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Offensively stupid
5 September 2019
Offensively stupid. Hella misogynistic. Just awful, and not in a so-bad-it's-good way, just in a stomach-churningly un-funny way. Dreadful. Alcohol couldn't have improved it, but I do wish I'd had some drinks and live-tweeted while watching it because it was just... unbelievable. A spectacular failure on every conceivable level. Worse than the worst crappy Hallmark xmas movie.
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The Bisexual (2018)
Moving and funny
9 January 2019
I'm very surprised by the low star rating on IMDb. The critic reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are excellent. The acting in The Bisexual is great across the board. The writing is funny and insightful. It's raw and painful and funny. The subject is handled with sensitivity, but with a sense of humor, too. I loved it. I'd love to see more.
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[Cargo] (2018)
Over the top
17 November 2018
I watched this because I'm a huge fan of Ron Thompson's work as Tony and Pete in the magnificent, underrated Ralph Bakshi film American Pop. I'm not a fan of horror thrillers. So why am I giving it a high rating? Because I appreciate what the filmmakers did here. This is an independent film through and through. No big budget. No fancy locations. But they came up with an interesting premise: Crappy, wealthy guy Anthony Peterson is being held in a cargo container for ransom. All the action takes place in the cargo container. Peterson doesn't know where he is. The only link to the outside world is a cell phone that cannot be traced. Peterson has to call anyone he can think of to convince them to transfer money to his abductors and secure his release. The voice acting of the folks with whom our "hero" Peterson interacts was problematic for me at first, but then I leaned into it, as I realized it was intentionally exaggerated, and it contributed to the over-the-top ride. Add to that the creative use of space, wild camera angles, and a stellar score from Thorsten Quaeschning of Tangerine Dream, and you've got a solid horror thriller. If you're into horror thrillers, you'll dig this movie.
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Real Boy (2016)
Powerful and moving
29 June 2017
I was lucky enough to attend a screening where the director, Bennett, Joe, Bennett's mom, and Bennett's best friend were in attendance. Bennett and Joe graced us with performances of a few of the songs from the film, and all present were patient and generous with their time and honesty during a Q&A following the film. There was a well-deserved standing ovation when it was all over. I hope those who view the film on PBS will take the time to rate the film, if not review it, because it deserves far better than its current 4.7 star rating. I was quite moved. The struggle for understanding between Bennett and his mother was so painful to watch, but there was real love there. It hit me on a very personal level and made me cry. My only quibble was it wasn't longer, although I understand the DVD has additional scenes, I think of some live performances, so I am looking forward to watching that version. When it ended, it felt a little abrupt, but I think that was mainly because I just wanted more, having grown fond of the people involved. I wish Bennett and his friends and family and everyone who worked on the film all the best in future endeavors. Thanks for blessing us with an honest look into a deeply personal process.
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The Case for Christ (2007 Video)
Propaganda masquerading as a documentary
24 December 2010
I watched this "documentary" last night with my friend Tom. I spent most of the time grunting in painful disbelief, having "wha...?"s dragged out of me, and bursting out laughing. Mostly it just made me angry because the "research" that went into this can hardly be called such. It is criminally lazy, one-sided, and even the side they present isn't presented well. I've had more convincing conversations with Christian friends who aren't so-called "experts". The people in this film bring up questions only to gloss over them. At certain points, they even unintentionally manage to make the argument AGAINST Christ. Even many of the Christians who reviewed this on Netflix think it is terrible (it got an overall 1.5 - out of 5 - star rating). I like the first Netflix review, by lostboy, a self-proclaimed Christian, who gives the film an amazing 3 pity stars, and then proceeds to take the film apart (and really does a better job of it than I ever could). Another review, by a non-Christian, gives it 4 (?!?!?) stars and then trashes the one-sided aspects and lack of objectivity. I can't imagine this film even convincing Christians experiencing a crisis of faith. It is nothing but amazingly poorly executed propaganda. It's too bad, too, because it would be fascinating to see a film about an actual atheist (and this guy couldn't convince us that he had ever been one) who did actual research, and got ALL viewpoints, and was converted. That would be amazing. This was crap. I wish I'd been drinking, but then I would have been laughing so hard, we never would have finished it. One star, but only because I can't give it fewer. How on earth does this film have a 7 star IMDb rating?
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Kings (2009)
Compelling stuff
30 March 2009
I rarely start watching a new show because they all look so stupid to me. Kings intrigued me, not only because it stars Ian McShane, but because the premise is unique. I have no idea how the idea was ever green-lit (a biblical allegory on prime time network television?), but I'm glad it was. I've watched the two hour premiere as well as the two subsequent episodes and I am fascinated. I am saddened that the show isn't finding a better ratings foothold because, despite descending into some cheesy, WB-esquire moments, seemingly designed to appeal to the young, hip crowd, the story is strong and the performances are pretty great across the board. If you have not yet checked it out, you should. Ian McShane's presence alone makes it worthwhile, but the story itself should keep you hanging on.
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
Everything good you hear about this film is true!
12 August 2002
I was fortunate enough to see the U.S. premier of Dog Soldiers Saturday night (8/10/02) at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. What a fantastic experience. Dog Soldiers is so well-crafted, exciting, funny, suspenseful, scary, and well-acted, it's a shame it didn't get U.S. distribution. I can't WAIT for the DVD to come out in November. One of the best horror (and werewolf) movies in years. It was a thrill to see a really GOOD movie for a change, let alone a good horror movie! I have nothing bad to say about Dog Soldiers.
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