
4 Reviews
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Cultural Context Forgotten
8 April 2021
This film encapsulates a forgotten US Navy controversy that once captured the public imagination but is now quite forgotten. Two Navy Captains, Sampson and Schley were promoted when the Spanish American War broke out. Sampson was made a Rear Admiral and Schley was promoted to Commodore. The problem was that Schley was senior to Sampson and resented being pass over. Apparently there was some friction between them when the fleet that Sampson commanded and Schley was second in command blockaded the Spanish fleet in Santiago Harbor.

One day, Sampson moved his ship, the USS New York away from the blockade line to attend conference with the US Army. When he did, the Spanish Fleet tried to break out of the blockade. Schley order the fleet into battle. And the Spanish fleet was destroy. Sampson did get into the last part of the battle. The two men both claimed the lion's share of the victory. Both attacked each other. The controversy spill over into the press. Hearings were held, officers were cautioned to ignored it, etc. Etc.

So the film open with a man who is suppose to be Schley seeing the Spanish fleet coming out to fight. The last scene, the tea party, is Sampson claiming the victory. Edison is weighing in on Schley's behalf.
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A Great Surprise
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard that the American version of Somerset Maugham's The Letter had a happy ending, I thought the film would be lousy. When I heard that the script was written while the film was being shot, I was certain. Instead I found this movie entertaining and thoughtful.

The best part of the film by far is Eve Arden's supporting role as a insightful and world weary observer of two good people whose marriage ran into severe trouble.
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Famous Ad
9 May 2020
This was the first ads in which the business being promoted names their competitor and makes a specific charge against them. In this case, it was Burger King claiming that their burgers had more meat than McDonalds. Unfortunately, the claim was somewhat inaccurate, McDonalds sued Burger King, the Ad Company, and the 9 year old Sarah Michelle Gellar for libel. Gellar was sued because she uttered the words. After several months, McDonald agree to drop the suit against Gellar. The child Gellar loved McDonalds so she was doubly happy as she had been going to McDonalds wearing disguises after being sued.
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Parasite (2019)
Equal opportunity bashing.
9 May 2020
Bong Joon Ho (writer/director} is usually known for bashing the rich and powerful.. In this film he takes aim also at the poor who are depicted as conniving, immoral grifters. The Parks, the rich family who are the prey of the poor Kim family are shown as mostly naïve rather than cruel, The film is comedic for the first half and then takes a violent and serious turn. Riveting and thought provoke, highly recommended.
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