
32 Reviews
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Lots of action and fun but pointless
20 April 2022
Lots of action and fun but pointless . The whole series seems very pointless I feel like there's nothing really storyline wise to keep you engaged it moves fast and slow all the same time.
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Hawkeye (2021)
It'd Fun and sleek but empty
20 April 2022
It'd Fun and sleek but empty . It just feels like there's no need for this series or no real goal or ongoing story but it's mildly entertaining while you watch it.
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it was decent
24 March 2022
It was decent it delivers on it's promise as a who dunit movie it feels very 80's / 90's classic Hollywood movie it's well put together and there's enough twists and turns great acting and a healthy amount of mystery.

It doesn't feel very modern or fresh but they seem to have a formula & it works .

Nothing ground breaking .A movie like this you know what you're going to get and I think that's ok it delivers and that's all but an enjoyable watch overall.
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It's A Rom Com
7 March 2022
It's A Rom Com .If you like Rom Coms I think you'll enjoy it .it is Predictable in a typical rom com fashion but I think it's really got some laugh out loud moments i did laugh a good few times .

& it's fairly sweet I don't think you can go wrong with this not life changing but a nice little watch especially if you're into the genre.
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Pirates (2021)
short & sweet Light-hearted Nostalgic Entertainment
27 February 2022
Light-hearted Nostalgic Entertainment

It was a nice watch ,relatively Easy watching Full of music and References from London around that Era .

This film has a nice look (cinematography, Art Direction ) , and feel (music & editing) about it's really well put together short and sweet and well paced .

A simple plot and Story not what I expected (which isn't a bad thing ) I thought it would Be more about pirate radio &/or incorporate that whole scene but that's what happens when you don't watch the trailer

It's not hilarious & I think sometimes you wish more happened but it's an enjoyable watch and well paced.
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Navy (2021)
Decent movie but expect an Indie movie
15 February 2022
Decent movie but expect a low Budget Indie movie

Navy A Story Focusing on young Mason A singer/songwriter Artist In Birmingham UK He bumps into his childhood Friend Iris who's also an Artist but further ahead in her career & she decides to take him on tour & also they also become romantically involved .

While this is going on Mason also has to worry about his sick mum his brothers life of crime not to mention Iris's manager and managers daughter's issues .

Decent story ,decent sound decent Visuals some nice shots Don't go in expecting a big budget or ultra high production values .could have been a bit snappier on the pace it has the usual indie film quirks ( but it's to be expected on a lower budget) but all in all a decent movie Just know the kind of movie you clicked on.
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This Movie is Crazy
6 September 2021
This Movie is Crazy it feels like a very psychedelic Experimental movie .

A man who lives a life of crime robing and violence In New York City seems to get converted to some kind of religion but has these delusions of grandeur and starts seeing visions

He Meets Woman Who's grieving the loss of a her child and there begins the madness shot in a very VHS mini dv Format way .

It's an interesting Experimental little indie but also can feel a bit boring at times like it's lacking structure and pacing

I think after you finish the movie you'll think what did i just watch .
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Lupin (2021– )
A very Slick Enjoyable Show
20 April 2021
A very Slick enjoyable show. I had heard good things about this show but I put off watching it cause I knew it was in french and thought I'd probably need a lot more concentration to start Watching it.

I started and finished it in the same night it's really great the story ,acting cinematography ,editing it's all very well and stylishly done .

It seems very mythical at times and hollywood esq but it is very enjoyable the story and the backstories that it cuts to .Very easy to get into even with subtitles.

I definitely think most will enjoy this especially if you like the crime/caper heist Genre looking forward to season 2.
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The Argument (2020)
It's Decent ,entertaining enough ,Repetitive You have to suspend Belief
5 April 2021
A couple have an argument & basically force their friends ( more Like work Acquaintances) to relive the night that lead up to the Argument over & over (Groundhog Day ish) but less unfolding

It's a perfect set up for a play & indie Film because it only requires one or two locations an Interesting wacky premise. Great cast all fun people to watch and very well put together Hollywood quality ,some awkwardly funny bits.

You do have to suspend your belief quite a bit though Because for a group of friends let alone (Acquaintances) to willingly relive a horrible & awkward night even once just feels highly unlikely.

When they reenact the night the 1st time there's only one voice of reason Early on and it takes a bit long for the friends to realise something's up .I think if they had shortened that bit and and made the characters a little more aware/ responsive to the game being played quicker & cut out 10-15 mins overall and Get to the scene when the actors came in quicker. It would have been pretty perfect.

Still an enjoyable and entertaining enough movie if you know what you're going into.
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BookendS (2016)
A solid Indie Movie (Full of sexual tension )
31 March 2021
A solid Indie Movie Full of sexual Tension.

The Story While trapped at home during a hurricane, Harper finds out her husband's new friends are swingers and decides she wants to swap partners for a night of sex without fully considering the consequences.

From the beginning the sexual tension builds and builds till it erupts at the end It's a well put together indie film once you realise where the film is going and that they're stuck in one place trapped with each other .

It's almost like the storm at moments is causing them to act strangely well written ,well paced ,and good acting,good quality interesting themes .very sexually charged.

It's all about the relationships as long you're ok with (bottle Episodes) /1 location movies ,that are dialogue heavy I think you'll enjoy it (gives you things to think about).

(it's A perfect premise for an indie film if i'm honest) very well done.
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Cashing Out (2020)
It's Decent ( Expect an indie Film)
19 March 2021
It's Decent But ( Expect an lower budget indie Film) The Movie is about a few different things a young man that wants to be professional poker player , a group of friends that rob card games, a son trying to look after his sick father

I think it's well put together and very watchable, pretty well shot ,interesting characters and storylines

I feel like it could have been made shorter by 20 mins at least and some of the dialogue was a bit on the nose but maybe that's just my short attention span

overall a decent movie ( better than many hollywood movies I've seen in terms of story) but don't go into it expecting a big budget production it's a small little indie and I think it does what it needs to do well. Wish the filmmakers all the best with the next one
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Pink Hill (2019)
Very Strange Experimental arty film
13 January 2021
Very Strange Experimental arty Indie film

If you like weird Movies you might like this it's very strange .I was trying to work out what it meant .

I think there are some nice shots and Mystery I think it's supposed to be a bit vague,magical,absurd and weird .

Quite a slow pace even given it's short Runtime it seems to be experimental and plotless .

The Characters Talk so politely and strangely on the nose it feels like they could be from a century gone by

But not too bad
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This Movie Is Non stop Fun Everything you want from a Spiderman Movie
27 December 2020
This Movie Is Non stop Fun Everything you want from a Spiderman Movie

It has a Decent story ,multiple interesting characters ,comedy ,tragedy,Surprise , action it all works together to give you pure cinematic popcorn entertainment

fast paced just a really fun enjoyable movie everyone can enjoy
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Yes, God, Yes (2019)
It's Decent it's an easy watch
27 December 2020
It's Decent This is Film is an interesting take on Sex and Religion . Half Drama Half Comedy it's quite a realistic sensitive take on the subject

It didn't become an expose on the catholic church or take things to extremes for shock or laughs but it's very respectful and grounded about a very particular experience .

It's a swift pace and not longer than it needs to be. it's an enjoyable watch. it's the story of a young girl trying to find her way in an organisation and a world of hypocrisy and Religious Guilt .

I wish she had more of a goal in the movie but I think that's part of when your young sometimes you're just exploring .It's not going to change your life but I think it's worth a watch
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A good little Indie Film with it's quirks
27 December 2020
A good little Indie Film with it's quirks the Story of a man on a business trip who's having Relationship trouble with his wife and seems like He's in a bad place in his life just mentally .

It's a slower pace but watchable it has some sweet moments ,some funny moments but is mainly a dramatic piece . It still has it's low budget quirks but I think that's part of it's charm
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An interesting look into Mirco budget indie films (You'll enjoy it more interested in filmmaking )
3 November 2020
An interesting look into Mirco budget indie films (You'll enjoy it more interested in filmmaking ) But I think anyone could Enjoy it a series of interviews with indie filmmakers , directors actors and producers giving their thought about indie film . what the budgets are like , the experience of making them why they make them , how they get them out there to the world ,The pros and cons ,the business ,

It's very interesting to me personally seeing these underground artists who just have a love of film and just want to make them no matter what . some of it feels a bit sad but also inspiring at the same time .

It's quite simple but it's worth a watch if interested in subject Matter
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Interesting insights and Talks about the world of Indie Filmmaking
4 October 2020
Interesting insight and Talks about the world of Indie Filmmaking if you're into filmmaking and indie filmmaking I think you'll appreciate this documentary .

It's mainly just interviews with indie filmmakers ,actor & crew . the advantages the disadvantages ,the business ,ethics and more

it's Interesting to me it does seem like people just trying to find a way to make their art so it seems quite tragic at points .

I wish it maybe followed more stories of people but it definitely is interesting and has a good pace worth watching
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The Mentor (2020)
It's Strange Mildly entertaining I'm not sure I understood it (what did I watch ?)
22 September 2020
It's Strange I'm not sure I understood it Basically there's and aspiring writer /Director who looks up to to another director and asks if she can be her mentor and all of a sudden they get Kidnapped who knows why ?

It seemed to play with time a bit cutting to previous scenes it's well filmed and put together but I think when I watched I was missing something a piece of the plot or something that I was waiting for the end to reveal itself But it didn't it just got stranger as it went on maybe I need to watch again .

It keeps the story moving and is decent quality and it's good short length . But After I watched it I did think what did I just watch
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Billboard (2019)
A half decent Little Indie film quite a sad movie
8 September 2020
Billboard A man inherits a radio station from his father But in order to keep it running he Hosts a billboard Contest and things start unravelling from there

A Very Indie Film Looking (traditionally shaky cam ) and long Drawn out moments once you prepare and can get past that it's a half Decent movie

.I thought it was going to be funny but it's more Dramatic it's quite a sad movie if I'm honest a constant Feeling of despair and failure but not a bad watch you've got to be emotionally ready for it in my opinion
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Sweet & lovely watch (But nothing Special)
4 September 2020
Love Guaranteed Is about a man trying to sue An online dating service for not doing what they said they would

It's a Sweet simple Rom Com Format a feel good Movie and is the perfect length (Not too long)

Light on the on the romance and light on the comedy not ground breaking or really special but sweet enough and knows what it needs to do
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Honey Boy (2019)
It's an Enjoyable Movie But more of character Study
24 August 2020
It's an Enjoyable Movie But more of character Study don't expect too much plot it's more of an experience but an enjoyable one as long as you know this going in I think you could really enjoy Great Filmmaking Short and sweet
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Upgrade (2018)
A Surprisingly Good watch
24 August 2020
A Surprisingly Good watch a Good Concept ,a good plot and a snappy pace ,intriguing and executed well stumbled across this on Netflix

But better than I thought.Simple but works very well an enjoyable watch
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No Shade (2018)
A solid Black British Indie Drama With a strong Messages About Colourism
1 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A solid Indie With a strong Message

No Shade is the story of A young lady Really Searching For Love In the city of London Dealing With colourism and the Prejudice that comes with being a black woman of any shade. The Treatment or mistreatment From outside and within the black community

it's pretty well done Mostly a Strong Message of equality and loving yourself and not being so concerned with shade .

you feel the characters pain because the women are all mistreated in different ways .Some of the scenes are heart breaking to see a person let outside forces get to her

Sometimes I felt like it was a bit harsh on how it portrayed Black men or even just men in general Maybe that's my personal bias .I know people like Danny do exist I just Feel if Jade was Really his best friend He wouldn't really make such Harsh and ignorant statements .

somethings were a bit to spelled out when it could have been left unsaid as subtext or revealed in a less direct way . Maybe Just a bit less preachy but I understand where it's coming from sometimes preachiness is the only way for a message to be heard . Maybe Could Have Shaved off twenty minutes or less in the edit .

But overall it was a decent solid movie if you know what your getting into a Black British Indie Film Romantic Drama as long as your prepared I think it's enjoyable can be a bit heavy at times but better to leave you with things to think bout than nothing at all
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Random Well paced Trippy quirky Comedy light fun
12 April 2020
Random Well paced Trippy Comedy

It's the Story of Most Traditional Comedies Mistaken Identity And Chaos Ensues it's a very quirky film with off the wall comedy at times sometimes in your face and sometimes very subtle

I Feel like it had many References to other movies or movie tropes but I hadn't seen all the movies they had so I think some of it went over my head

an enjoyable film i think most people would enjoy if you don't mind British humour and something a little quirky although being quirky it still has a plot and a good pace which I quite enjoy when it comes to movies of this Nature

the film is a good bit of light fun
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Enterprice (2017–2020)
Good Silly authentic Fun
18 March 2020
Good Silly authentic Fun About two young Entrepreneurial men trying to set up a business

It has a good premise a characters silly & awkward humour an easy enjoyable watch but some of it is not for everyone a few inside jokes that aren't accessible if you're not familiar with certain cultures but a well made unique series a few laugh out loud moments
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