
31 Reviews
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Red Eye (2024)
Good fun!
23 April 2024
There are a lot of negative reviews on here stating that the whole thing was ridiculous. Perhaps they should watch a documentary or something. Myself and the Mrs watched the whole thing in less than 24 hours and, to be honest, it was a damn sight more believable than a James Bond film or any of that superhero nonsense that they keep churing out nowadays. The acting was decent, the storys was well-written even if it did push some accuracy limits ehre and there. The pace was the best thing. Never a dull moment, which is what I want after a hard day at work. If they showed police and spy thrillers that reflected real life, I suspect they wouldn't pick up many viewers. This was entertaining and fun, which is what I was looking for.
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Damaged (2024)
Surpised me!
14 April 2024
I can see a lot of negative reviews on here but from what I can make out it's because this wwas clearly a made for TV film that didn't have a nice, rosy ending. In fact, it was all going pretty predictably in many aspects until it didn't. I'm not going to spoil the ending but there is no doubt in my mind that this is what annoyed most people. As for the quality, there were some decent performances in this. The only annoying thing for me, was Samuel L inissting on swigging from a mini bottle of Sctoch every few minutes to show that he had a drink problem. That would be OK in a comedy, but we have surely got past the need for that, nowadays. The pace was OK, the acotrs were all good, evern the script wasn't that bad. As for the directing, some have said the editing was messy. Well, I didn't see that. Perhaps a little rushed in places, but that's all. All in all, a decent, made for TV flick.
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Nightingales (1990– )
Just wonderful!
27 February 2024
I used to love this back in the 90s and, with a select group of mates, still shout the odd phrase from the show (tek his trousers down! - is there anybody there? Etc.). The set pieces and surreal comedy are brilliantly crafted and references to high art juxtaposed with popular culture works in such a marvellous way that it really cannot be beat. It is such a shame that they only did the 2 series but, given it was on quite late at night, and the humopur was so off-the-wall, also understandable. It already has a quiet, cult status among a small, but loyal group of people, I am pretty sure it will be remembered for years to come and will continue to acquire new fans long after I am dead and gone.
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The Grey Zone (2001)
18 February 2024
I watched this at the cinema when it came out and it affected me profoundly. I have only seen it that one time as I really don't think I could put myself through it again. The cast is pretty much first rate and the acting is second to none. The story and the characters are very well developed and the absurdity of what the Nazis were doing as well as the extreme cruelty and even the banality of evil are extremely well rendered. If you are considering watching this, I am not sure to congratulate you or give you my condolences. I have seen some pretty traumatic things in my life, but none of them affected me like this film. It really gets into your head.
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One of my favourite comic films
19 January 2024
I first watched this in the 80s by pure chance. I had never heard of it and it was just on TV that day. I sat there there with my flatmates rolling about the place laughing our socks off. Wonderful little film with all kinds of toungue-in-cheek references to British culture. If you like PG Wodehouse, although a little more over the top, then this is the film for you. It still makes me laugh to this day and the American actor who plays Crummand is just wonderful. Thank you Alan Shearman for pulling our legs in that way. A very underrated actor and a rare talent, if you ask me. I always thought this film would become a cult classic yet nobody seems to have heard of it which is a big shame. One of Handmade Films' best efforts!
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11 January 2024
Rachael Striling is becoming her mother, Diana Rigg, and sometimes seeing her on screen is a little spooky. There where moments in this which took me nack to the wonderful "Mother Love" (please realease that on DVD!). However, I don't want to give anything away, and the story is nowhere as over the top as that particular mini series.

This is a well-crafter series with some brilliant performances. The acting is top notch and the mystery is cleverly woven into the script and the acting speaks to what has happened. Why there are so many on here slagging it off is beyond me. Myself and the Mrs watched this in one sitting. It had us completely hooked. Take no notice of the negative reviews, everybody thinks they are some kind of critic nowadays, for some odd reason. The Bricklayer got more points than this, which makes no sense at all considering the bad acting and awful, totally predictable script. This has everything you need if you are looking for a decent little mystery. Yes, a couple of times you want to shout "WTF!" at the screen, but parents can behave in very odd ways to protect their children. And if you have a narcissist in the family ... As I said, an excellent show!
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Stirling cast, excellent plot, wonderful acting.
13 December 2023
The only thing that lets this film down is a couple of lines of dialogue which were a tad cheesey, but they were delivered with such class that it didn't really matter. For such a short film, the character arcs of some of the players developed pretty well, especially that of Jack Gleeson. And that's another thing, wonderful to see that guy acting again. It was also good to see Liam Neeson in a film set in Ireland with a plot that, for the most part, was believable. I mean, Colm Meany, Ciaren Hinds, Kerry Condon, Sarah Greene, to name just a few. This film is pure class and I suspect it will be one of those films that will get more popular over time. Why the rating is so low, I have no idea. Full credit to the producers, directer, and actors for this day's work. One of the best films of 2023, if you ask me.
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
16 November 2023
OK, a lot of negative reviews on here and the majority seem to be from people who have read the book. I get that but I accepted a long time ago that books/novels and films/TV series are completely different ways to take in a story. For example, Frankenstein the book, and the 1930s film bear almost relation to each other but are wonderful pieces of art on their own. Game of Thrones was a better TV series than the book, in my opinion.

Well, having never read the book, and only being two episodes in, here is my tuppence worth. The first episode is a slow burner and seems to be about setting up the characters who seem to be and interesting little bunch. It has haunted lighthouse feel to it and the look to the show is pretty damn good.

By the second episode, things really take off. And I have to say I am on tenter hooks. I only give it 8 because I don't normally review until I have finished a show. But this looks to be going in the right direction, to me. It's no Expanse (also a book I have never read), but it looks pretty damn promising to me.
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Acting masterclass
12 November 2022
There are a lot of negative reviews on here about this, some people even screaming WOKE! At the top of their caplocks. Iif you are the kind to be taken in by that, then you are going to miss out on some wonderful acting and great directing. OK, the Luis is a black guy in this but, to be fair, this makes the story much more interesting. Oh, and he is played perfectly by Jacob Anderson who did a superb job as Grey Worm in GOT. This man is an absolute pleasure to watch and I will be observing his future career with interest.

Lestat is played brilliantly by Sam Reid, who I had not really noticed before, despite being in several shows that I enjoyed. Well, he certainly shines in this. And for all those that are up in arms about the main two characters being gay, read the books! This is a gay couple.

At the end of the day, this series is an adaptation. It is not a book. Books mean reading. TV shows mean watching. The film of the same name just did not capture the chemistry of the relationship between Lestat and Luis. This show does that in buckets. OK, it is set about 100 years or so later than the book, but it works. Claudia also works better in this in that she is prepubesant and her needs and hormones are all over the place. To be fair to the film, Kirsten Dunst did a pretty good job on that character but in this series, the dielema is much better realised.

All in all, don't believe the haters. Accept this series for what it is, enjoy the acting, and you will have a blast.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
Wonderful Cast
28 October 2022
Just like so many reviewers on here, I also wanted to kill the prick. I haven't felt like that since Joffery Barathean so, a round of applause to Claes Bang, an actor who never fails to impress.

As for the rest of the cast, well, it begs the question, "how come the Irish are just so chock-a-block with so much talent?" It's only a tiny country, yet they keep producing actors that make most Hollywood stars seem like amateurs. There wasn't a bad performance in there.

As for the story, well, I kind of guessed who did it before the end of the first episode, to be honest, but not because it was terribly predictable or anything, it just seemed the logical way to take the story. Oh, and it was very, very, funny in places. Just excellent all round.

I hope and pray they write a second series. It really is one of the best little TV series I have seen in years.
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Marry Me (2022)
The worst film ever?
14 February 2022
Sometimes, I enjoy a bad film as it gives me a laugh to see how low people can go in what they consider to be art. This was like watching a car crash in slow motion but somehow it actually managed to offend me. I always liked Owen Wilson, but I think I hate him now. I already couldn't stand that Lopez woman but actually watching her pout at the cameras for two hours made me feel ill. Yuck!!! Perhaps the worst film I have ever watched in my entire life, and I have watched some awful films, believe me.
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Almost Famous: The Other Fab Four (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Heartbreaking and a hell of a story
24 September 2021
This is a very well made episode and kudos to all involved. I could vaguely remember the name but I always confused them for the TV series. I had completely forgotten there was a band by that name. But what a story! The revelation that certain members of the music industry insulted the band by asking them to perform topless comes as no surprise really, but it makes you wonder what they could have achieved if they had gone to the US. There needs to be a film about this lot, and knowing that there is a play about them is heart-warming. Parts of this episode brought, which is surprising, as it only lasts for for just over 16 minutes. Hats of to the director, producer and, most of all, to The Liverbirds.
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For All Mankind: The Grey (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
Hardly credible but brilliant finale
23 April 2021
Bearing in mind that my idea of a damn fine space film involves a barefooted Bruce Willis smashing an asteroid in two using his testicles while wearing only a string vest, I really liked this and was not too put off by the insane idea of popping out for a moonwalk while only wearing masking tape. In fact, I was shouting at the TV at one point and wiping tears away the next. That is what is missing from TV and films nowadays, so hats off to them. Very entertaining indeed.
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At last!
25 March 2021
Don't get me wrong, I quite like Spanish police series, on the whole. It's something that Spanish TV can do in a manner that passes for entertainment. Some of them are even pretty damn reasonable. However, they always have something that messes the whole thing up. At the moment I am two episodes in with this, so perhaps I am jumping the gun here. And, yes! A couple of things I could see coming from miles away. But, and it's a very important "but," this little series could wipe the floor with most Yank cop shows and even a couple of British ones. It seems slighlty reminiscent of Line of Duty but, so far, not as so completely unbelievable. I mean, given Spanish TV's record for gritty realism, this is quite an achievment. For exmaple, La Casa de Papel, as entertaining as it is, is complete and utter toss! Line of duty is pretty daft but it doesn't go in for the comedic antics of that show that wear thin after the first few episodes. I am really surprised that companies like Netflix, the BBC, HBO or even Amazon are not all over this. Truly brilliant! Hats off to everybody involved in this. To the makers of this show, by the way, do yoursleves a favour, sell this thing to some big expensive TV network. This should be much bigger than La Casa de Papel.
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Tehran (2020– )
Not as pro-Israel as I was expecting
26 October 2020
I really was expecting a lot of Anti-Iranian, pro-Israeli propaganda. What I got was one of the best spy thrillers I have seen in a very long while. Also, the characters are extremely well done, given the kind of show this is so, hats of to the writers and the actors for carrying it off so well. The little plot twists, when they happen, are also well done.

Another things is the treatment of the revolutionary guard detective/case officer, whatever his job title is. Just wonderful! At times, I even started routing for him. Basically, this series shows you that the world of espionage is a very dirty world.

The part when the hacker/agent dresses up as a man did seem a little ridiculous although, to be fair I have seen many Middle Eastern youngsters who are fairly androgynous, and the show was so good, that if that was the only slip-up, then it gets a pass from me. I really hope they do a second series, and judging by the ending, that looks set to happen.
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Happy Valley (2014–2023)
How to act
11 October 2020
Sarah Lancashire, Raquel from Coronation Street, transforms into this complex and tragic figure in one of the best performances I have ever seen in a British police drama. The dialogue is just superb and the actors all do a wondrous job. There are also moments of humour which do nothing to lighten the knife-edge story line, and it really is brutal. Not an easy watch, sometimes, but not depressing, either. Sarah Lancashire's character just lifts us all and basically tells us to pull ourselves together and get on with it. Another thing I like about this little gem, I was wondering how they were going to match series 1 but they actually managed to make it even better. This show really is a 10, in my view. Oh, and some may have moaned about the accents and mumbling. Nonsense! I have seen reviews by Americans on here who managed to get through it and appreciate it for the craftsmanship of all involved. I'm still holding out for a third series. Please don't let us down, Auntie Beeb!
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Giri/Haji (2019)
Deserves a second season!
11 September 2020
I won't give anything away here, but this show really does deserve a 10. OK, there are things in this show that are not exactly "realistic" but when you watch some of the garbage that comes from the major studios nowadays, it's not really an issue. This show is all about relationships and it is done in the best possible way. There is even a dance scene in the last episode that comes from nowhere which pretty much sums up the characters' relationships with one another. Normally, if any show pulls a black and white dance sequence on me, I would switch off and condemn it for being too arty farty. But in this show, it just worked so well. Another thing to watch for is the little surprises it springs on you every now and then. The mother, the grandmother and brother's lover travelling together across Japan are a pure joy when they suddenly come into their own. And the exchange officer ... my lips are sealed! Why Netflix and the BBC cancelled the second series is just unfathomable. The total tripe that they both produce on a regular basis with half the viewing figures that this series got does not make for a rational decision, if you ask me. I was really looking forward to watching a second season to see where the writer took the characters. I hope some other station comes to the rescue, I really do.
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7500 (2019)
A brown-trouser film
6 September 2020
I needed a change of underwear and I suspect I had at least 1 heart attack watching this film. I have no idea as to why this film got such a low rating on this site. It's perhaps the best hijacking film (if that is a genre) I have ever seen. United 93 was pretty damn good but this just blew me away. Knife-edge stuff.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Not the 60s series - Thank God!
1 July 2020
A lot of people appear to be really disappointed by this series and they all seem to mention the original 50s and 60s TV show by the same name. This is closer to the 30s films. I have only seen "The Case of the Curious Bride" which was pretty decent but, though much darker, the new HBO take on it seems to be closer to that that the Raymond Burr version. The Raymond Burr version is fine if you are in the mood for that kind of thing but this is way better, although I admit to only seeing two episodes so far. Perhaps it is closer to how the books are written but I would not know, given that I have never read them. Not only do you have some absolutely marvellous acting from the likes of Mathew Rhys and the wonderful John Lithgow (America's most underrated actor) you have some stand up performances from Juliet Rylance and Chris Chalk, among others. The plot, so far, is very intriguing and takes you to some very nasty places. The battle scene from WW1 was heartbreaking. Don't expect any light-hearted moments but it is supremely well directed and the actors are on the top of their game. Lets just hope they don't mess it all up.
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4 June 2020
I have managed to download this from a torrents site and the full episodes are available on youtube but I would dearly love to get hold of the DVD so that I can watch them again in better quality. I don't understand why the BBC did not release one. The show is kind of in the format of somebody sitting and zapping channels on cable TV. There are some wonderful moments but my favourite has to be Colin Corleone (he thinks he's the Godfather). I remember watching these episodes with a friend and she was in stitches even though she had never seen any of the Godfather films. Just as the season finished, the Lumiere in London started to run the three films. I took her to see them and she just started laughing out loud at every scene with Marlon Brando. To me, this was one of the better comedy show on the BBC in the 90s, I really don't understand why it isn't available on DVD or iPlayer. Comic genius.
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9-1-1 (2018– )
Entertaining Rubbish
12 May 2020
Cheesy, mushy, over-sentimental tripe that insults the intelligence of the viewer consistently. Seldom have I ever watched anything this bad. I hope this pandemic ends before I get to season 3!
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A decent, atmospheric adaptation
17 October 2019
I really do not understand the negative reviews here. I may be a little biased as I am a Tana French fan and find her books some of the best crime novels around at the moment. However, I am not a Sarah Phelps fan after the mess she made of the Javier Falcon novels when she adapted those for TV. In this case, though, she seems to be on to something. The books are slow burners with a psychological tinge that eats into the dialogue and sets up the characters and their relationships. The relationship between Rob and Cassie is rendered pretty well. They have also included a couple of things that are not in the book that seem to work well. Frank stalking Cassie is a logical way to link to the next instalment and a great way to introduce a wonderful character. Well, two episodes in and it all looks good to me. For those that are looking for a standard police thriller kind of thing, don't bother. It was not written that way and the TV show looks pretty close to the book, so far. For those that like twisted, heart-wrenching, psychological drama, stay with it. I can already see that this is going to stay pretty close to what the author intended.
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Estoy vivo (2017– )
Doesn't take itself too seriously
24 December 2018
I saw this by accident, thanks to a sleepless night. I like the main actor as I had seen him in the wonderful Isla Minima and, being a lover of cop shows, gave it a go. Well, I didn't read the plot summary properly so had no idea what to expect and absolutely loved it. A tad ridiculous in places but clearly having fun with the idea. It kind of reminds me of Randal and Hopkirk in places but the story is very well done and the characters are oddly believable, so far. The only thing that annoys me is the insistence on Spanish TV of giving a visual summary of the story from the previous episode and at the end of the next episode which completely spoils the story. Which is why I never watch Spanish TV live, except the news or sport. A big pat on the back for the makers of this program though. Let's hope they don't ruin it. Way better than Money Heist.
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Prevenge (2016)
Original psycho-killer twist
16 September 2018
I don't understand the negative reviews here. Someone even seems to think it was some kind of feminist dig at men and patriarchal notions of women. What complete and utter toss! This film gives us one of the most original psycho-killer characters since Norman Bates. We pretty much see it from the point of view of the killer, which is often the case in this sort of film, granted, but her situation is unique. The only ting stopping me from giving it a 10 is the daft ending. However, it is supposed to be a black comedy, so, I'll let the ending pass. Well worth a watch. I truly hope Ms Lowe directs more films.
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Tongue in cheek Andaluz style.
6 January 2018
I don't know if this series is based on the Jimenz and Villanueva books or the other way round but both books and series are supremely funny. The only problem I have with it is that I'm English and definitely not from Andalucia, and as such, many of the jokes go straight over my head. However, for a low budget, local TV series, I have to say, they have done a good job.
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