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A paw-some film!
20 May 2024
I loved the Garfield movie, as a long time fan of the character and series I was very much looking forward to a new Garfield movie and I was not disapointed. The movie did a good job of keeping the characters we already knew true to themselves and also did a great job with the characters that this movie introduces to the Garfield universe. Chris Pratt surprisingly did a really good job as the titular cat, so did the rest of the voice cast they all did fantastic. The movies plot is fairly simple and has a couple cliche moments that sort of take away from the film but it doesn't affect my love for this movie. The Garfield movie is chalk full of funny moments and laughs, I was also quite happy to see a bunch of fun references and tributes to the source material that a Garfield aficionado like me would notice. This movie is great for people of all ages andI highly suggest you go out and see it.
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Ghostbusters frozen empire is a great conclusion to the franchise
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ghostbusters frozen empire is not only a loving continuation of the film series that we've all loved for decades (excluding 2016) but it's also a great and positive way to cap off the franchise.

Frozen empire does a great job of keeping the characters that we've known for years fresh, and the newer characters even fresher. It keeps the same comedic stylings of the original 2 films as well as this film's predecessor, afterlife. I was very excited going in and did not leave disappointed, these films have continued to have the same great quality and comedy that it's known for.

One of the concerns I had going in, is how they'd tackle fan service and nostalgic throwbacks to the original films and I'm happy to report that all the throwbacks are used perfectly. They are almost never overdone or ran into the ground, they only add to making the film feel more in the same world as its predecessors. Thankfully they didn't have the ghost of Egon return in this film. I think that if they brought him back in this movie, it would truly take away from the magic and impact his appearance had in afterlife. It would've made his appearance feel forced and cheap.

The film itself had a great sense of scale and a very threatening villain. I feel that the villain is one of the strongest elements of the movie. The performances of all the actors were great, and it's always a highlight to see the original cast back once more for one final film together. This film is a lot more action packed than afterlife and I think that works to the movies favor as it makes it a more rewatch able film. I love afterlife and how it was able to capture the fun comedy of the series while also making it more grounded and series to pay its massive respects to Harold Ramis and it'll forever be an emotional film but frozen empire's classic ghostbusting escapades keep me wanting to come back and experience more ghostbusting action.

I highly recommend this film to any fan of the ghostbusters franchise you will not be disappointed.
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A pretty good fourth tale with the dragon warrior.
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Kung fu panda 4 is a pretty good movie. The plot is fairly predictible and has some moments that feel like they could've been cut out from the final film (the parts with Ping and li) but overall I had a fun time watching our favorite dragon warrior hero on another journey.

The films animation is beautiful and lovingly crafted, with beautiful scenery and character designs. The fight choreography is really good and super creative, they take advantage of each characters personailty, design and abilitys to make each fight a spectacle. Another thing I thought was pretty cool was the comic style cuts they made during the fights to show character reactions, action etc.

I think the movie was missing something. I feel like there was a lack of characters, part of that is because the furious five aren't really in this movie. There is really only 4 main characters that aren't the villian. Aside from Po, and Zhen I feel as if the main characters just don't bring anything important to the film and kind of mess with the pacing. Throughout the movie we cut to Ping and Li (Po's Adoptive and biological father's) as they try and reach Po to make sure he's safe and honestly I feel like that whole thing could've been cut and it wouldn't affect the story and if cut the pacing would be more solid.

The films soundtrack is great, thats all I have to say about that. Tenacious D's cover of Britney Spear's "...Baby one more time" was incredible and better than the original, that single song gets a 10/10.

The film overall was fun and had some pretty funny jokes but nothing that actually made me laugh out loud. It was a good movie but a bit underwhelming. I'd still recommend though.
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Futurama: Jurassic Bark (2002)
Season 5, Episode 2
This episode made me cry, it's a tear jerker...
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, is one of the very few pieces of media on television that made me genuinley cry.

It truly is such a great episode, the story centers around Fry finding his old dog Seymour fossilized in a museum version of the old pizza place that Fry worked at. He ends up getting Seymour and is told by Profesor Farnsworth that he may be able to get him back.

Throughout the episode we get to see flashbacks to Fry and Seymour and we get to see how close they were and we get to see that connection between a man and his dog. The episode does a really good job of allowing the viewer to see the connection between these two and actually get attached to Seymour as a character.

Once Fry learns that Seymour died at the age he decides to not bring him back, thinking that he had forgotten Fry and lived a long happy life. But in reality Seymour had spent his time looking for Fry and eventually sitting outside panuccis pizza, waiting, for Fry to return.

As a dog lover, seeing Seymour wait for Fry and never see his owner again (as Fry was frozen and sent to the future) it was a sad and emotional scene that really got to me and made me cry. This is something that has rarely happened while watching TV and is proof that TV can have just as emotional stories as movies.

Futurama as a show, is super good but this is one of it's peak episodes that I highly recommend as well as the rest of the show.
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An instant classic holiday adventure.
1 December 2023
Shaun the sheep as a series has been quite good for several years, the way they can tell these fun and exciting stories without saying a single word truly is a testament to how much effort and care is put into the animation. Aardman is a company that never skimps out on their animation with their iconic and recognizable stopmotion claymation, and each project. The specials plot is fairly simple which is exactly what this series needs and is known for, the Shaun the sheep franchise doesn't need to have complex and deep story to be as great as it is. The animation in this special is just as great as Aardmans other work but this time its paired with the fun & festive atmosphere of christmas, the special has plenty of moments that'll make you laugh, smile and even get you all warm hearted. This is a special that anyone can get behind, it's perfect for adults and kids alike. This holiday special is such a fun and charming addition to anyones holiday line up. I highly recommend this special.
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A basic holiday special, ironically nothing all that special.
1 December 2023
The Bad Guys movie was really enjoyable and charming, plus the beautiful animation but what happens if you take the fun heist antics of the bad guys and take away the great animation? Your left with what feels like the cutscenes of a 2000s licensed bad guys video game.

The holiday special itself is a basic but enjoyable time that still has those characters and the heist fun that came from the original film. I do think that the limited animation definitely hinders the special as the original film had a unique and fun visual style that they try to emulate in this special, for the most part all the character designs do look good and match the films style but the rigid movement and somewhat choppy animation makes it a bit disappointing as a follow up/prequel to the movie. I do think this was do to the special having a lower budget which is something out of the control of the animators.

Overall I think it's a fine enough special that kids and adults can get some enjoyment out of during the holiday season, but not an instant classic like Charlie Brown or Garfield's Christmas specials.
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One final awesome ride for the Guardians trilogy (MAJOR SPOILERS)
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Over the span of two stand alone movies, a holiday special, as well as appearances in other Marvel films we have grown to know and love the Guardians of the Galaxy as not only fictional characters but iconic and memorable hero's to go down in history along with Spider-man as some of the most consistently funny, heartwarming and awesome heros in all of the superhero action film genre. Do the guardians still keep up the streak of awesome films in their third and final stand alone outing? HECK YEA! Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 is not only a fantastic send off to the original cinematic Guardians team but it also stands as one of if not the best Marvel film.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 is a film that is mostly centered around our favorite furry Guardian member Rocket Raccoon (who is my personal favorite Marvel character), which meant whenever Adam Warlock decimated Rocket and basically paralyzed him for the rest of the movie I was terrified. Before seeing the film i kinda dreaded seeing it cause I kept hearing online speculation that someone would die and I was worried that it would be Rocket, and I would be lying if I said that this was the least I've cried in a movie cause if I am completely honest I was bawling my eyes out at certain points in the film, especially during Rocket's flashback sequences with Lyla (which is Rocket's girlfriend in the comics) in some of those flashbacks it was pretty hard to watch seeing what the high Evolutionary did to him before he was the Rocket we know now. The part where Rocket is on the edge of death is one of the most emotional scenes I have ever seen in a film, with him about to be in heaven and he meets up with Lyla for one last moment before she tells him that it's not his time yet and that he still has a job to do alive, that scene is so beautifully done and is one of the greatest and most emotional scenes I've ever scene in a film.

Now just because the films plot is centered around Rocket it doesn't mean that the other Guardians get their time to shine because each member gets not only their time in the spotlight but also they each get some form of character growth.

Throughout the movie we see how Peter Quill (Star-Lord) is still mourning the loss of Gamora in infinity war, and how he feels like everyone he loves just ends up dying or getting taken from him such as his Mom and Gamora. Once he meets the new Gamora (who is from a different timeline) that's truly where his character growth starts as he sees that this Gamora is not the Gamora he knew and fell in love with, and he starts to comes to terms with this over the span of the film.

With Drax, his arc comes a bit later on in the film but its about him finding his place and really seeing how he is less of the "destroyer" his name suggests and more of a "Dad" than he may let on. Nebula's arc is more about her showing more of her sensitive sides and actually slowly showing how she isn't just a murderous robot but she is actually someone who cares about the people of the Galaxy.

There's so many great and emotional moments in this film that will not only make you laugh but also cry, smile, cheer and leave feeling like its a great conclusion to these characters story as a team.

Overall, I highly suggest this film to anyone who loves these characters or is a Marvel fanatic, even if you haven't seen the first two I think you'll love Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3.
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A loving tribute to the Mario series (spoiler free)
19 April 2023
I want to start of by saying if you aren't already a Mario fan, you'll most likely be a bit lost watching this movie and you probably won't like it as much as someone who has played any of the games (but I feel like that's a given with any adaptation) but with that being said as a live long Mario fan man did it deliver on being an awesome movie that made it super rewarding being a fan.

The casting was a big subject of discussion when they were first announced back in 2021, more specifically Chris Pratt as the titular "Super Mario" and did he deliver a good performance? I actually think he did pretty good in the role of Mario, it worked well for what the movie was going for and how they wrote the characters. The changes made to the characters in the film was very important to making the movie feel more like real movie. It goes without saying but Jack Black's portrayal of Bowser was fantastic, he made Bowser such a funny and actually somewhat charming villain.

The main areas where the movie lacked for me was both the story itself and the pacing. The story was very basic and almost non existent which is accurate to the games but for a movie I think they could've fleshed it out a bit more than they did but the pacing is where the movie really struggled for me. The movies pacing is really really fast, they go very quickly from scene to scene which in a way makes it feel rushed on the first watch, when I watched it for the second time in the theater I noticed that the pacing felt better the second time but it definitely still felt really fast compared to other films. The quick pacing does add to the movies video game feel with how it goes from location to location just like going level to level but I think that if they spent a little bit more time in the brooklyn part of the movie.

Overall this film is a must see for any nintendo and Super Mario fan, the movie stands out as not only one of the best video game movies but one of and if not the best animated movie made by illumination right next to the original despicable me, I highly recommend this film to anyone who has played a Super Mario game.
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Best animated movie of 2004 (warning this review has water puns)
3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To start off, I am a big spongebob fan. I love the first four seasons, this movie and even sponge out of water but this is where the series peaked, this movie released in 2004 just as the third season was ending and the fourth season was starting so it was the perfect time to release a fantastic movie for one of the most iconic, loved and famous cartoons of all time.

On the surface (heh heh water pun) the plot is simply about spongebob and patrick going on a grand adventure to retrieve king neptune's crown and save Mr. Krabs but if you "dive deeper" into the story you'll see how this story is truly about growing up, maturing and proving yourself even when no one else believes in you. Lets talk about the plot a bit more in detail, Mr. Krabs is opening the greatest sequel ever the krusty krab 2 the hit sequel to the fantastic original krusty krab restaurant and Spongebob is hoping he will be awarded the position of manager but when Squidward gets the job Spongebob goes into depression after Mr. Krabs says he's a kid but little does he know that he's about to go on the greatest journey of his life. Plankton uses plan Z to get the formula by stealing king Neptune's crown and blaming it on Mr. Krabs so Spongebob and his best friend Patrick decide to go for the crown and save Mr. Krabs from king Neptune who's gonna execute Mr. Krabs.

Throughout Spongebob and Patricks quest they face many challenges such as a cyclops, a biker bar, giant monsters and even a hitman that Plankton hired but luckily king Neptune's daughter Mindy is there too help by giving them "mustaches" which give them the confidence needed to make it past the giant monsters and even befriending some of them, by the end of their adventure they realize that they may be "kids" but that's not a bad thing and they can still get the crown, save the town and Mr. Krabs.

The movie really is a great love letter to the series and is a fun adventure through the whole thing, the ending is so good, showing Spongebob getting the crown, stopping plankton, saving Mr. Krabs and even getting his dream job of being the manager.

This movie is great, highly recommend it.
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Great and underrated tribute to classic looney tunes
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Looney tunes back in action" is a fantastic love letter to the original looney tunes shorts. The films style of comedy and overall style feels like a classic looney tunes cartoon which is exactly why I believe this is one of the best looney tunes movies.

Even though it's a great tribute there's still aspects that really show WB wanting to make another success like the prior looney tunes movie, "Space jam" (1996). One of the biggest issues with this movie (for me at least) is it's over reliance on the celebrity live action costars, Brendan Fraser and Jenna Elfman do a great job in their roles and you can tell that they had a fun time working on the movie, but in certain scenes the live action characters interrupt the chaotic flow of the looney tunes. EXAMPLE: in one scene Bugs and Daffy are being chased around the Louvre by Elmer Fudd and just as the chase begins it cuts to Brendan Fraser and Jenna Elfman talking as they make their escape from the Louvre which interrupts the chase right when it starts and right before it gets to one of the highlights of the movie, the scene where Daffy, Bugs and Elmer hop into several famous paintings.

One of the best parts of the movie is the fantastic animation, with Eric Goldberg as animation director your automatically in for some fantastic animation and this is no exception. The animation beautifully recreates the feel of the classic looney tunes shorts, the animation is a real refreshing taste of how traditional animation can look beautiful. In an age of CGI animation taking over almost all theatrical this is a great reminder that 2D traditional animation can look just as good if not better than CGI, speaking of CGI this movie features some CG elements and none of them aged well.

All in all, this movie is a fantastic movie for any looney tunes and animation fanatic, and even if your not a fanatic I definitely recommend this movie.
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