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Legend of the Blue Sea (2016–2017)
Mesm(ermaid)erizing - koreans did it again...
14 February 2023
It's just amazing, how well craftes fantasy series the koreans can bring to our world. I bingewatched Arthdal, the Alchemy of Sould and now this. All unique blend of fantasy, comedy, drama, romance, all in a different way. The legend of the blue see is more of a pure romantic series, but the storyline is just perfect. Everything is in the right order, we get to know stuff in the right time, etc. All the line are coming together in the and as they should, we even get some light thriller in the second half.

But mainly, the Legend of the blue see is more like an old folk tale placed in the modern world in the way it portrays love, and how pure and simple it is. I really like the way the portrayed the fantasy line. No explanation needed, no mentioning or dwelling in how someone with a human head breath underwater, etc. She just is. And we accept it, we don't question it, we don't find it as a hole in the story.
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The definition of being different...
21 May 2022
Everyone can feel that way, but with a disease like this, it's easier to do so. It's a nice portrayal of how personality can be distorted from bullying, or from even overprotecting, making them feel different even whan you don't want to do anything bad.

A nice, emotional road-movie, with a little bit one-dimensional storyline and even more so in the dialogues, and I also find this kinds of encounters (a boy like this with a girl like that...) a bit far-fetched, but I understand why they did it.

John Turturro is one of my all-time favourites, him playing was a pleasent surprise for me, even though he wasn't really neccessary.
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Beautiful, original...
21 May 2022
This animation series is really a heart-warming one, teaching lessons like acceptance without being too pushy, and it also reaches back to local folklores, in a way that we can even look at it as a cultural education, without wanting to be one.

Beautifully done!
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Invisible City (2021–2023)
Nice idea, okay execution
20 May 2022
It started slowly, but it got better episode by episode. They kind of found the right mix of fantasy and real stuff, I think CGI was fantastic for a show like this, nothing over the top. My only issue was that the plot was really simple, and I could guess like every twist, and I'm not that good at it. It could have been better, it was a bit too whodunnitlike. But still enjoyable.

I fear that it will go downhill on the next season, like so many of the shows of this kind have, but I'm rooting for them to come up with a great storyline, because the fantasy part is brilliant, it has some potential.

The idea was absolutely the same as Jordskott's. The local legend fantasy, the misteries, protecting the local woods. If you liked this one, you will like that, although that is a bit slower, as you can expect it from a swdeish movie.
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One of a kind, french animation series typical french fantasy and some thriller line...
17 May 2022
It's quite original, you can just feel the french touches. The execution is a bit poor, especially the voices and oversimplyfied characters, but it still has some kind of magic to it.

The storyline is unbelievable, or at least is should have been. The idea is great, but lacks on the execution part, it got a bit childish, for an animation series that I don't think should have targeted little children with all the mystical tone to begin with.

I gave it a ten because all the fitting greenish animation, soundtracks, enigmatic storyline and tone, and especially because it is so original, that I'm willing to overlook all the problems, and simply enjoy it.
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Great, nice story, okay animation, BUT...
17 May 2022
It's great for a low budget animation. But any time I watched it, I got serious nightmares for a few days. And I wasn't even that young, I was like 11-12... I found it really scary, I felt more horror than any horror movie since then. But since I didn't find any review of that sorts, maybe I'm the only one who felt this way, although my brother felt similar that time.
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Czarny mlyn (2020)
Great dark-family-fantasy movie until the end.
4 May 2022
The first 70 minutes are really good in its genre. It's darker than your usual family movie, but not too dark. The suspense is great, acting is acceptable for children, the vibe is unique. The last 20-25 minutes, however, is very amateurish, with bad CGI, bad action scenes, illogical acts.

All in all, it was worth watching for me, a lover of the whole fantasy-family genre.
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Captivating, intriguing, dark, real...
10 February 2022
Don't mind the low rating! I have no idea what's that about. I mean it's obviously not a blockbuster, but one should know this before watching. Its a brutally realistic portrayal of how we don't care and how we don't appriciate each other, even in the family. It can couse a deep hole in the children's soul.

Despite the slow pace, I was never bored, it kept me on the edge.

They got quite big names. Michael C Hall, and even Taissa Farmiga is quite big names for such a movie.

Well done!
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