2 Reviews
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Grit in your Pulp
8 November 2003
"Johnny Handsome" ... When the (anti) hero of the story is named "Johnny", you have to expect the dialogue to follow along. This film is no dissapointment. My wife and I loved it. Raw, Gritty, Sordid, Angry. All of the things which makes a Pulp Film pulpy.

I thought Ellen Barkin was great!! When she is unleashed to play a bad-girl, a really bad girl... she does it with a vengence. She should play more bad girls, she makes other bad-girl actress seem like Snow White.

The film moves at a good clip, well photographed and excellent editing.

I can recommend this film for nights when you need fresh pulp. CJ
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Not for the politically correct. Constant sight gags, snappy patter & hot babes!!
13 March 2002
Just saw the premier screening and laughed through the entire movie. The cast has delivered an understated/over the top performance, and the writing & directing delivers the one of those ultimate male fantasy/nightmare stories around the backdrop of a tender love story. This film moves along at a frantic pace and is loaded with the kind of humor and action that every red-blooded American male will enjoy. It is a film you can take good humored, liberated date to. And my guess is that "The Groomsmen" will be required viewing in every frat house.
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