
14 Reviews
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Ahsoka (2023– )
There's a very simple reason why I don't like Ahsoka.
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Apologies for the clickbait sounding title, but I don't like how "I don't like how all of the main lead characters from Rebels and Clone Wars have been adapted to live action" would have sounded as a title to an IMDB review.

That's my simple reason. I don't like how Ahsoka, Sabine and Hera Syndulla have all been adapted into live action. That's not to say I don't like these characters, far from it, I LOVE these characters in their animated versions. Hera in particular topped my list that I made a few years ago of the best Star Wars characters that Disney has introduced to the franchise.

They just don't work for me in live action. None of them have any of the charm or personality that they had in their animated forms.

This isn't a criticism of the actresses either. I've been a fan of Rosario Dawson and Mary Elizabeth Winstead for a long time, but they just don't embody the characters they are portraying to my satisfaction on screen. I've been very patient especially with Rosario Dawson about this because I haven't liked her as Ahsoka since the first time I saw her in the role in the Mandalorian.

I don't think this is about their ability as actors, I think this has a lot more to do with how these characters are being written and directed in the live action shows. Ahsoka in particular is SO STIFF in every shot she's in, especially her action shots. She shows NOTHING of the trademark agility and acrobatics that she displayed all throughout her animated portrayals. I get that this is somewhat impractical due to the constraints of live action costuming but it's something that I feel is VERY important to the character and something that they simply do not try to compensate for enough. Too often the character just shows no movement, she stands there with her arms crossed barely moving her head or her body while the camera pans around her.

Dawson herself doesn't sound anything like her, not just that her voice is MUCH deeper, but also lacking any of the light hearted charm, sarcasm or brevity that Ashley Eckstein brought to the character.

Hera Syndulla, just seems off in about every way from how she was in Rebels. I can't even quite put my finger on what specifically feels so off about her, it's just the entire character. When I'm watching her on screen, she just isn't Hera Syndulla anymore. She has a lot of the same issues of feeling "stiff" that Ahsoka does, but there's more to it that I just can't quite put my finger on.

Sabine Wren however I know exactly what my problem is with. I do not like what they have done with Sabine Wren. I TRIED to give "Jedi" Sabine a chance and it just doesn't work. Go back and watch Sabine in Rebels and this new angle they are trying to take her in just goes completely against her character. It is trying to jam a square peg into a circular hole. I get that the show is TRYING to showcase just how off this feels for the character and that this is somehow supposed to show how our journeys can take us to some totally strange and unusual directions or whatever, but it just doesn't work. Sabine's charm is totally gone. I LOVED how she was a tech wizard, explosives happy, trigger itchy Mandalorian in Rebels. She felt so perfect alongside the rest of the ensemble in that role. Trying to squeeze her in as the Jedi trainee in place of Ezra just doesn't work at all for her. Giving her a lightsaber instead of blasters and a jetpack just makes her feel weak and uninteresting.

I have genuinely tried to be patient and understanding with how these characters have all been adapted as they were some of the main reasons I had any interest in this show to begin with, and I just can't do it. I don't like how these characters look, sound or behave in Ahsoka and if I can't get on board with them it's almost impossible for me to get on board with anything else going on in the show.
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One Piece (2023– )
Netflix put in the work this time to bring One Piece to life and it shows.
1 September 2023
I had every reason to believe that Netflix's One Piece adaptation would be a collossal piece of garbage. They have done nothing but give me reason after reason with their awful takes on Cowboy Bebop, and the Witcher to not trust them to do an adaptation properly, and just when I was completely done with them they go and pull off One Piece.

It makes no sense, but this is the wild and crazy world we live in.

Now granted, One Piece is actually impossible to adapt COMPLETELY to the live screen; anyone even casually familiar with the source material will understand that. But goddamn this show does as good of a job as can be reasonably expected to bring the world and characters to life.

The casting is great. These might be relatively newcomer actors, but they give the kinds of performances that make it look like they have been waiting their entire lives to bring these characters to life. Iñaki Godoy in particular gets a standing ovation from me for how close he nailed Luffy.

We get actual sets and make up and not just an overabundance of CGI which is a nice thing to see. The sets look great and thematic if not as grand as some of the locations in the manga, and the make up looks terrific even if, actually especially when it makes the villains look goofy and silly.

The writing and directing does an admirable job of not only adjusting the pace to make it fit in live action, which any One Piece fan could tell you was going to be a challenge, but also not shying away from the original style of the manga. There's a side by side comparison of one of the fights in the series, I wont say which one to keep this review spoiler free, that shows just how closely the choreography was being tailored to fit the action in the anime. I do still have some nitpicks about certain adjustments that don't seem to be neccessary but they're not major gripes as much as minor nitpicks.

All of my praise being said, this show still might not click for everyone. The subject matter is goofy and kind of cheesy at times, but hey it wouldn't be One Piece if it wasn't. It has a relatively familiar plot with predictable story themes even for people who have never experienced a Japanese shounen before. Those of us raised by the medium wouldn't have it any other way but for a live action audience looking for something new, the setting and premise of the show will feel new but the story beats and themes won't.

I have to give Netflix my genuine appreciation for this one. They did this one right. I'm quick to tell them when they screw things up, (just read my Witcher review) so it's only fair I praise them when they get it right.
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42 (2013)
Dramatic feels jerker, but not a great baseball movie.
11 February 2023
You can pretty much tell from the trailer what you're going to get with this film. You got the legendary story of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball, and the story plays up his struggles with segregation in the 40s and the challenges he had to overcome while a second story of. Brooklyn Dodgers owner Branch Rickey played by Harrison Ford talks directly to the audience about how important of an event this is and why Baseball is the best game on the planet yadda yadda.

It's all well and good for what it's trying to do and for the most part it remains pretty historically accurate.

But it's really not that entertaining of a movie, especially if you're already familiar with the story. The emotional beats are really familiar, the acting and dialogue seems overly dramatized, and the performances while good, are done by actors who never seem to truly embody their roles so much that the audience forgets who they are. Harrison Ford is great, but he never stops being Harrison Ford throughout the movie. Alan Tudyk tries his best to sell the despicable Phillies manager yelling slurs as best he can, but never stops being Alan Tudyk, which makes me take the scene far less seriously.

Chadwick Boseman (RIP) is basically still Chadwick Boseman.

Also for a movie that loves to idolize the game of baseball like all baseball movies try to do, there really isn't a lot of baseball in it. The baseball scenes are all incredibly short, without a lot of moving parts in any given scene. You don't ever get the tension of an actual ball game, and the actors on screen don't really look like they spent a lot of time with coaches either because they don't look the part of ball players at all on screen. I suppose this is supposed to make Boseman look better as Jackie in comparison to the players he's against but it makes the whole game end up looking cheap and very "for the movies."

Your enjoyment of this movie is going to really come down to what you're expecting to get out of it. If you're looking for another movie dramatically depicting the cruelty of early 20th century segregation then this movie fits the bill, even if it doesn't really go out of its way to show anything particularly new or enlightening compared to other movies on the topic, but if you're looking for a feel good Baseball movie that happens to also address the breaking of the color barrier well this movie doesn't really do much to satisfy you since the Baseball parts of the movie aren't really that good.

In the end I got exactly what I expected out of this movie, but my expectations weren't really that high considering what I saw in the trailer. There's probably a good reason this movie never got a lot of buzz or chatter after the marketing campaign for it was over. It just isn't very memorable, even if the story it's depicting on screen is one that will never be forgotten.
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Ugly ugly animation, to go along with yet another boring Damian story.
17 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A rare miss for DC Animated, this movie just doesn't really have anything going for it.

We start off with yet ANOTHER version of the explosion of Krypton, only this time we get to see it in 3D Computer Animation! Yuck.

The animation in this movie looks straight awful. We're talking 2016 Netflix Berzerk awful, the character animations look wooden, the backgrounds look like 2000's video game renderings and the colors are rendered so poorly that they provide little to no texture definition. Maybe once the story picks up I might not notice anymore, or so I mistakenly thought.

The plot is just a boring dive into the introduction of Johnathan Kent, son of Clark and Lois, who gets to be our 1st annoying kid hero of the story, as he explores the awakening of his new super powers, but not to worry because he'll soon be joined by second annoying kid that EVERYONE already doesn't like, Damian Wayne, so we can do yet ANOTHER DC Animated movie focusing around his anti-social behavior that we've seen in like half a dozen recent DC Animated movies.

They have to save the Justice League from being taken over by a mindcontrolling parasitic starfish (same plot as Young Justice season 1 only worse) which means they'll have to go up against the adult heroes in some of the worst animated action you've ever seen in a DC animated movie.

It's a plot you've seen before with other more interesting characters, that was done way better already than this movie tries to do it. We have to spend literally 15 minutes going to the Fortress of Solitude to be chased by super powered Krypto who again is so badly animated that it's hard to not laugh at how horrible it looks.

There are some cool positives like Clark's relationship with his son that gets explored early on, or the little hints as to Clark and Bruce's mutual understanding of one another that barely gets explored, but these are all tiny little nuggets mixed in amongst the barely watchable garbage that is the rest of this movie.

Recommendation: skip this one and read the relevant comics, or just watch Young Justice and the Teen Titans animated movies that are already available on HBO Max.
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Rounders (1998)
This is THE poker movie.
31 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You ever ask yourself why there aren't more movies about poker? Well because why would you make another poker movie when Rounders is the only poker movie you'll ever need?

It has everything, an underdog tale of a dashing amateur making his way up through the dregs of the New York underground scene, on a mission to prove to everyone and to himself that poker is a game of skill, not chance, only to lose it all and then come back when life throws him a curve ball and he's forced back into the scene to play for his life.

I mean, how do you top that? That is THE poker story that anyone that loves poker would want to see. That is how all of fantasize ourselves to be, and the movie doesn't try and dazzle the game up or lie to you about the risks or hardships of being a Rounder. The way the movie showcases the grittier side of playing cards not for fun but for lifestyle just makes the entire story feel more realistic and more relatable. You're more inclined to cheer for the fictitious character in the movie before going back to your job in the morning knowing you wouldn't want to risk it all like that.

Rounders is fun to come back to every now and then as that escapist card player's fantasy. It has staying power, and it has heart. It also has great performances from a seriously stacked cast of actors, way more so than you'd expect for a smaller movie about poker, but that's just the bonus.

Anyway, to wrap up. This is the go to standard bearer for movies about poker. If you love poker and haven't seen this movie, see it. If you have a friend or a loved one that you know loves poker, see it with them and get a feel for what they love about it.
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Supervolcano (2005 TV Movie)
One of the best disaster movies I've ever seen.
31 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing holding this movie back is the budget. Everything else about it is absolutely perfect.

It's a disaster movie with a totally realistic plot, totally real feeling characters and is absolutely terrifying without being complete fantasy. How in the world is this a made for TV movie? It's so much better than it has any right to be.

This movie doesn't rely on gimmicks, over the top special effects, or an over reliance on pedantic character drama to sell its story. It relies on giving a scientifically accurate assessment of the real risks and consequences of a Supervolcanic eruption, and then it goes ahead and dramatizes what a real like event would look like. It's shot using a mockumentary style that tries to mimic what a real life post-event documentary would look like after a world shattering event that keeps the plot moving, and grounded.

I mentioned how the budget is the only thing holding it back, and that's because I just wanted to see more. I said I didn't want to rely on over the top special effects, but I did want more than what we got, which isn't bad but is VERY basic CGI even for 2005. I might have liked some more budget to elaborate on the global economic impacts and global climate impacts too that barely get shown on screen. I wanted to see more of the destruction that would have been caused by a catacylsm of this magnitude.

In other words, with a script, a cast and a premise this good, I wanted this made for TV B Grade disaster film to get the A grade budget that much lesser scripts like 2012 and San Andreas have gotten. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that it didn't have those things because the modest budget this film has forces it to stay grounded, which only makes the entire end product more relatable and believable.

This is one of my favorite disaster movies of all time. Well done BBC.
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This movie terrified me.
27 December 2022
I'm no expert on horror. In fact it's easily my least favorite genre, so I don't really know what I'm doing when I rate or review a horror movie.

But. I can safely say with humility that this movie has had a lasting impact on me as the scariest movie I've ever seen. Something about the mockumentary style it uses, the way it never shows you what you should be afraid of, the acting performances in it, the haunting sound effects they use.

Whatever the sum of its parts it is, it stuck with me, and it might just be that it worked on my particular set of fears, but whatever the case may be, when I think of movies that scared me this is at the top of the list. So that means I have to give it high marks right?

I understand that the way this movie presents itself as authentic rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but to be honest I can't dock points for that. It's a movie, you're an adult, you're supposed to be able to make educated opinions about what is real and what isn't. If you really need a filmmaker to hold your hand that way then you're stifling their ability to be creative.

So with that rant out of the way all I can say is, that for a genre that I'm not normally a fan of this is a high scoring movie for me, because of the lasting impact it has had on me. I'll never watch this movie again. So if you want the same kind of experience I've had, give this movie a go.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Cavill shines in what is otherwise a horrible adaptation.
23 December 2022
I'm starting to really wonder at this point, why studios are even bothering to adapt popular series that are loved across the world. It really doesn't make sense to me. You'd think the studio would want to adapt something because they want to bring in the already built audience that is attached to the other mediums, you'd think they'd want the word of mouth advertising that fans of that medium can bring with them to grow an audience. You'd think that adapting a story that is already written, proofread and tested with audiences would be easier than coming up with something brand new on your own. You'd think all of these things right? This is why studios choose to adapt fantasy novels right?

So then why, would Netflix allow people like the ones in charge of the Witcher, to do to this show what they have been allowed to do?

This series had the potential to be Netflix's answer to Game of Thrones (a series that was faithfully adapted up until the show went past the published material just by the way) it's a dark and gritty fantasy series that tackles serious moral questions with real adult relationships and loads of political intrigue. It is widely considered by lovers of fantasy as one of the finest dark fantasy stories available right now.

It was this love of the series that brought in Cavill, who championed the series as its face and title character. His passion for the series was evident from the very beginning with the way he portrays Geralt on screen. When the series first introduces you to him, fans delight in how much he looks and sounds the part of the iconic stoic Witcher from the books and the first episode which faithfully resembles chapters from The Last Wish gets fans excited to see what is next for the character in the series.

Unfortunately, that first episode is the peak of what this show has to offer. It's all downhill from there. It has a fantastic first episode that while the obvious directing problems (more on that later) did show themselves the primary story of Renfri and Stregabor in the first episode was so well done that it could be ignored. The budget seemed like it would be enough to allow the show to do the series justice, and then later in the series it just wasn't. There's a very steep drop off in production value from the first episode onward which impacts very important events like the Battle of Sodden Hill later on. The costume design feels very low budget, the cast other than Cavill is a bunch of actors making their first speaking roll credit anywhere. The budget became a noticeable problem the further into Season 1 that you went. But you know what? There was enough positive in the first season that you could look past its flaws and hope for improvement in Season 2, that if the show could pick up steam it might be able to truly go somewhere.

Then season 2 happened, and fans hopes of anything positive coming out of this series was completely massacred like the henchmen of Blaviken. Inexplicably the show starts to just go on WILD tangeants that have no bearing whatsoever to the source material. Completely ruining and wasting important character relationships with one another, killing off characters that are known to be alive much later, COMPLETELY rewriting one of the core story arcs of one of the main characters (Ciri) in a totally stupid and ridiculous way only for it to go absolutely nowhere.

What was a mediocre but painfully budget adaptation turns into something that barely resembles anything to do with the Witcher at all in just one season. What the hell happened here? Suddenly you're not able to look past the glaring problems with direction, pacing and time management that were present in the first season because now the series has wasted the good faith the audience had in cheering for its success. You can't ignore the jerking around of various timelines and plot threads in disjointed fashion as though the series was trying to rush towards the big events of the later books and completely skipping over the quieter scenes of Geralt just being a Witcher (that everyone wanted to see) because it crash lands into a field of pure show original garbage that no one asked for. How did we end up here? How did Cavill who is supposed to be as big of a Witcher fan as the rest of us let any of this happen?

Ladies and gentlemen we come now to where we are today. To where Henry Cavill has walked away from the series, and none of us can blame him, because as it turns out, Cavill was as frustrated with how quickly this show fell apart as much as we are. His refusal to continue to take part in what is such an obvious bait and switch from lackluster and dishonest showrunners is a validation in the fanbase's love of him as a spokesman of the series.

The show is scheduled to continue with Cavill as Geralt through Season 3, but this particular fan wasn't planning on watching Season 3 with or without Henry Cavill anyway because that's how horrifically bad Season 2 was. With Cavill now leaving the show for good at the end of the season, I can safely say without any hyperbole that the last reason for anyone to care anything about this show is gone for good.

The show at its best, was a messy, low budget almost amateurish adaptation of the books that happened to have the perfect casting of its main character (and to be fair as Jaskier/Dandelion also) driving it, and at its worst it was a total misrepresentation of what the Witcher was, that was just horrible in every way.

So much for being Netflix's answer to Game of Thrones. This series has more in common with Netflix's live action anime adaptations. It's such a shame too because the Witcher really had the potential to be an amazing TV show. Maybe next time, the right people will be at the helm of it.
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I have two completely contradictory opinions about this movie.
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What was this movie? Seriously? What was this movie? Was this movie trying to be a serious action blockbuster based on the iconic Jurassic Park? If it was, it is a complete failure. The characters are wooden, the plot is ridiculous, the Dinosaurs have lost ALL of their mysticism and wonder at this point. The entire time I was sitting there asking myself, I can't believe they seriously made another one of these.

And then, it clicked. The movie's self aware commentary began to make sense. This movie, like the dinosaurs in the park, never asked to be born. It is a soulless cash grab made by suits who do not care about anything except returns at the box office, by movie goers who the movie itself is insinuating are mindless drones eager to see blood and gore and nothing else.

It all made sense. The in your face product placement began to make sense. The Imdominus Rex became a metaphor for the movie itself knowing it was something that should never have existed and was a terrible idea but they couldn't stop it being created any more than the filmmakers could stop the studio green lighting yet another Jurassic Park sequel.

I could hear the screams of the filmmakers from beneath the layers of CGI and corporate storyboard panels. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! IS THIS NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE!" And I understood.

The saddest part about this movie, was how successful it ended up being. The self aware commentary fell on few ears that understood. The crowd cheered and clamored for yet more blood, and two more movies were made. Movies that were doomed to the same fate as this one.

In the end, I look at this movie with two completely opposing opinions. It is a terrible, lifeless, cash grab of a sequel dancing on the corpse of the original amazing movie buried so far beneath it that it's hard to tell that any of it is still there. But it was made by filmmakers who knew as much, and they tried to get their real message out in such subtle ways that the executives couldn't notice until it was too late. To those filmmakers I tip my hat.
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So bad it's actually kind of good?
16 December 2022
I won't try and argue with anyone that says this movie is bad. It has a horrific script rife with far too many moments more interested in selling action figures than making sense. Arnold puts in the most camp performance as Mr. Freeze possibly ever that almost completely ruins what should be one of the most dramatic characters in the Batman lore.

George Clooney as Bruce Wayne isn't believable, Chris O'Donnell's Robin feels old and tired at this point after his kind of fresh feeling introduction in Batman Forever, the effects seem cheap and theme parkish (probably didn't help that Six Flags was really pushing live shows based on these movies back then) and so on and so forth.

If you were looking for a serious Batman movie, this totally missed the mark.

But what if, what if we just misunderstood what this movie was trying to do? What if the campiness, cheesiness, and ridiculousness was the entire point. What if instead of expecting The Dark Knight we should have been expecting Sharknado? Does it have any appeal as an expensive B movie satire?

In my opinion, it does. This movie is a BLAST to watch from the perspective that it's to be made fun of. Arnold Schwarzenegger's one liners become almost iconic when viewed from the lense of "what would be the dumbest, corniest, thing that could happen right now in this scene." Uma Thurman's over the top cringe worthy Poison Ivy is actually hilarious when you know what this actress is actually capable of when she's given a good role to work with. Bane looking something like a theme park mascot is impossible to take seriously when you've seen later, more serious versions of the character.

In short, for 1997 when this movie came out, and for a variety of marketing reasons, people didn't get that this movie was supposed to be a joke. People still had Tim Burton's Batman movies in their head they weren't expecting to go full Adam West.

That's a definite failure of the movie, to fail to make sure the audience understood what you were trying to do. But I think, 20 years later we can finally look back on this movie as being misunderstood in its time. It's suffered I think more than enough for the crime of being a joke that no one got. I think it's time people tried for a moment to rethink what this movie was.

If you still think this movie was the worst thing ever even after I've said my piece, I'm still not going to argue with you. I'm just going to smile as I agree with you.
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This movie is insulting.
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Blah blah blah, about how "well made" this movie is. This movie is a straight up insult to Star Wars fans, that completely derails the trilogy it's meant to be set in. It's insulting to the lore of the universe, it is disrespectful to the legacy characters it is supposed to be celebrating, it REEKS of arrogance from a man on a mission to divide the fanbase because he thinks it's funny.

Now it needs to be said, that I'm not a fan of the Force Awakens either, that movie has a whole host of other issues like being totally unoriginal, and with some of the laziest, most corporate marketing script writing that you can ever "ask" for from a Hollywood blockbuster. I can write an entire essay, or make entire videos (I already have) about all of the plotholes and universe destruction that that movie does to the franchise, but it at the VERY least, opens a door that leaves the viewer asking themself, "ok I have questions, where do we go from here?"

The Last Jedi COMPLETELY ignores its responsibility to those viewers by deliberately annihilating anything and everything that the Force Awakens lazily tries to set up. It doesn't answer ANYTHING. It doesn't build upon ANYTHING. It actively undermines whatever the Force Awakens was trying to start and then it ends leaving you wondering why should I even bother with the sequel to the mess? It so successfully destroys the entire narrative that its eventual sequel has to spend almost half the movie backtracking what it does because it doesn't leave anything for the third movie to build on.

I could go into all sorts of specific details about how the comedy in this movie was dreadful and out of place, about how the plot is a meandering boring slog that STILL felt like a point for point rehash of the Empire Strikes Back. I could write an entire essay about how badly Luke Skywalker is butchered to the point where even Mark Hamill has publicly ridiculed this film. I could go into detail about how this movie cements Rey as the worst movie protagonist possibly EVER, about how Snoke gets completely wasted as a character with the movie seemingly not understanding or not caring about why he is important, about how light speed suicide charges rips open a thousand plot holes about the continuity of space combat in the Star Wars universe.

I could go on and on. Over the years since this movie aired, I have gone on and on, and now I'm finally leaving a one star review on IMDB for this movie. I have never hated a movie the way I hate this movie. It is an atrocity to sci fi, to good franchise writing, and to Star Wars. It is an attack on the biggest movie fanbase in cinema by a man who gets his jollies by seemingly ruining their good time. It is a masterpiece of disorganization and hubris by LucasFilm that has since caused them to rethink their entire approach to the intellectual property.

The Last Jedi. The worst movie I have ever seen.
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Andor (2022– )
Andor is the Star Wars deep dive that makes my inner Star Wars nerd so happy.
12 December 2022
Andor is a very different type of show set in the Star Wars universe. It's slow, it's heavy on dialogue and subtlety, the characters are deeply layered and complex, the world building is thick and sticky, the tone is somber and tense.

It's brilliant. It compliments the main story of the Galactic Civil War so well, adding context and nuance to the conflict in a very meaningful way expanding the scope of the conflict to include the every day people on Imperial Worlds. It is filled with some of the best writing the franchise has seen in any medium. It has the best dialogue the franchise has ever heard, and many of what are soon going to become some of the best performances that the franchise has ever seen. I can't give shout outs to particular actors without spoiling things in the plot so I won't; anyone who's been watching this show though knows who they are.

The pacing of this show is very slow though and that is going to keep away a lot of people that are not big Star Wars nerds. For the more casual audience that is used to the very theme park level experience of a typical Star Wars product, this is going to feel very off brand and perhaps not to their liking. I totally understand that. This isn't for everyone.

For a fan like me that lives and breathes the world of the galaxy far far away, who grew up with the novels and the video games, this show is amazing. It makes me feel immersed in the universe in a way that I haven't been able to since I was a kid.
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Dumb, boring, childish. Wonder Woman deserves better.
12 December 2022
I am stunned at how bad this movie is. I literally can't think of a single thing to praise about it other than the cast.

The plot is laughably stupid, the visual effects are so bad they completely break any immersion you can possibly have in the movie, and unlike the first Wonder Woman movie this movie completely fails as a period piece. There is absolutely zero reason for this movie to be set in the 80's it lends absolutely nothing to the movie except for bad fashion.

But the worst part about this movie is how boring it is. It's just a boring super hero movie.

Also there was way too much Steve Trevor in this movie. Nothing against Chris Pine but I don't care about Steve Trevor and WAY too much of this movie is focused on him.

I honestly can't believe that this movie was made by the same people that made the first Wonder Woman movie. That movie wasn't totally perfect, it did have some issues but in every way that movie did succeed this movie fails. Wonder Woman deserves better than this.
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I could not believe how dumb this movie was.
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I finally saw this movie. I haven't been real interested in the MCU since Endgame concluded but this had great reviews and it's Spiderman so I figured i'd give it a shot.

What the hell? This movie is the dumbest movie in the MCU. It has a plot that is so unbelievably stupid and hamfisted that I can't believe I haven't heard anyone call it out yet.

It seriously feels like every single character in this series got transformed into a complete idiot with the end goal being that MCU wanted to figure out a way to force the Multiverse into the story line because that's apparently where we're going to go after Endgame wrapped up. Doctor Strange particularly draws my ire. Really Victor, you're going to create a complicated world altering spell with massive cross universe complications potentially so that Peter's friends can get good college recommendations? Are you serious? This plot seems like it was ripped out of Rick and Morty, I'm just waiting for Rick to show up with a "I just wanted you to see how dumb and stupid the idea of going to a "prestigious college" was." It literally seems like a comedic gag and yet this is the plot that is supposed to set up the rest of the direction of the MCU? The absurdity of this convoluted plot is interspaced with fan service throwbacks to old Sony characters (who also act like complete idiots in this movie) and even I'll admit that I'll never grow tired of Willem Dafoe's Norman Osborne but they serve as little more than distractions to get you to not think about how stupid everything else is in the movie around them.

The action scenes are all standard Marvel fare. The stakes being so totally ridiculous and unbelievable completely drew me out of them if I'm being totally honest. I honestly just wanted to fast forward through them so I can see what the next unbelievable turn of this windy circus show was going to be. I think this is the one area where "franchise fatigue" might actually be a thing because I just couldn't be bothered to get excited about yet another CGI fest intersperced with little witty one liners as is the MCU formula these days. Without actual stakes, this all just felt like it could have been copy paste out of Thor Ragnarok and nothing really would have changed.

I went into this movie with pretty moderate expectations. I'm already divested from the MCU as it is, but I figured I'd give this movie a shot since it's the one that is pretty universally agreed to be a fun time and I cannot believe how disappointed I am with it. This was a VERY dumb action movie even by comic book movie standards, that feels insulting to the characters, and is a giant red flag that whatever Marvel is trying to do with the MCU without RDJ, Chris Evans and the rest in severe disarray.
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