
14 Reviews
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An anthology of short stories
18 March 2024
It took me a while to realize that this is a bunch of different science fiction stories that don't really connect. At first, I was confused, but watching them turned out to be pretty enjoyable.

Even though this movie didn't have a big budget, the special effects were surprisingly good. Some stories were definitely better than others, both in terms of their ideas and how they were made. I liked the ones that didn't borrow too much from blockbuster franchises like Star Wars and Aliens.

Each story lasts about 20 minutes, and they get better as the movie goes on. The last one was really different from the rest, but I think it wrapped things up nicely. If you like short sci-fi stories, I'd definitely recommend giving this movie a shot.
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The Killer (2023)
A movie like water heating up slowly.
3 March 2024
At first, I wasn't too excited because the first 20 minutes of the movie were slow, and not much happened. But then, something big happened suddenly and changed the pace of the movie. The slow start might make some people think about whether to keep watching or switch to another movie. Personally, I'm happy I kept watching.

Even though the story is not very complicated and is similar to many other movies, Michael Fassbender does a good job playing the main character, who is getting older. He shows the character's rich but paranoid life as a hired gun, where trusting anyone is hard.

While the movie follows a familiar path, Fassbender's good acting makes it stand out. Despite some action scenes, the movie focuses more on the main character's thoughts and preparations, keeping a slow and calm pace, like water heating up slowly.

In summary, I ended up liking the movie more than I thought I would and would recommend it. It surprised me with its focus on psychology rather than action, and, like boiling water, it starts slow but gets exciting later on.
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Forsaken (2018)
Not the best, but not the worst either
4 February 2024
"Forsaken," also known as "Stranded on Mars," falls short of being considered a cinematic masterpiece. While it may not rank among the best, it manages to escape the label of the worst, as I've encountered films far more lacking in various aspects.

One notable aspect in favor of "Forsaken" is its commendable visual effects, especially considering the constraints of its sci-fi genre and production budget. The cast, too, is not entirely without merit, with some characters leaving a positive impact. The film introduces intriguing tensions in the characters' lives, hinting at potential developments, yet frustratingly fails to provide a conclusive resolution.

Diverging from typical Mars-centric narratives, "Forsaken" primarily focuses on events unfolding on Earth. Here, it successfully delves into themes of politics, corruption, and financial exploitation, weaving a dark and significant backdrop for the plot. Not adhering to the conventional Hollywood formula, the movie doesn't necessarily demand a cheerful resolution.

As for the ending, my sentiments are mixed. While the film introduces compelling plot twists, it ultimately leaves the viewer in a state of confusion. This ambiguity constitutes my primary critique of the movie; a clearer conclusion would have undoubtedly enhanced the overall viewing experience.
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Superdeep (2020)
A decent film worth watching
12 December 2023
This film undeniably draws inspiration from several blockbuster hits. Notably, its storyline bears a striking resemblance to The Thing, and the protagonist shares significant traits with Ellen Ripley from Aliens and Alien 3. The influence of these iconic Alien films is palpable throughout Superdeep, manifesting in numerous scenes.

The decision to set the movie in the Soviet era adds a compelling layer to the narrative. Beyond mirroring the real-life drilling of the Kola Superdeep Borehole in the 1970s and 1980s, this historical backdrop provides a contextual framework, offering a rationale for the characters' behaviors and actions. It seamlessly intertwines with the plot, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

In general, Superdeep presents an engaging storyline that successfully held my attention throughout. The special effects are commendable, though the "final antagonist" could have been more menacing. While there are some logical flaws and occasional confusion regarding the characters' movements between the levels in the elevator shaft, these minor issues didn't detract significantly from the overall experience. Despite some room for improvement, there's nothing that would categorize as a complete turn-off.
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Zombi: La creazione (2007 Video)
Consider it a spoof, not a rip-off
11 December 2023
I found delight in the connection this movie shares with Island of the Living Dead, a film I had previously enjoyed. However, my sentiments take a turn when considering Zombies: The Beginning. The film unabashedly mimics the 1986 blockbuster Aliens to an alarming degree. Every element, from the narrative and dialogue to the music, sounds, and characters, appears ripped off directly from Aliens, albeit transposed to a remote island and replacing xenomorphs with flesh-eating zombies.

Zombies: The Beginning feels like a meticulous replication of Aliens, practically a frame-to-frame duplication. Some character names even bear a striking resemblance to those found in Aliens. The pervasive imitation left me grappling with conflicting feelings, prompting me to view Zombies: The Beginning more as a parody of Aliens than a sincere attempt at producing something noteworthy.

Notably, the film boasts an abundance of gore and an unusual inclusion of nudity, a less common feature in zombie movies. However, the movie's decision to opt for dubbing raises questions. While the dubbing's accuracy is lacking, my personal tolerance allowed me to overlook this flaw. Yet, for others, the subpar dubbing might prove irksome, accentuating the already prevalent issue of substandard acting throughout the film.

In conclusion, I hesitate to recommend Zombies: The Beginning unless it happens to be available for free, and you find yourself with absolutely nothing better to do or possess a peculiar interest in witnessing the epitome of cinematic mimicry.
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Not what I expected but pleasantly surprised
10 December 2023
I was pleasantly taken aback by "No One Will Save You." Classified as a horror film, it not only lived up to this categorization but surpassed it, delivering a captivating experience that held my attention from start to finish, leaving no room for boredom.

A noteworthy aspect of the film is its evident homage to iconic masterpieces in the UFO movie genre, such as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," and "Signs," among possibly numerous others.

One aspect that left a lasting impression on me is the minimal dialogue throughout the entire movie. Remarkably, this silence doesn't register as a deficiency while watching; instead, it adds to the film's unique atmosphere. Despite the scarcity of words, nothing feels unexplained or unnatural, seamlessly maintaining engagement.

The movie's climax introduces a thought-provoking plot twist, a surprising deviation from the anticipated conclusion given its depiction of an ongoing alien invasion of Earth. This twist adds a refreshing and somewhat humorous element to the narrative.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend "No One Will Save You" to anyone with an interest in UFO movies. Its ability to pay homage to the classics, coupled with its gripping narrative and unexpected twists, makes it a worthwhile and enjoyable cinematic experience.
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It is precisely what I had hoped for
7 December 2023
Daryl Dixon stands out as a cherished character in The Walking Dead (TWD), prompting me to become an AMC+ subscriber primarily for the pleasure of following his journey. Opting for this series was a wise choice, as Daryl consistently delivers a compelling performance. The introduction of a predominantly new cast, except for Daryl, breathes new life into TWD, offering a refreshing perspective.

While some argue that TWD: Daryl Dixon may not deviate significantly from its predecessors, I appreciate its fidelity to the TWD universe, reminiscent of the series' early seasons when Daryl first captivated audiences. Placing Daryl in diverse geographical settings adds a layer of brilliance to the narrative, injecting novelty into the storyline.

What sets TWD: Daryl Dixon apart is its adherence to the core post-apocalyptic essence, where zombies play a pivotal role. The series strikes a balance, ensuring that the presence of these undead beings remains a constant, preventing the narrative from becoming mundane. Unlike certain seasons of the original TWD that focused excessively on human relationships, TWD: Daryl Dixon successfully intertwines interpersonal tensions with the ever-present threat of zombies.

The inclusion of the new breed of super zombies, agile and robust, introduces a dynamic element, deviating from the traditional TWD zombies. This change, in contrast to the ease of dispatching the original undead, intensifies the suspense and keeps the stakes high.

In essence, TWD: Daryl Dixon continues to captivate my interest, offering a perfect blend of character dynamics and zombie-driven suspense. Anticipating future seasons, I eagerly await the unfolding developments in Daryl's journey within this ever-evolving post-apocalyptic world.
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Worth watching once
7 December 2023
For some reason, I initially had a different movie in mind when I started watching this, and it took me a while to realize that I was actually watching a different film. Nevertheless, Lockdown Tower turned out to be quite an intriguing viewing experience, and my feelings about it are somewhat mixed.

The movie kicks off well, drawing me into its narrative. The early segments set high expectations, but unfortunately, this momentum doesn't sustain itself until the end. As the story progresses, it somewhat stagnates, with few novel ideas or events being introduced. The extensive cast complicates matters, making it challenging to discern who's who and which side they're on.

Make no mistake: the movie implies eerie and disturbing events within the tower. However, the intense atmosphere established in the beginning gradually dissipates. Eventually, the movie concludes rather abruptly, leaving viewers with lingering unanswered questions.

Am I satisfied that I watched the movie? Yes. Would I watch it again? No. There are some logical flaws and an unrealistic timeline that raised my eyebrows and caused frustration. Nevertheless, Lockdown Tower represents a noteworthy and distinctive addition to the genre of films where horror emanates from the dynamics within the community of survivors.
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Scary movie with interesting plot twists
30 October 2023
I'm glad I didn't read these reviews before watching the movie. The reviews truly don't do justice to this film. It deserves a much higher rating.

The acting is quite impressive, and the plot is incredibly unpredictable. Some of the movie characters were clearly designed to deceive the audience, and it definitely worked, at least for me.

What's most remarkable is how genuinely terrifying this movie is! To be honest, I believed until the very last minute that the film would conclude differently, and it was quite a shock to see just how mistaken I was.

While I'm not typically a fan of these types of movie endings, I find it refreshing to have one that deviates from the mainstream. It undoubtedly leaves you with a sense of unease, which I consider a sign of a great movie.
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The Prototype (I) (2022)
Time travel to 1960s sci-fi style
17 September 2023
It's truly refreshing to witness the creation of a 1960s-style sci-fi film in the 2020s.

This cinematic gem pays a heartfelt homage to the golden era of science fiction from the 1960s, with its meticulous attention to detail. From the vintage special effects to the carefully chosen color palette, the deliberately clumsy fistfights, and the costumes adorning the main characters, every aspect transports us back in time. Yet, there are moments when we catch glimpses of modern special effects seamlessly woven into the narrative.

What adds an intriguing layer to the film is the abundance of references to the Old West, particularly towards the end. It's impossible not to surmise that the director is deeply influenced by the rich history and folklore of late 19th-century United States. From what seems like a reproduction of the OKC gunfight to the main characters' names like Garrett and Virgil, there's a direct connection to iconic events and personalities of the Wild West.

The movie exceeded my expectations. Its plot follows the classic "only one person can save the world" theme, making it easy to follow even as it shifts between past and present timelines. Although the method of time travel employed by the main character feels somewhat abrupt and illogical, it doesn't detract from the overall experience when you consider the bigger picture.
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Left me with mixed feelings
3 September 2023
My experience with Bermuda Island left me somewhat perplexed. Let me be clear, it's evident from the outset that this is a production constrained by a modest budget. The performances are lackluster, the characters lack depth, and the storyline feels somewhat disorganized.

Regrettably, Tom Sizemore's presence in the film is fleeting, and his role appears disconnected from the main plot, seemingly interchangeable with any actor, which was disappointing, considering he's the lone renowned actor in the cast.

On a more positive note, the classic-style monsters featured in the movie pleasantly surprised me. While not of top-tier quality, the monster costumes were surprisingly passable, especially given the constraints of a small budget production like this.

Furthermore, the film's conclusion held an element of unpredictability, adding a layer of intrigue. While it didn't personally resonate with me, it undeniably introduced a plot twist. In my assessment, Bermuda Island comfortably fits within the 3-4 star range; I've certainly seen worse films.
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Absolutely worth watching
3 September 2023
Offering my perspective 25 years after the inaugural IMDB user review for this film and over four decades following its initial premiere, I must say that The Final Countdown still maintains its allure, standing the test of time with remarkable grace.

The film boasts commendable performances, an engaging storyline, and a uniquely captivating concept: the sudden appearance of a modern warship amidst the tumultuous backdrop of WW2.

One cannot help but be impressed by the movie's impressive portrayal of military might during the later stages of the Cold War. From the sleek aircraft to the formidable aircraft carrier and the nimble helicopters, the visual spectacle was nothing short of impressive. In this regard, the film serves as an effective promotional tool for the U. S. Navy, showcasing its power and prowess.

Surprisingly, The Final Countdown exceeded my expectations, drawing me into its narrative with an unexpected grip. While the final plot twist may have been somewhat predictable, it did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the movie in the slightest.
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So-so sequel to a great movie
16 July 2023
I had high expectations because of the Bird Box movie starring Sandra Bullock. Unfortunately, Bird Box: Barcelona (BBB) was a bit of a disappointment. SFX is quite good and acting's not bad either. Production quality is quite high. In that sense, BBB pays homage to the original movie.

However, I didn't like the story of the film. It's really hard to emotionally attach yourself to the main character who is crazy, delusional and murderous, and - for the most part of the movie - a bad guy. It may work for some, but not for me. It should be people against aliens, not people against people.

Also, the last five minutes could have been cut out of the movie. I guess the idea was to explain some of the oddities taking place in the Bird Box world and prepare the viewer for the next sequel of the movie, but the part was totally unnecessary.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie and would recommend watching it. BBB is not something you would want to watch twice, but it's surely worth seeing once.
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Terrible acting
15 July 2023
The first 25 minutes is okay considering this is a low-budget production, but thereafter it becomes like a different movie. Acting is absolutely terrible and the main characters are noisy, stupid and annoying. There are also strange gaps in the logic and plot of the story.

My guess is that the majority of the budget was spent on creating the alien suit and SFX. The alien in this movie looks like a crude rip-off of the xenomorph in the 1970s box office movie Alien. In fact, I gave 2 stars mainly because of the alien. It probably is the best part of this movie.

Nonetheless, Alien Invasion isn't in the bottom of the pile. I've seen numerous worse movies, yet I stopped watching it at around 45 minutes. The movie only runs 1 h 20m, but I just couldn't keep watching it any longer. It's a pity, because based on the early parts, the movie had some potential to be better.

I would recommend saving the popcorns and drinks for another movie. Alien Invasion isn't worth watching, even if you feel okay with low-budget movies.
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