
13 Reviews
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman, the way he was meant to be!
15 June 2005
This movie hit the mark on how and why Batman is beloved by so many comic-lovers and film-goers alike. Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher, while giving us four memorable Batfilms (well three, if you want to exclude Batman&Robin), missed the mark on the star, Batman.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Burton and Schumacher's films, and if it wasn't for them, Christopher Nolan may have never had the chance to make this masterpiece.

Christian Bale IS the Batman! No question about it. Of course, we can not forget about the rest of the talented cast: Sir Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Cillian Murphy, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Ken Watanabe, and Tom Wilkinson. Without them, we would be wondering what could have been.

I give this film a 10/10 all the way! -Serpent
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Replicant (2001)
Awesome! Cheers for Van Damme!
17 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching Replicant, I have to say I was amazed. This movie features great acting from Jean-Claude Van Damme and Michael Rooker. Van Damme deserves some serious credit for playing the evil Torch, and the innocent Replicant.

Possible Spoilers: Jake Riley(Michael Rooker) is a cop on the trail of the "Torch"(Van Damme), a serial killer who murders single mothers with children(who are presumably mistreated by their mothers) and then burns their bodies. After being force to retire due to another failed attempt to catch the Torch, Jake is offered by an agent to the NSA(National Security Agency). It is then he is given an assignment: to watch over the Torch's clone, the Replicant(also played by Van Damme).

The Replicant was created by DNA found from the Torch when he was wounded. He has a connection with the "Torch", and can remember what he remembers, see what he sees, and can help find his next victim. He is also, like a baby that has to be cared for until he matures. At first Jake isn't too happy having to watch him, but then he realizes no one is born a criminal, and grows to care for the innocent Replicant.

Later on, it's found out that the Torch was abused by his mother when he was a child. One night, she locked him up in a closet, and killed his father and he watched through the keyhole. Then, she set the house on fire(providing us his motive and reason for being called the "torch"). Torch survived only because it rained that night. Then, the Replicant and Torch do battle in the grand finale. If you're in the mood for a good Van Damme film, or just a good film, rent Replicant.(Even the people who didn't like Van Damme that watched this movie gave it good reviews. Don't believe me? check the other comments.)
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Fist of Fury (1972)
One of Bruce Lee's greats!
9 October 2002
Bruce Lee was known for making great martial arts films.but rather than just fill the whole movie with just plain old kung-fu with nothing else, He added plot, drama, romance, and philosophy. The Chinese Connection is an excellent example of the hard work he put in to every film. Although I prefer the widescreen dvd version over the vhs fullscreen since it features more scenery and remastered sound effects. If you're looking for a good Bruce Lee film, check this one out, but if possible, get the widescreen dvd version. 8/10
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Beautiful, the story of the Dragon
28 September 2002
Dragon:The Bruce Lee Story is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen. Jason Scott Lee was very convincing as the Dragon himself. Lauren Holly did an excellent job portraying Linda, Bruce's wife. When both are on the screen, they make a great couple. Sure, there were quite a few factual errors on the life of Bruce Lee but still, this film is highly enjoyable. Being a martial artist myself, I couldn't help but find this treasure of a film on the life of Bruce Lee more inspiring. 8/10
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Girlfight (2000)
Great movie!
26 September 2002
When I sat down to watch this movie, I thought to myself it was just gonna be some other feminist movie. Boy, was I wrong. This movie is hardly, if any, feminist at all! Girlfight is about a troubled girl who finds her niche in boxing, so she trains at a gym and hones her skills. While training, she falls in love with a fellow boxer whom falls for her as well. I really thought the actors did an incredible job in their roles. I give this movie a 8/10.
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The Quest (1996)
Beautiful...just beautiful
16 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I was very impressed with this movie. It had everything, beautiful scenery, good fighting, good actors(including Van Damme himself) and good plot. I was impressed with Van Damme's directorial debut. He made such a great and orignal story with a good message of self-discovery. People, don't believe all of the reviewers who say this movie sucked, that's just plain lying.

Possible Spoiler warning: I admit, the tournament was very Bloodsport-esque in a way, but it still had a touch of originality to it. In Bloodsport, I only saw fighters who were mainly trained in Karate or Kickboxing, maybe a little bit of kung-fu. But, in the Quest, there were fighters of all types. There were fighters from all over the world, each trained different styles of martial arts. There were men trained in Karate, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Sambo, Capoeira, Sumo, Wrestling, Savate, and maybe a little bit of bando.

I really recommend this film to any martial arts fan or anyone just looking for a good movie to watch.
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What a joke.
7 August 2002
This movie would disappoint martial arts fans everywhere. Kickboxing Academy is one of the lamest movies I have ever seen. The plot is pretty basic. A kickboxing school is mounted in debt and they are forced to fight a rival school in a tournament. The wager is winner takes all, if the academy wins, they get to keep the school. If they lose, they have to give it to the rival school. The only chance they have is with a former student who's afraid to fight after nearly killing someone in the ring.

This movie was extremely lame, there wasn't even any kicboxing at all! It was all just beginner's karate moves. I was expecting this movie to be like Fists of Iron or the Kickboxer series(Check those out, that's real kickboxing. The first one with Jean Claude Van Damme is the best next to part 2 with Sasha Mitchell). Sadly, this movie turned out to be a campy kiddy movie. Some of the fight scenes were unbelievable, I didn't buy them. Heck, just put me in the ring with all of the students from Kickboxing Academy and the rival school(throw in the instructors too for the fun of it.) and I'll kick their sorry a**es for making martial arts look like a joke. 0/10.
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Kickboxer (1989)
One of my favorite martial arts flicks
7 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Kickboxer is one of my favorite martial arts flicks. The plot, acting(yes, Van Damme was good acting in his role), and fighting.

Plot:(Possible spoilers) Eric Sloan(Dennis Alexio, a real life kickboxing champion) is an american kickboxing champion and has his brother, Kurt(Van Damme) in his corner. After winning another match, Eric says he's gonna "Take on the world's best. Show 'em who's boss." A reporter asks if he's going to take on Thailand because kickboxing was invented there and they're the best at it. So, Eric and Kurt fly to Thailand and are seen in a park talking about their family life with their (presumably) dead parents. When they arrive at Bangkok, Eric asks Kurt to get him some ice.

On his way back to Eric's dressing room, he hears a thundering noise coming from a room. As he nears the sound, he finds out what's making it: The champion Tong Po round kicking a pillar with his bare legs making the plaster fall down. Kurt begs his brother not to fight, but Eric is still cocky, believing he can win. Unfortunately, not only does he lose, but Tong Po delivers an elbow into his spine and paralyzes him. Kurt vows revenge and must train Muay Thai(the Thailand art of kickboxing) with Xian, a master of the art, who was introduced to him by army veteran Winston Taylor(Extremely funny guy). During his training, his only comfort is Mylee, Xian's beautiful niece who falls for Kurt. After many days of rough training, Kurt is ready to face Tong Po in the ring. But, he must fight him in the ancient way, which is hands wrapped in rope, dipped in broken glass.

Before the match, Freddy Li wants to make sure Tong Po wins. So, Tong Po briefly kidnaps Mylee and rapes her, and Freddy Li has Eric kidnaped. Now, Xian and Winston must rescue Eric so Kurt can win the fight.

I enjoy this movie everytime I sit down to watch it. My favorite scene is the final fight. I give this movie a 10/10. If you're in the mood for a good flick, pick this one up.
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4 August 2002
I thought this film was pretty good. Although, I do agree that the anime is better. I think the actors really did well for their parts. It's a lot different though from the anime. I recommend picking it up when you've got the chance. Watch it at night, it sets the mood better.
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Could have been better...but was ok.
23 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This film could have been better, but it was ok. The acting and the plot were great. I didn't buy the last fight scene though.


In the final fight scene with Julie and Ned, how come she was the one giving the hits that connected while Ned couldn't even get one hit off of her? Miyagi hadn't train Julie for very long, and Daniel had been Miyagi's student a lot longer. She should have gotten hit at least a couple times because she hadn't train with Miyagi for very long and the good guy(or girl) has to take a few hits. Daniel was taught a lot longer than Julie and got knocked around a bit, but he toughed it out and came out triumphant. So the ending wasn't as triumphant as the ones for the first 3 Karate Kid films. Although, this movie is worth a look. If you find it in the video store, rent it. I'd give this a 6/10.
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Not bad...
20 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't as bad as other viewers have said it is. It's a good sequel, although it doesn't measure up to the first two. And people, Daniel isn't as wimpy as the other reviewers say he was.

Possible spoiler:

In this movie, Daniel was more confident, assertive and obviously had some of Miyagi's peacefulness rubbing off on him. He even kicked a guy's ass(I think his name was Dennis). Sure he got knocked around, but it's supposed to happen, the good guys have to take a few a hits.

I do agree however that Daniel should have been able to beat Barnes in a streetfight. He was more skilled now and Chosen(Daniel's nemesis in part 2) was a much more fierce and more skilled opponent than Mike was. Not only that, he and Daniel had a fight to the death and Daniel was able to land a lot of good hits on Chosen and win.

Still, in the end when Daniel won with just that one punch, it just felt so triumphant because he realized that that there was no reason to be afraid.(which was the only reason he was getting beaten in the first place. If he had snapped out of his fear earlier, I'm sure he would have been able to defeat Barnes before the three minutes ran out)To top it all off, it was the first time I saw Mr. Miyagi and Daniel hug.

Definitely worth a look, 7/10
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Measures up
20 July 2002
This is a great sequel. It measures up to the original, if not surpass it. The scenery was beautiful, fighting was heart pounding, plot was interesting and the acting was great.

Some people say it wasn't as good as the original, and I have to disagree. If it didn't surpass the original, it at least measured up. It even made more money at the box office than the first Karate Kid.

If I weren't to give this a 10, I'd at the very least give it an 8 and a half. I recommend it to any martial artist fan or Karate Kid fan.
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One of the best movies of all time
20 July 2002
This movie is definitely one of the best movies of all time. Good acting, good plot, good fight choreography and a good message. It's very realistic and we can all relate to Daniel.

Ralph Macchio and Noriyuki "Pat" Morita make a great team. Elizabeth Shue, Randee Heller, William Zabka, Chad McQueen and Martin Kove are an excellent support cast. Also, Pat E. Johnson was perfect for choreographing this movie. I can watch this movie anytime and not get bored.

Not only that, this film inspired me to take karate again. My brother and I took a few months off from taking the classes. My brother is a brown belt and I'm a purple belt. At first I enjoyed the break. But when I saw this movie, I just had an urge to go back. Thankfully, my parents signed my brother and I to go back and I feel better about myself. The instructors were thrilled to see us back.

The martial arts has taught me a valuable lesson, believe in yourself and the power within you comes out in your own hands. I give this a 10/10. I hope someday a sequel is made, with Daniel and Mr. Miyagi back together.

on side note:If you think William Zabka is bully or a punk in real life, you're wrong. I got an e-mail from him and he is one of the nicest people one could meet.
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