
9 Reviews
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Do not get the hype
28 March 2023
So, it's a show that centers around terrible people - narcissistic sociopaths. They all have zero redeeming qualities, I find it hard to get into a show when you can't identify or empathize with any of the characters at all.

I could still get into it with abysmal characters IF it was really funny, but I find myself rarely laughing or even smiling. It tends to leave me cringy, when I'm looking for comedy to be uplifting. It's just terrible people doing terrible things. There's a few episodes here and there that are better than others, but that's about the best I can say.

I've loved Charlie Day and Rob McElhenney in other things, « Horrible Bosses » and « Mythic Quest » are both much better use of the actors (and as writers!). I love Charlie and Rob's writing in the latter, but they don't win much with me in 'It's Always Sunny...'
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Skinamarink (2022)
So Sss....l l l....o o o....ooow
5 February 2023
The movie tries to set the atmosphere very specifically and hard. All I'll grant is it was mostly "unique". We see and hear almost nothing of the characters, the movie is composed mainly of (slow), grainy camera pans. You spend a great deal of time looking at inanimate objects, floors and walls. I would suppose it's trying to set a tone of nostalgia and present "horrors" from the perspective of children, but mostly nothing happens. The pace is so exceeding slow and there's so much nothing between momentary somethings it's hard to find reason to pay attention. What dialogue exists is drawn out, do we really need a 30 second plus gap between EVERY response time?

Some creepy and eerie elements for sure, but so much mind-numbing NOTHING between actual content does the movie no favours. With a little more goings on or some time trimming, a more engaging pace might have been accomplished.

Very hard to watch and does not live up to the hype. Would not recommend, couldn't wait for it to be over, would never sit through it again. Felt I had to finish to make sure there's no big payoff to this time sucker, rest assured there isn't. It could've had some creepy, standing-in-corner Blair Witch flair scare to it but it just couldn't get there. Extremely disappointing.
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Animals. (2016–2018)
Watch this!
22 April 2022
I don't understand why this isn't more heard of. I had never heard of it before, found it randomly and somewhat begrudgingly decided to give it five minutes.

At first, the animation was leaning me to picking something else, and the idea that it was different characters every show. But - it draws you in so quickly, it's charming, it's funny, it's ridiculous - but it has depth and heart. The somewhat simple animation doesn't matter, the content is that good. I gave it five minutes and was hooked till the end.

It is different characters each episode, but it's not exactly anthology... you quickly find they circle back to and from, and before long, overlap and intertwine into another.

Weird, hilarious and full of charm. Watch it. Bring it back?! I want so much more!
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Boring, predictable
20 April 2022
The entire tone of this movie is so flat, it was difficult to find engaging at all. The acting seemed stunted, none of the characters had real intensity or charisma, none inspired captivation, all things necessary in portraying a cult. The music seemed to try and substitute for storyline, and left me wanting to fast forward every time they started singing, which leaves little actual movie left.
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Roman Empire (2016–2019)
GOT-esque, history beware
4 November 2021
GOT fans would likely get a lot out of watching this series, it's apparent how much GOT was actually inspired by Roman "history". Sean Bean narration is a touch that sets this mood nicely.

"History" is definitely meant to be quoted here. This show should've decided whether it wanted to lean toward lavish embellishment OR historical accuracy, not both, and make its choice clear. It presents itself as "history", especially when paired with expert testimonies, but fails to warn how misleading this can really be.

You may decide to watch this as fiction, and disregard all inaccuracies and enjoy, but for those with even a basic knowledge of Roman history, they can be greatly distracting.

All in all, it's somewhat dangerous to present the material in such a factual way, when it's really only "factual". The show needed to make its decision more clear on this, instead of masquerading itself as historically accurate.
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Master of None: Moments in Love, Chapter 5 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
This entire season was terrible
30 October 2021
First few seasons were decent. Entire platform of show changed this season, it was absolute terrible, pedantic drivel that is not worth the watch. Ending of the season couldn't come soon enough, not sure what anyone was thinking here.
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Good Girls: Nevada (2021)
Season 4, Episode 16
Why did good girls go so bad?
23 September 2021
This series was right up in the ranks of greats like weeds and ozark... until this season. What the $&@? Happened?

The entirety of season 4 was full of plot holes and half baked ideas that weren't that interesting to begin with. It felt like running out the clock without actually accomplishing anything, we seemed to be chasing a point, or series of points, that never came. No one seemed to be able to focus on what the point should even be, plot points were thrown around like confetti with no discernible rhyme or reason. What wasn't predictable was so only because it made no sense.

It was such a painful disappointment for such a strong series to die so pitifully.
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The Rental (2020)
Absolute garbage and waste of the actors
19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cast was excellent, slow burn build was great, I initially thought it held all the promises of a decent horror movie. I wished I had read some reviews first, but with 5.7 rating at the time, I thought it at least had to be okay.

I almost always lose complete faith in a movie where everybody dies; it seems lazy and leaves the story without perspective. By the time 3/4 were dead with cold, detached climaxes (not a compliment), it was near enough to the end that I continued watching and telling myself 'well, one is better than none, and they still have to tie everything together...' but nope, the last character was gone even more unceremoniously than the rest.

They continue to dangle the carrot of some answers to all the going's on to salvage the massive bottoming out of the film, but only waste more of the viewers time with glimpses of a routine killer performing the mundane.

As a last ember of hope arises with video over the credits, I begrudgingly watched through the continued pointlessness that gave all the closure of a slap in the face.

I wasted time to review this waste of time movie in hopes to save others from contributing theirs.

This. Was. Garbage.

A two was given instead of one only for the talent of the actors. Sorry guys, even the best couldn't save this pile.
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Funniest Guy Alive
22 February 2004
Conan is not only the king of late night, he is king of comedy. Period. The first thing you see every night on his show is this tall, sharp featured guy walk out on the stage. Immediately, he becomes animated and does his little trademark dance and jump that you can't help but laugh at. You're immediately put in what Conan likes to call "the laugh zone." His opening monologue, obviously not written by him, doesn't always have the funniest jokes. But Conan is the only guy I've seen that could take a lame joke and make it hilarious using physical, animated comedy played off audience reactions mixed with charm and wit uniquely Conan. His smiles and laughs are infectious and his facial expressions endless. You can't help but smile and sympathize with his innocence and self bashing (for instance, when talking to Ruben Studdard about the falsity of rumors, Conan exclaimed "Yeah, I'm not gay!" His smile immediately fell into an expression of "what the hell did I just do?" That you had to sympathize with). His sincerity is unmissable; he is always completely genuinely interested in his guests and what they have to say. He does everything possible to make them feel comfortable. In an interview of Conan he said it is his job to make every interview on his show funny and to make the guest comfortable. He says he never thinks "oh, that guest was a real lunker" because if the interview sucked, it was his fault, not theirs. As I Canadian, I have to say how lucky we were to have the best comic alive come and shed some light on our vastly overlooked country. I hope Americans found it funny and maybe know a little bit more about their neighbor. I hope all the controversy can be cleared up and forgotten and forgiven so that Conan can again soon come back to our country. My wish is that it becomes an annual thing. Or better yet, semi-annual!

You won't ever see a funnier, more animated, sincere or charming comedian than Conan. I don't watch much TV. Conan is the one and only show I make sure I watch regularly. There's never been a show were I didn't feel completely uplifted after. I could describe him for hours but you have to see him for yourself to understand. "Keep it cool my babies!" Long live the king!
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