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Oscar (1991)
Very under-rated
30 December 2003
I don't know why this movie is rated so low. This is a good old fashioned farce that is done very well and most the actors, especially Chaz Palmenteri (I don't know how to spell that name).

People must have knocked it because they can't accept Stallone in anything other than action films. This is one of the funniest films I have ever seen.

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The Greatest Trilogy of All Time
18 December 2003
Having just got back home from seeing the Return of the King I can honestly say I have seen the ending to the greatest trilogy in the history of cinema.

The Return of the King does what so many trilogies have failed to do, and that is to have the final installment be the best of the three. Finishing the trilogy on a high note making you feel as if you have come to the end of the greatest journey of your life.

One of the greatest films of all time 10/10.
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The High Chaparral (1967–1971)
Excellent TV show
16 November 2002
This show is one of the best TV shows I have ever seen, and definitely the best western.

This show is ahead of it's time in many ways. I wasn't even born when this show had it's original run but saw it on re-runs during the 80's and 90's and the show still held up to modern TV shows. Where most old TV shows tend to seem a bit dated 25-30 years down the track High Chaparral is still top quality viewing. The stories are well written and the acting is quite good.

The way that the Apache aren't just portrayed as mindless savages is also a very modern outlook. If the show is ever re-run again I will make a point to watch every episode.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
One of the best shows ever.
25 May 2002
To say this is one of the best shows ever is an understatement, but what can I say that hasn't already been said?

To me The Simpsons is a great commentary on modern life. For practically every aspect of life there is a Simpsons quote that fits the situation e.g. women - "A womans a lot like a can of beer - looks good, smells good and you'd step over your own mother to get one. But one can't stop at one you have to get another, and another..."

Work - "When you don't like your job you don't complain you just do it really half-assed it's the American way"

Absolutely brilliant television it's been a privilege to be able to watch it.
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Absolutely brilliant Film-making
18 May 2002
After seeing the Phantom Menace I wondered if George Lucas would be able to recreate what he did with the original Star Wars trilogy. Having seen Attack of the Clones I can say that he can.

Attack of the clones is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The tragic love story between Anakin an Padme, the rise of the dark side and the excellent action sequences made this a movie to remember.

Hayden Christensen if brilliant as Anakin and the sense of the dark side taking him on a path that leads him to become Darth Vader is portrayed with true skill. The gorgeous Natalie Portman is excellent as is Ewan MacGregor who is truly mastering the role of Obi Wan.

And then there's Yoda - what can be said about Yoda other that simply this - Yoda Rocks!! I've always thought that Yoda was a cool character but after seeing his action sequence I can say that Yoda is the man!

Yoda has gone from being an amusing character to a legend in this film. I could not believe the scene where he has the fight. I could watch that fight over and over again. (And when its come out on video I just might do that!)

I could go on about how good this movie and Yoda are but I have to end somewhere. I have read many of the comments about this movie that put it down and I feel sorry for these people who can go to a movie that is a brilliant piece of entertainment and do nothing but pull in apart. It seems that these people get more enjoyment from slamming a movie than from being entertain by the master that George Lucas has proven himself to be.

This movie rates up with Lord of the Rings as one of the greatest examples of movie mastery.

Attack of the Clones is an amazing film that is as good as any of the Star Wars films and after watching this film it changes how I look at the original three stories.

Attack of the Clones is one of the best films ever!
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MacGyver (1985–1992)
One of the best shows ever.
2 April 2002
As a kid growing up in the late eighties early nineties MacGyver was my favorite show and was a must see for practically everyone I knew. The many creative ways MacGyver got out of situations was very creative

Overall the show was very exciting and well made and looking at re-runs today it's still a brilliant show. Definitely one of the best shows of all time.
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E.T. (1982)
The most overrated movie of all time!
24 March 2002
When I first saw this movie I was a kid about 10-11 years old and I was excited about seeing it as it was raved about by so many people. Even at that age which I assume is the demographic the movie was aimed at I found it extremely boring.

I could not see why so many people rave about this film. It was simply too boring to be considered great by any standards but I suppose there are a bunch of people who go around looking at boring movies and raving about artistic merit.

This is simply one very boring movie and I can't see a lot of artistic merit to it either. The English Patient was an example of a boring movie that had a lot of artistic merit E.T. isn't.
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So funny I laughed 'till it hurt.
23 March 2002
I had been a fan of the show since it first aired on T.V. here in N.Z. and when I heard the movie was coming out I couldn't wait to see it.

I wasn't disappointed, it was soooo funny! The Uncle F**ker song was so funny I laughed until my face hurt. There had not been any swearing in the movie untill this song started and it made the impact of it that much better.

Also of note is that Blame Canada got nominated for best song at the Oscars. There is a lot of swearing in this movie, so much that it's actually in the Guinness book of records.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone are two very funny guys if you haven't seen this movie go see it. Also I recommend Parker and Stones BASEketball as it follows a similar line of humor.
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True Lies (1994)
One of the best actions films ever.
14 March 2002
This movie is one of the most under-rated movies ever. This is an action adventure film and as such should not be measured in the same way as drama movies.

The action scenes are executed brilliantly and the casting is well chosen. Arnie and Tom Arnold are very funny together and they make the movie flow well.

Apart from a stretch in the middle where it goes from action to comedy the action is pretty much non-stop and fast paced. Keep in mind that realism is not what the movie is going for, so the movie is intended to just be watched and enjoyed not analised as this will just detract from your own enjoyment.
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Motorama (1991)
Worst movie ever
14 March 2002
I'm not going to say too much as this movie isn't worth the effort. To put it simply the movie absolutely sucked! This is the worst movie I have ever seen. The storyline was stupid, you couldn't follow what was happening, the characters were so annoying especially the main guy. I wanted someone to kill that kid and put him and the movie out of it's misery.

Very, very bad.
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Absolutely excellent film.
11 March 2002
When I heard that Lord of the Ring was going to be made into a film trilogy I had not read the books but had heard from friends that it was an extremely good book so I decided to read the trilogy despite having no great interest in the fantasy genre. I found the story engaging, exciting and very well written. As such I could not wait to see the film.

Being a New Zealander much was made here about the fact the the film was made entirely in New Zealand and there was a lot of hype leading up to the premiere.

I went to see it on opening night and my expectations were exceeded. The casting was excellent as were the directing and special effects. A fair amount of the book was left out but as the film was already 3 hours long it's understandable why. Sir Ian McKellens performance of Gandalf was outstanding and his Oscar nomination is very well deserved.

Overall I very very impressed by the film and think Peter Jackson did an excellent job in pulling everything together on what must have been a project of a huge scale. I cannot wait to see the next in the series and wish they weren't a year apart.

I wouldn't say it's the best movie of all time but it's the best film of the year.
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Titanic (1997)
Extremely over-rated
11 March 2002
It seems most the comments I have read either think the movie sucked or was excellent. I think it was a good movie, the special effects were good and the attention to detail was good but it wasn't a particularly good story.

It was dragged out about an hour too long and definitely didn't deserve the best picture oscar. Overall I gave it a 7/10. Very over-rated.
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Braveheart (1995)
Best Movie Ever.
11 March 2002
To put it simply it's the best movie I've ever seen (which includes and in fact far exceeds Spartacus and Lawrence of Arabia in reference to an earlier comment I read).

Mel Gibson is brilliant as William Wallace and the battle scenes are spectacular. All those people who go on and on about the historical inaccuracies should just get over it as this is a movie not a documentary. If you watch a movie as well done as Braveheart only to bitch about historical inaccuracies you're just spoiling it for yourself.

Braveheart is simply brilliant and I gave it 10/10 and most of my friends would agree with me that it's the best movie of all time.
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So very, very bad.
27 February 2002
Although it has been many years since I saw this movie, I can remember thinking that there was nothing great about it. Simply put the movie sucked. Even though I was only young (about 10 years old) at the time I saw it and as such fitted into the demographic the movie was aimed at what I can remember is that me and my younger brothers all agreed that the movie was very boring and pretty much just very, very bad.

To this day if the topic worst movies ever comes up we will all mention The Great land of small.
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