
2 Reviews
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Street Fighter: Legend of FAIL!
18 March 2009
Is this movie better than the Street Fighter movie with JCVD? Yes and No...Yes because there was better acting and no because it's 2009 and they still can't seem to get it right. You would think they would of learned to make a better Street Fighter movie by now. It really all comes down to storyline and Ryu Story would make the most sense. It's what the games were based on so why make the movie on a different character? It almost makes me think Hollywood is racist cause the first movie was on Guile( who was played by a french guy)...great casting there...and now this street fighter, Chun-Li is played but Kristen Kreuk...While I really didn't have much of problem with Kristen playing Chun-Li, I think they could of found someone more true to Chun-Li's character. They should of started with Ryu's Story without messing it up and then maybe down the line had the story of Chun-Li. This was bad planning on the studio's part. How can they wish for a sequel when this movie's numbers suck. No one wants to watch another butchered Street Fighter Character's movie. They had a good chance to make something great but they failed. As a true fan of Street Fighter this really makes me sad. Stop making me sad Hollywood.
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Hollywood is ruining my childhood memories!
18 March 2009
This movie is just plain disappointing to say the least. I don't care if this is an adaptation of Dragonball. The only reason why I gave it a 3 out of 10 rating was for the special effects and production value which were semi-decent. I don't understand what was wrong with the original storyline that needed to be changed and messed with. It's the original storyline that made fans love Dragonball in the first place. "If it ain't broke don't fix it." I think this movie would do a lot better if they stuck with the original story and had better casting. The real fans would flood the theaters to watch it which would bring hype to the movie for new viewers that don't know about Dragonball, kind of like how Watchmen did. Street Fighter was horrible and they expect to do a sequel to it, this movie was a travesty...I guess next up will be Thundercats and Voltron for Hollywood to mess up for me. Thank you Hollywood for ruining my childhood memories.
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