
9 Reviews
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Very different dark comedy
4 June 2017
A dark funny look at a big corporation that is run by evil twins. Not something you want to watch to lift your spirits, but it is a movies that will make you laugh. It takes a dark view of what people will do to make a buck and how they don't care what it costs the world around them until something brings it home personally to them. Though it makes you laugh, it also sends a message to us to think a little more about what we do that impacts the world around us and think about if the almighty $ is really worth the other costs. I won't say I loved this movie, but I did find it entertaining and I think the actors did a great job.
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Another You (2017)
Film could have been better
4 June 2017
I wanted to like this film but just couldn't. I am a big fan of Ksenia Solo and her acting. She did a remarkable job with what she was given but unfortunately it wasn't much. Also there was very little on screen chemistry between Ksenia and Deigo, I just couldn't see them as a couple. This could also be because of the writing, the story line never showed them as a happy couple only as a driven one. My question through out was why does she love him? Why does she care about him? It is a shame that the writing never really captured the imagination, the idea of alternate realities could have been so much better.
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Very funny and definitely entertaining
27 May 2016
How To Plan An Orgy in A Small Town is hilarious. I saw this film in a theater in Toronto and the whole theater rocked with laughter. The cast was great and I once again marveled that Jeremy LaLonde can take a large group of talented actors and have them mesh so well. The movie tells the story of small town hypocritical prudishness but with humor. This is an adult film but it does not show too much or become vulgar. The movie is risqué and very funny. I do recommend seeing it on the big screen if you can, but by all means see it wherever you can! The movie is available on Demand, Amazon & Itunes as well as some theaters in the US and Canada. I thoroughly enjoyed the film from beginning to end. Don't take my word for it, go see it! :)
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I LOVED this movie :)
28 March 2016
I have no idea why critics have chosen to pan this movie. I saw it with a group of people celebrating a friend's name day. Everyone in the theater thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

Though it is different than My Big Fat Greek Wedding it has the same wonderful Greek flavor and fun. It was really fun for me to see my family members portrayed up there on the big screen :) Who doesn't like to relive the fun times you've had with your family?

No matter what ethnicity you are, I'm sure you too will find many characters that remind you of members of your family. Don't listen to these critics who have said it is not worth watching. They evidently have no sense of humor.
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Sleepless (II) (2015)
Definitely worth watching
30 March 2015
If you like SyFy stories I think you will like this one very much. This is a fresh,intriguing concept. Seth Cooperman in my opinion has a real winner on his hands. I love the premise of body jumping. The fact that it is hereditary and not something she can reject is in a way diabolical. The thought that someone or some government would want to control her and use her gift will give writers lots of stories to tell. Anthony Lemke and Hannah Anderson have great on screen chemistry which adds to the enjoyment of watching. Paolo Barzman has once again worked his directing magic like he's done before on Lost Girl, Being Human and The Highlander just to name a few. I'm hoping that the series is picked up and I look forward to watching it. Hopefully a USA outlet will pick it up too! The US audience has discovered Canadian Film and TV and are clamoring for more. If you haven't seen it yet click on the "official site" link on the IMDb page and enjoy! I'm sure you will find it captures your imagination and leave you wanting more. We need more shows on TV that will keep you guessing and get you to invest in the story and I believe this could be one.
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The Returned (2013)
Not your typical zombie movie
19 February 2014
This movie has some bloody scenes but it is not the focus of the movie. The few zombie scenes that are shown are not for shock value but to make the viewer understand the emotional turmoil the characters are facing. Some of the flash back shots could have been left out since they took away from the moment rather than adding to the heightening how you felt. The story that the movie tells is one of interactions between people, how we love defines what we are. The film asks the question, when do we lose our humanity and start to give in to our baser instincts? Kris Holden-Ried and Emily Hampshire make you care for their characters and their struggle. Shawn Doyle and Claudia Bassols play their roles well and have you asking yourself, What would I do? David Tompa has a very small role in the film as the father of a young returned, he does a great job making you feel his characters pain. You may be disappointed if all you are looking for blood. guts and gore; but if you are looking for a well made movie about human struggles then this is the film for you!
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A romantic comedy you will want to see!
13 February 2013
The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard is a great film. It will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride you will never want to forget. Jeremy LaLonde has created a romantic comedy that if you are a person who thinks romantic comedy is a bit boring and lame will make you rethink your opinion of that genre. I for one would hear romantic comedy and look for another film to watch. Glad I had a reason to watch this one. Paul Shepard takes you on a journey that he never expected to take, he thought he know it all about relationships and found he really knew nothing at all. I never really hated him because he really didn't have a clue; Paul felt sex was the driving force of love and not just the outward sign of love. I felt sorrier for him than anything else. The four women he had a relationship with were as different from each other as the four points of the compass. I think this happened because he didn't know what a true loving relationship was. Paul thought he knew all his girlfriends well enough to critique his own interactions with them and yet he really never knew them at all. You will find yourself identifying with someone in this film; it is almost scary how point on Jeremy was in showing the different kinds of relationships and what real love can be. He may have you rethinking some of your life experiences and their outcomes. I'm not going to be a spoiler and get to far into the film, just make sure you watch it when it becomes available where you are. This film is a MUST SEE.
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You will laugh until you cry!
13 February 2013
What a fantastic movie! Funny, edgy, raw and yet touching. My husband and I laughed until we cried. Jeremy Lalonde has taken an ensemble cast of extremely talented actors and made a gem of a movie! If you don't go see it you will have missed out on one of the funniest adult comedies in years. Not to say that there aren't some very touching moments in this movie, there are. Mary Krohnert played her part so well that I literally cried with her when her heart wrenching scene played out. Zoie Palmer and Kris Holden-Ried had me crying with laughter. Paul Amos had me laughing so hard my sides hurt. Amanda Brugel also gave a tremendous comedic performance. Shannon Beckner, Ennis Esmer & Katie Boland work their magic with your emotions too! Jay Brazeau & Mimi Kuzyk gave you way TMI about your parents and do a great job doing it! All the actors even those I haven't mentioned were great. All I can really tell you is GO AND SEE IT WHEN YOU ARE ABLE! To miss it would be a crime.
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The One That Got Away (2008 TV Movie)
An Enjoyable Movie
20 September 2012
I loved this movie, having lived in a small New England town I can really appreciate this movie. Wish more people would get the message that Gossip is a real sin. It is a story of a divorcée fleeing to her home town to hide from her husband who is trying to take her daughter. Once she gets there she is not sure it was the right move for many reasons. The only part of the plot that kept me from giving it a 10 was the side story of a local thief. I felt it did nothing for the story line and was a little silly. One review asked where to purchase so I'm making this review. Here is a link to where it can be purchased. It is titled by the other title it is know as "GOSSIP"
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