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Very enjoyable. For people who say this is unoriginal, I beg to differ. There are almost no films like it out today, and thats a shame.
12 August 2022
Is this intellectual? No. Why would it be? However, there are no obvious plot holes either. Is the flying part of it realistic? Not particularly. But then, I just watched a really awful film about a 100 pound woman beating up a Predator who can kill scores of large men. With a rope and a hatchet. So, I have certainly seen less realistic things in movies. In fact, I haven't seen a movie that I would call realistic on any level for at least 7 years now. The dialogue was quippy. Kind of like you would find in a superhero movie, and its meant to be. These aren't very realistic situations, so why would there be realistic dialogue. The characters are endearing. Its a movie best seen in theaters, because of the effects, but its fun to see on the small screen too. I know Ill be rewatching it as soon as I can.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
What a crapy show. I thought it was supposed to be good. You have your typical "wealthy football playing bad guy" even.
12 August 2022
OMG. I watched exactly one episode, and I already kn ew where it was all going. What a shallow, silly show. Its more like a parody of 1980's high school, and maybe its meant to be, but with slightly updated clothing. No idea why everyone liked it. I guess mostly because people watched it before they knew what good drama is.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Not bad
8 August 2022
Its not exactly original, but its closer to it then many things you see these days. Its a lot more fun to watch this, then watch LOTR Elves that look like Don King. And now that we actually KNOW the CIA and FBI are completely dirty its more fun to watch.

Really. Chris Evans steals the show.
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Not bad.
6 August 2022
Its not the best film making, but its a very fun, very pretty, clever plot, and lovely action. Obviously they didn't have that much money to take it like some films, but I loved it.
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Lightyear (2022)
My son didn't like it. He got really silent afterwards, and just shrugged.
25 June 2022
It just had too many things meant for adults. There is just no way a little boy would enjoy this film. Andy's favorite film? Hardly. Maybe it was Andy's mothers favorite film. It read more like a soap opera with lots of sci-fi footage forced into it. It was technically very well done. Its just the characters and story that were no good at all for kids. But then I was there, and I was bored too.

Zerg was actually not bad. The cat was good too. But there wasn't enough of that to help. The movie's problem is that it centers on very ordinary adult characters. Star Command is run by a cartoon General Millie and the losers at your job who now thankfully work from home/got laid off. If this was real, you know Zerg would have won easily a hundred times over. If Andy was a single woman I could sort of see him liking this film. The super cool rockets do make this film a lot better, but they dont make it enjoyable for child or adult.
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The Batman (2022)
Just not good. I m glad some people enjoyed it, but chances are the average fan wont
5 June 2022
The movie is strangely paced and badly acted. Its like all the characters took downers. Its very difficult to maintain caring enough to concentrate on the plot. There are no interesting characters.

Catwoman is really around way, way too much, there is no chemistry between her and Batman, and RP sounds like he is extremely depressed and can barely speak, and you just want to put him out of...well out of the movie anyhow. The cat woman plot just kept bouncing around for no reason until it made you dizzy. First her friend is missing, then its her daddy issues, then its something else. At one point she started talking about white privilege. Might have been nice if she actually defined it, seeing how literally no one on the entire planet knows what it is at this point. Something about difficulty finding a bandaid to match your skin tone, I think....but she didn't have any information. Just the typical lines everyone in our age group is supposed to just agree with like sheep. I kept thinking it would be funnier if Batman had an allergy to cats. I know that doesnt make any senses but the whole thing was just so uncohesive. But he didn't. I would have given anything for a nice game of tik tac toe to keep me awake.
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Took the longest time for this review to show up here.
4 June 2022
Maybe because I said I was Jewish? No idea why. Anyhow, all I did was point out that I understood how a small religion can be lied about so easily, and this sounds like what happening. I doubt this will be printed, but if its not, then who is to say the ratings is as high as 7.4?
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Didn't get one thing right. The Average American has been getting worse off steading since 1960s because the country went the wrong way.
4 June 2022
Its quite obvious since our country has directed itself to the left, and gone largely the same way that Europe has, we have been getting poorer, and have less freedom and opportunity. In 1960 the average citizen, even with no education had a house, 2 vehicles, was able to support a spouse and family on one income. Things were unimaginably better. Homicide rate was much lower in fact. We have been going steadily downhill, and now, the average American rents a hovel, even 2 incomes cane barely afford a family, and we just own 1 vehicle, and barely have enough in the bank to last a couple of months. First and foremost we need to know the direction we thought off as progressive is regressive. Our mental health and health in general is going downhill as well. Suicide rate is rising. Drug abuse is rising. 70% of Americans are over weight, 40% are obsess, and our life expectancy has actually gone downhill.

Lest look at what we have done to try and improve things; Minimum wage increases, Unions, body positivity, insane amount t of immigration....what has this done for us? Made us poor, made us unhealthy, made us unhappy. Look at our education system. We pay on average 10X more per student for education then other countries. The tax payer is paying far too much, and yet, we are the 37th in ratings. In the 1960's we were ranked at 2. Then Carter created the Depot of Education. Then came the Teachers Union. Now we have kids who cant even read, but who are spending a huge part of their free time wondering what gender they are, and what a flag for it might look like. Math is one of the hardest hit subjects. The improvements in how we teach Math have not improved our students. Just the opposite.

The simplest thing to do when you realize youre going down the wrong path is to backtrack. I suggest we do exactly that. Because we know what this will lead to. It will lead to a global community where all people live like a 3rd world country, with a small cabal of elites who get to drive, own large homes, and have an armed security to protect them. The rest of us will take public transportation( believe me, there is almost nothing more demeaning, and nothing that takes away your independence quite as much as not owning your transportation) rent little hovels packed like sardines in skyscrapers (so if food shortages come, we will not even have a way to grow a potato), an open border so no country will be able to give opportunities to its citizens, because as soon as they try, people from everywhere will come and take. And we will probably not even be allowed to complain. There will certainly be a social credit score.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
To people who think vampires should burst into flame in the sun; READ DRACULA People who are upset that this isnt horror; You need to stop reviewing.
1 June 2022
I have news for you; vampires generally have nothing to do with horror. Neither do werewolves. The literature containing those is called GOTHIC. I think the problem is that we have far too many people who went to a public school, and get most of their information from tv, and social media. They have literally never read a book, so they are dumb as hell.

To the teens that were upset that vampires didn't burn in sunlight; Mostly vampires do not. They did not in Dracula, however, he cant change shape between sunup and sundown. He can turn into mist, bat, wolf during the hours of night. Also; I think he would have loved this film. Dracula was quite the ladies man and romantic after all.

OK. First off; The movie is filmed well. The pacing, the sombre mood are all precisely what I would want from a vampire story. I liked the wings of the owl behind Edward when Bella first meets him giving the impression of angel wings.

I like the story in general. Bella really seems like the sort of person that someone picky would fall in love with. She is kind, patient, humble, strong, but has no need to prove it. She is very down to earth. She wears a lot of basics, and looks believably like a teen. I get very tired of tv shows and movies( Clueless, Gossip Girl remake...) where teens are shopping at Net-a-Porter, Saks, and Nordstroms. Thats weird. Teens don't do that.

I like the way the vampires act. I like that their personality can be anything from a super good person like Carlysle to someone more power mad and cold like Arro. Its really annoying to see that vampires all suddenly have the same exact personality in so many stories. Like a cross between a sly Democrat Politican and Ghangis Khan.

I like this version of vampire Politics as well. Where the Volturi is half violent gang trying to keep control, half dignified vampire council.

Over all, I would say well written, and well presented.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Its quite good. I would give it a shot. But, yes, season 2 is worse then 1. And yes, Im a little disappointed with the woke quotient.
1 June 2022
First for the good. Very believable story, at least in season 1. Diana is smart. She has the POTENTIAL to be powerful. The reason she allows her vampire mate to protect her, is because currently HE IS MORE POWERFUL, and she is smart enough to realize it. For anyone who wishes to see the type of film where the women are always the ones being the most bad ass...good news; 90% of movies and tv shows are like that, so go and watch any one of them. I suggest Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Mashed Potatoes. All the males are dingbats, and only the Scarlett Witch and some annoying teen girl have the power that matters. Go watch it.

To anyone surprised that Diana would reject magic when seeing it....who wouldn't? Even if you were the most magical thing on the planet, 99.9% of the things you see would still be explainable by non magic. That would typically be the first thing you would assume.

Is it different then the books? Yes. As you should expect. Unless your talking Harry Potter, everything is different then the books.

With season 2 we have some issues. First of all, Dina's completely illogical demands get weird. She is getting a little too powerful for the story, AND I STILL GET THE FEELING THEY ARE BETTER THEN THE BOOKS. Because the books seem very much like wish fulfillment for someone who wishes they were a really pretty all powerful wish, who had a sexy vampire husband, and got to meet interesting historical people. What fun...but a bad story.

The incessant complaints about "its like Twilight" are seriously annoying. ALL VAMPIRE STORIES WILL BE SOMEWHAT LIKE TWILIGHT. Because Twilight vampires are pretty much like all vampires. They are drawn to human blood, they drink blood to survive, they are super strong, tend to be pale......actually, Twilight is a bit more realistic as far as vampire politics go, and as far as the pressure of living so long on the human mind. They make it very clear that while the Volturri do not go mad or anything, neither are they entirely sane. And its much more realistic to show the Volturri as much a gang struggling for power as a dignified ruling body with rules that they follow. So think twice before you diss it.

Ok, back to this; Do century old creatures start acting like old humans? Do they act like humans at all? Do they get smarter? Who knows. If you ever run into an immortal ask them. In my opinion, almost no one can write an immortal.....scratch that; Fred Saberhagen, in his Dracula Files came the closest. The Count is smart, but he isnt a genius. He admits to typically acting on his instinct, because thats simply what he is like. I do agree that the creatures in this show are a bit too human, but I think that can be excused. I haven't noticed that older people are necessarily wiser.

So, give the show a shot. You will probably like it. At least season 1.
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I know this is supposed to be great, but I didn't like it.
1 June 2022
First of all, not to be catty, but this Lizzie is seriously ugly. Maybe they did that on purpose, thinking mostly women would see the series, and they would respond better to a kind of average or below looking Lizzie, but isnt she and Jane supposed to be the best looking women around? And aren't they supposed to be in their early 20's? They look like they are 40. Darcy looks like he is 60. Colin Firth is so stiff and so completely unemotional, and so is Lizzie. In the end all you can think is that these two unpleasant people deserve each other.
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Eternals (2021)
OK. It cant get much worse then this. BTW, why has every male character get a gender change?
30 May 2022
Makarri is white and male. Gilgamesh is white. Ajak is male, and also white.... The whole thing is just crapfest anyhow, but its weird that they just cant stand leaving a single character to be a male, especially at a time when boys really need someone to look up to, and don't really have anyone. I mean come on, we live at a time no one blinks an eye if a mother says she hates that her baby was born male.
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The Nanny (IV) (2018)
The story is pure fantasy. Second half is BETTER then the first half. If you didn't get it, I answered all your questions here. Because it just wasn't that complex.
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess Im going to have to explain the second half of the film because some of the audience is so completely brain dead, unless they cant comprehend a new idea. This film is original, so they just had "unanswered questions". I will answer all of them, because its not that complicated.

1) The Nanny is not a bad guy. She is Noa's real mother. She is a fairy, a protector tasked with getting fairy kids that ended up in human orphanages back into the fairy realm.

2) The Earlking is a bad fairy, who wants to kidnap fairy children for his army.

3) Ella, the girl seemingly kidnapped in the beginning of the movie was not kidnapped. She was a fairy, and simply went where she belonged. Her father, David( played by Xander), couldn't accept this, and started hunting and killing fairies over the MISUNDERSTANDING, that she was a little girl who was TURNED into a fairy by other fairies. But that was never true. Fairies are born fairies, even thought they looks like human kids at first.

4) At the end, David kidnaps Noa, because he knows that she is a fairy. The reason he does it is because he hates fairies and wants to kill them, and also hopes he can grab an older fairy to interrogate to find his daughter.

5) The tree thing with horns is an evil fairy known as the Earlking.

6) Micheal and Noa were never human children. Just like Ella they were fairies. They just did not know this.

6) The Nanny died in the end. Weakened by fighting David, she was killed by the Earlking protecting Micheal and Noa. For this reason, Noa and Micheal remained with their human mother, now knowing their are fairies, but electing to stay in this world for longer. Noa has wings, and enjoys flying, she is the same type of fairy as the nanny( her biological mother). Officer Frank is now dating Anna. They make a happy family, despite realizing the two kids are not human, they are open minded enough to accept this.

7) The reason the Nanny was so strict about the bed time was to protect Noa and Micheal from the fairy child stealing Earlking.

OK? I thought all of this was quite obvious. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, and I'm sure I or anyone else with a brain can answer you.
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Moon Knight (2022)
I keep reviewing this, and it keeps disappearing.
6 May 2022
Really good, but not typical Marvel fare. Its more adult. A nice surprise after the somewhat annoying Dr Strange and M of M. You can go in with a high expectation and be pleasantly surprised.
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Gee thanks, Sarah. The rising energy costs that no middle or working class people can keep up with are so fun.
3 May 2022
OMG. They have gone from putting annoying liberal messages in other, more entertaining stories, and now they have skipped ahead, and we just get the message and no story.
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Cold Mountain (2003)
Finally a truthful, and endearing picture of the war that created America as we know it.
24 April 2022
The Civil War created us far more then the war of Independence. And this movie pays a tribute to the pain and inhumanity that gives rise to our current interactions. It also shows us the strength Americans (played by UK folk) have in times of despair. I had not realized how brutal and evil the Union had acted. Truly, we lost our honor. Hopefully seeing this shows us a way to regain it.
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I loved it. But its not like a mermaid. Its more like Jenny Green Teeth.
23 April 2022
A scary evil river fairy. The spirits of young women who died violently or in childbirth. They seduce and pull young men to their death. But this one was just really energetic and mean.

There are no pot holes at all. People just dont know what a Rusalka does. But it stays very true to its mythology. Also, the world building is interesting.

The filming got the creepy atmosphere very right. Its not horror. But then, Im too old for Saw type nonsense. This is more like for adults who like psychological thrillers rather then a creepy dude cutting up bodies.
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The guy you really want to see get killed, ends up not dying!!
14 April 2022
You really want to see Jamie Fox character get killed. Instead the nice people get killed, and the guy who messed everything up, and his rotten wife and kids get to live. In fact, he gets promoted for getting everyone killed. What downer.
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Ok, this movie is not great for many reasons, but I just want to talk bout the Ariana Dumbledore thing making zero sense!
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Until they figure her out, they should avoid al plots with her in them.

1) If no witch or wizard that is a kid can control their magic, then why. Bother making underage magic rule?

2) What exactly did those 3 muggle boys do to her? They were just kids themselves, and were obviously frightened. They didn't seem to damage her physically, so what could they have done that was so bad that she went completely gaga? They called her a little freak and hit her and she just went mad? If being hit and called names made kids crazy, everyone with siblings would be crazy.

3)But if she was so sensitive, and unable to control her magic, why let her play alone outside where muggles could see her, trusting a hedge to hide her? Especially if there are other curious kids nearby???

4) Why would the father blame those poor boys who were probably traumatized as well? He should have blamed himself.

5) Dumbledore describes her as mostly scared and harmless, but someone that explodes with angry magic once a year is NOT HARMLESS. They are as harmless as a cobra. SHE KILLED HER OWN MOTHER!

6) How could a 17 year old boy give adequate care all by himself to a raving lunatic child? Even without magic? Even if he was willing to give up his life completely, which is wrong.

7) If Ableforth was so angry at Grindewald because Albus was spending too much time with him...that makes no sense. If Ableforth thought Ariana needed more attention, WHY DIDNT HE JUST DO IT HIMSELF INSTEAD OF EXPECTING HIS YOUNGER BROTHER TO DO EVERYTHING???

8) After the Dumbledor family makes all these terrible mistakes, and his brother goes to attack Grindewald and the dude just fires back because he is being attacked...even if his shot did kill Ariana, Grindewald didn't do anything wrong. That is just self defense. He didn't start the fight even with Ariana right in the way. Abelforth did that. So why blame Grindewald?

Until all that is resolved, they need to stay away from that storyline.
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Bel-Air (2022– )
Review disappeared for no reason. I couldn't manage to like it.
7 April 2022
I originally gave this a 2, which was undeserved, but Im moving it to a 1, because my review, which was nearly 90% helpful was taken down. It had no spoilers, no bad language or anything.

So; Bottom line; Its pretentious, and boring, and very dishonest.

I will start with what I like; The fashion. I especially loved Hilary in the Telfar suit. It was so fitting, and it mirrored the fashion choices of the original Hilary, and my hope is that maybe before people stop watching they will be inspired to check out more of his designs. But really all of the fashion choices were fitting and spectacular.

I do think the cast has talent. Its not the actors fault. It's the direction. You can only do so much.

Now on to everything else; 1) Untruthful and Pretentious. This show tries so hard to be real, with their street talking, using bad words, and overly explosive family dysfunction, but it doesn't even have a tiny fraction of real world in it.

Example;. Making Hilary an influencer is a lazy and insipid. It could be excused in a comedy, but not here. Its also absurd that they have an elitist cooking school TOTALY UNAWARE OF CANCEL CULTURE, and not terrified of offending a person of color. But they run afoul of HER TICKTOCK FOLLOWERS? That would be perfect in a sitcom, but don't expect adults to take it seriously!

You know, they did a contest to see how much influence influencers had, and they had several popular ones design and try to sell t shirts to see how many they could actually get them sold, with a cash/scholarship prize to the winner. None of the contestants, each of whom had millions of followers, could sell over a hundred shirts.

We also live in a world where stores allow shoplifting if its done by a person of color, for fear of creating a firestorm when the you know what card gets used. But somehow, this super sophisticated school, filled with the kind of people who call South and Central Americans "Latinex" just didn't realize the potential problem? Even though Hilary is the daughter of judge? All I can do is shake my head.

It gets worse from there. The family now has almost nothing to make them seem human any more. Carlton isnt a short nerd that believes in conservative values ( as in study hard to get ahead, and lower taxes). Now he is suffering from anger issues, and all I can think is Viv must have been drinking when he was in utero. Uncle Phil is no loner big and lovable. He is super fit, scary, and overly righteous. Benson is now James Bond or something. And yeah....we aren't supposed to laugh. Its kind of a matter that we are no longer laughing WITH the show. Just AT the show.
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Luther (2010–2019)
This show tries too hard, and instead of actually delivering on one premise, just jumps to another.
3 April 2022
If Luther is so brilliant, then why does he constantly do stupid things, and why is he such a point of interest for every serial killer in town? Doesnt really work for me. Besides, I just get tired of seeing him glower at everyone. And whats up with his unfaithful wife?
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The Killing (2011–2014)
Excellent show, but get ready to cry.
3 April 2022
Really well written, amazing characters, and no plot holes at all.

It's far, far better than the Swedish version, with a much better, and much tighter motive. The Swedish version hilariously had something to do with Nazi or something.

The few bad reviews this got obviously didn't even watch this show. One actually suggested that it was the same as Twin Peaks. What? Twin Peaks isnt even about crime or murder. Its about a supernatural entity that takes over the minds of humans. So I dont see how there could possibly be any similarity, other then a girl was murdered, which is no similarity at do yourself a favor, and sone believe the really negative reviews. Not sure how they came about. Of course not everyone will like it. It is slow, its is bleak, and it is a little bit too inner city at times, although Seattle is definitely as bad as they show in many areas. All American cities are at least this bad in some areas, actually. Also violence and swearing. Although it is slow, there is no unnecessary filler.
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Far, far better then the actual show which stinks.
31 March 2022
Still a hot mess, but at least its not an insulting hot mess. Itbstill could have been much worse. People keep on saying nonsesen about how its difficult to bring a deep world to the screen. Its not. Its easier. It means you have more answers. You dont have to show the viewer any more then what is happening to the characters at any given time. The viewer doesnt need to know about far away lands or customs. Think about it; Reality is the deepest world there is. But when movies set in real world are made people dont cry. If you are telling people a story about people in a small town in Texas, who cares if the audience isnt aware of France?
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And Just Like That...: Tragically Hip (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Kids shouldn't be talked into gender confusion.
30 March 2022
But they are. My friend had a 11 year old daughter who was confused about her gender; My friend and her husband moved her to a different school, and cut the amount of time she spent on social media down to 20 minutes a day. Within a week. The girl was back to being female.

I suggest any parent who has this situation tries it. Dont criticize, dont be unhappy about it. But change who they talk to, especially teachers. That is who is typically creating the problem.

Che should just change her gender to refrigerator. Thats what she looks like.
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And Just Like That...: When in Rome (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Che Diaz is really disgusting.
30 March 2022
What horrifically awful character. She isnt even pleasant to look at. The fashion is good, but even a genius fashion guru can only do so much if they have to dress a human that looks like a tank. Now Im getting catty, because this show is wearing out my last nerve. Thats it. And what is Miranda doing? Isnt she married, and straight?
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