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Cute feel good movie
24 May 2024
Enjoyed this movie.. there was nothing special about this movie other than it felt almost like a real life "find yourself" kind of movie. Casting was great - acting was bleh at times. The story line was a bit predictable but I thoroughly enjoy these simple low budget films. There were some good laughs, emotional moments (but not too emotional) and good advice to utilize in life. I mean what more could you want. I think it would be fun to take a hiking trip with strangers and end up making life-long friends. I appreciate they didn't just throw sex and perversion everywhere. All-in-all real simple watch.
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Dumb Money (2023)
Great reminder - Covid was bonkers!
20 May 2024
This movie was actually pretty well done as far telling the story of the Gamestop fiasco - one that I was unaware of until it crashed and burned. What I will say is this movie also is a good reminder of the idiocy of the policies during Covid. The joke of an obsession of wearing a masks (even alone) - the zoom congressional hearings and how unqualified a majority of our congressmen are at these hearings. I will say the movie does a poor job in depicting the people at hand. The rich and wealthy are not the idiots like this movie portraits - yes Seth Rogan is great at playing an idiot. If anything the college kids were stupid in grasping the "hold the line" concept screwing many out of tens of thousands of $$. Everyone could have had a piece of the pie but trying to stick it to the man - who they all knew would bailed out - was a idiotic. There is a reason the wealthy investors stay wealthy and the robin hood traders struggle - you cannot mix risk and emotion or you will get burned.
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FBI: Best Laid Plans (2024)
Season 6, Episode 9
Highest rated episode for me - outside the crossover
7 May 2024
Yes I agree - they don't follow protocol - its not meant to be 100% real as its TV - I get that so I am not going to roll my eyes too much at this episode. What I did enjoy is Scola/Nina being the focal point. One thing FBI show does better than MW and Int is the storylines of their characters (Tiff, Maggie, OA, Scola, Jubal, etc) - and with this episode focusing on real time life with Scola and Nina was a good feel. The episode was intense - the whole exchanging of goods was well thought out (typical NYPD ruining everything). I want more of this kind of FBI show. Where the agents are truly undercover and not acting like SWAT military (unless its the Fly team).
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Poorly done/Confusing - only rated a 4 because I love AC
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts off with no connection to any of the characters from the video games. It would have been better if there was some connection to the characters in the games. Even if you don't use Desmond (as ALtair or Ezio) - you can atleast use Lucy and/or Rebecca and Shawn.

All in all the movie had some good tributes to the video games - the action scenes were great - I just wish there were more. That being said, if you had no ties to the video games you would likely be scratching your head a bit. The movie rushed when talking about the Apple of Eden and the search for clues left by the early civilization. I feel those coming into this movie with no experience of playing the games would feel lost and a bit underwhelmed by the plot. The casting I felt was great but I just think video games turned to movies are no good if they dont fit the theme/plot of the movie. (see Last of Us - that is how you do it)
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Unique movie - leaves you happy in the end
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of Jake Johnson - its the only reason I came across this movie. Jake plays a similar role he has played before (the kind of loser guy who has no real world dreams but still chases childhood dreams, etc). Here he receives word that his mother, who he is not close to at all, has passed and he is set to inherit her nice cabin in the mountains. Upon hearing this information Lief (Jake) makes the trip to the mountains and finds out he must partake in a conditional inheritance which involves tasks from his mother - based on mutliple prerecorded films she made. This is where the movie could have focused on more. There is a part of the movie where Lief calls "the won who got away" and I feel they made 1/3 of the movie based on their phone call alone. I wish they had more of the video and tasks laid out. But that being said - there were some funny moments, some small emotional moments. But it was really a good movie about letting go and the realization that even if you're not close to your parents.. you only get one mom and its heartbreaking to have to let that go at some point. 6.1/10.
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FBI: Unforeseen (2024)
Season 6, Episode 6
Why do I keep watching - idk..
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At this point I am watching FBI so I can pick apart the idiocy in the episodes. In this episode you have some ecoterrorist kid running around poisoning people and the FBI agents are chasing him constantly throughout the episode knowing good and well he has a aerosol can and can spray them. Apparently the assailant is smart enough to wear protective mask but not the oh so brilliant FBI agents? Also they chase the guy down- risking their lives by being poisoned?? The dude has a deadly weapon and has attempted the spray the agents - why didn't the agents eliminate the threat?

Also - what is with these shows promoting single motherhood? I mean at least they are supporting birth and motherhood but I wish shows would promote natural structure of a husband and wife expecting or trying. You never see this in a Dick Wolf show - if they are married its because they are gay. Other than that its singlehood or divorced couples. Its like writers can't have a straight married couple.
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Night Swim (2024)
What does "Night" have to do with anything?
12 April 2024
I guess I am confused by this movie was called "Night Swim" when clearly anytime you swim the demon possessed water could get you.

The movie was def horrendous but a bit of work on the plot could have made the movie so much better. Like the healing aspect of the water was interesting and it would have made more sense if they could have created a fountain of youth premise found in a spring on the property but the fact they had it focused on a backyard pool was idiotic.

The casting was also a whiff - I felt they were sexualizing the teenage daughter at one point with underwater shots in a bathing suit. I know the actress 21 but when you make her look 15 it feels uneasy to watch.

All in all this movie was promoted way to much to be this bad - I get it was likely going to be bad as 90% of horror films are but this made the movie Smile and Antlers look good.
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Lady Ballers (2023)
11 April 2024
Listen - this movie is what we all expected it to be. Its not a $150million movie production - its got people on screen for the first time ever acting but it is what it is and that is satire. This kind of comedy use to rule the tv in the early 2000s. And this movie has some funny moments because this world is really crazy. People who are rating this a 1 are just wanting to crap on the Daily Wire - so ignore them. They will rate Harvey Weinstein movies as 10s before even acknowledging DW in a positive outlook. I thought the movie was fun, simple, good message as well ... let's stop ruining women sports. Walsh character could have been used more - cuz that was the best part.
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FBI: Most Wanted: Hollow (2024)
Season 5, Episode 4
Who writes these shows ... LOL
8 April 2024
Good lord the writing this season is so bad. They pander their agenda to the audience so much. At one point in the episode Barnes legit makes a question to the reservation police, "Isn't the homicide rate for Native American women 10 times the national average?" As if she is reading from a book. And the response is "And those are just the one we know about." Who writes the dialogue in these shows - that was so cringe and forced. They continue to assume their audience is to dumb to know anything. Also they continue to make gay couples seem agitated and unhappy all the time (which probably is true)
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27 March 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this TMNT movie - yes its silly and not amazing but this sequel is better than the 1st. It felt more cartoonish and story driven than the original which has been played many times over. This movie actually got me excited for a 3rd one. The only pain is it felt alot like Amazing Spiderman 2 (with the idiot bad guy and the side characters). Megan Fox is hot but tough to watch. Guy playing Casey Jones stole the show - almost a perfect fit for that character. I do wish they focused more on the turtles and less on Will Forte's character. All in all this was a fun movie and i will say the plane scene is why i ranked this as a 7 - more of that please!
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The First (2018)
Show was meant for about 24-32 episodes NOT 8
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I see a lot of hate on this show about not being a true 'sci-fi' when in reality it is its also a drama. I feel they only got 8 episodes in out of a 24-32 episode script. You can't tell a story in just 8 so I really wish it wasn't cancelled after the 1st season. The premise is interesting in not only dealing with the science behind getting an aircraft to Mars BUT in dealing with a disaster that occurred and the press and politicians hounding the CEO/company about future funding and lives. It feels like this is not too far off in the future with Musk and SpaceX.

Sure the show panders the checkbox criteria that is needed on these streaming platforms (meaning you have to check all the progressive boxes to make a show these days) and Sean Penn is wildly way too buff in this show. But the dynamics between him and his daughter on the show drew me in and made the show feel more real. It's not really worth the watch IMO due to the fact it ends after 8 episodes. But it is still done really well 7.1/10.
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FBI: All the Rage (2024)
Season 6, Episode 1
FBI is back?- but writing is still beh
12 March 2024
Look - PC dialogue aside (Dick Wolf is gonna get his agenda pushed in these shows) - I enjoy watching these cat and mouse shows. That being said the writing continues to be bland and repetative. I enjoy they are focusing more on other characters as OA and Maggie get real old at times. That being said I am strictly giving this episode a 5/10 solely on the fact the whole "bomb" scene is so unrealistic. In no way shape or form would they allow citizens to be remotely close or would the FBI and other officials just be standing near the bomb. Protocol would have had a bomb tech in a bomb suit OR a robot to disarm the bomb. Also - FBI leaked that there was going to be a death - I knew it was gonna be one of the background members - whether it was Hobbs or Ian or Moran.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Captain America: Winter Soldier 2?????
6 March 2024
Ok imagine Capt America, The Falcon, and the Winter Soldier are all tangled with a knock off Black Widow.... Just kidding. Kind of.

Listen this movie is clearly meant for fun which is why i rate it as a 6/10. Will I watch it again...maybe? But the premise has been done before just not with a 120lb 5'6 woman. That isn't the issue i have with this movie - i mean it is totally unrealistic but still fun to watch.. i mean Ana De Armas easily could have been the Black Widow. This movie dumbs down the men. Literally every male character is an idiot or a shell of one. We get the point but please don't cast Avengers to try to make that point.
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Lift (I) (2024)
Hear me out!!
28 February 2024
I miss the days when people would watch a movie - knowing good and well the events of the movie are unrealistic but full of fun. People are way too harsh on this movie. Is it amazing .. no .. but it has a early 2000s fun heist feel to it. That's the point of movies like this. In no way would Interpol spend almost 1/2 billion on advancements and tech to prevent 1/2 billion from being delivered to someone. People think every movie now should be a telling of The Godfather. The most realistic thing in this movie, however, is a rich man using disasters to kill humans, as a way to short stocks and get even richer. I mean that happened with the pandemic for a bunch of billionaires and politicians. All in all this is just a fun, silly movie with a bit of suspense and that is ok - stop taking everything so serious guys!
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Painkiller (2023)
A story that needs retelling - but its not Dopesick
26 February 2024
I had this on my watchlist for a while - but I happened to watch Dopesick first. Like others have said this is a poor man's Dopesick. It is a story that continually needs retold of the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma executives that saw dollar signs in people abusing their opioid Oxycontin. Where this show failed in comparison to Dopesick was how they were able to charge and attack Purdue Pharma. Dopesick's acting of Richard Sackler and the attorney's is just superior than Painkiller. I felt as if Netflix kept Uzo Aduba as the center point of the mini series for no reason. That being said if I had not watched Dopesick I would have thoroughly enjoyed this series which is why I rated it as if I hadn't watched the former.
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The Dropout (2022)
Elizabeth Holmes is the devil!
20 February 2024
So I knew very little about this major scandal when it broke - but then I became infatuated with it. The story is crazy and it just proves how evil some humans can be when "money" is the focal point. Don't get me wrong I think intentions were meant to be good but pressure from VCs and other investors can cause one to want exuberate returns to please them all. All that being said Holmes and Sunny had me so angry at times during the show that I would have easily ratted them out (f the NDA). Seyfried and Naveen Andrews killed their roles. I thought Seyfried's forced accent was annoying but then I heard Holmes real voice and her real voice was really annoying. The only issue is Seyfried is gorgeous and Holmes is def NOT!

Great story telling - many moving parts but easy to watch - a compelling story with a good ending!!
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Run (I) (2020)
Intense for 90 minutes
23 January 2024
I grew up in Springfield MO and so the Gypsy Blanchard case was a major story that made national news. I was unfamiliar with Munchausen by Proxy but to know it is something that is real and has effected children is scary and this movie depicts that in a very scary way.

Sarah Paulson absolutely had me wanting to wrangle her neck - her acting is just phenomenal (in really everything she does). The twists and turns outside of the MSP issues also made the story that much intense.

The most frustrating scene is the mail man scene - because lets be honest - who would the police believe in such a situation.

I was curious how the movie was going to end as typically they always end the in the same fashion.

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You People (2023)
This movie was meant to be uncomfortable and annoy you!!!
12 January 2024
First off - i strictly watched this because.. David Duchovny and Eddie Murphy and Elaine?? Yes please!!

Second - this movie was hilarious and yes made anyone who watches it frustrated and uncomfortable because it meant to!!

Two families - one white and jewish and the other black and muslim try to understand and grapple with their kids (albeit adults) getting engaged and falling in love.

Yes black people can come across as racist - just like white people and this movie showed that in all its honesty. But Eddie Murphy and Fox Mulder played their roles perfectly.

This biggest issue I had was the lack of chemistry between Jonah Hill and Lauren London - Lauren was terrific tho!
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My family is what made me !!
21 December 2023
Hillbilly Elegy is a life story of the author and director and main character JD Vance. JD tells his life story through a series of flashbacks tied to why current events are happening the way they are happening. This movie does a tremendous job at telling the story of JD's childhood and how the "hillbilly" style family did not hold him back from thriving as an adult.

Where this movie struggles - nothing crazy heartbreaking happens- i mean difficulties occur but nothing shocking happens and that is OK as this is a real story and it was told in a real way and I think Hollywood has damaged us by constantly throwing curveballs.

Where this movie excels - the casting/acting - my goodness did Amy Adams and Glenn Close just slayed in their roles and looks. Tremendous job! The movie also wraps the story up perfectly with JD having to make a decision.

This movie is better than some are making it out to be - it is a true / relatable (sadly) story for many - definitely rewatchable 8/10.
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when is the last time Disney wrote a good movie?
19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I wasn't really a fan of the first 'The Haunted Mansion" I mean it was ok but this movie made me appreciate the Eddie Murphy movie so much more. What is the last good Disney movie written? It sure isn't this one. Now don't get me wrong, the underlying message of grief was great BUT i struggled watching this movie till the end. The graphics were great - the story telling a bit rushed - the casting was .. good BUT not really a fan of LaKeith as Ben (his dialect most of the movie was frustrating - could barely hear him).

The best scene in the movie was when they were looking for Crump's personal belonging at his other residence - it seemed the director just did whatever they wanted to do with the ghosts and to me did wayyy too much (mummies? Multiple headless people? Etc) at times it would have made sense if the instead of house being haunted they led the viewer to believe they were in another world.

Just not crazy about this movie and honestly just watch the original for a better story and better "ghost" writing.
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Gotti (2018)
Could have been much better
1 December 2023
If you had no clue who John Gotti was OR hadn't watched anything about him and his story then this movie would have confused you and/or bored you. The fact this is a true story about a real person and the movie just moved so fast and never really developed real character stories. I think that was intention of the film makers is that the audience had already knew story. I would say watch the Netflix documentary "Get Gotti" prior to watching this kind of bad movie. But doing so will make this movie a little better as it pieces everything together. That being said John T did a good job and the casting was pretty good but I felt it could have been so much better.
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Everyone is Gay!!!
29 November 2023
Mike Flanagan does it again.. but this time he just doesn't care.. literally everyone is LGBT... it's so pushed and not realistic. Then again it's a ghost story so it's make believe anyways. I just miss good character writing .. not only does he keep using the same cast members he is getting so lazy with writing these characters he isn't even taking risks anymore. Other than that this episode sucked so I hope this show gets better .. Mark Hammil was awful in his role .. the only good actor was the attorney during the court scene .. at least he had some acting range in this episode.. but don't worry he is gay too LoL.
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Friday Night Lights: Git'er Done (2006)
Season 1, Episode 5
Love the football - thats it
17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just started watching this series as I heard it was great. And don't get me wrong - 5 episodes in I like the football side of it but the drama and what not is annoying. I get it that drama is needed to lure watchers in but this drama is so unrealistic. And what is the deal with grown adults preying on high school kids. So this investment banker comes into town and wants to go on a date with a high schooler? The star QB gets hurt and his gf is already having s*x with his best friend? I really hope this series gets more serious but some of this is silly writing. I mean this was 15 years ago and this show and One Tree Hill were rivalring each other but OTH at least didn't focus on pedophiles lol.
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9 November 2023
Listen - I am not going to pretend like I know what Five Nights at Freddy's really is - i know it is a computer game that children and teens became obsessed with - i watched Youtube video on it so that is why I wanted to watch this move. I had zero expectations but that movie was rough. The idea was there but man it felt more like an X-Files episode.. idk. It just wasn't my cup of tea - not enough horror and/or gore really. That being said - for once there is a movie that isn't worried about PC. No forced ideologies, no cheesy relationship, no hero complex, just plain ole story telling. So that I can appreciate.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Great Story as it went on - but director keeps pandering
3 November 2023
Listen I have enjoyed Flanagan's Netflix series lately (Hill House, Bly Manor and now Midnight Mass) - but this dude sure knows how to pander to the "checkbox" masses. I get it representation matters but at what cost? Some of it seems way too pushed (a Muslim on a remote island full of Christians??) - In Bly Manor and Hill House he had to make the character Bi to appease both crowds - way to forced and ... it just seems forced. And this show in a sense is mocking Christianity which gets so old with Hollywood films - why is it you never see them mock Islam or Hinduism?. Also its always Catholicism, which I think is a corrupt denomination so I get it. THAT BEING SAID the casting is amazing in this show and the acting is great. I didn't get the emotional connection as much as Hill House and Bly Manor but also the show was nothing what I expected either (outside of Christian theme) and it far exceeded my expecations. Looking forward to watching Midnight Club and Fall of the House of Usher which I am sure will have all the boxes "checked".
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