
4 Reviews
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Silent Hill (2006)
10 out of 10, are you kidding!
28 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I look at reviews, I frequently find that movies that are extremely disliked, and extremely liked, simultaneously, by different viewers,sometimes turn out to be classics.Some movies,by being ahead of their time, or for various other reasons,engender strong opinions to one extreme or another (check out "eraserhead's" reviews).

But sadly,in this case, "silent hill" does not follow this trend.It was so flawed scriptwise that my "suspension of disbelief",which should be allowed in fictional works of art,could only hold me for about 30 minutes,after which time,I walked out.

I found, in that short time, six actions in opposition to the actions of rational human beings,mainly involving the mother:

1.Mama drives her very young daughter,in opposition to her husband's wishes,in the middle of the night,to a dilapidated ghost town, in an attempt address the problem of her daughter's sleepwalking,on the basis of her daughter's repeated vocalization of the name "silent hill",without first seeking professional help.

2.Mama's desire to accomplish this ridiculous task is so strong that she is willing to endanger both her, and her daughter's lives, by engaging the police in a high speed chase, in the rain, no less.

3.Papa,during these critical first few hours,in which he takes such steps as to suspend mama's credit card,leaves his phone unattended, so that mama gets a recorded message when she tries to call him for help.

4.When mama is in handcuffs, both her and her police chaperon are attacked by a no-armed sub-human beastie.Instead of her responding " do you believe me now officer?", which would have put a nice coda on her previous desperate attempts to sway the cop over to her side,she bolts, handcuffs and all.

5.At the roadblock,when the fuzz asks for some form of background as to why the wife left, who she is with, etc... all hubbie can do is to stupidly repeat "let's start looking",while turning his head rapidly toward the dark ground under the bridge.

6.How did that girl tied up in the bathroom stay there undisturbed all this time.Did no one ever go to that town ever again?This is probably addressed later,but I wasn't waiting to find out.I hope the writers enjoyed their pot.
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Grim Reaper (2007 Video)
some people
2 August 2007
This is a response to Mr.Cagney's "review" ,which basically called anyone who has ever written a negative review here an "uneducated" half-wit.You see,his main criticism was that people didn't watch the entire movie before critiquing it,and even if they did, they weren't in the cast or crew, and therefore were not entitled to speak on the subject.His comments led me to believe that he was an extra,or otherwise had some "inside" information entitling him to a sense of superiority over those not directly,no matter how insignificantly,involved in film-making.Furthermore,he postulates,that unless an opinion is specifically solicited,it should not be ventured.Ironically,he himself had not seen even a microsecond of the particular film in question,and so far from making an apology for his inconsistency,he boasts of it as a point of merit to his argument!

I guess I will have to state the obvious and school the illustrious thespian;There are too many movies around too see them all,therefore a means of FILTERING is required,thus-REVIEWS.We CAN'T rely on the cast and crew of these films to supply them,because of conflict of interest(did I have to say it?).As far as his unsolicited argument,a movie review blog is an IMPLICIT solicitation ,INDB does not have to individually e-mail it's membership requesting a review.Sorry to pontificate,but the arrogance of that guy disturbed my otherwise peaceful reading of the reviews.Keep it up,there are some good writers among you all.
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According to Jim (2001–2009)
a regular guy just like us
24 July 2007
I wish I could say that this show was unusual in it's banality,but it is usual in every way.It has the dumb husband,his smarter but boring and conventional wife, along with the idiotic sidekick for "comic" relief-it sorely needs it.Stale predictable jokes, with even more predictable reactions from the laughtrack, punctuate this noxious mental narcotic's nauseatingly unimaginative plot lines to leave me either physically ill, or in a deep sleep more resembling that of an induced coma. But it might be on for a while yet because it gives the average American a personage to which they can truly identify.A "regular" guy just like you and me.I live in the southern U.S, so to me this show is just the opposite of escapism.Down here, that obnoxious character is everywhere, in some form or another.Seeing him on television is brutal overkill.
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Alphaville (1965)
the burps have it
12 July 2007
The burping narrator was inspirational!If you listened closely, you could hear him sucking in the requisite amount of air in preparation of his beautiful soliloquy of edifying philosophic sophistry.These deep belching moments of wisdom were infrequent enough,however,not to seriously detract from the film.It was not the content,but rather the method of delivery which was slightly disconcerting.I mean,what was the point?Maybe scarily serious and deep were not enough,but palpably disgusting was also needed in this fancy french fare.Seriously,if I lost my voice and the only way for me to talk was to burp,I would take a vow of silence.What if you were eating a nice meal and old grandpa migrated over to the table and donated his stomach's atmosphere to the innocent diners who wanted nothing more than to feed in peace.It is certainly not an appetizing thought.Aside from these rather ridiculous considerations,the movie was pedestrian enough not to immediately sicken,and yet not so simplistic as to not remind one of the adolescent tripe which is now the mainstay of cinema nowadays.
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