
3 Reviews
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Episode II-Attack of the Drones
14 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The drones and robots could have done a better acting job. Just when I thought the series couldn't get any worse, here it is. Episode II, an even more unstable, unstructured, boring, badly if edited at all, emotionless, sloppy, terrible attempt at movie genius. The only thing that makes the movie bearable is the special effects, which is nothing in comparison when compared to all of the other movies that came out that year. No originality, eye widening, or gasping scenes. The plot line is as a zig zag line, or even a dotted line, which stops and goes in different directions without reaching any impacting climax at the end. The romantic relationship between Anakin and the Princess was awkward, due to the fact that he was eight years old when they first met, and she was a teenager. In addition it was just out right lame, forced, and both actors had no chemistry together. (Spoilers) The worse was the ending, which is a rushed action scene in which there is no impact at all to the audience, and in the end, Anakin's arm is chopped off with no emphasis. Then in a pathetic attempt to awe the audience Yoda fights the bad guy. This is just terrible, but then again, the bad guy really had no deep conflict with any of the characters, so it didn't matter who fought him. Then the scene in addition is chopped, and we are hurled into the next scene with a horrible ceremony, with two emotionless, bad actors getting married. I have no idea why this movie received such high reviews, I have no idea how it could make over $300 million dollars just by being a follow-up of it's superior predecessors. Everyone complains about Jar Jar, he was the only character that brought life and feeling to the movie. Now that is sad. All I can say is that it is a terrible movie, and I will not waste a penny to see the next one. Take you money and rent the original 3 Star Wars reruns, trust me, it will be more satisfying.
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Signs (2002)
For The First Time In Years I Was Stunned
19 August 2002
This movie was nothing less than brilliant. What is the most amazing thing about it is the incredible acting from every single actor. Of course Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix did a superb job, but also his children in the movie were very understandable self-sufficient and intelligent themselves. The family was so close that you felt every shutter that ran though them, and shuttered yourself. This movie didn't try to but funny, but the wit of it made you laugh during odd parts of it. Of course the movie had frightening parts, very frightening, however, it was much more emotional. The family didn't suddenly become aggressive, and launch a full attack on the aliens, which would be unrealistic for a former priest. They simply did what they could only do, hope and protect themselves for whatever was to come. This movie is much like Contact, but in my view better because of the focusing on the actor's emotions rather than the aliens and action. And unlike Contact, we are given a conclusion and aren't left in the dark. I went to this movie intent on being let down with the average brainless alien movie, but I was left with great satisfaction. This is so far the best movie of the year. I hope each and ever actor in this film up for an Oscar this year.
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Let me get some more popcorn........
8 March 2002
This movie is exactly not another teen movie, in fact it's worse. When you take all the worse teen movies, cut some scences from them, your going to get the horriblest teen movie possible. And this movie is that. There was a bunch of characters, all with pointless roles. This movie is just terrible, I believe the worst of it's year. It was a bunch of cluttered stupidity. I was embassased just to be in the movie theater, I can't imagine how all of the actors felt. It's bad when you'd rather keep going to the food court and buy over priced snack foods just to avoid watching the movie.
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