
4 Reviews
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The Rookie: Feds (2022–2023)
What Dreck!
1 October 2022
I thought this over for a couple of days to be sure my initial reaction wasn't knee-jerk. But no, it wasn't. It was annoying, over-the top and absurd without a smidgen of realism. Hard as the supporting cast tries there is just nothing here to support. Perhaps another less shrill, obnoxious actress with a more believable commitment to the tough job that the FBI is might have sold it. The original Rookie succeeds for just this reason. It understands the commitment. The writing is so poor that it has a female agent telling a rookie male agent that his suit is too tight for the job while loud-mouth female rookie parades around in skin -tight clothes with nearly all of her boobs hanging out. Gee, how is that for a professional look? And the writers are clearly so out of touch that they didn't get how ridiculous this is. Do not bother with this nonsense.
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A Ring for Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
10 November 2020
Granted I watched it just to see the scenes of my Newburyport (and they were beautiful as the city is) but I really did not expect it to be as bad as it was. Terrible script, truly awful acting. How desperate for money would Lorraine Bracco have had to be to be involved in this? It made all the dreck on Hallmark and Lifetime look like great cinema.
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Tommy (2020)
Hope Dashed
10 April 2020
I was looking forward to this as a fan of Edie Falco. But, good lord, the scripts are poorly written and some scriptwriter needs to put the infantile, whiny character of Kate (and by association her husband) out of everyone's misery. Bring in some better writers and I'll keep watching but not until.
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Parker is Rolling Over in His Grave
8 March 2020
What a shambles. If you're looking for the beloved characters from Robert B Parker's books don't bother. The only things this has in common with the books is the names of protagonists (Spenser and Hawk) and the location (Boston). these characters are the worst of the low-rent characters that populate cheesy, low-budget action films. Gone is the literate, well-spoken Spenser with his love of fine food and lovely psychologist lady-friend. Gone is elegant, sharp-dressed, intelligent Hawk with his wicked sense of humor and equally wicked gun. I can't believe Parker's estate OK'ed this travesty. It's a waste of time.
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