the best DC movies till date. Go watch it.
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
Very impressive use of 3D. Go Disney !
13 November 2014
Just because they released Interstellar at the same time, people are giving this movie less than what it deserves. An excellent film in every aspect, and I dare to say, better than Interstellar.

Good story, amazing visuals, brilliant portrayal of various futuristic applications of science (unlike fantasy stuff in Interstellar), and funny at all the right times.

I am a big Disney fan, and my love for Disney films increased manifold with the release of Wreck-It Ralph. Big Hero 6 takes that bond even further.

I'd recommend this movie to everyone. A must watch. Go Disney !
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9 June 2013
I dunno why people hate this movie, or why have they rated it so low. Oh wait, I kinda do. They just don't get it.

Before CGI, before VFX, all people had were real magicians doing elaborate and jaw dropping acts, in theaters, where live audiences were entertained, not some recorded and processed show.

The movie essentially captures that golden age and blends a heart-warming story with magic.

Stellar performances by Steve Carrell, Steve Buscemi, Jim Carrey and Olivia Wilde. An absolute delight. A must watch, whether or not you like magic.
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Disney gets it right!
11 November 2012
I was anxiously waiting for the release of Wreck-It Ralph in India, as I'd already fallen in love with the movie ever since it's trailers showed a scene where all my favorite video game characters were sitting in a circle and discussing their problems.

As one of the millions who grew up playing video games, starting from 8- bit systems to the highly sophisticated and complex PlayStation 3 era, I really enjoyed the movie. It's a sweet, fun ride from start to finish, and good use of 3D is made here. The animation is solid, as usual. Story, screenplay, voicing, everything was great.

I'd really recommend this movie to everyone.
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The Avengers (2012)
A superhero film true to its name.
7 May 2012
Let's be honest. All the previous Marvel films leading to the Avengers were great - story wise, acting wise, effect wise etc. Iron Man I & II, Thor, Captain America all turned out to be (surprise) box office hits, and one can see the point. So, when at the end of every movie, a post credits scene was shown depicting that there is something even greater planned, the expectations were raised pretty high.

Joss Whedon (Firefly, Cabin in the Woods) took into account that set expectations, of both comic book fans and non-fans alike, and put together a superhero flick that'll rest proudly as the conclusion to its predecessors. The screenplay writers, the VFX studio, the actors (Robert Downey Jr. has always been my favorite) all deserve credit.

An action packed, blockbuster movie that already has every record broken and every voice cheering, The Avengers is one of the best movies this year. A must watch, even if you're not into this stuff. 10 on 10.
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The Big Year (2011)
Highly Underrated
23 January 2012
I'm sorry, but I've to say that people's taste in movies is getting worse by the year. They seem to give high ratings to mindless movies and fail to appreciate the good ones.

The Big Year is a beautiful drama-comedy picture, starring 4 of my favorite comedians - Steve Martin, Jack Black, Owen Wilson and Jim Parsons.

It is a touching and heart warming story, which has it's comic points and showcases most valuable life lessons - family coming first, the price people pay for being the greatest in any field, choosing between priorities etc.

It's a wonderful effort and it deserves a watch, and the a minimum 8 star rating.
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A perfect finish to a perfect series
15 July 2011
I don't usually review Harry Potter titles although I'm one of the biggest fans. I went for the final installment first day first show (couldn't wait any longer like I did for the others) and I wasn't disappointed at all (I never have with this franchise).

The movies have gained as much of a following as the books itself, but this one takes the cake. I'm assuming that the Director, story-writers etc all worked under a lot of pressure as they had to live up to the expectations of millions of fans worldwide, and they did a hell of a job of it. The visuals are excellent, and since this movie only captures the second part of the book, there wasn't any need to gain momentum as the story progresses; the movie had us enthralled from the very beginning.

I'm thoroughly saddened that this is probably the last Harry potter movie that came out (fingers crossed). It's like there's nothing more to look forward to. Yet, J.K. Rowling and everyone have enchanted us beyond our dreams all these years, so I bid adieu to you, Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Excellent. 10 on 10.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Shame on you people.
13 July 2011
Well, this doesn't surprise me at all, because I've quite got used to it. This is just another example which shows that almost perfect movies, with a solid story, great action and superb effects is not likely to impress mass audience around the globe.

Given the score, rates, and box office revenue generated, people would give it a miss. I'd suggest otherwise. This beautifully crafted film is sure to please viewers of all genres.

The story makes a radical but very rational and logical point. Actors Christian Bale, Sean Bean and the others do justice to their roles.

A fantastic sci-fi action fest. I'd recommend it to everyone. 9 on 10.
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Green Lantern (2011)
Mildly disappointing
6 July 2011
Well, to be honest, after you've seen tons of trailers about the amazing VFX constructs which the power ring is supposed to make (including the mini-gun, now a favorite) anyone, like me, would be excited to watch the movie as soon as it hits the screens. After coming out of the theater though, I'd say I was mildly disappointed.

The story (familiar with Green Lantern: First Flight and adapted from other comics too) and the screenplay weren't satisfying, or should I say, weren't worth a superhero movie. I mean, the direction was good, even though the director had worked on only James Bond movies before, so this is like a whole new realm for him. But for whatever the reason, I personally think the writes could have come up with something better, or at least a better ending (fingers crossed for the sequel).

On the plus side, amazing VFX, including the constructs and the fully- CGI power suits of the lanterns. Some people complained about a lot of green, well, my reply to them would be "look at the title". Well- choreographed fight scenes and entertaining to watch (at least once).

If the story/screenplay would have been a little more thought out, I'd happily given it a 9. A only-for-comic-book-fans, one time entertaining movie.
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I never miss a chance to watch and review a Michael Bay movie
6 July 2011
I've always reviewed Michael Bay movies, because I've actually liked them. All of them. This is because I consider Michael to be among the top ranks of directors, at par with notable names of today, like Christopher Nolan etc. I believe everyone has an area of expertise. For Nolan, it's creating something which will utilise every single neuron in your brain, and you'll still probably not figure out the actual story or get confused in between. With Bay, it's creating "awesome, mind-blowing" scenes of mayhem, action, destruction, and larger-than-life CGI and VFX shots. Both are very good at it.

Like I've pointed out before, the Transformers movie DO have a story. The first one was excellent in all aspects. The second, a little bit disappointing (only on the story part), I'll admit, but then, that's the problem with most sequels isn't it. This one, the last one probably, had to go out with a bang, and that's exactly what it did, so I don't really get what people are complaining about.

The story is better than the second, though not quite up to the first; the IMAX-ready shots, complete with excellent animations of transformations and added VFX, CGI etc are again the USP of the movie; Shia, John, Josh, Patrick, Frances convincingly play their part; eye candy gets replaced by eye candy, so no complaints there. The 3D increases the viewing experience, but like the pioneer of 3D movies James Cameron said, it's always better to shoot in 3D with his Fusion camera rather than convert it later (makes a hell of a difference).

I again stress the fact that critics will do what they're meant to do - criticise. You want action, you go watch this movie, and you'll be surprised that that's not all there is to it. All in all, very entertaining, despite the run-time (all Michael Bay movies are long) and an IMAX 3D experience not to be missed.
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