
11 Reviews
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Forever (2014–2015)
Brings nothing new and is not nearly as good as its predecessors.
9 November 2014
This show is seemingly trying to be everything - a drama, an action, a thrilling sci-fi - and ends up being nothing. Well maybe that's my fault for expecting something completely different. I hate that people are comparing it to Sherlock - excuse me, but Sherlock with Cumberbatch is wayyy better! What's with the immortality? I thought it would be something the show would revolve around, instead, it seems to be put into the plot just to grab attention and left unsolved. Gruffudd is a charming lead and I think he's a smart actor but it's just not enough for this show. I feel like I'm watching a lame detective series from the 80's with a moral of the story at the end of each episode. Plus the female detective is so annoying. In conclusion, nothing fresh and not as good as series that have already been introduced.
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Star-Crossed (2014)
"This show is for everyone." - Not sure who this everyone is.
16 May 2014
Season one is over and here are some of my thoughts and comments. A lot of the reviews here are rather emotional responses so let me try to add some substance.

I have watched an interview with Matt, Aimee and Grey, where Matt was asked to describe the new series. His response was something like this: "It has this great...sci-fi elements. And a Romeo-Juliet kind of romance. And of course, a love triangle. It is for everyone, really."

Regarding this statement I would only like to point out that for someone who loves sci-fi this will come as a complete nonsense fulfilled with never-ending inaccuracy. It can, certainly, be overlooked up to a certain extend, not sure if this is the case, though. This sci-fi part of the story is simply not intriguing enough.

For someone looking for solid romance, again, Star-Crossed fails to deliver. It has nothing out of the ordinary, it is not deep enough. And I am well aware of the fact this is a CW TV show, so we should keep our standards at a lower level. Beauty and the Beast performs much better regarding the love stuff. Cliché, cliché everywhere! Lame. (the best chemistry here ironically goes to Taylor and Drake)

For action lovers the show lacks a story that is thought through. The plot twists are either not surprising enough or they do not make any sense (sometimes both). It is also annoying if a character constantly switches allegiance and has inconsistent behavior (talking about Teri in particular but also have my doubts about Grayson) and it has nothing to do with the occasional mental breakdown or whatever you like to call it we all experience from time to time. Looking for action? Better tune in for the Arrow. This is lame.

In conclusion, Star-Crossed is just another teen TV show applying some sci-fi features into the storyline because, apparently, it is very hip nowadays. Also, when is casting 30-year-olds to play high schoolers finally gonna end? It is annoying. Either hire younger actors or move the setting to college, I don't see a problem with that (don't worry, teens will still watch!).

There are better CW shows in my opinion. It does not deserve its current rating albeit not being horrible per se. Seeing the first episodes, I am guessing the show is not going to evolve but revolve around the same and therefore, won't last long. So this "something for everyone" may actually result in something literally for no one.
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Hart of Dixie (2011–2015)
Bluebell is the new Starshollow
15 May 2012
What do I expect from this kind of series? - That I come home after a long day and be able to relax, enjoy sometimes maybe a bit cliché story and laugh at the occasional jokes. Do I need a unique story that has never been told before and a superb acting from the protagonists? No. With that being said, Hart of Dixie is THE series for a rainy day. While for someone mediocre, it is better than the majority of soap operas currently on air. I enjoy the distinctive town of Bluebell very much, reminds me so much of Gilmore Girls' Starshollow! The setting has a rather specific atmosphere, feels like living in the 1950s sometimes. Plus, I have always been a fan of underdogs like Wade. Definitely worth giving a try.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
You're losing me.
18 February 2012
This is a problem of a lot of sit-coms out there right now (or, it might be a problem of my own, you be the judge of that). The first, let's say 2 seasons, the show was hilarious, I can hardly count the times I burst out laughing.

After that, it gets tricky. The jokes are becoming so obvious: oh, yeah, that was funny cause, you know, Sheldon is crazy - you're in my spot. Hah, weirdo. OK, so Howard is the horny one with the yelling mother. And don't forget poor Leonard, trying to fit into the normal world.

Seems like I've reached a point where the show has nothing more to offer. In the attempt to bring something refreshing, the writers came up with the character of Amy. Well, although she has her moments, they do not come often enough. And the rest of the time she is just a female Sheldon (at least in the aspect of social interaction) pushing it too hard which is annoying.

In conclusion, I decided to change my rating down from 8.5 to 6. Like I said, the start was great, during the 4th season I caught myself thinking "same old, same old".
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Do not judge
4 March 2011
Before watching this film, I've heard a few negative opinions on it. So while I was watching it, I was trying to focus on the fact, whether the documentary is impartial or not. From my point of view, it is more about the people living in the Gaza Stripe, who are unable to live a normal life, however they really desire to. Some of them wish to die, because living in such tough conditions, the constant fear becomes unbearable. I also admire the people who set their lives in danger because of this film. The stories presented in it are incredibly moving. There was just one scene that kind of scared me, when the Palestinians were praying to Allah, asking him to destroy all the Jews. Not the right attitude, I am afraid. As for the Palestinian-Israeli problem itself, the thing I realize the most is not that one of the parties is more right or wrong. Most people just want an end, they are ordinary people like us, with families etc. Judging them would be completely inappropriate.
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90210 (2008–2013)
Come on, give it a break!
15 September 2009
As I see it, everyone is comparing it too much with the original series. It has not much to do with it, except for the setting and some of the original characters (that I believe were put in just to grab attention). Personally, I see it as a whole new project and I don't care much about the old one.

The first episodes started off a bit lame, it reminded me of 7th Heaven with all the we're-one-big-happy-family thing. But the last episodes got my attention back. The characters and plot developed faster, bringing speed and interesting situations.

The thing I don't like is the fact that it's all set in high school. For a few reasons: the characters don't look like they're 16 (I know, they never do, but 23-year old actors are too much for me); it's giving a non-existing picture of what it looks like in high school, it could be set in college, so that 15-year-old girls wouldn't get such a messed up picture.

I don't know, it's not that bad, for me it's another show like Gossip Girl, Gilmore Girls, O.C. or whatever. They're completely different, I agree, yet it's still the same: love, hatred, family, friendship etc. If you like that kind of thing, you probably won't be disappointed.
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Desperate Housewives (2004–2012)
Intelligent, emancipating and delightful...
17 October 2008
This show is simply brilliant!!! There's this really intelligent humor, perfect characters that hadn't been introduced before (personally, my favorite is Bree and her perfection), and a plot that is interesting and fresh, so you can just sit back and enjoy. I must say, so far so good. Some other shows lack the potential to keep the viewer interested through each season. This one manages to come up with new revelations but in the same time, they're not trying to push it too hard. I think all women would highly appreciate this TV series and the guys might just as well. If you're tired of all the action and violence, this is the right choice for you.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
what's with the third season???
16 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this show...yeah, LIKED. Until now. The first 2 seasons were really good, a lot of action and reverse, there was one villain and other ones trying to defeat him. Although it didn't have such an unique idea, the execution was perfect. That's what made it so thrilling and entertaining.

However, since the beginning of the third season, it's becoming more and more ridiculous. They left some things unexplained (maybe intentionally, but it wasn't a good idea), everyone is following their own intentions and working on their own hook, Sylar is suddenly getting over his "killer instinct", Angela Petrelli is doing some weird stuff, it all just became a huge mess. It doesn't make sense anymore, it cannot lead anywhere.

They promised quite a different plot - well, they kept their promise on that one. I believe there's no point in watching the new season. Well but maybe I'm the only one who thinks so...

Season 1 and 2: 9/10 Season 3: 4/10
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OMG, this movie was bad!!!
27 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking trough the comments on this movie and now I'm confused. I kinda got used to the fact that the Americans have different taste when it comes to movies but this one HAS to be bad for everyone. It was really lame, simply NOT funny. I want the 2 hours of my life back! I can be pretty demanding, when it comes to movies but I also can enjoy something just for fun, mindless action or comedy. However, this was neither good action nor comedy. I usually like Harrison Ford, he's quite an actor. But I didn't see any progress from the old Indiana Jones yet it might be even worse. And the alien thing, that's what really got me. What a trash. So my message to the US audience: Watch it! It's totally cool! You have to see it immediately! Message to the rest of the world: It's a nice weather outside, why not take a walk instead?
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Hitch (I) (2005)
I've gotta admit.... I WAS SURPRISED!
4 June 2007
I like movies when romance is going in one hand with fun. This is, how it's supposed to be. Probably, it's because I didn't expect much from this movie. But the plot was interesting: how to make fat and clumsy guy to be liked. And how sometimes "doctor needs a doctor" himself. The mixture of actors was fine. It's a movie for rainy days, when you take a popcorn and you want to watch something, where you don't need to use your brain much :) Will Smith and Eva Mendes have done a great job. I've seen it actually 3 or 4 times and still enjoyed it.

If you're into these romantic and funny stuff, this is a movie made for you...
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Very good...... but
31 May 2007
This movie was fine... I love Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley and addition of Keith Richards made the movie even funnier. There was an interesting plot and everything, but the problem of these sequels is that the whole crew is trying to make the movie bigger in every way. And that's almost never good. Huge battles between Good and Bad, big ships fighting against each other, in fact, everyone against the other ones. That makes the movie just megalomaniac.

And then phrases like:'Oh, pirates, today, you're fighting for your freedom' are weird. On the other hand I have to admit, I always laughed at Davy Jones when he asked each dying person:'Do you fear death???.' That was great.

I've said that the plot was good, but it was too full also. It was almost hard to concentrate on each fact. I don't blame Gore Verbinski for making the end not "too sweet".

I think Johnny Depp kept the movie in the line of the first 2 movies. I consider the character of Jack Sparrow the best of all. Nevertheless, The Curse Of The Black Pearl remains for me as the best one...
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