
10 Reviews
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Do the ratings even look real?
6 June 2020
The top (10) ratings have been fixed by the producers using IT services and Bots, to secure a higher overall rating.

Well, you just have to see who is running Netflix in India and how that nepotism worked to get a crap movie set up.

Netflix India is doomed as long as one of the B Wood insiders are running the company.

Can't they recruit anybody with half a brain who can judge the value of projects?
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Athadu (2005)
So much potential, so little realization.
3 September 2009
For a movie to have been made with so much energy, expense and extravaganza, I am left wondering why a little more time and energy couldn't have been spent on the script. For a movie that starts so well and promises so much, Athadu willingly becomes scattered and compromised, for no reason at all.

Many Indian films suffer from this, and this is not to dis the whole Indian film culture, but there are many holes in the narrative, voluntarily shot on the canvas by the writer/director. For instance, the emotional tangent that Nandu goes on after being introduced as a cold blooded professional is utterly unconvincing. His acting is straight out of an English language American B movie and he seems painfully plugged into a Telugu movie. What is so hard about spotting something like this? If a movie maintains its "tone" while playing out, no matter how outrageous it may be, it tends to settle in the audience's mind. Once we know what kind of a ride we are on, it is not hard to sit through consistent movies, no matter the genre. This movie has a hard time deciding what it wants to be.

The lifts from "Matrix" and "Face/Off" were neither necessary not subtle. So much money spent on what could have been a good movie, but even worse is the extra 90 minutes we are subjected to on absolutely needless distractions.
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Kuselan (2008)
To whose benefit this movie called KUSELAN?
25 August 2008
There is much expectation out of any Rajinikanth film, even though it doesn't take much to satisfy those expectations of a "typical" Rajinikanth film. But then, this is not a Rajinikanth film and the promos are simply misusing the trust of the gullible public in making it appear so.

However, this movie deserves the ruthless criticism of all sane movie goers. It is really hard for anyone to make up their minds on what this movie is about. If it is about friendship and how an ordinary man is unwilling to exploit his older connection with a now superhero, then we should have stayed with his life in the narrative, instead of introducing two hundred clowns to cheer us up when indeed we could have wallowed in pity or admiration of the chief underdog.

If it is indeed about a superstar and him looking for his long lost friend, then we should have stayed with him, his life, and his pangs to find his friend. In fact, when Ashok Kumar, played by Rajinikanth, himself talks about the friend he has been looking for, it seems so fake since we saw nothing of the sort from the actions of the man up until that point.

So, who is this movie trying to convince? Neither is there a focus on being an art film, nor does it have the mindless but inevitable focus on the pyrotechnics of a commercial film, which can be borne as the usual trash. This film is lifeless, artless, colourless, devoid of all sense of purpose and heavily missing in urgency.

It is one abominable drag into the hole, and then we find the hole is filled with more nothings than this movie has managed to stand for. A highly forgettable piece of time wasting garbage. This kind of mockery of the public should be punished with a money back policy.
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Most overrated piece of nonsense!
1 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason, I was recommended this film by two film aficionado friends of mine, who also came to see it with me.

God, what an awful film - doesn't move, doesn't make me feel moved, the camera composition is supposed to make me uncomfortable, which it did, but the story - I couldn't CARE about this bloody film! This guy Godard is so overrated he must have been laughing at his fans all the time this movie was being watched!

I understand he must have made other films that were noteworthy works of art, but this one just doesn't cut it. It is just plain, god-awful boring in pace, content, style, and everything that makes a movie watchable.

Hopefully, younger film makers are not learning anything from this stupid movie.
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A wasted bloodbath.
17 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For a huge fan of Martin Scorsese like yours truly, the let down of Gangs of NY was even bigger. Where is the tight, efficient Scorsese of yore? Where is the primal scream? It looked like a glossy film on an epic canvas, so I had forgiven much on my way in - this was a big canvas painting and even Scorsese might not be as economical and sharp as he's traditionally been.

From conception to execution this film looked to me like an indulgent party, and Daniel Day Lewis was the one who indulged most and came out triumphant, because it worked for Bill the Butcher! As for everyone else, excuses apart, this really was one hashed up lavish ceremonial orgy of film-making at its worst when more money can actually kill the film instead of giving it more options. Di Caprio is his usual self - a kid trying to fit into a man's boots. Cameron Diaz had a part that would have left the film no poorer had it been left out altogether.

The story was over as soon as the revenge seeking son got close to his father's murderer. But the film went on way past that point. It didn't help that I had seen "City of God" in the same week. As if to wash myself off, I saw "City of God" again after this grand Scorsese failure. Enough said.
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Silent Masterpiece.
13 July 2004
This is pure cinema at its best. For a popular mainstream director to do a silent project as recently as the 80s is in itself staggering, but to pull it off with elan as Singeetham Sreenivasa Rao has done in Pushpak is commendable.

"Pushpak" is the name of the aircraft upon which all human dreams come true in Indian mythology. ("Pushpaka Vimaana"), and we get to see in these two hours how one's dreams can indeed come true, and makes us wonder if this life is in itself a dream.

To go into this theme so fluidly and to still entertain us wholeheartedly, there is something at work here that may not be quite easily understood, but Pushpak is here to entertain, and I would highly encourage you to delve right in!
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Delightfully scary.
13 December 2002
With "Bowling for Columbine", director Michael Moore proves how closely real life can be positively affected by films and film makers. Not only does his own conscientiousness come out through his work, we also get to see how he is absolutely unstoppable in his mission to get the truth out. America is a gun crazy country, and has no reason to be so. It is up the "Crazy Creek", and knows only to shoot its way out! Wonder how this film would be received if it had been made by a non-American!
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Without having to compare.
25 June 2002
This film is one of the most powerful, moving stories to have ever touched my heart. It is one of those living examples of art that can truly cross over into people's minds and souls and actually make a difference in their lives.

It would be sinful to compare this to any other movie or story, because it is in itself a very complete experience and deserves an undiluted appreciation for what it is.

Even though I am from a different culture, the story was simple and went straight to my heart, and after so many years, I really wonder why America went from movies of this purity to some absolute rubbish that it produces today. I am all for entertainment, but I am also for purity. I can take a pure, mindless comedy, but not a shallow emotional "ride" that some films these days attempt to pack in. Are American film schools showing "To Kill a Mocking Bird" to its students?

I would be shocked if anybody could see this film and still went on to make stupid films.

Congratulations to Harper Lee and to each and every cast and crew member that made this film. The world is a better place for all of you having graced it.
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Sholay (1975)
No arguments.
21 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
No film before or after Sholay has achieved as much - running to full houses in an unbroken 6 year stretch! Consider the fact that this happened in India - where the audiences have the most choices amongst all the people of the world. Consider the fact that no movie anywhere in the world has been able to reap even half this success that Sholay enjoys.

It is potent, does not pretend, and has clearly been made with courage and conviction. It was made for the enjoyment of its predominantly Indian, fun-loving audiences, so my dear detractors from the clan of the perennially cynical, reality-fed, fun deprived masses of the world, kindly excuse yourselves. Sholay is quintessential Mumbai produce - you either consume and enjoy in total acceptance, or you're not fit for the ride. It is as simple as that.

The world would be a poorer place without films like Sholay, not only because of the almost arrogant instantaneous and total suspension of disbelief it demands from its audiences, but because of the honesty and sheer power of that demand. You go to a boxing match to see two boxers fight it out, not to see them playing chess in the middle of the ring!

Sholay will always be an incredible and shining example of purity, because it was the purest attempt made to entertain, with absolutely no quarters even considered for critical acclaim from the so called pundits of cinema.

Yours truly is guilty of seeing this film 23 times to date, 17 of these in the theatres. And if opportunity allows, I wouldn't mind being sentenced to death with more of this guilt delightfully added to my conscience.

As with any other film, there have been many comments on what is wrong with Sholay. To these, here is my personal quote - "A good film is about getting most things right, not about getting the fewest things wrong!"

And here is my response to other heartless comments on Sholay being a copy of some other film or filmmaker's work - "If every human was an original, we would have 6 billion different species without a single one to call friend or family".

To argue against failure may be human, but to argue against success is sub-human. You may limit yourselves if you so wish.
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Bandits (2001)
Great expectations or none...
24 April 2002
BANDITS was one of the most interesting films I have seen. Sadly, I use the word "interesting" to remain politically correct, in the midst of several people who actually liked this film. Perhaps someday, I will have the wisdom to see a story where I see none today, and perhaps on the same day, someone will make a film that will come to me through a wire, directly into my brain, in less than a second and bring out a complete reaction in less than that! For spending anything more than that length of time, I have found several films far ahead of this "interesting" film we are discussing here, even the ordinary ones, made with shoestring budgets.
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